Member Reviews

This is a good book. The two main characters are Beth and Eric. They meet when Eric gets a call from a friend that ask him to check on his sister. While he is checking on Beth she ask him to be her pretend husband while she is looking on information on a story she is writing. He says yes to help her. There is someone trying to hurt Beth, they try to have her have an accident while rock climbing, they try to kidnap her and finally the kidnap her and try to kill her. But Eric won’t let that happen to her. They fall in love.

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A big thank you to NetGalley and Relay Publishing for the eARC. I am voluntarily reviewing this book. This is the 2nd in a series, but reads well as a stand alone. I didn't love this or hate this. It was just sort of blah. Maybe because I didn't really like the main characters. I felt like all Beth did was argue. Eric was pretty easy going for a Seal. I never really felt like they had a connection. 3 stars for me

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Was a good quick read to turn up the heat! The characters were well developed and very easily relatable.

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Maybe it’s the trope, but I realized with this book that when the protagonist is a journalist, she tends to be written as someone who is going to argue all the time and even be a too dumb to live woman. Now, I don’t think journalists are that way in real life, but then, I don’t know any journalists in real life.

In this book, we once again have a characters who will argue over anything. Fun argument can make me laugh but some arguing gets old, just as in real life. This kind of got old. I wanted the military man to say, Look, enough is enough. Didn’t happen. Sort of like their chemistry, lol.

Love the author, but this book was not at the usual level of success for me. I am giving it three stars.

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Beth Williams, an investigative journalist, is determined to uncover the truth behind the expensive counseling trips held on a Florida island owned by LoveFix Couples’ Retreats. She suspects the head of the retreat's parent company, Robert Hart, of having questionable credentials. To pursue the story, she needs a fake husband, and when her planned partner falls through, Eric Harvey, a SEAL on medical leave, steps in. As they investigate, they discover danger lurking at the retreat and find themselves drawn to each other, despite the potential consequences.
I thoroughly enjoyed the premise of the story, where the protagonist fakes a relationship to investigate a dubious couples retreat. I was relieved when her initial plan fell through, leading her to ask Eric to accompany her. His protective demeanor added an appealing layer of intensity, heightening the forbidden attraction between them. The tension kept me eagerly anticipating their eventual union. The steamy scenes were well-executed without being excessive. However, I found the female main character's indecisiveness regarding her feelings for Eric occasionally frustrating. Overall, the book offered a good balance of suspense and romance.

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the story is really beautiful, I loved the character building and how the main characters advanced towards each other, it was perfect. I believe the climax could have been more detailed and as a reader didn't build my anticipation, a little more attention could have been provided there. I love the FL's zealous personality and how the ML moulded into it as well as they didn't overpower each other. One thing i liked was how the mystery unfolded and how the author has sprinkled hints throughout and kept me guessing. the smut part only added to it.

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Exposed is the second instalment of the SEAL Endgame series. I liked how there is a connection between the 1st and 2nd books. Plenty of drama and intense attraction between the two characters. A nice quick read.
I would like to thank Relay Publishing, NetGalley and the author for the opportunity to read this complimentary copy for an honest review. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
#Exposed #NetGalley

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I really liked the plot but felt it needed more substance. I feel like the main character’s inter monologues were very repetitive. I wish there was more depth of the romance from them. I really wish there was maybe 100 more pages.

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I received a copy of this for my honest review.

Our FMC is a journalist who was all set to embark on an undercover investigation into a couple counseling retreat that seemed like a front for something else when her coworker gets injured and can't go with her anymore. Enter our MMC, a Navy SEAL, who is on medical leave, who visits her office after his best friend/her brother asks him to check in on her. A plan forms and she asks him to join her and solve the mystery. While in a tropical paradise, will they figure out what is really going on or will they get swept up by their attraction to each other?

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This was a nice change in story lines. Beth is determined to uncover and report on a huge case. She ends up getting her brother’s SEAL friend to tag along and help her out with her story. Things start to develop and it’s not just her story. Will everything work out for her?

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Beth is a journalist who wants to expose a fraud group, and needs a fake husband. In comes Eric, a friend of her brother's who is a Navy Seal. A good story with steamy romance and bit of suspense thrown in too. A quick and easy read and would recommend.

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So, um, that was something.

Beth was annoying, argumentative, and was sending mixed signals.

Meanwhile Eric wasn't very alpha, or what you'd typically expect from a SEAL. Or at least from my perspective, and I've read MANY books featuring SEALs. Why would he just agree to this without giving it any real thought? Just going with it because he's bored? That's how it came across.

These two just didn't work together. I felt zero connection between them. It was more one night stand, than anything else.

