Member Reviews

Lia Louis is one of my favorite authors. She writes in such a relatable, heartfelt way that makes me believe in magic. Lovely humans finding other lovely humans with the addition of real hardships and life lessons. I eat it up.
Better Left Unsent had a Briget Jone's Diary feel to it. It has over the top characters that seem to match real life at the workplace. It felt a little more on the surface than her other novels I've read by Louis. More fun and light-hearted, f you prefer that in your romances.
Millie is a woman who explores her truths and re-ignites her passion for life after a bad break-up with a co-worker. She has lost her zest for life and all its possibilities. She takes a hard look in the mirror after a technical snaffu at work, when her draft emails she uses as a diary send to everyone after an internet issue occurs. Many funny and scathing truths are released to everyone in her life. Shame and embarrassment ensue.

There are second chances and healing that occurs in family and friendships.
The settings that her dates took place within were a dream. I think Louis does such a good job of making you care for all the side characters. However, I wasn't engaged in the plot as much as I would of liked. It seemed quite repetetive, and therefore dragged in spots. I thought her constant berating of herself got kind of old. I did enjoy it overall, but it didn't give me the magical vibes of her previous works. It was missing the depth and ache that I love about her writing. I will still pick up anything this author writes in the future, of course.

#netgalley #betterleftunsent

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It started off a little slow for me and I almost put it down, but I’m so glad I didn’t. The premise sounded hilarious and I imagined all of the stories that would come from it, but this book took a different, brilliantly different, direction than my imagination. A lot of lessons learned and sweet love stories shared.

Thank you Lia Louis!

Thank you NetGalley & Atria Books for sending this book for review consideration.

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3 ⭐️
0 🌶️

I thought this was overall a sweet story - very much chick lit, not romance.

I enjoyed Millie and Jack’s chemistry immensely and her friendship with Cate and Ralph. The story fell flat a bit for me in other places though, felt like it dragged on and went over much detail on things that weren’t super interesting. The side plot about Millie’s parents felt a bit out of place and imo didn’t add much value to the story overall.

I enjoyed the evolution of Millie and Jack’s relationship through the book. Truly the epitome of a slow burn, friends to lovers. Overall would recommend to British chick lit fans.

Big thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC 😇

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I have been a HUGE fan of LIa Louis since I read Dear Emmie Blue and I was beyond excited for this new book when I read the premise of a woman having all her unsent emails accidentally sent out revealing all sorts of secrets she's been holding back with friends and coworkers alike.

Unfortunately while this book had lots of drama, some twists and a lot of laughs, overall I had trouble paying attention while listening and found the main romance a bit lackluster until the very end with the great epilogue.

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an early digital copy and Simon. Audio for a complimentary ALC in exchange for my honest review. Sadly this was a bit of a miss for me and did not live up to my high expectations but it might just be a me thing since lots of others have loved it.

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I really enjoyed this book! I am always really interested by the "blew up my whole life somehow, time to keep trucking" trope and how it weaves through a story while still feeling entertaining and of course, romantic in some way. And I think Lia did a great job delivering on that. The supporting characters were also well crafted and added a lot of life to the story. At the beginning, so many characters did feel overwhelming and hard to remember who is who. Eventually I broke past that point and thought the second half was a bit easier to follow. I do also wish there was more time between the two MCs for the romance to build.

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A heartfelt journey of unsent words, “Better Left Unsent” by Lia Louis weaves a delightful tale that explores the power of words, the vulnerability of the human heart, and the unexpected consequences of accidental revelations. Set against the backdrop of modern life, this witty and charming novel invites readers to reflect on their own unspoken truths.

Meet Millie Chandler. Two years ago, the thirty-year-old receptionist suffered a heartbreak that shattered her world. Since then, she has become a closed book, guarding her feelings, truths, and dreams with unwavering determination. But Millie does write emails, but they’re sarcastic retorts to her rude boss, candid confessions to her friends, and, of course, a heartfelt love declaration to her ex, who is now engaged to someone else. These emails remain safely tucked away in her drafts folder. That is, until an unexpected server outage at work catapults them into the open. Every single one of them.

As Millie grapples with the chaos her words have caused, she embarks on a journey to fix the mess she inadvertently created. Along the way, she confronts buried emotions, faces long-buried secrets, and discovers the strength to embrace her true self. Some readers may find the pacing slow, especially during Millie's attempts to rectify the email debacle. However, I found the humour and character dynamics to compensate for this.

The concept of accidentally sending out your innermost thoughts resonates deeply. Who hasn't wished they could express themselves honestly without fear of judgment? Millie's transformation from a closed-off individual to someone willing to face her vulnerabilities is beautifully portrayed. Her journey of self-discovery is relatable and heartwarming.

