Member Reviews

If you like shape shifting romance stories, then you might skip over my review - there are many others that loved this and I'd go check their reviews to ensure this one will work for you.

But this one just didn't work for me. I started and stopped reading this over and over. This time, I just decided to stick with it, get to the end. I wish I'd liked it more. I didn't connect with the characters and I didn't feel like there was anything to really stand out here. I also found the info dumps really slowed the story down and made it all feel longer.

I really wish I'd liked this one more.

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Thank you for providing the egalley for me to read and give my honest review.
Unfortunately, this book did not live up to it's "for fans of the Mortal Instruments" for me (and I'm a huge fan of that series).
Things that were ok: world building and plot. The premise definitely drew me in: paranormal Though nothing new and exciting was introduced to make it different than other books I've read about this urban myth.
Things that were lacking: character development, romance, and pacing.
The characters were so nondescript. The development was so lacking as to be non-existent for me. Who is Kat? I cannot even tell you really. She was bland and very passive. No growth from her, nothing to make her stand out as a passionate and amazing character. And let's not glide over the fact that there was no growth in relationships in this book, as well. Everyone was so unremarkable for me.
The narration is third person, which normally I love as it gives a much more rounded idea of characters and what is happening around them. But it was hard for me to know who I was even following most of the time and this took away from my ability to understand why I was reading what I was reading. This left the narration feeling quite clumsy.
And we won't even go into the romance because it really leant nothing to the story at all. I'm not sure what the point of it even was.
Overall, not my thing and a disappointment considering I really was hoping for something along the lines of Cassandra Clare. I feel as if I wasted my time when there are so many other great books out there to read.

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This book was requested when I was young and requested more books than I could possibly read. Sadly, I no longer have access to this book and my tastes have changed. Thus I will not be able to give feedback on this title.

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I received this book free from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I was so bad and received this book years ago and am finally reading it now... whoops. It was an okay book, nothing amazing but it held my interested. Sometimes I felt like the explanations were too in-depth but at the same time not so I was left wondering what was going on ahah. There were also a lot of characters with similar names to try and keep track of so that was kind of annoying. Overall it was a decent read.

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I gave feedback on this title quite some time ago. It suddenly reappeared on my shelf after the addition of audiobooks. I contacted Netgalley a week ago and have heard nothing back so am getting these off my shelf this way.

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Apologies I didn't download this book in time to review it and have changed how I work on NetGalley now and download as soon as I'm accepted for a book.

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I received an ARC from Net Galley in exchange for an honest review. I started this book awhile ago, and put it down part of the way through, partly because I couldn’t get into it, partly because another book came out I was dying to read. While I did go back and finish this book, I didn’t really enjoy it. Dark child was originally released in a serial form but I had the Omnibus edition. It was suggested for fans of The Mortal instruments which is what drew me to it, but I found nothing new in the plot or storyline to make it appealing to me. I am drawn to strong female characters however Kat was definitely not that and there is the usual love triangle with Kat, Alex and Amarok…perhaps it worked better as a serial. I definitely was disappointed.

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Compelling story, loved the characters, didn't want it to end.

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I read this back in 2014 but neglected to post my review. I really enjoyed learning about this world and the character development was interesting. I have since read the series and found all of the books quite enjoyable.

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