Member Reviews

a professional violist and cellist & rivals to lovers? yes, please.
this was my first Julie Soto book, and i thoroughly enjoyed it (and i've heard such great things about Forget Me Not, so i will most likely read that in the future). this novel follows Gwen and Xander, professional violist and cellist, respectively, and their developing relationship and tensions as they continuously begin to encounter each other throughout their day-to-day lives, both working at the Manhattan Pops. tensions rise between them after Gwen is offered the role of First Chair at the Manhattan Pops, a role which Xander was working towards.
i overall enjoyed their romance throughout the novel, though i do think, at times, it was rushed and unrealistic, which pulled me away from the story and characters. nonetheless, i did devour through this story in less than 2 days, so it is a romance book i would definitely recommend.
thank you NetGalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for this e-arc!!
[4.0 stars]

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rating: 3,5 stars.

I would like to thank NETGALLEY and the publisher for providing me this arc!

I'm super glad that I had the opportunity to read this book before it's release date, since it was a story I enjoyed a bunch of things from and enjoying a book it's a hard thing for me these days.

I'll start by saying that I didn't had any problem with both main characters. They were not the deepest and best-written characters in the world but neither of them were shallow. They also didn't make me annoyed, and this is reason enough for me to not criticize them. As a couple, unfortunately their relationship was a little too fast for my liking, and while it was a good (and hot) scene for me it was at same time a little strange to read him touch her so openly while she played the cello because they were not that intimate yet and before that moment didn't even had a full conversations with each other (the scene where they encounter each other in the taqueria doesn't count). So it was very "instalust" for me and this really isn't my cup of tea, but since their tension and chemistry were good and they were cute this issue (that usually would be something big to me) didn't bother me as much. Still makes me a little upset? Yes, but i got over.

Other two big positive things for me about this book were the author's writing and the ambiance of the story. Gwen and Alex are both musicians and I appreciate that Julie was consistent enough with it and wrote the main characters actually working with music and having contact with it in every tiny moment of the book, instead of just claiming them as musicians and writing some quotes and mentions about it. Regarding the writing, I found it good and easy and made me keep reading the book for hours too and I missed the feeling of being so imersed in a story.

Something that also wasn't good for me was the third act break up. It was very abrupt and happened too close to the ending and as a consequence for that, the way that the problem was solved and the couple apologized themselves were also fast and this was reasoning enough to make me a bit frustrated.

Conclusion: the book was really good and fun for me, but unfortunately some things didn't allow me to give a 5 stars rating and i wish that goodreads could allow me to give half stars because i somehow feel like 3 stars are too low to explain the way i connected with the book. Still, the problems didn't erase how glad i am to have "Not another love song" as one of my 2024 readings and I look forward to read another Julie's books.

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I am absolutely blown away by this book. It is perfect in absolutely every way.

There is not a single flaw!

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Gwen and Xander are rival musicians who both play in the Manhattan Pops Orchestra. However, their worlds could not be further apart. Gwen started teaching herself violin at the age of 11 and has very few ambitions for her professional music career. Xander, on the other hand, is the front man in a popular group called Thorne and Roses and a rockstar cellist. Xander is unaware that Gwen even exists until she plays at a wedding he is a part of and she is forced to play his cello instead of her typical violin.

When the current first chair of the orchestra retires, Gwen is encouraged to audition for the spot despite only being with the Pops for 4 years. It would make her the youngest first chair in history and is certainly a great news story and money maker for the Pops. However, tensions rise between Gwen and Xander because he has been coveting that position his entire life. The two have to learn to work together while also navigate their growing feelings for each other.

I haven't read Soto's previous work but I don't think it's necessary to fully enjoy this book. I thought Soto did a great job with a lot of the music aspects of this book as well as creating the chemistry and tension between Gwen and Xander. The story felt fresh and it was a great break from a lot of other romances I read. The grumpy MMC that can actually hold a conversation? Thank you! Nothing infuriates me more than a grumpy character who only knows how to grunt. I love that Xander found ways to express himself to Gwen and acknowledges that he isn't the best communicator.

What I struggled with during this book was the middle lost my attention for a bit. The first 30% really had my attention and I was so engaged, but after Gwen's promotion I lost interest for a bit. The ending was also a bit lackluster for me and felt like everything was wrapped up a bit too quickly. I also thought the romance between Gwen and Xander went from 0 to 100 too quickly. I know there was tension but the progression was fast. All that to say, I definitely enjoyed this book and I think those who enjoyed her previous book will also enjoy this one.

3.5 stars from me and I intend on picking up Soto's other books!

Thank you to Forever and Netgalley for an eARC in exchange for an honest review!