Louis infuses the narrative with humour, making it an engaging and enjoyable read. Millie's sarcastic emails and the quirky side characters add levity to the story. While not the central focus, the romance between Millie and Jack adds sweetness to the plot. Their chemistry is palpable, and their interactions are swoon-worthy.

“Better Left Unsent” is more than a romance; it's a journey of self-discovery, forgiveness, and the courage to embrace vulnerability. Lia Louis's writing is solid, and her characters leap off the page. If you've ever wondered what would happen if your innermost thoughts were accidentally revealed, this book is a must-read. It’s a light, fun rom-com that will leave you smiling and contemplating the power of the unsent word. Louis's ability to blend humour, heart, and relatability makes this novel a delightful addition to any bookshelf.

Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for a temporary e-ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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BETTER LEFT UNSENT is a workplace romance about millie chandler, a receptionist who uses her email drafts as a diary, until the day her emails are accidentally sent to everyone—ranging from her soon-to-be-married ex-boyfriend, her unattainable (or so she thinks!) work crush, her best friends, and all the people she doesn't like in her office. new fear unlocked, right?! millie is struggling to figure out how to pick up the pieces and patch things up with the people she hurt, and she just so happens to get closer to her quasi-boss/work crush, jack, in the process. i absolutely loved millie and jack's relationship, their dynamic, and the way she felt comfortable enough to be her true self with him. i also really loved all of the side characters and would gladly read a novel about cate and ralph or petra and kira. the pacing did feel a little off, with the beginning of the book dragging while the second half went by super quickly, and i would've loved to see more of millie's other best friend, alexis. but overall, i really enjoyed the book and can't wait to see what lia louis writes next!

read if you like:
- messy FMCs,
- office romances,
- lovable side characters,
- low spice

thanks to netgalley and atria for the advanced copy! BETTER LEFT UNSENT comes out may 21st.

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I have to say first off that this book made me cry and hug my iPad. I don’t read a lot of romance, this one fulfilled all my romance needs. I laughed and cried and kicked my feet up. The character, Jack, had me swooning all over the place and had me yelling at the main character telling her to look at him already.

Don’t get me wrong, I never want the emails I have in drafts and not sent to people, sent.. I would be probably leaving the country!

This had a slow slow burn and those are my favourite.

Thank you to NetGalley, Atria Books and Lia Louis for the chance to read the eARC for an honest review.

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Okay, this was so cute! Such an original and fun storyline.

Millie finds herself mortified as numerous drafted emails get delivered all at once to the intended targets. (The thought of this actually happening?! Terrifying!) I really enjoyed going along for the fall-out ride with Millie and those around her that received her emails. It changed everyone, and for the better.

And Jack? Sigh. I love Jack. Jack is just what an MMC should be.

Would recommend this one highly!

Thank you to Netgalley and Atria Books for this ARC for my honest review; all opinions are my own.

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I love the premise of this book and could not wait to read it. I felt that it was not exactly what I was hoping for but I still enjoyed the book. I will give Lia Louis another try for sure.

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I have never read anything by this author and have heard such good things but honestly I kind of slogged through this even though I found the premise to be completely fascinating and I was very eager to give it a try...

I may go back and some of the author's other work as she is so highly recommended by others.

Thank you to the publisher for gifting me a copy. It is my pleasure to write an honest review.

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super slow burn romance
Millie was OK but did not have great character development... she kinda just changed from one page to the next

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This book was not for me. I was unable to finish it. I didn't see a point to the story. The premise was good but it didn't follow through.

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Not surprisingly, I absolutely loved this one, as I have loved all this author's other books. At the advice of a friend, Millie drafts emails to communicate the things she wants, but can't actually say and they mysteriously all get sent overnight, including to her ex-boyfriend, best friends, work crush, and boss. Nothing was said in bad spirits, and everything needed to be said, but Millie feels so apologetic over it and tries to make up for it. I absolutely loved Millie and her best friends, Cate and Ralph. But Jack. JACK is one of the best boyfriends ever. Honestly, this book - funny, heartwarming, romantic, was near perfection. My one complaint was when Millie said that her fifty-two-year-old colleague was a baby boomer and it wasn't in a teasing "Ok, Boomer" sort of way. Since this book is contemporary, 52 is the belly of Gen X and nowhere near Baby Boomer! I hope this typo was picked up in copy edits because Gen X-ers are not going to like it!

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I've loved this author's other novels (the grand gesture in key to my heart was one of my all time favorites 🫠🥰) and couldn't wait to dive into this one. The premise 🤣 but since her books have left me all the feels (and tears in dear emmie blue), I was also curious about how this one would pull at heartstrings)

Who hasn't typed out an initial response to an email only to delete it and send something slightly more work appropriate?? I loved Millie's journey through through this story, her found family (cate and ralph!!) her chemistry with Jack, and trying to piece together the mystery surrounding emails getting sent. This felt like one of those books where you're trying to be up on all the office gossip to see who might spill the tea. And as a corporate girlie who has hung out by a water cooler or two....I can definitely relate!

