Member Reviews

Another great read from Lia Louis. I always look forward to reading her books. Cute story and characters with enough drama and bad luck to make it interesting.

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Right off the bat this book felt like "To All the Boys I've Loved Before" meets "I Hope This Doesn't Find You," both books being so close to my heart so imagine my excitement over that realisation! And no wonder I had a good time reading this book since it deals with similar settings but with a more mature twist!

It must be daunting right? To one day waking up and finding out that all your unsent inner thoughts and rawest truths and angry responses you wrote in a letter or an email meant for certain people to get unleashed into the world? It must be like jolting awake straight to a nightmare!

Terrifying would be an understatement to describe how, Millie, the main character if this book, felt. This story follows Millie who finds herself stuck in life, still working a temporary job five years later, and struggling to move on after a difficult breakup. When she realizes that all her unsent email drafts have been sent out accidentally to the receiptants, her life goes into a spiral, making this event surely serving as a wake up call for her, shaking up her life in unexpected ways. From there begins a heartfelt journey of self exploration and growth for Millie.

The way it was all executed, from the storyline to the characters to all the emotions, I couldn't help myself but appreciate it so much! I found myself absolutely adoring this cozy, poignant, and delightful story which unfolds in this heartwarming, funny, and swoon-worthy book!

I can't quite express it into words, but there's something about Lia Louis's novels that brings me so much comfort. Her books feel deeply perosonal to me. Just like with her previous book, "Dear Emmie Blue," I felt a deep connection with the characters and found so much wisdom scattered around the story! This is one of those books that I wish I could step into and live in. The cozy town, the close friendships, and the supportive relationships make it a truly enchanting read and which is filled with warmth,

This book truly felt like a warm hug, and I highly recommend it, especially for anyone who needs a little escape and a reason to smile like a fool. It's a cozy, sometimes heartbreaking, yet charming story.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for sending me the arc in exchange for an honest review!

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This was a quick but thoughtful read about Millie, who was unceremoniously dumped by her ex Owen two years ago. Millie has spent the time since then trying to live a quiet and un-noticed existence, until one day her life is blown up in spectacular fashion after her entire email draft folder is mysteriously sent out. The same draft folder that she's privately been using as a cathartic personal diary to tell the people in her life what she really thinks of them without having to actually tell them. How did it happen? And how does she handle the fallout from all these inadvertent truth-bombs? This story turned into more of an existential journey for Millie than I expected, but that's what she needed: to learn how emotionally brave she could be when there weren't many options left *but* to be brave. Millie seems like she's been stifling herself for a long time, and it was great to watch her navigate her life A.E. ("after emails") as she realized what she wanted and who she truly wanted to be. Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC of this story in exchange for my honest review.

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Thanks to NetGalley for this advanced reader copy.

I got a bit confused about where this story was located, from the first few chapters, but other than that this was such a delightful romance and story about learning that you can be an "adult" and still not know exactly what you want from your life. Millie was such a great character to follow as she dealt with the fallout of her emails getting sent far and wide. I'm already looking to see what else Lia Louis has written.

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What if one day, your saved (unsent) emails, written to express your hidden feelings, somehow got sent? In Lia Louis’ new novel Better Left Unsent, Millie is living this nightmare! Emails about rude colleagues, how she really feels about one of her best friend’s boyfriends possessive ways, an emotional, drunken email to her ex-boyfriend after she found out he was engaged to another colleague, and emails about not being with her mother when her father thinks they are hanging out turn from drafts to sent with a minor (major!) technology glitch.Suddenly, her father is asking questions about her mother’s whereabouts on certain days, one of her best friends is refusing to talk to her and does a TikTok about what was said, and her ex-boyfriend is telling her he can’t stop thinking about her. Millie needs a plan of action and fast! Throw in the hot operations manager, Jack, who spent a flirtatious time with Millie at the company Christmas party and a decade old Nokia not smart phone in order to avoid the chaos caused, and you’ll have a topsy-turvy adventure. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thank you to NetGalley and Atria Books for the advanced copy. Opinions expressed are my own. This book will be published on May 20, 2024.

#netgalley #arc #bookstagram #atriabooks #BetterLeftUnsent #LiaLouis

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Stunning! Clever! Charming! And all other sorts of cute adjectives. What an addictive little novel! A love letter to anyone who has ever wanted to say exactly what they think!
When I read the description about Millie, a woman who has her email drafts (filled full of her unspoken and unsent feelings and secrets) ALL ACCIDENTALLY SENT AFTER A SERVER OUTAGE AT WORK?? I knew it was for me. This is the chaos I live to read. Witnessing the fall-out of Millie’s truth bombs being shared with EVERYONE kept me up reading all night long.
The initial vibe this gives is Bridget Jones Diary meets The Office which is SUCH a slay. And by the end it’s evolved into its own little unique masterpiece with gorgeously developed characters, heartwarming relationships, moments of inspiration, and delightful surprises.

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The premise of this book was appealing. Main character Millie drafts emails that are written to people who have wronged her, people she disagrees with, and people she may be pining for...the catch is that she never sends them. It's an informal diary, of sorts. a way to clear her heart and mind and not face the repercussions. One morning she comes to work and discovers that they've all been sent! The book works through the fallout and we get to learn more about Millie, her family, her love life, her friendships, her career, and her haphazard way of bumbling through life up until this point.

There were times in the book where I felt bored as a reader. Some pieces of it dragged on and on and I wanted to start zooming through pages by just skimming them. Not a good feeling.

The book wrapped up nicely and I felt glad to be off of Millie's ride.

