Member Reviews


Fake relationship, murder, morally gray handsome billionaire? YES YES YES!

This book revolves around Grant, a CEO of Harrington Global Enterprises , who needs to clean up his image before he loses his company, and Julia a struggling author trying to get her manuscript published, who agrees to marry him for a year.

I genuinely enjoyed reading this book! The character of Julia came across as a down-to-earth, earnest, intelligent, and very likable person. Grant displayed the CEO mindset and richman persona, but was also loyal and kind. The book’s characters were well-written and believable, from Sierra, the spoiled daughter to Worthington, the wise butler. The storyline was easy to follow, even with a few unpredictable plot twists. Suspense abound not knowing the total involvement of certain characters, and the emotions escalated as the story developed. This book was a true page-turner for me, finding it hard to put down and turn the pages for more. I would highly recommend this book for a suspenseful, clean romantic story.

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really easy read, highly enjoyable. loved the twists and wonderfully written romance. thank you for sending me this!

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okay, but this book was great. I loved it and ate it up so fast.

I fell in love with the MMC and just loved the storyline.

Can’t wait to see what’s upcoming from this author.

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Based on the title, genre and cover, I came into this book expecting all the smut. I stayed for the characters, story and drama! There was no smut (so far) but I was hooked and am frantically looking for ways to read the next two books. I need to know more!! This book has the qualities of a romance book, along with mystery, and it was enough to capture my attention and I read it in less than 24 hours.

Fake relationship? CHECK
Murder? CHECK
Morally gray handsome billionaire? CHECK

I really did love everything about this book, from the marriage to save his image to the frame job. The butler is definitely trying to play Cupid and I am rooting for them to figure out this isn’t fake.

Also, writing style wise, I like how the POV changes from one chapter to the next, but also that the chapter starts a little farther back than when the last one ended, so you get a little overlap if their perceptions and versions of events.

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Grant and Julia fake marriage to fix grant playboy image to one that resembles a family man who is willing to setting down. 3 days into their marriage and tragedy strikes. Will they be able to over come the obstacles while something bubble under this marriage of convenience like love?
I think this was a great story with a lot of great concepts. I think I like how this story was written. I think a little more could have been given to us the reader about the progression of the relationship for book one. Everything seemed pretty rushed. The whole book 1 was about just on situation, but I’ll be homest I loved every bit of it. I was able to finish this book in 4hrs. I was not able to put it down. I will be looking out for book 2 to see the development of grant and Julia’s relationship. Great job Nellie Steel.

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This story follows Grant who is the head of his company. Due to his “reputation” he needs to find a wife in order to keep his position. He meets Julia who is writer and they agree to get married in order for him to keep his job.

Overall this was a very short and easy read! It wasn’t quite what I was expecting. It would not really categorize this as a romance novel but more of a mystery. Due to that I wasn’t quite as interested in this as I wish I could have been but if you love a romance/mystery book with no spice you will love this!

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This is a cute storyline that has some intriguing things arise. Julia is a writer who lives for her stories and getting them published. She never saw herself getting married for money, but why not. It helps her out and the guy isn’t horrible. In fact she starts to think he might be worth keeping if she can keep him from being taken away from her. Will Julia succeed and keep Mr. Harrington safe at home? I was given ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Grant the CEO of Harrington Global Enterprises needs help cleaning up his image before the board of directors vote him out. His daughter has the perfect plan. who needs to clean up his public. Julia is trying to get her manuscript published. But her new employer is making it difficult. The new employer who happens to be Grant's daughter sends mixed up messages and soon Julia finds herself in the middle of the plan to fix Grant's image. Everything that could go wrong happens and then some. It is the perfect novel to make you forget what is going on around you. Easy to read with a mixture of laughs, head shakes and could this really happen.
Thank you NetGalley and Victory Editing for ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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this just wasn't it for me. i didn't feel emotionally connected to the characters, so it was hard to care about what happened to them. i also found myself really struggling to get into the writing style. it was a lot of lengthy, overly descriptive sentences that felt like filler. there were a few moments that worked, but overall i found myself reading as quickly as possible to get to the end - and even then it just wasn't a very satisfying conclusion. i would have loved to have a slightly longer book with a bit more of a conclusive ending. i know it's supposed to be a series and the cliffhanger will likely get most people to read the next book, but i think i still had a few too many questions by the end.

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I got excited when I saw this title and also that it was a new author that I've never read before. Unfortunately it just didn't hit that WOW factor with me, It was extremely slow and took me a while to actually get through the book. You have mystery, murder and some romance. You start out with Grant, who is the CEO of Harrington Global Enterprises who needs to clean up his public image because it he's about to lose his company. Then you have Julia who is a struggling author trying to get her manuscript published. Julia also agrees to marry Grant for a whole year. Grant is the same rich billionaire that is only worried about himself. Julia on the other hand will do anything for Grant. After getting past the same old story of a billionaire needing a marriage of convenience and then the said billionaire falls for his wife, it did get interesting with the suspense that followed. I definitely needed more because I was bored.

I don't think I'll read the next book in this series if there is one, but I honestly think this book could've been better, instead of it being slow and uninteresting.

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Loved reading the wonderfully written romance story. When Julia goes to her meeting with the publisher hoping to get her book published, Julia meets Grant who needs her to pose as his wife. Read the highly recommended and a must read riveting romance story. Can't wait to read the next story in the series by the marvelous author, Nellie H. Steele!

