Member Reviews

I loved this so much! The world was fascinating, the characters were so lovable and complex, and I was rooting for the relationships the whole time. The Wikipedia entries at the beginning were a super interesting start because in some ways it tells you how the book will end, but really it just leaves you slightly tense the whole book waiting for what you (kind of) know is coming.

I'd highly recommend this book, especially to fantasy and romance fans. I hadn't read Lava Red Feather Blue before this and now I'm excited to!

Thank you to Netgalley and Central Avenue Publishing for the chance to read and review this ARC.

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I loved the first one and I loved this one as well! One thing I appreciated were the parallels with some real world politics, social issues, etc which in my opinion, is using the full potential of one's fantasy world to create some sort of parallel/commentary. Great story. 5 stars

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I found this book a little slower paced - which is in no way a bad thing! The writing was wonderfully descriptive and I enjoyed the world building. The characters were enjoyable and at times, relatable, as well.

I hadn't read the first book in the series, but didn't feel like I was missing anything because of this. There's enough upfront explanation that you can follow along with no issues.

*Thank you to NetGalley for this eARC in exchange for an honest review*

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