Member Reviews

I agree with another reviewer, the pacing is awkward. Nothing really happens until 50% through the book where we start to see the plot actually happen and the fake engagement. Don’t get me wrong. I love fake engagements and I like this more than I thought, I would, even after waiting a half a book for it, but I do agree the pacing could’ve been way better. A solid four stars.

Thank you, NetGalley and the publisher for the arc. The above is my honest review.

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"Until the Stars Fall" is a literary masterpiece that transcends time and space, inviting readers on an unforgettable journey through the intricacies of human emotion and connection. Set against the backdrop of a vast and ever-changing universe, this novel explores the enduring power of love and the indomitable spirit of the human heart.

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I really enjoyed this book! This Fantasy romance had all the good tropes including fake engagement, arranged marriages, fated mates, only one bed and more! The world building was interesting and the characters were likeable! The romance was definitely a slow burn, but I loved their chemistry! I hope there are more books in this series but if not, the ending was still satisfying!!

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Overall, I enjoyed this read and will read book 2 but I felt that the pacing was odd, with large gaps and then slowing down. I was not fully convinced on the FMC would flip from one love interest to the next so quickly. I also felt she was a bit naive for the environment she grew up in but I am intrigued and would check out book 2.

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This was such a strong idea for a romantasy and I really enjoyed it!

I feel it could have benefited from a few more rounds of edits. The inciting incident doesn’t really happen until 25% into the book which I felt was too long. I kept waiting for the book from the synopsis to happen and it definitely took longer than I felt it should have.

Ultimately though, I did really enjoy this story once it started going. I stayed up late, and did very much so become indebted to the story. I just wish the first 25% had been condensed, I felt Leika didn’t actually need to be sent away and come back and that other things could have been done to pick up the pacing.

Ultimately though, I recommend this one to lovers of romantasy!

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I got so nervous with how it was going to play out but it was fantastic and I couldn't have asked for anything more!!!! I would have liked to see a bit more about what happened to the rebels at the end but otherwise LOVED IT MORE.PLEASE

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Stars dammed, I loved this book. I was lucky enough to receive this book as an ARC, and I am thrilled to give this review. While this book took a while for me to get into, once I was invested I was hooked. Overall, I really enjoyed the cute romance & most of the characters. If you’re looking for a low to mid-level stakes romantasy this could be perfect. There was action, fated mates, and a cute fairytale romance. The only thing I wasn’t completely in love with was the pacing at the beginning of the book, but after a while it slowed down and I understood the pacing.

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This was a great read. Lieke and Connor are a great duo. If you like fake marriage, fated mates, grumpy/sunshine tropes, this book is for you.

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I really liked this book. It is more centered on the developing romance in my opinion, but it has other nice elements about the politics of the world and the conflict between humans and fae.

We have a dual POV and I really liked how the author wrote the time skip at the beginning, where the FMC's part was more important, but we also got to see what was happening with the MMC.

There are many popular tropes such as:

-fated mates
-one horse
-doing everything to save her .

The CAWPILE score was 8.57, which is 4.5 stars, but I rounded it to 5 stars because I really enjoyed this book

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book in exchange of my honest opinion

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This book is one that I read for a book club I'm a part of, Prosecco & Pages. It was the first book in this brand new book club and I'm so glad this was the pick!

This was a slight Sabrina retelling in that there was a young heroine who lived as a servant in the royal house of fae. She's in love with the younger brother, gets sent away, has a "glow-up", and then returns... If you know the story of Sabrina, you may be able to determine the rest. 

However, even though it was a retelling, there was a lot changed in this story as it dealt with a whole other world. One with fae, magic, shapeshifting, and a war between the humans and fae. 

My only gripe with this story Lieke. She had some serious moments throughout the first half where I wanted to throttle her. She triggered my anxiety so much. She really didn't have much regard for anyone other than herself and her love interest. 

