Member Reviews

This was very much Check & Mate x Wreck the Halls x Where She Went and I ate. it. up. The first 70%, I would say, was great and kicking-my-feet inducing, and I'm a LOVER of angst, but this was just far too much and for a book about STRING INSTRUMENTS lol. I can very much see that this was Julie Soto's first book (even though Forget Me Not was her debut), and it was very much AO3 in a good(ish) way. Still, I can't get over how frustrating the plot devices in this story were, to the point that they were aggravating and unenjoyable. However, the first half was great and I was having the best time! Thank you Forever and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I could not put put this book down and wanted to restart this book as soon as I finished it to spend more time with the characters! This was n incredible music rivals to lovers romance with fantastic tension, passion, and character development,

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4.5 Stars - This was fun!! The tension was A + and the music aspect really heightened everything. This is my first Julie Soto read and it didn’t disappoint! Now to move Forget Me Not to the top of my tbr.

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I loved this book. I literally read it in one day and am so grateful for the chance to read an early copy. The characters of Alex and Gwen— oh my god. Their chemistry was off the charts! I can see this story’s Reylo roots and I am here for it. THE CELLO SCENE.

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Julie Soto may be my new favorite contemporary romance author.

I'm a 90s baby, but I started reading historical romance novels in college. My favorite romance authors are Judith McNaught, Julia Quinn, and Lisa Kleypas. I started reading more contemporary romances this year, however, I find myself comparing the MCs/FCs to those written by these three authors. JM/JQ/LK also write angst incredibly well. I know their books will end in a HEA. However, I will still stay up all night to finish the book, because I can't go to bed without KNOWING that the hero and heroine will end up together.

Julie Soto's characters are so incredibly fleshed out. In her first book, "Forget Me Not", I couldn't imagine the MCs being anything other than a wedding planner and a florist. No other pairing would've worked. In "Not Another Love Story", I couldn't imagine Xander and Gwen being anything other than a cellist and violinist.

I enjoyed FMN a tad more than NALS, because I'm a plant mom who loves flowers. I also have no musical background and some of the technical musical terms were over my head. However, both books were a 5/5 for me. I cannot wait to see what new characters JS will create next!

Julie Soto is my new auto-buy author. If she writes it, I will buy it, and I will read it one sitting (maybe two). :)

Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

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I really loved this one! Loved the music woven into their relationship and interactions, loved how obsessed he was, loved the cello scene (you know the one). Also his POV chapters!!! Super excited for this to come out and for people to fall in love with these two.

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First off, I love how we’re fully embracing the Reylo origins of this published work. You take one look at the man on the cover and know without a doubt that the MMC is Adam Driver in a different font.

This was such an entertaining read and I flew through it in less than a day. I did, however, feel like there were a few plot threads that were never fully seen through (minor spoiler here, but Juilliard?? It’s decently emphasized in the beginning and mentioned several times throughout the book, but I never felt like Gwen truly resolved that question for herself?) The characterizations were detailed, but also felt redundant at times. Maybe that’s just because I read the entire thing in practically one sitting? I also felt like the ending and epilogue were both rushed and a tad anticlimactic. I just wanted more!!

Things I loved:

- lots of great tension!!
- Julie Soto knows how to write an angsty MMC
- the smut was smutting
- good pacing throughout!
- getting to see Ama and Elliott from Forget Me Not
- getting flashes from Xander/Alex’s perspective
- Gwen’s mentor/parental relationship with Mabel

Overall, rating 4 stars! There were things I didn’t love, but I also couldn’t put the book down. In my case, it was addictive!

*Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for sending an e-arc of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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Overall it was a good book, I enjoyed how music was tied into Alex and Gwens love story. I think it the beginning was a bit slow but once it got started it was hard to put down the book.