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Julia is a mystery novel writer waiting to hear if her publishing house is keeping her on their list. A mix up over a meeting has Sienna the new owner of the company arranging for Julia to interview to be her fathers new bride. Grant, billionaire CEO is going to be ousted from the board of a company he built unless he can prove he has changed his wayward image. Sienna thinks a temporary wife is just what he needs.

With the promise of being able to write everyday, and a payoff to leave her comfortable Julia decides to go along with it. Everyone loves Julia, she’s down to earth and a refreshing change from Grant’s usual wives (he’s had four).

When someone (no spoiler) goes missing the police come looking for Grant. He’s the main suspect but Julia’s mystery writer brain starts to realise it’s a set up.

This story is good, I thought I’d guessed the ‘bad guy’ but I was wrong, which I liked. There’s obviously going to be a follow up to this book, given the title ‘Hearts and Holdings book 1’ if not it’s an odd ending.
I liked the characters, Grant is a good guy and well liked by those working for him, Sienna is a spoilt brat, but she’s supposed to be.

I’ll definitely look out for the next Hearts and Holdings books by this author.

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Thank you to Nellie Steele and netgalley for an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.
I reall enjoyed this book.

I thought this was a great debut of the first book in the series with mystery, intrigue, murder, and a hint of romance (to come) with a cliffhanger that sets you up for the next book.
This book revolves around Grant, a CEO of Harrington Global Enterprises , who needs to clean up his image before he loses his company, and Julia a struggling author trying to get her manuscript published , who agrees to marry him for a year. I really liked Julia, she was down to earth, intelligent, and willing to do anything to help Grant in his time of crisis. At first, I didn’t really like Grant, he was the typical rich billionaire who was only worried about himself, but as the story went on I could see how loyal, kind, and sweet he was. I think both Julia and Grant’s character development flourished by the end of the story and I can’t wait to see how their relationship grows in the second book.

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Mystery writer and a billionaire. This plot has twists and turns I did not see coming. Enjoyed the 1st installment. I will be waiting for the next installment. Cliffhanger for warning.

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Net Galley Review: Slated to be released on Valentine's Day, February 14th, Bet on a Billionaire, written by Nellie Steele started very cliche but ended up being a book I liked. The good-looking billionaire businessman must find a wife to clean up his image before his board ousts him. In comes the mousy yet pretty girl, a struggling author, who has no boundaries.

Yet, if you stick with it until after the two of them get married, you will find them involved in trying to clear her new husband's name in a murder. What started as this over-the-top cliche ends up being a fun, quick murder mystery. The main female character quickly shows that she has a strong backbone and is very smart and there ends up being a slow burn between the two characters.

My only request would be that the editor cut out some of the times the word "flickered" was used. It was way overused.

Overall I recommend this book and I look forward to reading the second in the series.

#netgalley #betonabillionaire #recommendreading #nelliesteele

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♠️ ARC Review ♠️


Bet on a Billionaire is the first book in The Heart and Holdings series by Nellie Steele. I thought this was a great debut of the first book in the series with mystery, intrigue, murder, and a hint of romance (to come) with a cliffhanger that sets you up for the next book.
This book revolves around Grant, a CEO of Harrington Global Enterprises , who needs to clean up his image before he loses his company, and Julia a struggling author trying to get her manuscript published , who agrees to marry him for a year. I really liked Julia, she was down to earth, intelligent, and willing to do anything to help Grant in his time of crisis. At first, I didn’t really like Grant, he was the typical rich billionaire who was only worried about himself, but as the story went on I could see how loyal, kind, and sweet he was. I think both Julia and Grant’s character development flourished by the end of the story and I can’t wait to see how their relationship grows in the second book. I took one star off just because Grants daughter, Sierra, was the typical spoiled rich kid and was a little annoying, but you could tell she cared for her dad and wanted to protect him.
If you go into thinking this is just a marriage of convenience, then you will be 100% surprised ! The mysterious and suspenseful plot was great and I cannot wait to read the next book in hopes that some of my questions get answered!

♠️Coming February 14th, 2024 ♠️

♠️ I received a free copy of this book via NetGalley and I am voluntarily leaving a review!

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This book was a super quick read. Although, the plot had a lot of problems.
You’re telling me, the CEO of a billion dollar company and his lawyers and security didn’t come to the conclusion that he’s being set up? When he’s trying to be ousted from his own company?? Unbelievable.
The thought behind this was well done but it ultimately fell short.
There was little to no romance or even a hint of chemistry between the two. Besides the fact that Grant made her blush a few times and was concerned about her well being. They didn’t have conversations to connect with each other.

There were also a couple of spelling and punctuation errors.
Thank you for the ARC and ability to write a review.

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This was a quick read not just because it was a short book, but also because the story was compelling. It’s written in a way that makes you want to know what happens next. Not really any romance to speak of, which I was kind of disappointed by, but it’s the first book and they’re both oblivious to how the other person feels. Definitely makes you want to binge the series to know what happens next!!

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This book doesn’t particularly come into genres I regularly read but I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. I went into the book thinking it would be a typical business marriage however I was happily mistaken with this. The book does include a business marriage but it is also so much more than that! There is so much mystery that slowly unfolds! I loved reading this book. The writing style is enjoyable and the characters all fit perfectly within the book.

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