Member Reviews

This was a good read that ended up going an entirely different direction than I expected. It centers on Sophie and Mike, whose 4 year old daughter Darcy disappeared from a beach trip 13 years ago. Many imposters have shown up claiming to be Darcy over the years, but this time, the girl who shows up might be the real deal. We get a story told from multiple POVs within the family dynamic as well as from Sophie's friend Margo, who is a journalist feeling that something isn't right.

The story is told in a few parts and each part gave me an entirely different perspective on where the story was going. I thought there were great twists and some very unexpected happenings throughout the book. It was a well-crafted story that took a storyline that has been done before and turned it into something entirely new. It is definitely dark, but that led to the uniqueness of the story. The characters, while predominately unlikable, still rang as authentic and I could even empathize with some of them, despite it all. The ending was also dark and I have seen many other reviews didn't like it, but I was OK with how it ended; it fit with the rest of the narrative, in my opinion.

Overall, I thought this was a really good story that stood out in a crowded genre. I had trouble putting it down. Thanks to Netgalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Thirteen years after the disappearance of Darcy Drummond, a girl claiming to be her shows up at a Glasgow police station. Sophie and Mike, Darcy's parents, finally reunite with her, hoping to piece together her past. However, as suspicions and unanswered questions surface, Sophie's friend Margo, an aspiring journalist, starts uncovering dark secrets within the Drummond family. Told from the perspectives of Sophie, Darcy, and Margo, the gripping narrative gradually reveals shocking twists and a complex web of hidden truths. With a dark and intense tone, this story delves deep into the aftermath of Darcy's disappearance, leading to a powerful and unexpected conclusion.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC!

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Full of twists and turns, this book had me gripped.
Never did I ever imagine half of the plot twists in this book.
The only critique of this book is I wanted a few more chapters.

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I really enjoyed this book. It kept me in suspense until the very end. The story was developed great. I would definitely read other books from this author.

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Although the story was a little slow, there were some good twists. Would recommend having a read. Thank you netgalley/publisher for allowing me to read this. It was overall an enjoyable read.

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The story and the twists were good. The author did a great job with this book. Although the storyline was a little slow. I still recommend this to everyone
Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for this arc

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I received a copy of this book to read in exchange for an honest review as part of the book tour hosted by Zooloos Book Tours.

The Lost Girl is a gripping, twisty thriller with a twist that knocks you for six. I enjoyed the uneasy atmosphere of this book, and the pacing was spot on.
Darcy was kidnapped when she was just four years old. Taken in plain sight on a crowded beach, she was sadly never found. Thirteen years later, aged seventeen, a girl walks into a police station, claiming to be Darcy. Just as the world starts to celebrate Darcy being alive and home, a journalist friend of the family gets a strange phone call, which takes you on a journey to a horrifying revelation you won't see coming.
I flew through this book desperately wanting to know the answers and wasn't left disappointed by them. This is the first of Mark Gillespies books I've read and I'm checking out his other books ASAP.

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Thank you NetGalley for giving me the chance to read this book ahead of time in exchange for a review. You should read it!

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The Lost Girl by Mark Gillespie.
Four-year-old Darcy vanished thirteen years ago. Now she’s come home.
Darcy Drummond was four when she was kidnapped on a crowded beach. A massive police search and media frenzy followed but the girl was never found. Most people gave Darcy up for dead. Or worse. Then, one fateful night, she walks into a police station. Seventeen years old. A chance to start over. As the world celebrates Darcy’s return, Margo Martin, journalist and friend of the Drummond family, receives a strange phone call. A call which leads her step-by-step towards a horrifying revelation…
The real reason for Darcy’s disappearance is a long-kept secret. A secret so shocking, so unexpected that it will plunge the Drummond family into a nightmare they will struggle to survive.
A really good read. Twisty and gripping. I wasn't sure how I felt about the characters. I certainly didn't see that twist coming. I couldn't put it down. Had to find out what happened. I wasn't sure how I felt about the ending. I hope there will be more to come otherwise I would feel let down.

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Review left on Amazon and Goodreads:

Up to chapter 33 I had so many questions. Then it started to come together. I never guessed the twists, even when I thought I knew I didn't. The author did a great job of bringing everything together.

I was left wanting more, wondering if there will be a sequel.

I received an E-ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review - Thank you to the author Mark Gillespie, Inkubator Books and @netgalley!

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This book was good, but it had potential to be better. The storyline and characters were there but the pacing was too slow.

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Darcy was four when she was kidnapped and is now 17 when she reappears. Given the circumstances surrounding what happened to Darcy and how she escaped her kidnappers, I thought the story was heading in one direction when it pivoted really far. What really happened to Darcy is as horrifying and dark as one can imagine, One of the saddest parts was how hard Darcy tried to protect those she loved.

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Rating - 4/5 stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Date Read - January 27, 2024
Publication Date - January 28, 2023

*I received an E-ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review* - Thank you @victoryeditingngc and @netgalley!

