Member Reviews

I loved this book!! It was fabulous and well done. The characters were on point and I thought the plot was well developed. I would recommend this book to others.

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This was such a fascinating take on a classic myth of Eros and Psyche. I really enjoyed how closely it stayed to the original story while still infusing it with more feminist and queer readings of the story. We still have Psyche being considered the most beautiful woman whose beauty outshines even Aphrodite but the attention it brings to Psyche comes with the misery of being treated as possession by men. I loved the descriptions of how male gaze was in a way an act of violence on Psyche and how it was just part of men seeing her as possession. How in the end all that attention made her less likely to find a husband because she was tainted by how men perceived her even in their own eyes.

I like how the book dealt with the idea of looking as a violation of its own. Psyche was looked at by men who never truly saw her but took parts of her for their own pleasure. Eros was watched by Zeus to fulfil his voyeuristic desires and in that act he took what Eros treasured and twisted it into something to be mocked. And then Psyche's betrayal was the act of looking at Eros without her permission, "a rape of light", exposing Eros deepest wants to the world that couldn't accept her.

In darkness, they both found their safety, Psyche, by knowing Eros doesn't desire her just because of her famed beauty and Eros because she knew Psyche couldn't know she's a goddess of desire. In darkness, they both felt seen for who they really are. But in the end darkness created a kind of prison as well. They couldn't create a life together while constantly hiding. They needed to face the light and the exposure it brought with it.

I think my only issue with this book was that the ending felt a little rushed. I think we could have spent a little more time dealing with the consequences of Psyche's and Eros' betrayal of each other and finding their way to each other again. In some part because I would gladly read another 200 pages of this story.

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In this captivating read, the author masterfully weaves a narrative that is both engaging and thought-provoking. Through a blend of richly developed characters and a meticulously crafted plot, the book offers a unique exploration of its central themes, inviting readers to immerse themselves in the story's depth and complexity. The narrative is paced perfectly, balancing moments of intense action with thoughtful reflection, ensuring that readers are hooked from the first page to the last. The author's ability to evoke emotion and create a vivid, immersive world is truly remarkable, making this book a must-read for anyone looking for an exceptional literary experience.

Beyond its compelling storyline, the book stands out for its insightful commentary on the human condition, weaving philosophical questions into the fabric of its narrative. The author's skillful use of language not only enriches the text but also elevates the reader's experience, offering new perspectives on familiar themes. Whether it's the intricate dynamics of relationships, the exploration of identity, or the confrontation with ethical dilemmas, this book tackles complex issues with sensitivity and intelligence. It's a testament to the power of storytelling to illuminate the nuances of life, making it a valuable addition to any book lover's collection. Regardless of genre, this is a work that resonates on multiple levels, affirming the enduring impact of well-crafted literature.

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Thank you Netgalley for the arc of this upcoming release.

As a fan of De Robertis’ previous work, I was delighted to not only see this but read it. I loved it for the queer aspects and the lore that went into the plot. However, despite being written well, I just do not think myth retelling are my jam.

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