Member Reviews

Thanks to NetGalley for the advanced Reader Copy.

This was such a sweet and poignant retelling of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night. All four main characters were sufficiently flawed without being unlikeable or unrealistic. While knowing that the novel is a retelling of a Shakespearean comedy lets you know that things will end happily, I still found myself engaged and invested in finding out what Happily Ever After would look like for each character and how they would get there.

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Thank you Netgalley, Thomas Nelson Fiction and Rachel Magee for providing me this ARC.

This story is a retelling of 'A midsummer's night's dream' by William Shakespeare. 💍🏝️
It's about family, friendship and true love.

First of all, it's a very fun read. There were parts where I was laughing a lot.

I love how clumsy Helena is. She's an English teacher, which I find very cool, because I'm one too. Amelia is the complete opposite. It's nice to see that they complement each other. Even though they don't see that in the beginning.

There are some very cool plot twists in the story. It turns out that Landon, the friend of Helena, is the ex of Amelia. It's very clear that they are not over each other.

It was a wonderful feel good read. I really enjoyed it. There are four POV's, which really helps to connect with the characters.

The characters learn that differences aren't always bad and that true love does not always go smoothly.

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Fun story. The storyline was a little far fetched, but still was enjoyable. I was happy to receive the ARC copy from the publishers and net galley.

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Every single character in this book was likable. I appreciated that. There was no character you love to hate! And the premise of the love triangle - or square? was very creative. I just wish that some of the practical parts of the story had been more realistic. Spending the night in an abandoned cabin after looking for a bird felt far-fetched. When Aunt Robyn was introduced, the plot turned a bit sideways for me. But overall an enjoyable read!

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"It's All Relative" is an absolute delight! Rachel Magee weaves a tale of family, love, and second chances that had me hooked from the very first page. As someone who adores Shakespearean retellings, I couldn't resist diving into this modern-day twist on family dynamics, and I'm so glad I did!

Helena and Amelia are wonderfully crafted characters, each with their own quirks and struggles that make them feel incredibly real. From Helena's carefree spirit to Amelia's perfectionist tendencies, their journey as stepsisters navigating their parents' wedding is both hilarious and heartwarming.

This book has got all these deep moments too, exploring family dynamics and the messy, complicated stuff that comes with love and relationships. Like, who knew a rom-com could make you feel all the feels?
And don't even get me started on the romance! From Helena's rekindled flame with Landon to Amelia's forbidden feelings, the romantic tension crackles with energy and emotion, keeping me on the edge of my seats until the very end!

If you're into reads that are equal parts funny, heartwarming, and totally swoon-worthy, then "It's All Relative" is your go-to. I wholeheartedly recommend "It's All Relative" without any hesitation!

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I love the Shakespeare retellings era of romcoms (they're some of the few romcoms I watch) and I feel like this will do well with the popularity of Anyone But You and I enjoy Midsummer Nights Dream. The references throughout were fun but I could see for someone who isn't reading this because it is a Shakespeare retelling may struggle with them. I enjoyed reading this book but did struggle with some of the eBook formatting but this may be my kindle rather than the book.

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As a huge Midsummers Night fan, I enjoyed It's All Relative by Rachel Magee thoroughly. It was a fun read, great characters, and a plot that flowed smoothly throughout. Definitely a must read for all.

Thank you netgalley for an arc of It's All Relative by Rachel Magee

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this was pretty cute! i thought the shakespeare vibes were a bit overkill but it was a fun book and i liked the writing style and characters

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I wanted to read this ARC and the synopsis looks really good but the ebook formatting is such a put-off. I tried to read a few chapters but couldn’t get into it.

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3.75 stars

Absolutely delightful! The characters had consistent development. The pacing was good! Amelia was kind of hard to like at first but I liked that she softened down her reservations about everything.

Looking forward to reading more books by Rachel Magee.

Thank you NetGalley and Thomas Nelson Fiction for the ARC.

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What a great read!! I felt sucked in to the world instantly, I loved the way this retelling of a classic Shakespeare the majority of us readers know was done in such a fun way. I loved the family drama and the vulnerability of the characters, I wanted to be a part of the family for all the drama and fun.

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If I could describe this book in one sentence it would be: “a breath of fresh air.” I don’t think I’ve ever read something so refreshing and witty and if I did then it was a long long time ago. Helena has my whole heart. There were many twists and turns so grab a drink and enjoy!

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“It’s all Relative” by Rachel Magee is the perfect great rom-com. Full of family drama, vulnerability, funny and beautiful moments. I just wished I had a way to keep reading their story. All characters are amazing, you’ll just fall in love with all!

Helena is the daughter of a single mother, Nora, who finally found the love of her life in Steve, but he doesn’t come alone. Amelia and Peter are Steve’s grownup kids and Emory is the baby of his family being just a teenager and the only one living at home. So, when Nora and Steve decided to take the next level and marry, the two families and their own baggage have to blend.
Going to her Moms’ beautiful wedding destination with not only Steve’s perfect family but also Amelia’s handsome fiancé, Gage, needs an emotional support. Therefore, Helena brings her best friend as her plus-one, Landon Blake. From the moment they arrive to their destination expect family drama, past heartbreaks and funny moments to happen to all. The end result is something you will not want to miss.

