Member Reviews

This is a good book. The two main characters are Allie and Sean. Allie is Sean’s brother widow. Allie runs a bakery and Sean is a police officer. Sean has been in love with Allie since before she married his brother. Several years after Sean’ brother passing, he told Allie that he loved her. They started dating. They told his family about them being in love and pregnant.

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I enjoyed this romance. A little different plot, a few little twists, and the right length to support the story without a bunch of exessive (and unneeded) drama. I liked the characters. The only thing I could say is that the story itself wasn't overly memorable. I'm extremely behind in writing up my reviews and I had to read parts of the book again to have the storyline refresh. Overall, a good story. * I received an ARC of this book and this is my volutary and honest review.

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I did not download and read this book in time to review before the book was archived. My apologies.

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Looking for a quick and satisfying read? Hush is the perfect novella to cleanse your reading palate. It's compact yet filled with just the right blend of sensuality and romance.❤️

This story encompasses all the elements that I adore in a book. The cover fair my attention right away!

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3.5 Stars
I think this is a good introduction by this author.
The story itself is fun and has a great concept. For me, I just feel it was a little incomplete. Each chapter left me wanting more. More details and more depth.

Sean has always been in love with Allie. It was easier to ignore when she was married to his brother, but now she’s been a widower for 6 years. Maybe she’s ready to move on. He’s also hoping she’s ready to move on with him.

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Hush is book one in the Sapphire River series. It’s a quick read with drama, both raw and unconventional love, spicey content, and family ties. Sean Tucker has loved Allie from the day he met her. That was the day his brother Nick brought her home. He kept his feelings hidden and stood in the shadows and watched Allie marry Nick. After Nick’s tragic death Sean remained Allie’s friend and was always there to support her and run her errands. Continuing to keep his love to himself he remained her friend. Few years have passed Allie feels she is holding Sean back from dating other women and living his life. Sean took a leap and confessed his feelings to his dead brother’s wife. Is Allie willing to risk losing Sean as a friend or worse the entire Tucker family. Told in dual POV. Thank you NetGalley and for ARC in exchange for my review.

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I really loved this quick and spicy read! I found it to be so engaging and interesting, that I had to finish it in a single sitting. I always love a good forbidden romance and Hush absolutely did not disappoint, if this is a trope you love you are absolutely going to adore this book as much as I did!

The characters were lovely and entertaining. I think a smidge more time for their development would have been awesome but it didn't really get in the way of the story.

I was surprised at how many moments in this book got me emotional! I feel like that can be hard to do in the romance genre but it was done really well by Dixie Mason!

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Sean is dealing with the feelings he has for his brother's widow, he has been helping her every time she calls from the bakery he is there for her. He also wants her but knows it feels wrong. Allie has feelings for Sean as well but does not want to start anything until he pushes it and then she is fighting whether it is right or wrong. The story deals with a lot of different emotions and topics but is a very good book with good characters.

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This was a sweet, short romance about MMC Sean and his brothers widow, Allie. I liked the premise of the love story, but wish the book had been longer so we could have gotten more background on the two main characters and their past. The book jumps straight into a steamy scene and has a cute story that continues throughout. I'll probably pick up the next two books when they're available.

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This was such a cute and quick read. I haven't read a book from Dixie Mason before but I truly did enjoy the premise of this book. It was an interesting premise that Allie our FMC is a widow and the brother of her deceased husband had been in love with her since before she even married his brother.
It was absolutely easy to sit down and read in one sitting which is really nice if you're just looking for something like that.
It does get a little spicy pretty fast, but it IS a novella so be prepared for that. I wish that the book was longer to get more story with everyone and a bit more world building, but again, it's a novella so I wasn't expecting that.

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This turned out to be an exciting read. I couldn’t put down. It certainly had a lot to offer and the characters were amazing

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DNF. Tried picking this one up a couple of times and just couldn't get into it. Could not get past the idea of their relationship of the connection of dead brother's widow. Still though, many reviewers did like it, so give this one a try. just wasn't for me.

