Member Reviews

Author has a great concept in making Chinese Lion Dancing as the focal point of this story. The voice is authentic and informs students of lion dancing and the moves involved. I like the story of Wei not really feeling that he belongs to any team and longs to be. The plot unfolds well to understand Wei and Hung's relationship which is full of rivalry. The resolution is well thought out as they decide how to move forward to do what is best for the team for the upcoming lion dancing competition.

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What a magical graphic novel. I can't wait to see the finished copy in full color and can't wait to talk about this to everyone! As Lunar New Year approaches, Wei reconsiders joining the lion dancing team which he had been a part of many years ago before the death of his father, who was a renowned lion dancer. He wants to be a part of a team again because he's not feeling super connected at school, the problem is that one of the kids at school that never has a kind word to say to him is also a lion dancer and is making it hard for Wei to be a part of the group though he perseveres.

This plot feels secondary to the learning about lion dancing- both the skill and technique but the cultural significance and celebratory nature of lion dancing. I was completely blown away by how Tse wove the story together over an intense season of performances and ultimately (and hopefully) ended with a truce between Wei and Hung in the ways that the best middle grade ends.

The transitions between each chapter teaching a move of lion dancing elevated the story and the quiet secondary characters sparkle without overpowering the story like Wei's grandmother. Adore this one!

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Thank you to Simon and Schuster Children’s Publishing and NetGalley for a free advanced reader’s copy. I received this copy in exchange for my honest review.

This was such a sweet read about family and interpersonal relationships. I thought I was in for a high stakes sports story of the same caliber as shounen sports manga but this was a much more loving and careful story. While I felt like the middle-school-aged characters were a bit too self-aware at times, I think, in service of the book’s message, it was necessary to bring the conflict to a close within the one volume. Overall, I think young readers will really walk away from this story having learned something, if not about Lion Dancing, then about themselves and maybe have a new lens to see the people in their lives through.

I thought the facts about Lion Dance moves in between scenes was so fun and the art was really clear with its intention of motion, I could nearly see the dancers jump off the page. The discussions around grief and passion and friendship felt really relatable too and over all I enjoyed the experience of this comic.

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really nice and insightful graphic novel about Lion Dancing and of course the dancers. brought up a lot of the technicalities, explored the team dynamics, member rivalries, with wholesome ending. loved it.

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In a Nutshell: A middle-grade graphic novel about two lion dancers who realise the value of team spirit. Excellent information on lion dancing. Great lessons on working as a team. Good characters. Straightforward story. Wonderful illustrations. Recommended.

Plot Preview:
Wei had always dreamt of becoming a champion lion dancer just like his dad. He enjoyed training as the ’lion head’, with his best friend Hung performing as the ‘lion tail.’ However, after Wei’s dad suddenly passed away, the friendship as well as the dream shattered.
Now, two years later, Wei is stuck in a rut of frustration. Though great in studies, he has no talent for any sport. When he discovers the existence of a junior lion dance training group nearby, he reignites his old passion. The only problem is that Hung is also part of this group. Now Wei and Hung need to overpower their animosity and learn to work together as a team.

Bookish Yays:
🐉 Everything to do with lion dancing! There’s a brief intro about lion dancing at the start. Every chapter begins with the name of one lion dance step, along with its interpretation. I didn’t even know there was so much technicality in lion dancing, or that there are lion dancing championships! All the info was so fascinating! I also loved knowing how many offices and shops ask for a lion dance performance at the start of the Lunar New Year.
🐉 Lion dancing might sound like it is mainly “dancing”, but the book reveals how it is a sport, and a strenuous one at that! It is not easy to position the body in those awkward stances and move in sync with your partner. There is also a coordination between the dancers and the musicians. It was amazing to see how the dancers pass on cues to each other when they can’t even see or speak to each other or the musicians.
🐉 One major conflict in the story is about the relative importance of the ‘head’ and the ‘tail’. I loved how beautifully the story brings out the equal importance of both positions. Such a nice way of telling kids that every role is important!
🐉 Anyone who is or wants to be a part of team sports will appreciate the depiction of team spirit in this book. The positive competitiveness among the players, the synchronisation across the entire team, the importance of trust, the necessity of regular training – all depict how teams ought to function. At the same time, not everything in the story is serious. The book also highlights how the team soon becomes a family, with a lot of funny quips and good-natured ribbing across members.
🐉 The ending is perfect. Though a middle-grade book, it doesn’t go into a ‘Protagonists Are Always Winners’ mode, choosing instead to stop at the point where the boys decide to work in unity and harmony for the upcoming championship. After all, life isn’t about winning but about giving your best every time. A good lesson for kids to learn.

🐉 The illustrations are perfect for the tone of the story. The colour palette works wonderfully to bring out the stunning costumes and the dance moves. My ARC didn’t have all colour pages, but based on the few sample coloured panels, I can tell that the final artwork is going to be stunning.
🐉 This is an OwnVoices work not just because of the author’s ethnic background but also because she is a lion dancer with the Chinese Youth League of Australia. ( The authenticity feels real because it IS real!