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omg omg omg omg omg

I was BLOWN away by Forget Me Not in 2023 and this book is the IT book for me in 2024. Julie's writing is literally unreal. Finding out that this started as Reylo Fanfiction had me rolling because I pictured the MMC as Adam Driver the entire time. IT WORKS FOR ME OKAY?!?!!

The tension. The chemistry. THE HANDS!!! ahhhhh!!! I am literally not joking when I say this book is my everything.

As someone who knows absolutely nothing about music, I can tell you that you're still going enjoy this book. We get cameos from Ama and Elliot in this book and I was SCREAMING because I love those little babies so much! And there's hints that the third book we will see friends from the first two books as well which I cannot stress enough, will put my heart into cardiac arrest!

Gwen Jackson is a violin prodigy who took up the instrument at age 11 after befriending music shop owner Mabel after her mother passed away. Shortly after, her grandfather who was taking care of her also passed, and Mabel becomes her pseudo mother. At the age of 22, Gwen has been playing for the Manhattan Pops as a violinist for 4 years despite her lack of formal training. During one of her side gigs as a wedding musician with her best friend and roommate Jacob, she is tasked with playing the Cello and is given the instrument of legendary rockstar and groomsmen Xander Thorne of Thorne and Roses ( her favorite instrumental band). Xander is also in the Manhattan Pops but doesn't even know who Gwen is. He mean mugs her all night as she plays an instrument she doesn't even know how to properly play and makes comments about how she's awful.

Flashforward to rehearsal for the Manhattan Pops and Xander won't take his eyes off her. Soon afterwards, Gwen is awarded first chair of the orchestra over Xander and he is displeased to say the least. Turns out Xander is actually Alexander Fitzgerald, the son of the first chair violist Ava Fitzgerald who's family not only started the Manhattan Pops, but who use to be composer partners with Gwen's pseudo mom, Mabel. We find out that Alexander use to be a violinist and even trained with Mabel and attended Juliard only to drop out, change his identity and pick up the Cello for this rock band.

Despite losing his first chair position that he thought he had in the bag, Xander/Alex cannot stop showing up the practice and watching Gwen perform. The two keep crossing paths and eventually create a musical masterpiece together that also pushes the boundaries of professionalism. This scene lives rent free in my brain and my GOD when you read it too your jaw will hit the floor!

Xander/Alexander and Gwen end up playing their musical composition together on stage and soon Xanders step-dad Nathan tries to manipulate their music to promote the Manhattan Pops as it's in financial ruins. What started as a rivalry, blossoms into true affection and appreciation between Xander and Gwen. But with publicity and pressure comes problems and the two find themselves fighting uphill to maintain their relationship.

This one is just seriously so so good and I cannot wait for anything Julie Soto writes. THANK YOU Forever Pub & Netgalley for this ARC!

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This book HOOKED me from the beginning. I absolutely was engaged since the first page and Julie Soto’s writing. She has a way with words that make us want to keep going and see how she crafted everything about this story. The first 20% to 40% were sooo engaging. I found that the pacing suffered a bit after the initial 30% of the book, it felt like a new story started and everything happened so quickly I felt whiplash. Also, Xander turns a switch and the relationship develops rather quickly and I felt it wasn’t deep enough.

Gwen was a hard character to enjoy sometimes, she was too in her head (THE DIALOGUE IN HER HEAD WAS putting me off) and doubted herself TOO DAMN MUCH but, I can also understand how failure or not being good enough plays a huge part on not feeling like you deserve good things or become something greater. Xander Thorne, what a complicated character to read about but, I LOVED how he told out FMC off and also showed her she could BE so much more; she didn’t need some assh***. He told her straight up what she needed to change and improve in order become the best version of herself as a person but also as an artist.

The spicy scenes were TOP NOTCH. The violin scene?? The bathroom scene???? Also, how Julie displayed how music was beautiful but also sensual and made them connect into another aspect of themselves as a couple but, also their sexual tension.

I DESPISED AVA, my god. What an annoying character, GIRLY, STAND UP FOR YOU AND YOUR SON. THAT MAN IS NOT WORTH LOSING FRIENDS, FAMILY AND YOURSELF IN THE PROCESS. I know we had two “villains” but, that woman made my skin and blood BOIL with anger.

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I’m calling it now. This might be my favourite romance of the year.

The tension in this book is off the charts. I absolutely devoured this story and these characters. The small gestures from Xander had me swooning. He is just so far gone for her and I loved every second of it,

Mainly told from Gwens POV, I loved the brief Xander perspectives woven into the story. It felt like a perfect balance of both. The TENSION was incredible, I was a giddy mess reading this book. I also loved the found family elements to this story and fans of Forget me Not will have a few fun moments! Immediately after finishing it I wanted to read it again, so it's safe to say this might be a new comfort read.