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Just finished this cute small town romance. This was an easy read with just the right amount of spice🌶️🌶️ Allie and Sean’s connection was strong but forbidden but it just felt right. It wasn’t hard to fall in love with these two and feel how tied up inside they were with the grief of losing Nick and the feelings they had towards each other. Can’t wait to read Caleb’s book! #sapphireriverbook1 #dixiemason #bookstagram #readmorebooks #romance #romancereader

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A sexy romance about the complexities of forbidden desire and the irresistible pull of love. Sean finds himself torn between his feelings for Allie, the sweet and talented baker, and the societal norms that label their connection as taboo. The story unfolds with a perfect blend of tension, emotion, and sensuality as Sean grapples with his internal conflicts. What drew me into the story was the author's ability to create nuanced characters, making me empathize with their struggles and yearn for their happiness. I enjoyed every moment of this romance novel, I just kept rooting for Sean and Allie.

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Hold onto your heartstrings, romance junkies! Hush is about to take you on a wild ride through the land of forbidden love, and trust me, it's worth every heartbeat. Picture this: the town's top baker, a swoon-worthy hunk, and a whole lot of sizzling tension because, plot twist, she's his brother's widow! Talk about a spicy setup! Sean is caught between his desires and societal norms, and let me tell you, it's a rollercoaster of emotions, drama, and steamy moments that'll make you blush. Hush is not your grandma's romance novel; it's a love story that defies the rules, keeps you guessing, and leaves you begging for more. So, why read it? Because sometimes love is messy, complicated, and oh-so-delicious, just like Hush. Get ready for a page-turner that'll leave you screaming, "Give me more, please!"

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An emotional and enjoyable first book in this series. Although a shorter story, I enjoyed the characters, the family situation and the second chance at love for Allie Tucker. Allie was briefly married to Nick before his tragic death. Welcomed into the Tucker family, she doesn’t know how she would have survived without the support of Nick’s younger brother Sean. Sean had loved Allie from the first moment he met her, but kept those feelings to himself as he stepped up to support her. When Allie believes that Sean has sacrificed his relationship with a woman he had dated, to care for her, she knows it is time to move on. He then realizes that he must tell her of his love…is there a chance for them? The raw emotion between them as they worry over his parents’ reaction, to them as a couple, adds to a further surprise that moves up their timeline. Will his family accept their union or will Allie lose the family love that she has long enjoyed? I received an advance review copy at no cost and without obligation for an honest review. (paytonpuppy)

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DNF at 25%. I was only able to read a quarter of this book before deciding to put it down. It was littered with typos and formatting errors (incorrect dialogue tags, spaces in the middle of words, etc.). Additionally, the story seemed to pick up in the midst of events without providing any context. Both main characters seemed fly and one-dimensional. While this might appeal to fans of insta-love romance novels, it wasn’t finalized or enticing enough to hold my interest.

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🌟 4.5

Sean has harbored feelings for his brother's wife since the moment they met. When Nick passes away, Sean is there for Allie through all the ups and downs, never letting on that he's in love with her. When Allie decides to move on, Sean will do just about anything to make it known to Allie that he's her man and she can depend on him.

Hush is a great novella to read if you need a palate cleanser. It's short with just the right amount of smut and romance.❤️

This novella has all the tropes that I love. Not that I will spoil it for you, but if you follow my other reviews, you'll know what they are!🤭👀😏

Thank you, NetGalley and BookBuzz, for the opportunity of an ARC!

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Remember that episode in friends when Joey finds Rachel’s well used naughty book. Yep that’s this book, widow, brother in law is a policeman, and forbidden romance… and there’s the laundry room. For a spicy, short read. This is it!

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Hush was such a sweet (and spicy!) quick read! Allie and Sean have leaned on each other ever since her husband Nick - who is also Sean's brother - died. But Sean has a secret...he's been in love with her this entire time.

Watching Allie and Sean find each other after that pain and pining was an absolute treat. I finished this book in less than two hours and want to dive back into this world. The parents cracked me up, the one-liners were on-point, and the spicy scene in the laundry room will live with me for a long time!

My heart about cracked when the mom mentioned watching Sean's heart break when Allie married Nick, but seeing Allie allow herself to love again mended it.

Thank you, Dixie Mason and NetGalley, for the opportunity to read this adorable story. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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