The second half made up for it, though, as Lieke seemed to grow up for real this time. It just took an almost-death experience to do it. 

Once the second half started rolling, the romance got better, the characters got better, and I became invested. 

I'm very eager to fall back into this series with new characters and new stories. Very glad I read this!

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I enjoyed this book, but I did feel that the worldbuilding and magic-system building were lacking a bit. It does read a bit young , too. But I enjoyed the tropes and the characters, and I think that this is a good base for a well-written series.

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🎧Audiobook Review🎧


I'd like to thank NetGalley for approving me for an ARC of this book.

💞Enemies to Lovers
🔥Slow Burn

This was a brilliant start to the series. We had action, romance, magic and tension. The slow-burn romance between our two MCs was perfection and I loved the dual POV too.


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Quick Summary: A written in the stars romance

My Review: Until the Stars Fall by Vanessa Rasanen is associated with the Immortal Reveries series. It is a fantastical tale of war and peace, loss and love, and more.

About the Book: Humans and fae are at odds. There is a history that reveals why this is so. One human servant with a cloaked past fancies herself in love with a prince, but their love is not to be so, for she is the fated mate of another.

My Final Say: This novel was a bit of a surprise. I was not expecting certain components that came up. In the end, however, it just added to the story.

Other: Readers who like character driven stories that have angst, conflicts and dysfunction, drama, and romance will appreciate this fantasy.

* I think this would go over well in an audiobook.

Rating: 4/5
Recommend: Yes
Audience: A
Series: Yes
Status/Level: 👍

Thanks to the author, to the publisher (Crab Apple Books), and to NetGalley for granting access to a digital ARC of this work. I am appreciative for the opportunity to review book one in this new series. I look forward to reading more.

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I realllllly liked this book! I feel like maybe there are a few details that could've been elaborated and a little extra world-building wouldn't have gone astray, but overall this is a great fantasy.

All of the tropes within this book are my favourites, so I feel like I was definitely destined to enjoy this one! You can find:
- Fated mates
- Grumpy x Sunshine
- Sass and banter
- Only one horse!!!
- Dual POV

Great first book in the series, I'm looking forward to reading the rest and finding out some more about the magic and the world.

Thank you to the publisher, author and NetGalley for a copy of this!

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This is a really good read if you love romantasy, but don't want to commit to reading a whole series. Until the Stars Fall is a standalone romance and the first novel in a new series of inter-connected novels.

I really liked the premise of this story - a fae prince taking a human bride to save her life. However, there were a few issues with pacing in the novel that affected my enjoyment somewhat. Lieke spends half of the book pining for Brennan, the MMC's younger brother. Unfortunately, I didn't particularly like Brennan and the way he treated Lieke and women in general, so Lieke's crush and fixation on him made it difficult initially to connect with her. We were told about a childhood friendship between the two, but her obsession with him didn't make her a relatable character. It felt like it took forever for us to reach the point where Connor saves Lieke's life after she murdered a fae noble. Before that, the interaction between the two is based around one main encounter, and Lieke spends several years away from court training (of which time we learn relatively little).

For me, the novel picked up when the relationship between Connor and Lieke started to become more of a focus. I loved Connor's grumpy vibes and enjoyed the banter between the two. Also, a fake engagement is one of the tropes I enjoy, and the banter between the two was fun to read. There were several other characters I enjoyed, and I'd likely pick up another novel n this world - I'd particularly like to read Malachi's story!

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4.5 stars
I loved this story! The main characters are lovable, although stubborn and sometimes making self-sabotaging choices. The banter between Connor & Leike had me smiling throughout the whole book. This was an amazing Romatacy with a fake engagement, enemies to lovers, slow burn, and fated mates.

While I did thoroughly enjoy the romance I do wish the world building was a little more detailed. There were several things in the plot left unanswered, and since this is not a typical series but a series of interconnected standalones I’m not sure if we will get answers in the next books. I do certainly hope book to continues on the same timeline although focusing on different characters and we get some answers to some of the parts of the fantasy aspect that were left unanswered.

