Member Reviews

Secrets Ever Green is a charming and well written coming of age YA romantasy and the first book in the Everlight series by Sara Knightly. Released 1st Feb 2024, it's 269 pages and is available in hardcover, paperback, audio, and ebook formats. It's worth noting that the ebook format has a handy interactive table of contents as well as interactive links and references throughout.

The characters are well defined, with an appealingly honest and stubborn orphan MC, the daughter of a renowned arborist (working with plants, trees specifically, and the magical systems of the world in which they live). Her focus has been to just qualify to continue her late father's work, but there are hidden forces drawing her along another more adventurous path. She has a loyal best friend (maybe more?), and classmates who are in awe of her father and by turns intimidated and/or jealous of her, though she's got an intractable case of imposter syndrome.

Add in a catty antagonistic "mean-girl", some weirdly mysterious unexplained occurrences, a darkly shadowy plot, and stir well. The world building is superlative and the magic system well wrought and intriguing.

Four stars. There's a second book in the series which released in June 2024. It would make a good binge/buddy read.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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Secrets Ever Green, the first book in The Everlight Series by Sara Knightly, is the beginning to what promises to be an enchanting and immersive series.

As a fan of fantasy with rich world building and well developed characters, I found myself thoroughly enjoying this book.

The plot is woven with mystery, adventure and even a touch of romance! From the get go the story grips you with it's intriguing premise and continues to build momentum throughout. Knightly clearly has a talent for creating suspense and I kept finding myself eager to turn the page to see what would happen next!

The characters in this book are one of the strongest aspects. Everly is a compelling and relatable heroine whose journey of self discovery and empowerment is inspiring. The additional supporting characters (including friend and foe) are as equally well drawn. Each with their own unique personalities and motivations. Knightly has excelled at creating characters that feel real, which made it so much easier to become invested.

The writing style is both descriptive and engaging, easily bringing the world of Ever Green to life with such vivid detail.

Secrets Ever Green but Knightly is a strong start into the Eveelight Series. Knightly has created a world that is both magical and believable and created characters that I cared about.

I am eagerly anticipating the next installment in the series and am excited to see where Knightly takes the story and characters next.

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I about adores this cozy fantasy book. I was hooked from the beginning and I was spellbound. This was so good and I cannot wait for the second book to come out. Love love love this even as an adult.

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Thank you to the author, publisher, and Net Galley for an ARC of this book. The review is entirely my own. I enjoyed Secrets Ever Green. I liked the world building. I felt like I was walking right beside Ivy in Windimere. I liked the characters and their story. I am looking forward to continuing the story. I feel like we were just getting to the meat of the story. and are left at a major cliff hanger/turning point.

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I really really loved this book. The mystery was gripping and I was rooting for the characters from the get-go. But what stood out to me most of all was the rich prose and descriptive atmosphere. I truly felt like I was trekking through the forest with Ivy or puttering around in a castle, trying to figure out what is going on. And I truly felt the emotions Ivy was going to. I had to go pick up the next book as soon I finished this one because the worldbuilding was that enchanting!

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What a great read! I love that this is a different take on a fantasy novel. This book has a wonderful fairytale feel.

This had a cozy fantasy vibe and would be excellent for younger readers.

Great first book, I am interested to see where this series goes!

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Thank you, NetGalley for sending me an arc of Secrets Ever Green. I was very interested to read this book based on the premise. Also the cover is beautiful. I enjoyed this book, the beautiful setting/atmosphere, and the lovely friendships. It was a quick, easy read from start to finish. I am really intrigued to see what happens next. Ivy was a great main character and it was such a cozy read and I want to go visit Windmere. I loved the whole idea of training to be an arborist and the mystery that begins to unravel. All in all I had a fun time reading it and would be interested in reading more.

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Thank you netgalley for the ARC

3.5 stars

Ivy is the FMC of this book and she must pass her arborist exam in order to reclaim her father’s shop and home but there are family secrets to be uncovered.

This was a great, cozy, and emotional book. There were parts that where I laughed and I cried. I really resonated with some parts of this book it brought me back to my past a bit and I really felt the emotions Ivy was feeling.

I really loved the magical aspects and learning more about it and the Count.

This was a good book but I felt like something was lacking, I was expecting more of a twist or surprise but it never really came so hopefully we get more answers in the following book

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Some of the wording was a hair off but the ideas within were gorgeous. Fantasy lovers this def deserves a read.

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I loved the idea of this book, give me some mystery, a strong female character and a friendly bunch of characters and I'm in! I feel like this book was just missing a certain something, it didn't allow me to connect to. the storyline and see where this book was potentially going until I was a third through the book already. I understand that there are future books and so some things are left unanswered to encourage readers continuing the series but it felt a little too unanswered for my liking.

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Ivy Rune is from Windermere, a trade town where nothing strange or unusual ever happens. Ivy is focused on completing her Arborist training so she can finally take over the shop her father left behind many years earlier when he died, leaving Ivy an orphan. But when a stranger in the forest gives Ivy a mysterious package left for her by her father she becomes determined to follow the clues and discover what her father wanted her to know about Windermere and the mysterious and secret things going on the island.