I personally love this book! Thanks NetGalley and Thomas Nelson Fiction for letting me have a complementary copy of this book for an honest review. #ItsAllRelative #NetGalley

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i just couldn’t bring myself to finish this book. i would pick it up at least 3 times every day, and still, after reading a few pages, put it down.
i loved the idea of the book, it was something new and fun compared to to my last reads. i can’t say that i had high hopes for this read, but i was exited, and started reading right after getting approval.
i read around 102 pages and nothing much was happening. there was no hook or anything that would want me to continue reading. maybe i just didn’t get to the “climax” of the book (probably).🤷🏼‍♀️
all characters were introduced early in the book, and personally, i got lost between them. we couldn’t get a lot of information about them at the beginning, instead we were learning about each of them throughout the read. another thing was, every chapter being from someone else’s pov. it made it even more difficult to understand who was who and what role they were playing in the families.
maybe i’ll try to read this book later this year. and if i do, i’ll change my review. however, i would still recommend it for someone who wants an easy, fun read. it just wasn’t for me

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This is a fun book, it's easy to like all of the characters and really be rooting for them to work their stuff out. I kept wondering how everything was going to work out without making a big awkward mess of their lives, but it was well done and I was very happy to see how well they all came out of it.

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This novel by Rachel Magee is a sort of Midsummer Night’s Dream plot centering around the love/friend relationships of Helena Crosby, her best friend Landon, and Gage the fiancée of her soon-to-be sister-in-law Amelia. Helena and Amelia’s. parents are getting married. Helena is a laid-back, perpetually late school teacher and Amelia is a perfect perfectionist architect and unfortunately the long-lost love of Landon. Helena harbors a deep crush on Gage. So, in a modern Shakespearian take all the lovers are with the wrong people and have to somehow get together with the right people.

Rachel handles the lovelorn couples well and with a little bit of magic and a lot of fun, she gets us to the HEA.

I enjoyed the fun twists and turns of the story as well as her terrific characterizations and her compelling writing kept me turning the pages. It’s a fun read.

I received a complimentary copy of this novel and this is my honest opinion.

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Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for gifting me an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

HUGE Midsummer Night's Dream fan here. I thought that this retelling was fresh yet true to the original story, and it felt relatable to just about anyone who will pick it up. The take on these classic characters did not feel unrealistic or forced to the original in any way. I loved that it all focused around the parents of the two female MMCs and it really kept a grounding element to the whole story. Helena and Amelia played off of each other well and I think Magee did a spot-on job of crafting their dynamic. This was a really enjoyable read.

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“It’s All Relative” is a fun read set off the coast of Florida. Helena is an English teacher who lives life in the moment. Her mom, Nora, is marrying into the Maddox Family. Co-mingling of families on the wedding weekend equals laughs, adventure & truly a new appreciation of each other. Then you mix in a former boyfriend, and you will find yourself cheering these characters on. Perfect beach read to escape your day with. Thank you to Net Galley and Thomas Nelson Paperback for the advance copy

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This was a great read, I was throughly entertained and I enjoyed the multiple POVs
I think Helena was my favourite character and she felt more developed than the others, i don’t know if she was made to be the mc but at certain points i found myself rooting for her more than the others.
I was hoping to see more from Amelia and see her growth and also as a reader I didn’t felt invested in her relationship with landon bc all we know is they’re exes, and it’s instant love from them but we didn’t get to see that relationship grow so it wasn’t really important to me or made too much sense
But overall it was a nice fun read and they were all likeable characters

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Thank you to Thomas Nelson Fiction and NetGalley for the eARC of It's All Relative. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Helena Crosby is a bundle of mixed emotions preceding her mother's wedding to Steven Maddox. On one hand, she's incredibly happy for her mom, Nora. There is no one more deserving of her happy ending than her mom and Helena would give anything to see her happy. On the other hand, she has very real fear about loosing her mother to the seemingly perfect Maddox family. Being that it's always just been Helena and Nora, the impending wedding feels like a seismic shift is coming in Helena's family structure.

The Maddox and the Crosby's are quite literally the complete antithesis of each other. Helena is habitually late, rarely prepared, and is allergic to anything requiring structure. Steven Maddox and his children (Amelia, Peter and Emory) are quite literally picture perfect. They own and operate a highly successful architecture firm, have a breathtaking beach house on a semi-private island, are NEVER not on time, and seem to operate on an entirely different plane of existence than most of the human population.

In hopes of combating her inevitable loneliness, Helena recruits her best friend and coworker, Landon, to come with her to her mother's island getaway wedding for a fun filled week of forced family activities and trying to civilly get to know each other. In an interesting plot twist that has you tapping the tips of your fingers together in anticipation, two very important details come to light that are about to make the week away a whole lot more interesting.
1.) Helena is more than just a little smitten with Amelia's overly hunky fiancé, Gage. Having met on two other occasions, the two hit is off effortlessly and under different circumstances, Gage would be her ideal partner. It's safe to say that Helena is more than just a little jealous of Amelia on this front.
2.) Fun surprise plot twist (look away if you don't want to know): Landon turns out to be the the long lost love of Amelia's life, having ended their relationship six years prior before she left for London. It's more than clear that Landon just isn't over Mia, and in fact, Mia just may not be over Landon.

As the week unfolds, tempers flare, a sailboat is overturned, laughs are had, and love is lost and found. An adorable portrayal of two families from opposite sides of the universe coming together to support the ones they love. All the while they learn that different doesn't necessarily mean bad and most importantly, 'the course of true love never did run smooth.'

It's All Relative was honestly just a wonderful feel good read that had me in stitches at times with just how funny the commentary and witty banter between characters is. I especially enjoyed that the story is told from all four view points of the 'love rectangle,' as each character is completely different and has an entirely different outlook. A perfect summer vacation beach read that will warm your heart and make you giggle out loud at Helena's quippy comebacks.

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