Member Reviews

Not my favourite book of the year, but it was decent. I listened to the audiobook version - great narrator.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing access to an advance reader’s copy in the format of an audiobook.

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I was really not vibing with it. I gave it a break and came back to see if it would help and all that it did was cement the fact that I did not want to read it.

Thank you Netgalley for providing a digital ARC.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC of She’s a killer by Kirsten McDougall!

Already assured a spot in my Top 10 of the year, She’s A Killer by Kirsten McDougall is an absolute tornado of fresh air in the thriller genre. I totally loved this book in all its weird, wonderful, mordantly funny.

If you are looking for a book with a female main character that is totally unhinged, gives zero effs and has no moral compass, then this one will be right up your alley. I was instantly sucked into the narrative of this book and couldn't put it down.

This book is a chaotic roller coaster ride filled with satire, humor, wit and a general feeling of unhappiness but its a fun, quirky read.

The audiobook narrator, Eva Seymour does a wonderful job.

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Alice was a 30-something woman with an IQ of 159 (almost a genius) who communicated with her mother in Morse code. With the climate crisis ending the world, wealthy immigrants were flocking to New Zealand for shelter, stealing land, driving up food prices and taking over. But Alice was more worried about hating her best friend’s husband, quitting her dull day job and dealing with the return of her imaginary friend. Then she met Erika, a 15-year-old genius who was the daughter of a hot ‘wealthugee’ she was dating, and she was suddenly drawn into a dangerous new world.

I was sold as soon I saw the word ‘bizarre’. Bonus points that this was set in a near-future dystopian NZ. It somehow made sense to me that NZ would be the ‘last paradise’ standing when the rest of the world went under. I was fully immersed in the setting, and Alice’s ‘head’.

Alice’s struggle to deal with trivial things while the world around her was falling apart was so interesting to follow! And scarily enough, I could imagine this happening in real life! With the slow demise of climate crisis, people would do whatever required to survive till the end.

I’m so glad I jumped into this blind, as I did not expect where this story was going at all, and I had a blast! It was unexpectedly funny and action-packed. The audiobook was performed well, and it was so easy to follow. I never knew there was a sub-genre called satirical dystopian cli-fi thriller, and now I want more!

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2.5* for the story
4/5 for the narrator

A great audiobook that really try’s to bring the story to life.

At first a thought the narrator was doing her best with an odd story but after a couple of long chapter (not a massive fan of long chapters 😂) I realise they matched the voice really well to the protagonist, a straight talking sociopath, but the story still lacked something for me.

A liked this audiobook, the narrator really brought the characters to life and the accent was great. The humour was a great addition, and the plot kept guessing what was going to happen, to be kind of let down alittle.
I wasn’t a thriller it was very Cli-Fi (climate fiction) and dystopian. The story itself was lacklustre and boring for me. But the narrator tried her best

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I really enjoyed the audiobook of She's a Killer. The narrator's storytelling and accent kept me going through the beginning when the story was a little bit slow. I'm glad I stuck with it though because it ended up being a really fun read.

This book features a 30 something woman named Alice who is almost a genius and pretty much coasting through life in good-enough mode as one climate catastrophe after another destroys the world and sends wealthy refugees into her home country on New Zealand. Then a teen girl named Erika comes into her life and her world is thrown into turmoil. She becomes an unwilling accomplice in a plot to stop a group of wealthugees and teach them all a lesson.

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Set in a dystopian future where water scarcity grips New Zealand, Alice's childhood imaginary friend, Simp has returned. Her current life is unfulfilling and Alice is jaded as the world crumbles around her. So when she meets a handsome wealthugee from Hong Kong - Pablo, he could be the perfect man to take her mind off things and treat her to a good time.

I absolutely loved the character of Alice, the writing is incredible and she is totally believable whilst still being funny. The twists in the plot are great and really well executed. Just when you think things are weird enough, it just gets more bizarre, which I absolutely loved.

The narration is delivered with impeccable skill, enhancing the immersive experience. Overall, this book offers a captivating blend of imagination, suspense, humour and expert storytelling that will leave readers thoroughly entertained!

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Thank you to the publishers, author and NetGalley for the free copy of this audio book.

A little slow at first but it sucked me in, although I did question what was happening a few times. Overall enjoyable read, and the narrator did a good job.

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McDougall creates a futuristic world with humor for the end times. I listened to the audio, it was interesting learning about the main character and hearing her voice. Often I found myself laughing at her view of the "new" world and the oddity of it all. This book contains a different plot with a twist in the setting that at first has you wondering what exactly is going on but as the story evolves one finds themselves in all the feelings of this quirky read. It may not be everyone's genre as it is unique and will evoke thoughts of the future. I honestly hope I might embrace it the same way as Alice.

Thank you to NetGalley and Gllic Books for the opportunity to listen to a copy of this book.

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I'm afraid that this one just didn't do it for me.
I'm not sure whether it was the narrator, or the story itself, I can't quite put my finger on it, but I only listened to about 40% of this before DNF'ing it, I'm very sorry but it just wasn't for me.
This is most definitely an it's me not you kind of thing.

