Member Reviews

I enjoyed this book and there were bits I could easily relate to. This is an autobiography, Judi Connor gives an account of her childhood away from her parents. Judi found it difficult to identify with the other children at her boarding school. She dreaded having to explain about her parents and their lifestyle. They were part of a a moral re-armament peace group. Judi as an adult is looking back at her own past, whilst her mother is doing the same, as she is now living with dementia. There are sad aspects to the book and some things that need further explanations, This group the MRA is not one I am familiar with but the times they lived in I was. I find it enjoyable to find a book leads to reading up on the facts. I thought it was good to be reminded of our differences and that things have gone on around us, without us knowing and understanding. This book feels an honest account and is compelling read.

This was a hard book to read and it was not what I was expecting. I was expecting a memoir of a girl growing up with parents who were involved in a political organization during the Cold War. This is what I got: for the first half of the book, it read like a nonfiction historical text which had more to do with WW II, leading up to the Cold War. The second half of the book was a memoir of sorts, but one that had more to do with the author's different prep boarding schools away from her parents.
On the plus side, the historical material was at times interesting and, I suspect, well researched. It was just a lot. The memoir portion, however, was generally repetitive. There was not a lot of dialogue which would have made that portion more lively. I think if someone knew something about the organization and went into it with their eyes open, it may be a better read.

I am so very excited to read and acquire this book and share it with readers. Please watch this space for a full review. It will be very interesting to read this account in the point of time in history and the MRA movement. I’m very much looking forward to it.