Member Reviews

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this ALC. This had tons of family drama that kept me interested and on the edge of my seat. I loved the dual timelines and shorter chapters. I liked the narration of the story. It really sucked me in and made me feel like i was watching a movie!

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This author could use a lesson in show not tell. The narrator provided entirely too many details about every little thing. Including one characters “noticeably small teeth.”

The story itself made me roll my eyes the entire time. Every single thing that could conveniently happen to ensure the MC found out what she needed to know to advance the story did happen. Over and over.

This was a miss for me and I probably wouldn’t go near anything else from this author.

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This was a good enough debut but it was all tell and no show. There were points when I felt like I was being given verbatim information from the DSM-5. I probably would’ve DNFd if this wasn’t an ARC. This one just wasn’t really for me. It felt too far fetched for me to get on board.

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An emotionally gripping thriller framed by the heroine’s ED recovery, this was a difficult read. I think it needed a TW for how graphically it discusses ED, different methods of purging and restricting food because it was a little rocky for me at points, but I also understand why it was talked about in such detail.

Beyond that, it’s a fairly standard thriller—I don’t think the plot itself is super original as far as mysteries and thrillers go but the way it was told against the backdrop of the oppoid epidemic (and victims of it) felt fresh.

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This book gave me The Last Thing He Told Me feels for sure.

Beatrice or Beans, had a very different life experience at the age of 15 when her mother was killed in a hit-and-run which started Beans' eating disorder. She struggled for years and that eventually led to her becoming a clinical psychologist years later. She has a new patient arrive who claims that Beans' mother is still alive, but in lots of danger. This stirs something in Beans and she goes looking for her mother. She uncovers more and more secrets and isn't sure what is the truth or not anymore.

This story was such an emotional rollercoaster. I would have done the same thing searching for my mother if someone told me after she died that she was alive. The eating disorder portion was different than others books that I have read and it really showed how easy it is to relapse when other things in your life get difficult. I really enjoyed her deciding that her boyfriend and his daughter were more important than giving in to her eating disorder and how he gave her the space to figure that out on her own instead of making her choose when she was not ready. This story was phenomenal for a debut.

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