Member Reviews

I thought this was very good and I will have to add this to the shop shelves. Thank you for the chance for us to review.

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I loved the plot for this book, however the story fell a bit flat for me. The characters didn’t have a lot of depth to them, and it felt like the reader was supposed to know more about them than we actually did. For example, the multiple mentions of something happening in the past between the two main characters and how it impacted their current relationship, but we were never informed what happened or how it ended.

It was refreshing reading a book like this from the male’s POV, but again, everything just felt very on-the-surface. Even when the male main character was speaking about his past, there was no detail there, so there was no way for the reader to form a bond with any of the characters.

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This one took me by surprise, but I enjoyed the whirlwind! I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys this genre!

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I want to thank netgalley for an advanced ARC of this book

Unfortunately this was not for me and I could not get into the story, its a maffua based story with a hired bodyguard.... but at places the writing seems a little repetitive also I didn't feel a connection to the characters.... I got to 50% before I had to DNF

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In the gripping novel "Tainted" by Frances Blackthorn, readers are taken on an intense and riveting journey through the eyes of the protagonist, a young individual whose life has been marred by tragedy and danger. The story begins with a heartbreaking event that shatters the protagonist's world - the brutal murder of their parents during a home invasion, which not only separates them from their sister Klara but also thrusts them into a harsh and unforgiving existence on the streets. From the very beginning, readers are drawn into the protagonist's tumultuous life, filled with constant struggles and battles for survival. As fate would have it, the protagonist's path crosses with Alina, the daughter of the infamous mafia boss, Nikolai Moskal. What follows is a compelling and forbidden connection that is as intense as it is dangerous. The author skillfully weaves a tale of love that transcends boundaries, of a bond that defies societal norms and expectations. The chemistry between the protagonist and Alina is palpable, adding an extra layer of complexity and tension to an already suspenseful narrative. "Tainted" is not just a story of love and passion; it is a tale of resilience, of finding hope and light in the darkest of circumstances. The protagonist's journey from a life of despair and violence to one intertwined with forbidden love and the shadows of the mafia underworld is both harrowing and captivating. Blackthorn's writing is raw and evocative, pulling readers into a world where danger lurks around every corner, and where survival depends on making impossible choices. Overall, "Tainted" is a compelling and thought-provoking read that delves deep into themes of loss, love, and the enduring human spirit. Frances Blackthorn's masterful storytelling and vivid characters make this novel a must-read for anyone looking for a gripping tale of redemption and resilience in the face of adversity. "Tainted" is a powerful reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always a glimmer of hope waiting to be discovered. In conclusion, "Tainted" is a gripping and emotionally charged novel that will leave readers on the edge of their seats from start to finish. Frances Blackthorn has crafted a compelling story that lingers long after the final page is turned, making "Tainted" a standout addition to the world of contemporary fiction.

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Im throwing in the towel at 60%. Story all over the place, unlikeable characters, multiple spelling and grammar errors.

Kane is a worker under a mafia man and is tasked with watching his daughter, Alina. Turns out they had a fling a while back? Wasn’t really explained. Mafia daddy is mad and Alina and Kane have decided they are in love or something. The mafia aspect isn’t quite there, more just a vague description for why they’re so messed up?

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Tainted by Frances Blackthorn

Check triggers before reading!

“Unfortunately, or not, this is the world I belong to, one where violence is the only language, and mercy is a myth”

Tainted is the story of Alina and Kane. Alina is the daughter of a mafia boss and
Kane is ordered to be Alinas bodyguard by her father. They have a past together which is hinted at the beginning but Kane tells her this is a fresh start and he can be nothing more than her bodyguard. Kane tries to keep the relationship professional but they can’t escape their feelings for one another. Alina is a strong character who’s not afraid to get involved in the family business or stand up for what she thinks is right. Tainted is a fast paced, action packed story.

The one thing I did find was I needed more context of Kane and Alina’s past as I found it hard to connect to their love story and them as characters. They clearly had deep feelings for each and it would have been nice to have seen these develop or just some more glimpses into them before he became her bodyguard to understand their relationship better.

Rating 3/5 stars

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I tried to read this book but it just wasn’t for me. That being said I’m sure there will be plenty of other people who will probably love it and I really hope so. I just won’t be one of them unfortunately

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Thank you netgalley for providing me with a copy of Tainted.
If you like a quick read and a mafia trope then this book could be for you. It is a super quick read that gets right into it, for me I wasn’t able to build a connection to the MCs that I would have liked, but there were moments in the book that the suspense had me.

Overall a 3/5 book for me.

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Tainted by Frances Blackthorn
3/5 stars!
Tainted has such a gorgeous cover and description is perfect!
This was my first mafia read, plenty of romance and action! Really fast read with forbidden romance between Kane and Aline straight from the start. I feel as though some parts could have been explored more such as the feelings Aline and Kane have for each other. Overall, this book is a good introduction to the Mafia romance scene!
Thank you to the author and NetGalley for this arc!

