Member Reviews

The concept of this book was cute, some of the poetry was really great even. However I found some of the poetry a bit rough to get through, funny cadence and rhymes that didn’t really work. As a previous ballerina I loved the use of actual terms and actually ballets. However I didn’t feel like sticking Dino’s in tutus really got the point across that the words were trying to portray that boys can dance too.

I will also mention I thought the use of AI art did not work here. I think an actual artist could have really improved this book for me.

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This was a fun little adventure for us. Combining a love for dinosaurs and ballet this book is for every young reader to enjoy. Using the dinosaurs to share the ideas of several ballets this was a good introduction to children and to show that all boys and girls can love all things. The illustrations were different but got our attention. The rhyming verse made it easy to follow the story. We loved the humor and fun of this story. Enjoy your adventure

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A cute journey into the world where dinosaurs gracefully pirouette through classical ballet. The book story the hilarious escapades of Billy's pet velociraptor as it joins his sister's ballet class. At first, the idea of dinosaurs attempting ballet seems ludicrous, but under the strict guidance of Madame Ciporilli, the dinosaurs master the art, challenging stereotypes along the way. What I enjoyed most about this children's picture book is its delightful blend of playful poetry and fun illustrations. The story not only entertains but also imparts a valuable lesson about breaking gender norms and embracing one's unique talents. Dinosaur Ballet was a wonderful read that brings laughter and a touch of whimsy to the world of children's literature.

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Get ready for a dino-mite adventure with Dinosaur Ballet! S.P. Somtow doesn't just tell a story; he throws a full-blown dino ballet extravaganza! Picture this: a pet velociraptor in a ballet class. Yep, you read that right. This ain't your usual "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" bedtime story. Billy's dino is busting moves and stealing the spotlight in a world of tutus and T-Rexes. And guess what? It's freaking awesome! Why? Because Dinosaur Ballet isn't just another story; it's a riot of laughter and a dance party for your imagination. If you want your kiddos to giggle, learn about ballet, and witness dinosaurs twirling like pros, grab this book ASAP. Trust me, bedtime will never be the same again!

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I was originally put off by the cover, making me think hard about whether or not it would be a book to pick up and try to read. Honestly, I should have listened to what my original thoughts were telling me. I had hoped that the book would be a pleasant read, but after giving it a try I found that I wished I had not started it, and was looking forward to the end. While the poetry in it was not horrible, I found that as a whole it did not tell a story to keep the reader interested. I was also disappointed in the illustrations, they were too bizarre. This read was sadly a big disappointment to me.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advance copy of this book provided by the publisher via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Thank you netgalley for letting me review this book.

This was such a cute fun read. The pictures had me laughing so much. It was fun watching dinosaurs learning how to do ballet along with kids. A very wholesome read.
#netgalley #dinosaurballet

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Well this was not what I was expecting!

I love dinos and my daughter loves ballet so it was the perfect combination!

Worry wording and beautiful illustrations (if beautiful is the right word!)

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It’s really difficult to create visuals that are both hilarious and beautiful at the same time, but the illustrations in this delightful book managed it incredibly well.

This is such a cute idea for a book and one that (despite a seemingly wacky premise) actually does exactly what it sets out to do: Educate kids on ballet using basic dinosaur facts,

I was delighted both by the illustrations and the poems. My kids loved and may have (gasp!) accidentally learned something. And my 70-year-old mother who wants to better educate herself on ballet loved it and said she got a lot out of it. What a gem of a book, and as our family can attest, fun and enlightening for all ages.

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I wasn't sure what to expect going into this book and I mainly picked it up because I loved dinosaurs so much and I think that if I had read this book as a child it would have been one of my favourites. It's ridiculous and kept me laughing throughout because of the rhymes as well as the images. I recommend this for anyone looking for a short and easy read or something to make them laugh. I also think that this would be a perfect read for any children who are into dinosaurs.

Overall, this book was an easy five stars for me and I will definitely be picking up the similar book by the author.

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I read this book because of the cover - DINOSAURS AND BALLET? I love it, give me more, let me have it all.
I could not follow the plot of this book, because of the writing style. The poems were set to read like a series of limericks, which are poems that rely on rhythm. When the poems are off rhythm, it throws off the pacing of the book for me.
I liked the idea of wanting to teach kids the plots of famous ballets, but I think this book missed the mark by trying too hard with the limerick style.

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I wish I could give this more than 5 stars. The pictures are so gorgeous and the poems are HILARIOUS. I recommend this book to everyone, no matter how old you are, because it's hilarious. I read a copy provide by NetGalley but I'm saving it to read a couple more times.
Thanks so much to NetGalley! And to S.P. Somtow for making these!

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S.P. SomTow, the author and illustrator of this unique picture book full of darling poems, shows he knows his audience from the very first poem:

D’ye ever get the feeling
That all you do is boring?
Just get a dinosaur on stage
The public will stop snoring.

As a teacher in an elementary school, I can attest to that! Dinosaurs are everything! SomTow, a composer and the author of Dinosaur Symphony: A Book of Poetry and Pictures about Dinosaurs and Classical Music, takes on educating children on ballet through dinosaurs, as well.

Do I love the humorous poems? Of course! But the real star of this show (pardon the pun) are SomTow’s breathtaking illustrations of these lithesome dinosaurs (and ballet dancers, too). What child could resist ballet after this? Do yourself a favor: Buy this book even if you have no children in your life. You won’t regret it.

In the interest of full disclosure, I received this book from NetGalley, Boys Town Press Publishing and the Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA in exchange for an honest review.

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What an ununusal book with such pretty ai pictures. This book shows the different terms and lingo when it comes to the ballet and examples with dinosaurs in tutus. I think the illustrations were so funny and cute.

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