Member Reviews

A fascinating, interesting and enlightening look into the llfe and influence of John the Baptist. In recent years I have become interested in the influence that John may have had with regards to the life and ministry of Jesus. This book investigates the far reaching influence of John's life, the importance of his view of baptism which circumvented the long held view of animal sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins, his gathering of large crowds, that he had disciples of which Jesus was one, and much more.
Especially interesting was how the author connected the dots regarding John's role in Christianity beyond what we have been told i.e his role as Elijah to Jesus' messiah. Also fascinating was how many of Jesus' teaching were not only influenced by John, but learned from John while a disciple of John's. As well as JOhn was not the wildman in the wilderness that he has been protrayed as being.
How the author also guves us new insights of John's death and how Jesus knew that should he follow in John's footsteps he too, would face a similar fate.
John's story along with a few others such as Thomas, Judas, James (jesus' brother) and Mary Magdalene have interested me and what role they played and how they have been protrayed. And I believed that the true impact of John has not been adequately explored...that he has been, while obviously being acknowledged, has been left on the periphery in scripture.
This book assists in rectifying that.
Highly recommended deservedly so. I will return to this book again.

I am not a fond of John the Baptist eventhough I know that he has a direct influence to the coming and service of Jesus. Through McGrath's book, I am reminded again of the importance of John the Baptist along the history of Christianity. Thank you for this book.