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I will not think about a cello the same after reading this book 🎼

“It’s simple really, it’s about a cello who fell in love with a violin” 🎻

Gwen and Xander are rival musicians who both play on the Manhattan Pops Orchestra. They had very different childhoods and upbringings though. Gwen is a self taught violinist while Xander is a rockstar cellist. Gwen earns the first chair and will be known as the youngest violinist to take a first chair in history. The tension between these two is so thick and I loved every second of it! The way these characters share their feelings through music was absolutely beautiful. I really need these songs to be released in real life, but for now Vitamin String Quartet will have to do 🎶

I also loved the character crossovers from Forget Me Not. While you do not need to read that book first, it was a fun tidbit to see them again.

“I need to be in your orbit in some way, and if you don’t want me to touch you and kiss you and f**k you, then let me make love to you onstage every night because it’s the most love I’ve ever felt in ten years”

Thank you to the publisher for providing this ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Not Another Love Song will be published July 16th.

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I love a good enemies to lovers book and this one did not disappoint! Although it is a stand alone book, I highly recommend reading Forget Me Not before reading this one for a bit of background on the side characters of this book. I found some parts to be a bit slower but overall, this is a fast read with lots of character development. Orchestra is something I know next to nothing about which did at times feel like a slight hindrance. However, my lack of orchestra knowledge didn’t prevent me from loving the book, the characters, and the plot as a whole. Soto wrote the book so well that at times I felt like I could hear the music she was describing simply through her words.

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Julie Soto wrote a novel about two musicians and wrote it in such a way that I HEARD THE MUSIC AND FELT IT IN MY SOUL literally through my eyes. Xander was giving Tortured Poets vibes and Gwen needed someone to believe in her and tell her it's okay to fall into your potential!!! And truly Declan was a gem and I needed more of him.

Also the spice was dadgum spicing let me tell you. Loved this one!!

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"Not Another Love Song" is a captivating romance novel that strikes all the right chords, blending the beauty of music with the complexity of love.

What sets this book apart is the exquisite way in which music is interwoven into the narrative. The descriptions of the duo's performances are so vivid and evocative that readers can almost hear the soul-stirring melodies of the violin and cello resonating in their minds. I enjoyed reading Gwen and Alex's relationship journey. I wish I could hear their enchanting music.

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I could think of only one word as I finished reading this book: Magnificent. Not Another Love Song is evocative, romantic, sensual, and seriously HOT. Beautiful prose, excellent storytelling, and a five-star enemies-to-lovers storyline, plus a glimpse into a world I've never really experienced or wondered about—this ticks all the boxes for an all-time favorite read for me. Julie Soto is beyond talented, can't wait to read what's next for her!

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Oh my goodness, I love Julie Soto's writing so much! I love how most of her characters (even side characters) have depth and complexity. Her style matches her characters in the best way, and I can't get enough. Even though several scenes had me feeling all the feels, I did think it could've been tightened up a bit. Both of the antagonist characters were just a bit too cartoonish in comparison with all the others, and I wish there's been more time put into making them more nuanced. Overall, though, I could barely put this book down, and I'm already salivating for whatever else Soto writes.

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I’ve seen many reviews where people said they picked this book up because they adored Julie Soto’s previous book, Forget Me Not. I personally have not read it, as I’m not a big fan of the second chance trope, but I really liked her writing style & seeing Ama in this book so I’m kinda convinced that I need to pick it up. I saw this book on an upcoming releases list and am so obsessed with the cover (his hand placement!!) that I had to pick it up, and I am so glad that I did.

I am not a musical person at all, and while there were times where terms went over my head a bit, overall I didn’t think it mattered that it isn’t a personal interest of mine, I could still follow the story with no issues. I adored both of the main characters, and thought the side characters were well developed as well. The spicy scenes were hot, and I felt like the author did a really good job showing the chemistry with the MC’s.

I’m giving this a 4 instead of a 5 because while I actually didn’t mind the typical ‘third act complication’ at first, the way it developed really didn’t work for me. I found myself kind of wanting to skim read to get past it, and that’s not a great feeling to have 90% into a book. But I did like the resolution, and the way the book ended a lot.

I definitely will be picking up a copy of this book for my shelves when it releases, and wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it!

Thank you to the publisher & NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review an advanced copy of this book! I voluntarily read this book, and all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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As someone who knows nothing about classical musical, I fell hard for this story with this new to me topic. Julie had such a beautiful way of writing these scenes and building up these original violin or cello pieces that I was actually getting goosebumps- I found myself researching violin and cello duets to continue to live in the moment. Gwen and Xander were beautiful together, the relationship and hardships all flowed so well. I enjoyed reading about these new characters but also getting to revisit on the main couples from “Forget Me Not”.