That being said I was still very much engrossed in the story, especially the second half of the book. Towards the end I absolutely could not put it down and chose to forgo sleep to finish it! The gaps in the world building were not enough to ruin the book for me. I still was able to understand the plot and the motivations of the characters. I definitely want to see more from this world and hope to see glimpses of Connor & Lieke in the upcoming interconnected standalones!

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I loved this swoony romantasy. I started reading on kindle, and once I realized the audiobook was narrated by Zura Johnson and Zachary Johnson I had to jump to that immediately. They just have a way of inserting so much emotion into their voices. It's quite the treat.

Connor and Leike's story was beautifully captured by Vanessa. I honestly wasn't sure at first how it could be believable that they fall for each other when Leike is pining for Brennan for much of the book. But Vanessa made a believer out of me!

Connor is the grumpy cinnamon roll I didn't know I needed. And I liked that Leike cries several times. So often our FMCs have this hard exterior and don't want anyone to see them cry. And while she's nervous about showing vulnerability, she doesn't deny herself the emotional release she needs.

I'm really looking forward to the next books in this series! I really want Malachi's story...

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I wish I had better things to say but overall this was this was just not it & that's pretty disappointing considering the rave it's getting. Until The Stars Fall is a fantasy romance involving Fae and Human kind. Humans are protected by the Fae King but there is growing tension as Fae continue to be murdered & all suspicions is turned toward the humans.

Unfortunately, there are some serious pacing issues in regard to the writing & story telling that made the entire plot fall in and out of place for me. At one point, and I should stress that this ALL happens in one very short chapter , Leike (the FMC) is sent away to train with her distant relatives on how to defend herself. She doesn't live with them and never has, even after she becomes an orphan in the castle but apparently it's safe enough for her to go away and train on a whim at the height of Fae/human aggression. The literal next sentence is supposed to be three years later and you are never given an explanation of what occurred in those three years. Then she is on her way back to the castle and magically knows how to defend herself a little... MOVING ON except no I am not I need ANSWERS!

Second, the chemistry between Leike and the prince (who she is in love with and is supposed to have grown up with her entire life) is just non-existent. You get no background history or moments to hold on to from their upbringing to build that relationship between them so you end up just not feeling that connection. But then she finds out the prince's brother (who again, she has known and grown up with her entire life) happens to be her mate?! Something isn't adding up..

On top of that, you get a very brief history of the last war that occurred between the Fae and Human worlds but you get no other history, world building, or magic system explanations at all to the point you don't even know who and what magic the Fae are supposed to have.

And lastly, not one person in this book is likeable. The MC's are all supposed to be adults taking over the throne and getting married but they all act like they're in high school. The dialogue between these characters was badly written in my opinion.

I wish I could say I enjoyed this more & it has so much potential to be good but the writing and pacing was too choppy for me & things were not adding up to make a cohesive story.

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Thanks NetGalley for the ARC!

This book gave me a book hangover, which should put it at 5 stars, right?? Unfortunately, it didn’t get there until later and so the lack of one star is there to reflect that. The chemistry between me and this book is a bit of a slow-burn, kind of the romance between the leads—unfortunately, it wasn’t an insta-love. I’m also very much devastated that one of the characters, even though he was a side character, is going to die by the second book and I think that’s what gave me so much whiplash. I read this book, looked up to see if there was going to be a second one and you’ve essentially told me that they died and I was wrecked.

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I have read some of this authors other books, and while I enjoyed them, I adored this one. This got me to swoon in a way books don’t typically do. I think it was because it was romantic without being cheesy. It was genuine, and heartfelt, and tragic, and sweet. There weren’t some overly exhausting monologues about love - there was actions to show it. The world was compelling without being overwhelming. The writing was beautiful.
I would recommend this book to anyone who loves a solid and strong romantic book with some minor fantasy vibes.

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