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After reading and loving Forget Me Not, I knew I needed to read this book. This book is sensual, sensitive, and seductive. At its core, Not Another Love Song is a journey about love, music, family, and standing up for yourself. It’s a story of discovering who you are and what you want despite what other people pushes onto you. It focuses on two musical prodigies, Gwen, a violinist, and Xander, a cellist, who are both aiming for the position in First Chair with the Manhattan Pops orchestra. When Gwen is offered the position over Xander, he talks down about her and criticizes her performance. She tries to avoid him but fails whenever they end up running into each other. Eventually they collaborate together and both realize music isn’t the only thing they are passionate about. Gwen and Xander’s chemistry is intensely provocative and ardently stimulating. It’s a tender yet aggressive game of push and pull and it’s exasperating yet alluring at the same time. Julie Soto writes an erotic and arousing musically driven book about two characters who have yet to realize their true desire beyond music. This book is tender, captivating and bewitching and I loved every moment of it. I’ll be restlessly anticipating Julie’s next book and future works.

Thank you so much to NetGalley for providing me an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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When I first heard about this book I hadn’t heard anything about the prior fanfic that it was online. I had just finished Forget Me Not a short time before and feel in love with the character building and the chemistry that Julie Soto brings to her characters. I was very excited to get my hands on an ARC and When I say that I read this book in a day, I actually read it in an afternoon I couldn’t put it down. I loved Gwen as a character because I see some of myself in her as well as in Xander. I think that’s what Julie Soto does soo well is she write a character that I can see myself in. I thought overall the story was well paced and gave you just enough of the moments I wanted at the right times to keep me invested and held me hostage from setting my Kindle down. While it is a romance book I do love the overall theme of taking life by the horns and living the life you want not allowing anyone to dictate what you should or shouldn’t do. It was a subtle nod but still a part of the bigger storyline between the two characters.

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I really enjoyed this book and am very grateful that I got an ARC. The tension between Gwen and Xander was amazing and a rivals to lovers storyline gets me every time. I can’t wait for this book to release, so everyone gets a chance to read it. Julie Soto did it again and I loved the connection to Forget Me Not as well.

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This was beautifully written story about two very different people and their shared love for one thing. Alex aka Xander Throne starts off as an arrogant privileged cellist who has the best character arc throughout this story I have read in a long time. He has a hard shell with layers of complexity underneath that once you explore you can help but fall for all parts of him - Alex, Xander, the prodigy, the son, the boy in love. Gwen has had a lot of loss in her life, trying to strive for safety and family that keeps her grounding from reaching the extraordinary until she meets a boy who shows her she is anything but a fourth chair. Through the tension and longing in this book in not only each other but what their careers are and what they’re suppose to be. We watch these characters discover what tunes to explore next and how to make the perfect music together. I think reading about two people advances in music was a new take for me and one I want to explore further. This author has the way of creating such complex and entertaining side characters that add such depth and understanding to the story without taking a way from the core of the book. This is truly a love story for the ages and I think people will be blown away by the profound feeling this book gives you from start to finish. You can almost hear the music come off the pages, feel the passion and love bleed through every word.

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I could not put this book down, the pacing was amazing and kept me engaged the whole time. It had the perfect mix of character growth and plot. And for a contemporary romance the plot was the perfect amount of unpredictable. In my opinion, the tipping point of how a feel about a romance book is the second act breakup and Julie really pulled it off in this one. A perfect combination of angst and disagreement with NO miscommunication. After reading this and Forget Me Not (and the Auction and the Right Thing to Do) Julie Soto is 100% an auto-buy author for me. Can’t wait to see what she has in store in her next book!!

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“There are going to be people along the way who will try to undercut your success or take credit for your accomplishments or your fame. But if you just focus on the work, and you don’t let those people sidetrack you, someday when you get where you are going, you will look around and you will know that it was you and the people who love you that put you there and that will be the greatest feeling in the world.” —Taylor Swift, 2015

I will be blown away if some other book I read this year manages to be better than this one. Julie Soto has written a near perfect book. The chemistry between Gwen and Xander was palpable. I could almost hear and feel the music they played together. It was nice to see Ama and Elliott from Forget Me Not, though it felt a little weird for Ama to befriend her clients.