Bookish Mixed Bags:
☯ The story is mostly straightforward and guessable. However, it is aimed at middle-graders, so a simplified narrative is to be expected.
☯ While the book explores many themes such as parental death, grief, frustration, teamwork, competitions, peer pressure, familial pressure, loneliness, and so on, most of these are at a surface level. Only the themes directly connected to lion dancing are detailed intricately. There are also many direct and indirect references to Chinese culture and customs, but these are also somewhat vague except when about the sport.
☯ The conflict between Wei and Hung brings out many relevant points about the tussles of friendship, but it also feels a bit dragged, especially as we don’t even know the details of how they drifted apart except for a vague reason. I wish the reason for their clash had come out better.

Bookish Nays:
🏮 There are many missing details in the plot flow. How exactly did Wei’s father die? Who was that quirky captain of the lion dance team, and why was he so elusive? Also, why wasn’t he a performer with the senior team? How did Wei and Jun become such good friends despite being so opposite in nature? Even the characters’ ages aren’t clear, though we know that Hung and Wei are middle-schoolers. These could have been explained within a couple of panels, and they could have made the story smoother. As the focus is strictly on lion dancing, character development gets a bit affected.
🏮 There is absolutely no clue about where the story is set! The book is coming out in the USA, and the author is based in Australia, so it has to be either of these countries. But there is no indication of the location at all. We get vague place names that don’t correspond to reality, such as “Southern Phoenix” team or store signs written in Chinese. Most of the characters are of Asian origin. (All might be Chinese, but I can’t say for sure, as lion dancing isn’t exclusive to China.) Such basic details such as age or location might seem trivial, but they add much to our reading experience.

All in all, despite a few niggles about the lacunae in the plot flow, I enjoyed this book. It is so informative about lion dancing that I Googled a few videos on the dance form and saw the performance with more knowledgeable eyes.

Definitely recommended, to middle-graders as well as teens. This is a wonderful and culturally inclusive option, highlighting not just the value of team spirit but also an excellent dance-sport tradition that might not be familiar to Western readers.

4 stars

My thanks to Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers for providing the DRC of “Lion Dancers” via NetGalley. This review is voluntary and contains my honest opinion about the book.

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In this beautiful Graphic Novel about rivals who were once friends, we follow Wei. A young Lion Dancer who dreams of being the best just like his championship winning father. After the passing of said father and harsh words amongst his best friend, Wei quits Lion Dancing for a while. After a few years of learning to live life without Lion Dancing, Wei finds himself stumbling back in full force after he interrupts a Junior Lion Dancing Team’s training.

Guess who’s also on this team? Our rival and rising champion, Hung!

The art and story both were wonderful. Lion Dancing is such a beautiful sport that doesn’t get the recognition it deserves. I hope this book can spark some interest and the book community can bring Lion Dancing into the fold. I’d love to read more about it!
I’m going to give this Novella a 3.5/5-star rating. Though I loved the characters, sport, and art work, I felt like the ending was a little rushed. I would have liked to see them reignite their friendship a little more before tossing them back into a performance together so suddenly. One of the main focuses of Lion Dancing was to trust your partner, and though they have old chemistry, I don’t think they were ready to become a pair again so soon.

My thanks to Simon and Schuster Children’s Publishing and NetGalley for the Digital Advanced Reader’s Copy. This book is expected to be published August 13th, 2024.

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3/5 Stars. Wei and Hung were once lion dancers, but following the death of Wei's father, Wei drifted away from the sport. Two years later Wei rejoins a local lion dancing club only to discover Hung is also a member. This book not only celebrates the unique history and culture of lion dancing but deals with themes of grief, friendship, competition, teamwork, and coming of age. In this e-ARC/prepub form, I found it a little difficult to read, so I look forward to its colored, complete, and published edition. The story overall was charming nevertheless. Thank you Simon and Schuster Children's Publishing, Cai Tse, and NetGalley for providing this eARC for review!

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This was a great heartfelt story of friendship, competition, and culture. The conflict between the two friends was carried on a little too long I feel, but the explanation and ego that went hand in hand was very real.

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Wei was in awe of his deceased father who was a lion dancer with the Black Tigers, a multi-winning championship team. After his father’s demise, Wei struggles to find his niche. He is the smartest boy in school but not very athletic due to his small stature. No one wants him on their basketball team; he is an outsider looking to be included. Until he joins a lion dance team and he seems to find his home.

The artwork is absolutely incredible! I would suggest viewing some authentic lion dance videos and then read this book. The similarities are astounding. When the book is completed in full color, it will be a genuine piece of art, living up to my expectations.

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Wei and Hung were once lion dancers, but following the death of Wei's father, Wei drifted away from the sport. Now its two years later and Wei, having struggled to find his place, rejoins a local lion dancing club only to discover Hung is a member and has no interest in Wei returning. Wei's skill is impressive however and he quickly becomes a star dancer, much to Hung's irritation, forcing the boys to confront their shared past for the good of the team. The story was only so-so, but I imagine the volume will be beautiful in full color.

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This book was so interesting! I had no idea about a lot of the cultural importance behind lion dancing, or even the fact that there were competitions for it. An interesting and fun book to read!

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I’m so excited to be able to purchase the finished copy of this graphic novel, and see it in crisper quality with the artwork colored. It was a beautiful story of friendship, teamwork, and a celebration of culture. I couldn’t recommend it more.

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