I also cannot figure out why Eric showed up to her work, versus her home. Plus Beth just accepted the fact that Heath sent him? No phone call to verify this stranger's story? Yeah, no.

There was so much potential for this story, and the plot. Yet it came up short.

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Eric is a sexy alpha Navy SEAL finds himself recovering on leave after he received a bullet wound. Beth is a journalists who just so happen to be Eric’s buddy sister. Beth is working undercover to expose a couples crime at a treat. Beth is in need of husband to get into the resort. So, Beth’s brother enlists the help of Eric. Both Eric and Beth both got more than the two bargained for when their attraction and chemistry get the best of the couple while they are faking being involved with each other.

Does Beth get her story, will Beth and Eric be able to fake their relationship long enough for Beth to get her story and get away safely, how will Beth’s brother feel when he learns of his buddy Eric and his sisters relationship, is there an HEA in store for the couple?

I received an ARC via NetGalley and Replay Publishing and I am leaving my review voluntarily.

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I thought Exposed was enjoyable with a fun plot that was simple to understand and easy to read. Even though they’re “undercover,” it’s largely unserious in tone. The book, in general, sped by due to the simple writing style.

This is a brothers-best-friend/best-friends-sister trope, along with fake dating. I loved Beth’s character because she was this BAMF mixed asian/white journalist MC who took charge of the scoop that she wanted. Eric is a good support character as the strong, silent SEAL who is the protector.

My only issue is that the “chemistry” between Beth and Eric felt extremely heavy handed. The author would continuously “tell” the reader how much Beth and Eric were crushing on one another with overt internal dialogue lines. And it wouldn’t have been such a big deal if it wasn’t so consistent. We would get one or two lines about something plot-relevant to the espionage plan, followed by internal dialogue from Beth or Eric talking about how hot the other was but how they simply could not get distracted because this was a mission.

Because of these constant reminders of their infatuation for one another, it took me out of my immersion from the story. This is definitely an insta-lust story. From the get-go, the two of them are immediately attracted to one another and want to jump each other’s bones.

The steam scenes when they do get together are pretty hot.

Overall, I felt this was a breezy read with charming-enough MCs as protagonists. The journalist/reconnaissance plot isn’t the most engaging/exciting idea in the world, but the environment is suitable enough to get the MCs together and develop their connection.

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Romance meets Thriller
Beth has a story to write and suspects that there is something nefarious about this couples retreat on its own island. The closer she gets to the truth the more dangerous it becomes.

She asks her brothers friend fellow Navy SEAL, Eric, to pose as her boyfriend and help her uncover the truth. There are several attempts on her life and each time he is there to protect her, but he often leaves her alone in the resort. I would think that they would never leave each others side after that.

Not a fan of Beth
She is hot and cold, selfish, and doesn’t think about how what she says will hurt Eric. She proved time and time again that he couldn’t trust her with his secrets. She is constantly lashing out and hurting him. She also takes his protectiveness and in her head turns it into he wants me to give up the story for him. Girl NO! He is trying to keep your stupid self alive.

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When I saw the cover, and then the title, it was a no-brainer for me. Instant gratification for my military romance addiction. I devoured this story, enjoying every second of the experience, sighing with satisfaction as I turned the final page.

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This is a great quick and easy read that has just enough of everything. The feisty strong female in Beth, the gorgeous Navy SEAL Eric, romance, sexual tension and drama. I read this in one go! Eric is on medical leave and is asked by friend Heath , a fellow SEAL, to check on Heath’s sister. There is an instant attraction which they both try not to act on whilst Eric pretends to be Beth’s fake husband while she investigates a resort that claims to sort out relationship problems. It’s quite obvious from the start that something isn’t right about the resort and the person who runs it but it’s not obvious how the story is going to end. Great characters, a good storyline that picked up pace and nice clear cut ending. Thanks to Relay Publishing and Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I have read other books by the author and enjoyed them but I really struggled with Exposed. It felt like an early draft that still needed editing and amending. It was overly repetitive with stiff dialogue. Insta love without any foundation or development, and a very holey almost slapstick plot.
A few incorrect words/grammar throughout.

I was honestly surprised this was a book by an author I've read before and liked.

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Exposed, is a great undercover romance suspense novel. There's no guessing who the bad guy is, just why and how long he'll get away with it. Beth is wonderful. So brave, the perfect help mate for Eric.

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Exposed is the second book in this series, but it can stand on its own (with brief mentions of a couple from the first book). Beth and Eric’s story has multiple tropes- military, protector, brother’s friend- with some mystery and thriller thrown in. There was a point about 50% of the way in that I contemplated not finishing as things seemed stagnant, but I’m glad I pushed through (because I really wanted to know what was going on on this island of love!).

Thanks NetGalley for the book to review- I’m looking forward to Book 3!

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