Thank you to Atria Books for providing a copy of this book for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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Reviewed for NetGalley:

Millie, somewhat quiet and withdrawn after a bad breakup years before, keeps her real thoughts and wit within the emails to writes to others to tell them off. However, she never actually sends them, and lets them sit in her draft folder as a means of working out her true feelings.

When an IT issue goes awry, and all the hundreds of emails are sent, she must fess up and make amends to all the things she always wished to say.

A quick, sweet read.

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I love stories that involve emails that dont mean to be sent, I found this to be so heartfelt and an amazing womens fiction journey. I enjoyed this so much.

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Millie uses draft emails almost like a diary, documenting events and saying what she wishes she could say to people in real life. But what seems to be a computer glitch has sent all of her drafts that were never meant to be seen by the recipients. Now she’s left with the backlash that includes one of her best friends, not talking to her and her ex-boyfriend, begging her to come back. But it also brings her handsome crush Jack back into her life, so it can’t be that bad, right?

The story was cute premise was unique. it was nice to see relationships develop out of a bad situation, and I’m proud of Millie for having the ability to grow from it. The side story with her parents was a little “meh” and I didn’t think contributed that much overall. I really enjoy how supportive her friends were, too. I liked reading this, but didn’t love it because nothing really gripped me or got me hooked to the story, but it was sweet.

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I absolutely adored Eight Perfect Hours so I was so excited to read this 9ne and was equally as pleased. Great character, storyline, and relatable content. Who hasn’t gotten something off their chest or wanted to and had the nightmare realization it may get into the wrong hands. Loved every minute

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Quirky, humorous, sweet. I wish we got more of the togetherness of Jack and Millie.
This book has a great plot that is a tad familiar, not overdone, but with a perfect twist that makes a big difference in the story.

Work is the bulk of our life so having major issues at work is cause for stress and panic. Especially when it involves past flames, sexy co-workers you are in lust with, and an implosion that affects the entire office.

The author created characters and scenarios that are so realistic that I found myself annoyed with the fact that the main female character cannot seem to function without a huge support system. That tends to be a bit exhausting and slows the pace of the story.

I love the balance she finds with her new crush. He is a positive influence but definitely slow with any type of “like” factor. The reader is left wondering along with the main character if there is something worth growing into.

The ending seems rushed and I wish we got more of the togetherness of Jack and Millie. While much of Better Left Unsent focuses on the drama of the main character and not romance, the story itself is quirky, humorous, and sweet. I needed less of her drama and more of the romance for a perfect read.

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I loved it so much
I hope no one ever sends my draft emails.
I never could have figured out the twist at the end w/ the car and the login and all the people involved just to get out of her wedding.
holy moses.
Great book.
THANKS so much

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This book was so relatable! a couple of years ago, Millie had her heartbroken in a very public way. Poor thing.

She has taken to writing emails that she doesn't send just for catharsis. Sarcastic replies, love declarations. The emails live in her drafts folder until a glitch sends them all!! And then Millie needs to clean up the mess that telling the truth creates.

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I really enjoyed the premise of this new novel by Lia Louis. Millie has been sharing her thoughts and opinions about many topics with her coworkers, ex and family members via her email drafts. When those 107 drafts are sent out, filled with all the things she hasn't been able to comfortably say in person, she finds herself figuring out what to do to move forward in many relationships. Millie was a likeable character, as were her two besties and Jack. I did feel like there were a few spots that felt repetitive, but overall, this was a quick and enjoyable read! Thank you netgalley for this arc in exchange for my honest opinion!

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I unfortunately did not finish this book. I went into the book thinking it would be a quick rom-com and I don’t have high standards for the genre. If it is fun, interesting, and has likable characters I’ll most likely give it at least 3⭐️.

I started off really enjoying this book and then got to the 35% mark and couldn’t force myself to read it any longer. Nothing was happening and the romance was nonexistent. If I had to read that she sent 107 of her drafts one more time, I was going to throw my kindle. There was so much talk and inner dialogue about the emails that it became repetitive and boring. I understand that the premise of the book is about the emails, but I wish the story would’ve pushed past it a little bit by the 35% mark.

Thank you for the opportunity to review this book NetGalley and Atria in exchange with my honest opinions.

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I’ve loved everything that Lia Louis has written, and this is no exception; a very cozy British romance with great characters and depth. Nothing ground breaking but a real feel good read!

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Oh my goodness! I enjoyed this book so much. What a great plot for a book….From her work email, Millie drafts responses to her coworkers, friends, ex-boyfriend and her mom —letting them know what's truly on her mind, as she knows the emails won't be seen and a great way to work off steam; they serve as a kind of diary. Her emails accidentally get sent out when there's a malfunction at work! Every single one of the 107 drafts she wrote. So now she’s doing damage control.

I couldn't stop laughing while reading this book! It started off strong, had a bit of a lull, but then picked back up. I wish the humor was consistent throughout, but overall, it's a fantastic read for any romcom fan. The sweet moments without being too steamy were just right.

Big thanks to NetGalley for the ARC!

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So cute. Just the right amount of drama and the best friends 👌
There's no spice, but the drama filled the void.


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Thank you NetGalley and Atria Books for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for a honest review.

I enjoyed the overall concept and storyline of this book— hundreds of emails drafted as a way to vent and definitely never intended to be seen get sent after a server error. Millie spends the book trying to make things right and in the process learns to have more confidence in the choices she is making for herself. I loved the relationship Millie forms with Jack.

What I didn’t love was the repetitiveness. I found myself skimming over many paragraphs because it was redundant and the points had already been made.

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