My biggest complaints relate to miscommunication, mostly on Gwen’s part, which came across a bit immature. I can understand, though, as she was only 23 and had a difficult childhood.

Overall, the message and story in Not Another Love Song was spectacular and something I will be forcing EVERYONE to read.

I will read anything Julie Soto puts out, and I already cannot wait for her 2025 release. Thank you so much to Netgalley and Forever for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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i got approved for this one back in february on edelweiss and am only getting around to writing a review. i would say to not get your hopes up too much if "forget me not" was also one of your favorite romance reads of last year as the build up is very anticlimactic for how good the build up to gwen and alex's relationship is. the third act breakup was unnecessary (full of miscommunication) and made me think the couple may not be one that lasts. i will still read whatever soto writes next though always.

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Julie Soto really is SO powerful! This was another incredible romance from her that I nearly read in one sitting because I loved Gwen and Xander so much. There is truly nothing I love more than an MMC who is obsessed with the FMC and Xander really did deliver.

Both Gwen and Xander work on a Manhattan Pops, an orchestra. Gwen plays the violin, and Xander the cello. When she gets promoted to first chair, some tensions arise! Both in the Pops and between her and Xander.

Just from reading this book, I could tell that Julie Soto was so invested in the New York orchestra scene. Everything felt so real and realistic. The intricacies of the world made sense and it invited me somewhere I'd never been before.

Gwen and Xander had such delicious the cello scene...please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he was so dedicated to music.

All the sort of problems in this world and their relationship made sense. Nothing felt added just to create conflict but seemed to be natural to what was happening and where they were.

Such a good book! I will read anything Julie Soto writes.

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I'll be thinking about that cello scene for a LONG time. Wow. Julie Soto is becoming and auto read author for me. This is a great story and I loved that it was set in a world I didn't know much about. Orchestra playing is HOT.

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my favorite books are enemies to lovers where the guy acts like he hates her and constantly criticizes her but in reality actually loves her

I absolutely loved this book! I legitimately have no notes. Thank you for writing a beautiful book, Julie!

Thanks for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Prepare to be sick of me. I love Julie and everything she touches and this book was no exception. I loved both of these characters for all of their flaws and their obsessions and how interconnected everything was. I felt like I could conduct a symphony after reading this one and also that I need to find me a hot cello player ASAP. Their chemistry, their character development, the tension, the drama. I die. Dead. This book was so good.

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Quick intro:
Gwen and Xander, both musical prodigies, fight their attraction for each other as they battle for center stage.

Quick thoughts:
While I have never played professionally, I did grow up playing the viola, so I enjoyed the peak into the world of professional orchestras and symphonies and the business side. Having played an instrument in an orchestra, much of the book felt nostalgic for me in a way. Julie Soto’s writing surrounding the playing and creation of music was really beautiful.

The story is told in third person POV but we get a few chapters, Cello Suites, that peek into Xander’s perspective along the way and I liked that. Surprisingly the third person POV didn’t bother me either. I jived with Soto’s writing style. There’s something about it that felt musical. It flowed. And it was warm.

I really loved the two main characters and their relationship. Their tension and chemistry were palpable and jumped off the page. I found them both to be well-developed and complicated. But guys, this is by far the spiciest book I’ve ever read. I found myself skimming a lot, because truly it was beyond my comfort level. So, just know that before you enter into this book - Julie Soto brings the FIRE. Given my personal preference I probably won’t go back and read Soto’s first book.

Read if you like rivals to lovers, spice, books set in NYC, found family, the music scene, grumpy/sunshine, and men who wear ray-bans.

Thank you to Forever Pub and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest thoughts.

Quick details:
PUB Date: July 16, 2024

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