Member Reviews

I was so excited to get the opportunity to read Nicholas Sparks new novel in advance, as someone who owns and has read every one of his books. His writing was just as exquisite as always.

This book follows three stories, Tanner’s a military veteran, Jasper an elderly neighbor, and Kaitlyn with her two kids Casey and Mitch. It showcases the struggle with faith in God, struggles of life’s unimaginable things, and love.

I took a Star off, but would have only taken a half a star if we could rate in that way because of the lengths of the chapters, and how each one had parts. I never like to put a book down in the middle of a chapter, but reading this as an ebook, it told me how long it would take me to finish the chapter, and some said 55 minutes, and I like to read a bit before bed, but had to stop mid-chapter due to just being tired, but wanting to read more.

Tanner is in search of his father, that his grandmother let him know his name, city and state on her deathbed. Jasper is just trying to live his life in peace, having visits with his neighbors kid Mitch, teaching him how to Whittle. Kaitlyn is a doctor, divorcee and single mother of two (Mitch and Casey). Each of there stories twist into one another’s, without them even realizing it.

I loved this book and can’t wait to receive my pre-ordered hardcover on publishing day.

Thank you NetGalley and Random House Publishing for this eARC in return for my honest review. It was truly a surprise to be picked and a joy to read.

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Tanner who is on track to be come an army ranger is taking some time off after his grandmother passed. She tells him to go to Asheboro, North Carolina to find his dad. She was only able to give a partial name. There Tanner meets Kaitlyn and her two kids who he spends some time with. Then we meet Jasper and his dog Arlo and everything his has over come in his life. This is a great story of long lost family!

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Thank you NetGalley for this ARC!

I have always been a huge Nicholas Sparks fan. My mom has a tradition of buying me his books for Christmas every year that he has a new one, so I own every one of his books. Needless to say, I was thrilled when I saw I received an ARC of Counting Miracles!

Counting Miracles was so heartwarming. It isn't the traditional romance book I've grown to expect from Nicholas Sparks, but I liked it nonetheless. I adored all of the main characters, and enjoyed following their story lines. The relationship between Casey and Mitch was my favorite - growing up with 5 older siblings, I would have loved to have that type of bond when we were younger! Where the book lost me a little bit is with the slow pace. The majority of the book takes place in about a week span, and not a ton happens in that week. I also didn't like the overabundance of Bible quotes, but I think they fit.

Overall, I give this a 3/5 and look forward to Nicholas Sparks' future books!

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This was such an emotional read. There was a lot of references to the Bible and God so keep that in mind when thinking out reading this book. Counting Miracles is about an army ranger, Tanner, who was taken care of by his grandparents and before his grandmother passes away she lets him know where he can find his father. Tanner sets out to try and locate his dad. I loved how the book talked about how life sometimes falls apart or gets unbelievably tragic especially for one of the characters but for you not to give up. If you continue on or have faith life falls back together. Even though I figured out the twist pretty early on I was fully invested. The writing was so captivating and beautiful. I felt like I could picture everything like a movie. I have read Nicholas Sparks since I was young and I always enjoy everything he writes.

Thank you to Netgalley for this free advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Nicholas Sparks does such a great job at reeling you in and pulling on your heartstrings.

This story follows three characters: Tanner, an army ranger; Kaitlyn Cooper, a single mom; and Jasper, an elderly man haunted by his past. The intertwining story of these characters creates a tale of love, loss, and miracles when you least expect it.

Personally, I felt like the romance aspect was more of a distraction than an addition to the story. I found myself wanting to rush through the relationship stuff to get to Jasper's story. A story that will leave a permanent mark on your heart!

If you like romance, emotional family dynamics, and a little suspense, I think you will enjoy this one

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Tanner Hughs is an Army vet and since leaving the service has drifted from job to job around the world with the USAID. But when his grandmother falls ill he is forced to come back to the US. His grandparents know him better than anyone seeing as they raised him. In her final moments, his grandmother's wish for him is to stop wandering and to find his home. She also drops a bombshell on him - the name and location of his father that he's never met, sending him on a journey to Asheboro, NC. Once in Asheboro, he meets Dr. Kaitlyn Cooper, a single mother of two, and is immediately smitten. All the while, the talk of the town is the rare sighting of a white deer. Kaitlyn's son learns wood carving from Jasper, an old man who lives only with his dog in an isolated cabin in the forest and once Jasper learns of the white deer, he is determined to protect it from the poachers. As the book goes on, Tanner, Kaitlyn and Jasper's lives become intertwined.