I had such an uneasy feeling while reading The Lost Girl but I liked it because it meant I was invested in the story. There were some slower parts but most of the time I felt like I had to keep reading because I needed to find out the truth about what was going on. Throughout the book, I felt like I couldn’t trust anyone! It felt like everyone was lying and they all had something to hide. I did predict the who but the how and why were a surprise to me. Plus, there was a very unexpected ending that made the slower parts worth it for me but after reading other reviews, I can understand why it might not be for everyone... I would call it a slow-burn thriller with a dramatic ending.

This is a good read for those of you who like thrillers and rooting for morally grey characters!

The Lost Girl is now published so read it today! 🎉

*Please check trigger warnings*

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The Lost Girl is the story of Darcy Drummond who at the age of 3 is vacationing with her parents and her 2 year old twin brothers when she is abducted by apparent kidnappers — was this inspired by the story of Madeleine McCann? The novel begins with that promising beginning and quickly transports the reader to a period 13 years later. There appears to be a lot going on in this contrived novel — family dynamics and conflicts, an aspiring journalist with an annoying ex boyfriend, a gambler with excessive debts and several murders along the way. The characters are complex and not particularly believable. It was a struggle for me to finish the book through to its ludicrous conclusion.
Unfortunately, this is not a book I would recommend but thank NetGalley and Inkubator Books for the opportunity to read and review this novel prior to publication.

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I find the book interesting but somehow was not my cup of tea ! I liked it through in spite of fact that some moments were too slow and not thrilling as I expected them to be. The book is worth of reading since it is opening the different parts of personality and coping with problems, from the side of child perspective

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Thank you to Victory Editing and Net Galley for my advance copy of this book.

I immersed into this book quite easily. I didn't understand Darcy's actions at the beginning, but this eventually became clear. I had suspicions about one character from the start but not the other. Darcy's story is heartbreaking, and it is an unimaginable toll to take on her family - what a ray of hope it must be to get a call after so many years to say your child has been found.

Of course, it is not as straightforward as that, however, and there is another story under the surface of it all.

I wasn't keen on the ending, but I suppose I prefer recovery and healing to the direction it went in. I did like the idea of the sisters, however.

All in all, it kept me engaged, and I finished it quite quickly.

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I have mixed feelings about this. I loved the premise and it certainly had twists I didn't see coming. Its very dark and pretty unsettling so I think that was my main issue. Its such a horrific subject to contemplate. In saying that, its function and the author didn't throw in things to score points on shock value. Its all very well written without ever getting too over the top what is a bit over the top is the ending, I wasn't a fan and it just didn't feel real. So yeah, I am on the fence with this one guys

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I’m really conflicted with this book. The plot sounded great. It started off really strong although I did twig immediately about the DNA test when she left the room.

Finding out who was involved was a shock & the book took a really really dark turn. I didn’t expect it and even though I know these types of things happen I was kind of upset by it.

The ending was farcical & that’s where it lost marks for me. I just think it was too abrupt and ridiculous. What happens next?

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Sophie and Mike Drummond’s daughter, Darcy, disappeared from a beach when she was four, and thirteen years later has reappeared at a police station. The usual doubts arise immediately – is it really her? Where is the proof? How quickly can they do a DNA test? Once it’s confirmed, there are a slew of other questions waiting for answers. Where has she been all this time and how was she able to escape?

Everyone in the media is clamoring for the story, including a close friend of Sophie, Margo Martin. She’s an aspiring journalist who is itching to know all the details, but she wants to be a friend first. She decides to wait and let Sophie confide in her when she’s ready. But things feel a bit off when she visits the household. Clearly, it will take time for Darcy to find her place again among the family, which includes four other siblings. So it’s no surprise that she can’t help but investigate on the side, especially after receiving an anonymous phone call. But will she uncover the truth before she’s the next one to disappear?

There’s not much else to reveal because of spoilers (not that it has stopped other reviewers, apparently). But it’s not like you can expect Darcy to have had a wonderful life after being kidnapped, so no one should be surprised to discover she hasn’t. And because they are a wealthy and powerful family, any seasoned reader will see where it’s headed. I’m glad the author was realistic in his portrayal of missing children, The impact it has on the family, and then the struggles to return to any type of normalcy if they are lucky enough to be reunited.

Obviously, if you’re looking for a fun, breezy story this isn’t it. If you know what you’re getting into, give this one a go – you won’t be disappointed.

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Sophie and Mike are parents whose daughter, Darcy, goes missing from a crowded beach. The plot revolves around their search for her and the fallout when she re-appears 13 years later.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. The writing is fantastic and the plot moves swiftly, with excellent pacing throughout. There are lots of twists and turns, with the story being told from multiple perspectives which helps to give insight into different characters motivations and emotions. If you enjoy domestic mysteries, then you will love this book.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with a copy in return for my unbiased opinion.

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