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Alice is just living her life trying to get by while wealthigees are invading her country. Then she meets Pablo. She starts to get close to him thinking that maybe he is the one. Then her irks starts to fall apart. Her best friend exiles her and Pablo leaves his daughter with her. Then things start to get weird.

I found this book interesting and it keep me wanting to know more.

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Thank you for giving me early access to this novel. It's unlike any novel I've ever read and while I can't say didn't like it, I appreciated what the author was trying to achieve. I can't put a finger on what felt wrong, I just got bored in many different parts. I was able to finish reading this because of the narrator's performance

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Just finished She’s A Killer with a couple of the lasses in the book club, a was proper scared it wud be a let down after the proper smasher of a sci-fi series av just finished, but defo not - it’s amazing!!

Female serial killer books are just my vibe and a was buzzing ta find another as good as Sweet Pea.

At first a thought the narrator was a bit bland but after a chapter I realise it was a super well matched voice to the protagonist, a straight talking sociopath

A just adored this audio, and av recommended it to friends I read Sweet Pea with..The humor had me howling laughing for the majority, and the plot kept me entertained and guessing

Very You, Dexter and Sweet Pea vibes, loving the addition of a bit Cli-Fi (climate fiction) making it all the more interestingly layered

A do worry tho why a always kinda vibe with the sociopathic killer characters 🤣

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I couldn’t do it. I read reviews that said it started to get good at 30% but I stopped at 23% because I was so bored I found myself thinking about anything I could other than what was happening in the book. I didn’t like a single character and the plot was too slow to make up for it. I love books similar to this type but this wasn’t for me.

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The world is in crisis and divided, Alice finds herself drawn into the fight, even though she seems more the type to just sit it all out and wait for the end. I loved the characters in this book, no one was perfect and I connected on different levels with all of them. The narration by Eva Seymour on the audio book kept me engaged and I fully enjoyed listening to every minute of this book!

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Written with compelling dry humor, She’s a Killer focuses on Alice, a woman seemingly removed from society with an imaginary friend, who often comments on her downfalls. Ever since Alice was young, she has been indifferent to becoming close to those around her and instead has focused on her own life.

When Alice meets a wealthugee (wealthy refugee) Pablo, a lover of Russian literature, her life slowly begins to change, tumbling in a direction she never expected, especially when Pablo introduces Alice to his daughter Erika who's formidable intellect fueled by boundless ambition rivals that of Alice.

As Alice figures out her life and adjusts to the consequences of this acquaintance, she faces the people around her and figures out her own life as well as the relationships with others around her. Alice is one of the strangest main characters I have ever encountered, yet she was mildly entertaining and reminded me of the tv series Fleabag.

She’s a Killer seemed to combine together a large range of genres (mainly literary fiction and thriller), providing commentary on privilege, wealth, immigration and climate change through a satirical voice. Despite this, I found the set up very slow, it took about 60% of the book to get to a point where I was actually invested and no longer confused. The writing felt like it had random tidbits here and there thrown at us instead of being written in a linear fashion, although this could be due to the fact I listened to it as an audiobook.

Would recommend this to readers wanting to experiment with their reading and pick up something quirky and confusing.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing access to an advance reader’s copy in the format of an audiobook.

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I loved the narrator for this book, and I'd definitely listen to more from her. I enjoyed being dropped into the world of climate crisis from Alice's perspective. I was really intrigued by the idea of the story, but the execution did fall short for me in some areas.

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Eva Seymour does an amazing job of bringing this audiobook to life. Her style and tone perfectly match Alice’s quirky personality and made the listening experience fun and authentic. I loved the story - the climate crisis is in full swing, wealthy climate refugees are buying their way into New Zealand and Alice has had her highly intelligent, sociopathic head buried in the sand for rather too long. A chance encounter with a ‘Wealthugee’ introduces her to a very unusual teenager who manages to turn her whole life upside down and forces Alice to face the issues she’s been hiding from, with life-changing consequences.
The story was well paced and very engaging, filled with unique and entertaining characters and addresses a number of contemporary issues in a very matter-of-fact manner.
I really enjoyed it.
Thanks to Bolinda audio and NetGalley for the chance to listen to an ARC.

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DNF @40% ~

Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to listen to this Audio-ARC.

Unfortunately this just wasn’t for me. I was intrigued by the premise, but at 40% through I still didn’t feel like anything in the story had happened. I wasn’t finding myself excited to continue.
No rating, but just not for me I think.

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Alice is a failed almost genius with a dead end job, no ambition, and a not super friendly imaginary friend. In the midst of a climate crisis, her New Zealand town has broken down between the haves (“wealthugees”) and the have nots (locals) with Alice finding herself and her only real life friend at odds. When she meets a man and his teenage daughter (a real genius, but filled with cold calculating ambition) things take a turn. This is a bit of a rollercoaster with the beginning creeping along very slowly and the back third going completely off the rails. Alice is emotionally immature and snarky, and the story itself is satirical and funny and strange. You won’t know where this one is going, but I wish the pacing was less uneven!

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