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Gritty and violent, the world of the mafia. Deep into the bratva, one psychopathic leader and those that revolve around him. Hiding in plain sight, his daughter, taken for granted and not appreciated, typical situation. But is all that is seems?

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I really want to be honest as a reviewer…. i really couldn’t get into this book. the premise sounded amazing but i struggled to get through it. I really hope this book finds its right audience I sadly DNFed

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This is a very fast paced book. Kane is being challenged each day and when he is given his new assignment he is resigning himself to a life of torture. Protecting the one thing he can’t have no matter how much he wants her. Will Kane be able to protect her while keeping a distance or will all of that go up in smoke when things shift?

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NetGalley provided me with a copy of Tainted by Frances Blackthorn published by Victory Editing Netgalley Co-op is a story about forbidden love in the mafia world. After witnessing the murder of his parents, Kane is forced to survive on the street in the best way he knows how. Until he lands a gig with Nikolai Moskal as a bodyguard to his daughter, Alina. She is everything forbidden, enchanting, dangerous, and very much off-limits. Who could resist her?

I read this story cover to cover. I loved every bit of the story line. The story wasn't super hard to follow or complicated. Like every good story at parts, it could be frustrating watching the characters develop, but any good reader can read past that and see the true worth of this book. The first of the Broken Path series, and I can't wait to read more by this author. I would give this book 4 stars out of 5 only for the redundances in the beginning that alter and changes with the characters as you read on. By the time I finished I knew I would recommend this to my dark romance lovers who loves a bad boy with a soft side. Bravo to this Author she did well!

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Tainted by Frances Blackthorn is perfect for a bodyguard mafia romance fan reader.

✅Mafia /bodyguard
✅ High sexual tension
✅ Plenty of spicy scenes
✅ Action packed
✅ Suspense
✅ Angst
✅ Spiciness: medium spice

I'll definitely be looking forward to Frances Blackthorn's next book.

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Tainted by Frances Blackthorn gave me a sense of nostalgia to what i used to read on wattpad but in the best way possible. It is quick paced and easy to follow without seeming shallow.

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That was…. not great. Wattpad mafia vibes with a thousand eye roll inducing and cringey moments.

Alina’s father is the head of the Moskal family which makes Alina a target. Kane works for the Moskal family and are ordered to protect her. Kane and Alina used to have a fling but that can’t happen again, it’s a job, nothing else. (How they already knew each other? Not a clue. We get no backstory)

- The H does not have a personality(warning, he’s also blond). I didn’t care for him at all.

- One of the most unlikable heroine’s ever. I’m pretty sure she was supposed to come across as a bad bitch but she came across as a spoiled brat.

Alina ”demanded” respect from other families when she took over from her father. She had not proved herself to anyone and acted like a self entitled idiot. And everyone had to bow down to her???Respect is earned not given.

There is no tension or buildup, the h throws herself at the H over and over. Even better? Alina knows her father finding out they did anything together would kill Kane and she doesn’t even try to stay away.
It didn’t seem like she even cared about Kane even though they were supposed to be in love secretly from the start(I think). No love was ever found in the air.

The mafia aspect of this was a mess. I don’t know how a mafia opperates but this one wasn’t opperating at all. I’ve read my fair share of unbelivable mafia romance books but this one took the price. Nothing made sense.

The epilogue was so poorly executed. I would not even go as far as to say HFN. I got the impression the hero was unhappy with their current situation and the heroine did not care about what he wanted.

1 star

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I've read my fair share of mafia romance/suspense books and they all have a good amount of sweet/spicy that balances out the action. While this book was a decent mafia story, I felt like it was just missing something. I wanted to root for the main characters but the introduction to them fell flat and I didn't really know their "story". How did they become lovers and fall for each other? I wish that were explained more. The action was good and I would recommend for if you are looking for a somewhat spicy mafia story.

Thanks to NetGalley, Frances Blackthorn, and Victory editing for allowing me to review this ARC!

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Thank you to NetGalley & the publisher for this ARC.
As always my review is honest 🫶

What I liked about this book:
✨It was a quick read with only 152 pages.
✨This book had the forbidden match trope/ Bodyguard
✨There was lots of action and some spice 🌶️

What I didn’t like about this book:
🌛at times it was to quick paced
🌛 I didn’t feel much of a connection with either MC
🌛 I felt like this story should have been longer

It’s definitely not for everyone but I’d recommend if you like Mafia romances, bodyguard romances, or just need a spicy short read!

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Interesting storyline written from MMCs point of view. I felt like the backstory in the prologue was supposed to explain the romance more but it just didn’t have enough development for me.

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