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i love LOVE!!! Who knew I’d be this obsessed and invested with a cellist and violinist?? If you’re able to get this book on net galley PLEASE DO. Julie Soto is my new favorite author. I never read her first novel but you bet ur ass I’m running to get it next!! (EDIT: I JUST FOUND OUT JULIE SOTO IS LOVEBITCA8?!? MAKES SO MUCH SENSE I LOVE HER FANFIC IVE BEEN HIDING UNDER A ROCK)
Best romance novel I’ve read in a while and it made me so happy!!!!
Gwen and Alex’s love just had me giggling and kicking my feet I love them so much. I could read about them forever

Im buying the physical copy once it comes out because I loved it so much! definitely one of my favorite reads.

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5 stars -- The way this book altered my brain chemistry! I was unable to put this down and read it within less than 24 hours. I was there in the days when this started out on AO3, but didn't realize it was the same story until I saw the cover and was like "THE CELLO SCENE!!!" It is even BETTER than I remembered it and I ate every single word up. Julie Soto left no scraps here. This might be my favorite romance read of the year so far, full stop.

The tension between the characters was top notch. It is a scorching slow burn, but it is oh so delicious when we get there. Gwen is a bit solitary due to her circumstances in life, but expresses herself by playing violin in the Manhattan Pops. When she clashes with popular cellist Xander (Alex) by getting the first chair, the romantic, sexual, and professional sparks between the two make for a story that you will NOT want to put down (Read: I stayed up until 5 am because I wanted to read just one more chapter).

If you like it when the male MC is down BAD for the female MC and isn't afraid to show it? You'll like this. If you like characters with walls up learning to lower them for each other through shared interests and song-writing? Read this. If you want two idiots who are clearly in love with one another in NY and enjoy classical music and workplace romance? You'll eat this up. If you want a found family that feels earned? This is it.

Prepare to be sick of me when this book releases because it just really was so scrumptious. Like, the Cello scene alone was so good. And the fact that it made the cover is just perfect for this book. This comes out July 16th, 2024!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the advanced readers copy. This did not affect my review in any way!

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Thank you Forever (Grand Central Publishing) and Julie Soto for an advanced copy of this book! I loved this book and all the characters, but especially Mabel. I think there’s something about an older person being an integral part of one of the main characters’ backstory and current rock that gives an extra dose of attitude and drama to the story. There was a good amount of spice, drama, and emotional ups and downs throughout. I liked finding out how different people were connected and how small some of their circles of influence really were. I played an instrument in school and didn’t understand all of the musical references by any means, but I don’t think I missed anything as far as plot points with all the music terms/references/situations.

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Thank you to Julie Soto and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for this E-ARC via Netgalley.

I absolutely adored Julie Soto’s debut novel and immediately knew I wanted to pick up her next work. Not Another Love Song follows Gwen and Xander and their careers as musicians in a New York classical orchestra. I loved this book. I really liked the tension between the characters. I wouldn’t describe it as enemies to lovers. I would describe it as “Enemies but he actually secretly admires and thinks about her but he has a resting bitch face and a former child prodigy so he has trouble communicating his emotions to Lovers”. The tension between was so palpable and I had to constantly put down my book because I couldn’t handle it. I love a male main character who is brooding but secretly on the inside all he thinks about is how amazing the female main character is and how much he admires her.

I really enjoyed the characters they felt very real and tangible and they all had their own flaws. I really liked the side characters, especially the little cameos of Ama and Elliot. The plot was reminiscent of an early 2000’s rom com in the way that it was cheesy and predictable but still enjoyable. I will say that the ending felt a bit rushed for me I would have liked for there to have been more development and conclusion to the characters. But overall I’m giving this one a solid 5 stars because I had a fun time reading this. I will be patiently waiting for Julie Soto’s next book.

If you liked Ali Hazelwood’s Check & Mate then you will for sure love this one.

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This book is phenomenal. The story is beautiful and captivates you from the beginning. I finished this book earlier today and have not stopped thinking about it. As soon as I finished it I just wanted to read it again.

It’s a rivals to lovers story between a violinist (Gwen) and a cellist(Xander). The chemistry, banter, and tension between Gwen and Xander was perfection. I think they compliment one another and are perfect together. Xander remembers the small details like how she likes her iced coffee. Gwen puts him at ease and as their story progresses you can see how comfortable he feels around her to be his true self. They’re one of my favorite book couples now.

There were a few chapters in Xander’s pov which I really enjoyed reading!!
I absolutely love every bit and piece of this book. I could feel their passion radiate off the pages. Not Another Love Song is a gem and I cannot wait for others to read this book. As soon as this book is out in stores I will be getting my physical copy. This is one of my favorite reads of the year so far! Excited to read other books by Julie Soto.

Thank you NetGalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for the ARC!

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