This wasn't a typical Sparks romance. While there was obviously romance between Tanner and Kaitlyn, it almost seemed like the secondary story to Jasper's stronger story. I really wished we got more of the romance and wished the book hadn't ended where it did or we got more from the epilogue because it seemed like they were finally getting to a great point. I didn't love the strong religious aspect to this book, and at times it felt like a bit much. I loved Kaitlyn's kids, Casey and Mitch, they added some lightness and humor to the book. And Josh is absolutely one of my most hated characters. He was written so well and the scenes with him would make my blood boil. I loved how everything came together at the end and I was definitely tearing up. Another great Nicholas Sparks book!

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So good! This is exactly why N.S. is simply one of the greats. He tells us about the lives of seemingly unrelated characters and then intertwines their stories and connects them in such a flawless way. I love the character development in Tanner and how his journey to Asheboro was sort of like therapy and made him realize what who he was and what he wanted. I loved Kaitlyn and Cassie’s relationship growth. And, although I was heartbroken by Japser’s story, I was so happy that he got his miracle in the end! Also, I am a sucker for a good love story ending so of course was thoroughly satisfied with Tanner and Caitlyn’s ending as well.

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Nicholas Sparks is one of the greatest storytellers of our time. When you see his name on a book, you know it won't disappoint. The characters feel like friends and neighbors. Tanner Hughes, a former Army Ranger, is on a journey trying to find his roots and that journey leads him to Ashboro, NC. An accident leaves him stranded in the town for longer than he planned, and roots start to develop, but is he ready to allow that to happen?

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Tanner Hughes has been on the move his entire life, first under the care of military grandparents and then as an Army Ranger. He's had no desire to settle down until his grandmother's last dying words to him are the name and location of his biological father. Determined to find him, Tanner sets off to Asheboro, North Carolina. He's in town less than a day when he meets Kaitlyn Cooper. He can tell she has a story to tell and he's set to hear it. Meanwhile, Kaitlyn's neighbor, octogenarian Jasper, lives in an old cabin bordering a national forest with his dog, Arlo. When he hears of a white deer being spotted, he's determined to save it from poachers.

Told from the perspective of Tanner, Kaitlyn, and Jasper, these seemingly separate stories intertwine as the plot unfolds. Truths come out and maybe miracles really do happen.

My thoughts:
I've read plenty of Nicholas Sparks books over the years and I've enjoyed them all! This one was different though. Jasper's story leaned more heavily on the Bible and Christianity than any other Sparks book I've read and as someone who is not religious and who doesn't read religious-based books, that really threw me off at first. I did really enjoy Jasper's story, more so than Tanner or Kaitlyn's, however I don't think the bible verses really added anything.

Tanner and Kaitlyn's story honestly felt predictable and unrealistic to me. They had this insta-love thing going on and it just seemed really far-fetched. I did like the addition of Kaitlyn's children as side characters and I do think they added to the story.

Overall, definitely not my favorite Nicholas Sparks book and a bit disappointing in the end. But a nice story with a happy ending.

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House/Ballantine for the digital ARC. My review is honest and voluntary.

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Counting Miracles is the newest book by Nicholas Sparks. There are two intersecting storylines. First is the story of Kaitlyn, her two kids, and a potential love story with Tanner. This storyline is why you read Nicholas Sparks. The second is the storyline of Jasper, an older man who has suffered a lot of loss and he is teaching Kaitlyn's son to carve wood animals.

When you read Sparks you are expecting a romance with heart and some depth to the storyline and typically it's a page-turner that has you wanting to see what happens next. In Counting Miracles, it feels like Sparks is trying to be more literary and serious. If this was my first book by him I might have enjoyed it more. Instead, I found myself pushing to go back and work through the Jasper storyline, which sometimes felt belabored, to get back to Kaitlyn and her family. Her son and daughter were both interesting, and I appreciated the real family dynamics there.

All in all, Counting Miracles is a good read, it just depends on what you are looking for.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Another classic Nicholas Sparks book. You always know what you are getting in his books. This story is the perfect mix of romance, mystery, and suspense. I have enjoyed all of his books.

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This book felt too much like many of his other books. It was still a good, emotional read, but maybe in the future he needs to try something a little different.

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Counting Miracles by Nicholas Sparks
Publishing date - 09/24/24
Rating (5/5) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Being a fan of Nicholas Sparks books; I was thrilled at the opportunity to receive an advance copy of his newest book , Counting Miracles.

