Member Reviews

I think the best descriptor for this book is fabulous. It contained interesting bits of Irish mythology. The author did a fantastic job creating character voice for each individual from the story which is the mark of a great writer. I absolutely adored Meg! She can only be described as an amazing girl boss survivor bestie. Her and George’s romance was beautiful. Brian was my favorite side character alongside Lada, the best talking cat around. The found family trope was done wonderfully and I personally couldn’t get enough of it. I can’t wait to see what happens next!

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An enjoyable romp for me, especially for the character of the antagonist more than the setting. Full review in link!

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Irish mythology and western setting? Yes, please! This book is a perfect blend for those who love ancient myths and the Wild West!

Meg has quite the past with monsters and unfortunately it draws the attention of an immortal bent on gathering nightmares. From the start, I was rather curious about her and her world. But I’ve got to say the events that quickly followed had me on the edge of my seat as I eagerly waited for certain characters to meet or tried to guess where loyalties were going.

I could have done without some of the language, but the rest of it was wonderful to read - especially characters encouraging a certain man that he has to except when things aren’t his fault and when it’s time to not give up on someone when things seem insane. That takeaway from the book is my favorite! Needless to say, the first book in this series definitely packs a punch! And I am definitely curious about what will happen next in this series!

Romance/Sexual Content: Mild+ (kisses between a married couple, talk of assault with no details)
Profanity: Moderate (specifically one of the characters does cuss a little throughout the book, it wasn’t so much that I wanted to put the book down though)
Violence: Mild+ (The book did have people killed or hurt by the monsters, but there were no overly graphic/gory details)

(Thank you to the author and NetGalley for a digital ARC copy in exchange for an honest review!)

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I loved this book a lot more than I thought I would. It was diferent from what I was expecting but at the same time exactly what I thought it would be. For starters, it has the pov of the villain, like how many stories has that? It was interesting, I enjoyed it. I loved Meg, she bad been through so much so young and somehow still found place in her heart for more people and love. I loved how they all loved her, she was part of the family, no question about that. George was so gone over her, a strong leader that was always ready to fight for the people he loved. Them together was so beautiful, I really loved their love. They both would and did anything for each other. I can't wait for the next one in this series

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This book was okay, but it mostly made me think of Sandra Brown's books.

I feel like there was less fantasy than I expected and the romantic relationship felt a bit weird, not that the circumstances were normal by any means. The first part of the story was quite confusing, especially since we get multiple POVs, but the second half got way better and I got to know more about the characters and I felt more intrigued by what's gonna happen.

There is a bit of mystery and a bit of adventure, while we follow the story of Meg, a girl that was forced into an unpleasant life by a demon, who kidnapped her from Ireland. We also get George's POV, a kind rancher who helps the FMC, while trying to run his business and keep the people working for him safe.

All in all, it's a good book, but I feel like it isn't everybody's type.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion

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ARC Copy...Thought it was a good read infused with Celtic-Irish mythology lore and good imagery with both the natural scenery and the mythical forces derived from the forces of nature like the titular water horses.

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A western/historical fiction/fantasy with an Irish mythology story. A fairly unusual but original and refreshing mix of genres.

I was caught up in the story from the start with the Irish mythology, the water horses and the quirky villain. But then the action moves to America and we switch into a true western atmosphere, with the beautiful, vivid description of the landscape and the rugged life on a ranch.

"... This ocean is God’s own tablecloth, draped over the edges of the world..."

There are so many quotes and beautiful sentences, it was a pleasure to read. But above all, it was all the characters and the found family story that I loved. Meg and George are the sweetest couple and they made me smile and laugh so often. I don’t read romance, but it was so beautifuI that I almost forgot about the murder, the villain and the flesh-eating horses! I’m looking forward to the next book in the series.

(Thanks NetGalley for providing this RArc)

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DNF 60%

I was originally drawn to this work by the premise. I loved the combination of Irish mythology and the heyday of the American west. Unfortunately, the pacing, multi-POVs, dialogue, and character and relationship development were off and I couldn't get past that.

The book reads really fast. It's so fast, that important events and interactions are sped through and undeveloped or completely neglected. Relationships between the characters were glossed over. All of the scenes where our characters would actually deepen their relationships were excluded and we only saw interactions afterwards. Characters didn't behave in expected ways, doing and saying things that weren't foreshadowed and seemed to come out of nowhere. The FMC seemed to mostly heal from her extensive trauma in two months. This was jarring and took me out of the story. I also didn't understand where Scandinavian mythology fit in, other than making a convenient plot device.

Overall, I think this idea has great promise. The book needs more intense developmental editing.

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Overall I enjoyed the book. However the first half, I found it confusing with all of the different stories lines. Definitely fantasy with a side plot of romance, but enjoyable story once all the characters once I got to around 50% and the story had a better flow and pacing. The characters in this story were unquie. Some animals, some human, some with powers or none at all. My favorite (the reason I requested this arc) was the mystical horses with unusual powers.
Can’t what to see where the author takes this fantasy. I Loved the MF and the MM characters. It will be fun to watch as Meg is so young and Naïve, but determine as they grow in their relationship. So many possibilities and I’m glad I stuck through it during the first half.

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