Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with this book in exchange for my review! All opinions are my own.

This was a cute story. I think it was the third or fourth book I have read by Lia Louis. While it wasn't my favorite of hers (I love her winter stories!), this was still a really cute story. I would probably read this book again, and I am also looking forward to Lia Louis' next book!

Read if you like: Sophie Cousens, Sophie Kinsella, Emily Stone

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Eek! I have a love hate relationship with books that make me feel second hand embarrassment so strongly! On the one hand…oof! I hate that feeling. And on the other hand I am super impressed the author can elicit those feelings from me. Lia Louis books are like that-I feel all the feels, good and bad and awkward lol

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It was a dnf for me at 20%. It was dragging on and on and I couldn’t connect with the characters. It had a great premise but it all fell really short.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Atria/Emily Bestler Books for the opportunity to read an advance copy of this book.

Better Left Unread, in my case. I wish I had DNF'd this. Which is a shame, because I really enjoyed this author's previous books. Too much dialogue, too many side characters/work colleagues to keep track of, too much repetition. Millie annoyed me SO much - it was MONTHS later and she still wasn't over the email debacle. Owen was a slime ball who I wish hadn't have been in the story until the end. Jack was great but what did he see in Millie? This had an interesting premise that didn't deliver for me. And I'm clearly in the minority, so maybe you'll enjoy it way more than I did.

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lia louis is officially an auto-read author for me! i enjoyed better left unsent very much! the main character millie was very complex and relatable and one of my favourite parts was her relationship with her friends cate, ralph, and alexis. the romance part with jack was also very cute and sweet. i liked how the topic of being in a relationship with a narcissistic, manipulative, and gaslighting person was dealt in the book as well. i felt like the ending was perfect and i definitely recommend it!

arc provided by netgalley and atria books in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a sweet one! I loved the friend dynamic. I was a fan of girls supporting girls and the fun female characters. It was a usual sweet read by Louis!!

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Rating: 4.5 Stars
Thank you to the publishers for sending me an ARC of this book for an honest review. Overall, I very much enjoyed this book. I felt like it had a nice storyline that progressed at a good pace, and had me laughing along with the characters at times. The only reason I'm taking off half a star is because I didn't really enjoy the ending. It's not that I think it was poorly written, more that I felt that it was a stereotypical ending, didn't have anything that really surprised me, though it did still leave me happy. Again, this is overall a great book.

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I audibly laughed out loud multiple times throughout this book, as it’s a true rom-com. I did find myself skimming through certain parts that were a little flat and didn’t add much to the story lines besides fluff in my opinion. Overall, the “be yourself” message was a good one and the romance gave me all the right feels. Likely wouldn’t read again, but would recommend for those who like funny romances without much spicy detail.

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This book fell short for me. It felt repetitive and dragged on . The inner dialogue of Millie was too chaotic and not relatable.

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This just wasn’t it for me. I tried, but found no connection to the characters. It was a bit slow for me, and I just struggled through the book. I was looking for something light, and I guess you could say this was light. But I just didn’t feel it had any substance.

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I really wanted to like this book. The idea of turning your draft email box into essentially your diary with no expectation of those messages ever being sent, just to be blindsided by having each and every one sent was so intriguing. In my opinion, I just didn’t feel like the story played out in a way that I was hoping. I was hoping for more romance that I just didn’t feel like I got while reading it.

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Poor Millie! One day she wakes up and all her unsent e-mails have been sent out, throwing her life into a tail-spin. In the middle of trying to sort everything out, she becomes close to her work crush, Jack. Who doesn’t seem to be sticking around but she can’t help herself.

I enjoyed the book for the most part, but I do wish we could’ve had more of Millie and Jack together as a couple.

Thanks as always to NetGalley for the ARC.

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Better Left Unsent felt familiar in terms of how the female character was written- bit of a wreck and unable to make decisions without a “village” behind her, but that isn’t an uncommon theme so it didn’t both me too much. I haven’t read a story that deals so heavily with work- so that was a nice change. It was a little slow in places but an ok read.

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There’s just something about a British romcom! I absolutely adored this funny, sweet, and utterly charming novel. Millie Chandler is a 30-year old receptionist who vents her frustration via email drafts. When the drafts, that no one was ever meant to read, are sent to everyone in her company, she works to repair all of the chaos that ensues. A journey of rediscovery and self confidence, Millie figures out that everyone has something going on in their lives and has difficulty showing their true selves. On her road to true happiness, she teaches others the importance of speaking your truth. I can’t stop smiling!
Coming 5/21/24

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I really wanted to like this one. It has a cute premise and I LOVED 8 Perfect Hours, but this one fell flat. Millie was just so immature and I couldn't get past it. Maybe it's supposed to be YA? If she were younger I think it might have worked better for me.

Some portions for me were also just a bit too saccharine and cheesy but for others it might be a great fit. I feel bad, but 2.5 stars rounded up to 3 for me :(

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Thanks to NetGalley for the advanced copy! This unique and creative storyline was filled with cuteness, mayhem, and twist and turns. It had me smiling, giggling, and sighing out of satisfaction. I couldn’t wait to read it and was eager to finish it to find out what happened. There were various aspects of different relationships in life, captured eloquently. Friendships, both on and off, captured with such strength that I wanted Millie‘s friends to be my friends. And I wanted the best for each of them because the author described them so well. It was enjoyable to read about the workplace relationships as well between boss and employee as well as coworkers. I enjoyed the development and changes of these relationships throughout the book. Some other relationships developed that I won’t spoil , but enjoyed seeing the authors take on that. And naturally, the romantic relationship is very predictable, but so satisfactory how it comes to be. I can’t say enough good things about this book and really enjoyed reading it.

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I received a free copy of, Better Left Unsent, by Lia Louis, from the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Millie Chandler is a private person, or she was until all her emails were sent, not nice ones either. I could not imagine that happening, how embarrassing and shameful. Not a lot of people would want to go on after that. This book made me cringe, a lot, but was an interesting read.

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I DNF-ed this book about 25% through. I loved the idea, but just couldn't get into this. I felt it moved too slow, and just couldn't get invested in the main character.

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I initially picked up this book because I loved the premise. As someone who does draft emails that are never to be sent, I would be absolutely mortified if they accidentally were sent. I really felt for Millie in that instance. The book started off strong with a lot of humor and genuine awkward moments that made me laugh. It did taper off after the first few chapters for me after initially starting off really strong.

For one, this book is not a romance as I initially thought. While there are romantic instances, it’s more about Millie gaining confidence and coming into her own. I think because of this, I found it a little slow and repetitive at times. I wanted more of that romance. I did love the friendships in the book with Ralph and Cate, and thought there were so many cute moments that I could relate to.

I did feel like the overall idea of Millie owning to the emails went on a bit too long. It felt a little repetitive and made Millie feel almost a little immature at times, but there was a really solid ending. It all came together for me. I loved Millie’s relationships so much and it was great to see her character evolve.

Overall, it was a cute read with really funny moments. I do wish that the middle had more funny moments and better flow, but I enjoyed it overall! If you enjoy Sophie Kinsella books- you will love this one!

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This is the first book I have read from this author and I really enjoyed it. I liked the email aspect of the book. The main character Millie deals with the aftermath of her email drafts being sent unexpectedly along with falling for a coworker in the midst of the situation.

I gave this book 3 stars, while it was a cute story, it did get slow at times. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me access to this arc.

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