This story, like all/most Sparks’ novels, takes place in North Carolina. It also has a love story.
The story is told by three different characters and how their lives are intertwined. A must read! I read this book in less than 24 hours! I could not put it down!!

Thank you NetGalley and Random House for the opportunity to read this e-ARC.

If you’re a fan of Sparks’ other works, I definitely recommend you read this one!

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What a wonderful story. As with most Nicholas Sparks books I can just see this one up on the big screen & truly hope it gets adapted into a movie...soon. I loved the characters, the storyline, and how it all intersected at the perfect time. There aren't many of Sparks's books that I don't love, but this is some of his best work. My only complaint is Casey & Kaitlyn are such similar names for mother and daughter and it took some time before I quit getting them confused. Thank you to Random House for an early peek at this wonderful book. 4 stars.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for granting me an e-arc!

As a Nicholas Sparks fan, I was so excited to get an advanced readers copy of this! I have to admit that it’s been a while since I’ve picked up one of his novels, but after this, I’m definitely going to read more!

Tanner is mourning the recent loss of his grandmother, who raised Tanner along with his grandfather. With his grandparents now both gone, Tanner is left without any family. His mother passed giving birth to him, and he never knew his father. Tanner was in the military and took related jobs afterward, so he’s always been traveling and hasn’t set down any roots, something that worried his grandmother. In her last days, his grandmother writes him a note with some information about his father on it. Now, Tanner is off to North Carolina to see if he can find his only family left.

Tanner has plans to go back to Africa after he finishes his business in North Carolina. He thinks he will only be there for a short time, but his plans are derailed when teenager Casey backs up into his beloved car, keeping him in the area for a few weeks regardless while the car is fixed.

Casey’s accident ends up being a blessing, as Tanner realizes when he meets her mom, Kaitlyn. He knows Kaitlyn is pretty, but there’s something different about her. He has a need to get to know her better, something that she is interested in as well- however, she needs to keep her guard up, as Tanner is planning on leaving shortly.

Meanwhile, Kaitlyn’s neighbor, Jasper, spends his afternoons whittling with Kaitlyn’s son, Mitch. Jasper’s family is all gone, and he lives in a rather secluded cabin near the woods with his dog, Arlo. Jasper mostly keeps to himself, but when he hears about a rare white albino deer in the woods near his house, he can’t help but worry about poachers. While foraging in the woods for a particular type of mushroom, Jasper discovers the carcass of an ordinary but young deer. It’s not the white deer, but it makes Jasper more nervous about the fate of the white one. When Jasper comes face to face with some teenage boys he suspects of poaching, things get ugly quickly. Jasper is determined to protect the white deer at all costs, even if it puts him in danger.

I really enjoyed Counting Miracles and I recommend it to anyone that enjoys romance books or Nicholas Sparks. It also made me think of Virgin River while reading it, so I would recommend this for those fans too!

However, I do want to say that while this does have romance in it, I was very interested in all of the back stories about the characters, especially Jasper. This novel has lovable and genuine characters, and it is so much more than just a love story. I couldn’t stop reading this one!

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Nicholas Sparks has written another heart-touching story. This is about a widower named Jasper Johnson and the people he touches who lived in the small town of Asheboro, NC.
Sparks writes with the gentleness of a soulful Southern man about Jaspers's love for his family, the surrounding Uwharee National Forest, and his family doctor's family who still does house calls.
When life throws so many curve balls you can begin to doubt your beliefs.
Where Jasper is familiar with Counting Miracles.
Expect a miracle in this new Nicholas Sparks book.

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I have always been a Nicholas Sparks fan and was excited to read this one. The book was enjoyable although I felt it dragged in some spots. There were a lot of religious references and a lot about the white deer which seemed a bit out of place. Overall, an easy good read.

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This book was not what I was expecting, it was way better. I loved the character development of Tanner, Kaitlyn and Jasper! The twists and turns and emotions I felt reading this book were incredible. I loved the Biblical references that the story had and how closely he compared it to characters within the Bible. I keep going back to the incredible story of Jasper and how his life story was a whole part of the entire book. I've teared up a few times thinking about the ending. What a beautiful story.

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Another great work of art by Nicholas Sparks! Romance, mystery, and suspense all wrapped up in one great book! Please keep up the good work sir!

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What a beautiful story. ❤️ I have yet to find a Sparks book that doesn't shatter my heart yet remind me that love is very much alive within the heartbreaking world we live in.

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