I enjoyed this story and it was a quick and easy read. The writing was average and the story moved a little slow. But I really enjoyed being immersed in the town of Windermere. The world building was well done and I really liked Ivy and York and the dynamics between them. There were moments where Ivy’s inner monologue was a little tedious but I think that is more to do with my age vs her age.

Overall a solid novel and I look forward to reading the next part in Ivy’s story!

3.5 stars

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This was such a good book! I thought for the most part the story was unique and the characters had lots of layers. I found myself not wanting it to end - spoiler - there isn’t actually really a resolution to any of the mysteries so in that regard it doesn’t end. I would have liked one question at least to have an answer, but I guess I will have to wait. Thus, the deduction of one star, as I don’t like waiting! I read a few reviews that didn’t like the way the book was written, but I do think it highlights the youth and nativity of Ivy so her voice isn’t confident and mature quite yet. I’m guessing the next book will have her evolve more. I think this would be a great book for middle schoolers. I love that the author didn’t feel the need to include sex to draw in readers. My 14 year old would love this book, too!

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I absolutely loved this book. It just felt so fresh. The whole organization system was interesting and I would have liked to see Ivy more interested in herbalism, and explore more through her eyes.

The magic system was a bit confusing and I'm still not sure I understand it right, the romance was a bit off, and the MMC annoyed me at times, being the typical nice guy imo, but being upset when she's not sharing everything with him the moment she learns something.

The plot is interesting and mysterious but sometimes it can feel a bit lacking, but everything may be cleared in the next book, so it's not too bad.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion

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Thank you for the opportunity to Read Secrets Ever Green.
This is about a girl whose father passed away and she hoped to live in his footsteps in a small town.
Story world-building with a cliffhanger... HOW DARE YOU :-)
Can't wait to continue the story to find out all the secrets.

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Secrets Evergreen is a YA fantasy following Ivy Rune, a wonderful girl in a difficult position. I loved following her throughout the story, and had so much empathy for her. Her development and growth in the story was well done, and I can't wait to see more in book 2. There is so much more development she can have and I can't wait! I really enjoyed her anxiety and dread about her profession. It was so relatable and was giving off imposter syndrome vibes which is something a lot of people struggle with, including myself. It was nice to see it written in a character!

I loved the relationship/friendship between her and York. Are they friends, are they more? Will they stay in each others lives? It was cute. They clearly care for each other a lot and want to stay in each other's lives. I am also excited to see what is in store for him in book 2!

The side characters were all well done, and I liked the differences they brought to the story. The mean girl, the selfish friend, the mysterious benefactor, the scary leader, the kind of strange teacher, the wonderful and kind smart friend, etc.

The main plot following her father's clues and the magic forest was great! I loved the magic element, and the notes her father left behind were so interesting and intriguing. All the world building was wonderful and I felt like I could really envision being in the forest with Ivy, and experiencing what she experienced.

We had a heck of a cliffhanger and a few tense chapters at the end, and it left me excited for the next installment of this series.

Overall, Secrets Ever Green by Sara Knightly was a wonderful coming of age story full of magic, mystery, character development, and following your instincts. I will definitely read book 2 when it comes out.

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Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for the pleasure of reading this novel. I was starting to think that I was just not a fantasy reader, but this book made me change my mind completely, it was so atmospheric and magical and not complicated in the least. It sucked me in from start to finish and the mystery aspect was the cherry on top. Plus, I love when books have a cool castle. This fantasy has aspects of academia, with the tests, as well as a not so common magic (arborists), brings a refreshing twist to the genre. I can't wait for the final product to come out, and this is a series, so we'll eventually get to see the world fleshed out even more and see what Ivy gets herself into in the future.

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This book drew me in and kept me trapped (in a good way), I could not put it down and honestly, I didn't want to. The world-building was amazing, it was at a good pace and that made me so happy. Ivy was a very interesting character to follow and I know there are a load of questions that need to be answered (please!!!) in the next book - which I cannot wait to read.

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4 Stars
A great coming of age story full of mystery and magic. I loved it! I look forward to the next book in the series.

Thank you to NetGalley and Portal Publishing for the opportunity to read this book.

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It has been a long time since a book stopped time, and my day. Ivy does what Ivy does, winds its way into drama and trouble that keeps you turning page after page, like her desperate for resolution. What a novel.

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The first 25% of Secrets Ever Green drew me in. Wonderful world building where we are transported to Windermere where we meet Ivy, who is expected to follow in her (dead?) father’s footsteps. Both of her parents are gone and she is expected to be a successful arborist as her father once was. Only, she doesn’t quite seem to have the knack for it. At the very start of the book, Ivy is learning that maybe her father’s death/disappearance isn’t quite what it seemed to be and is left with clues from her father that lead her to a seemingly magical change in events.

I really enjoyed the premise of this story and I look forward to see what happens in the next installment. With that being said, I felt like Ivy continued asking the same questions over and over without getting any real answers to them and I was eager to find out what the clues her father left her were leading to…but none of that was answered in book one. In turn, I was left with tons of questions and no answers 😆. The storyline was a bit slow at points, I think mainly due to this. I was hoping to see Ivy gain traction in her quest to find out what her father was trying to tell her, but it seems we will have to wait for book two to find out!

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