While this story didn't hit me in the feelings as I was expecting it to/the authors other books have, I definitely enjoyed it none the less!!

Thank you Netgalley and Atria Books for the ARC in exchange for my review!

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Unfortunately, I gave up at 33%. It started out strong but quickly lost its steam. I no longer cared what would happen and the main character read a a whiny woman who needed to grow up.

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Better Left Unsent is the latest novel from one of my favorite author's, Lia Louis.

This was such a fun premise for a book. All of the drafts of the main character's emails (over 100 of them)get sent, and some of them are not ones that Millie wants to get out. This author's novels always make me smile smile & laugh out loud. I like the unexpected twists that always seem to happen in her novels as well. I especially loved the emphasis on friendship & family in this one and how these relationships + how we think about our loved ones can evolve.

Millie, however, was not one of my favorite main character's by this author. Some of the side character's, especially those at Millie's work, I thought didn't really add much depth to this book.

Thank you Netgalley & Atria Books for this ARC!

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I found the premise of this book to be quite intriguing. Who among us wouldn’t be horrified to have our innermost thoughts revealed to the very people we never want to hear them?

The book starts with Millie learning that her draft emails - the ones she writes when she doesn’t have the heart to speak her thoughts out loud - have been sent to family, friends, and colleagues. Disaster. The rest of the book follows Millie as she tries to recover from the damage her words have caused.

The book was unable to maintain the solid start and I found myself pushing through a good chunk of it. There were definite highlights, including Millie’s relationship with Jack who is just do darn nice. I also appreciated Millie’s growth as a character as she learned to be honest with herself and those around her rather than suppressing her feelings.

Thanks to NetGalley and Atria Books for the opportunity to read an advance copy in exchange for my unbiased review.

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Before I deleted my Facebook, I used to compose replies to posts that annoyed me or got me fired up. The catch - I never hit post. I found it very cathartic to get it out there, but I knew many of those comments were better kept to myself. Because of this, I really related to Millie's penchant for composing emails she would never send. I understood the why, but oh, boy! I felt terrible for her when all 100+ emails were sent.

I liked the way Louis explored all the different ways these way-too-honest emails affecting the recipients. Obviously, there were people who were hurt, but surprisingly, the emails were motivated some to make changes in their lives. One of those people ended up being Millie herself. Initially, she went into cleanup mode, but as she kept digging to figure out how those emails got sent, she also dug a bit into herself and reflected on her past, present, and future.

Part of her future could be her co-worker, Jack. He was this affable, free-spirit type and I liked him for Millie. He may have seem too "shake it off" at times, but I think Millie needed someone like that in her life as she became more and more obsessed with the emails. There were some wonderfully swoony and sweet scenes between these two, and I had my fingers crossed for them the entire time. I just wish they had a bit more time together.

This book started out with the email debacle, and it felt very much like reading a Shopaholic book. That humor and energy was there, and I found it easy to like Millie. Somewhere in the middle, the pacing was off and it dragged a bit, but then it got to that BIG moment where important story-things happen and all the heartwarming stuff plays out, and I was very pleased I muddled through.

Overall, this was a fun and light one from Louis which put a smile on my face.

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💻Good results from a bad situation😯

Author Lia Louis has come up with another out-of-the-ordinary plot that I really enjoyed. The pleasures and pitfalls of workplace romance kept me heavily involved, though the female lead's family subplot just seemed to lengthen the novel with minimal relevance, especially their kumbaya FaceTime sessions.

Office receptionist Millie Chandler goes through a series of worries and trials when somehow the dozens of email drafts she's been writing to let off steam, never intending them to see the light of day, get sent. Over a hundred drafts of her very private musings about colleagues, friends, family and the man who dumped her go out into the ether. While I thought this was an interesting way to push off the drama, I did not understand why anyone, after venting, would keep rather than delete the email drafts. Nevertheless, suspending disbelief, the story of how Millie handles the snafu and works to combat some tricky aftereffects, like the breakup between her former boyfriend Owen and his fiancee Chloe, and Millie's criticism of the way her best friend Kate's boyfriend Nicolas treats her, is a very good story. The email draft mishap brings unexpected results and I liked the way things actually headed, especially the closeness that develops between Millie and Jack, a more senior office colleague.

There are some very romantic scenes but they are done without steam and just as good for it, in my opinion. Millie's growing attachment to Jack is full-on dreamily romantic but bittersweet at the same time as he plans to leave on world travels almost before their relationship gets off the ground.

I found the novel a bit drawn out but still sweet, emotionally engaging and well-written, with touches of whimsy.

Thanks to Atria Books and NetGalley for sharing a complimentary advance copy of the book; this is my voluntary and honest opinion.

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