Member Reviews

I loved this one. It felt like we got two stories in one. I expected to see people (non Christian’s) to give low ratings due to the Bible verses and Jaspers life in comparison to Jobs in the Bible, but that made me love it more. The characters are wonderful. A now single mom raising her son and a teen on her own. Tanner who has severed several tours in the military losing his grandmother and her sending him on a search from her deathbed. Elderly Jasper and his dog, Arlo, trying to protect the white deer and survive. Its a bit predictable but well worth the read and a few tears. Thanks to Netgalley and the Publisher for the advanced copy.

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I have been generously given a copy of Counting Miracles by Nicholas Sparks from NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine

I cannot get enough of Nicholas Sparks romance stories and subtle but effective viewpoints on society

Counting Miracles is told from multiple characters including a 30 something retired veteran who is still trying to figure out his meaning of home and what he wants to do with the rest of his life. It is also told from a divorced mother of two stuck in her routine unaware that her happiness is just as important as the mundane day to day requirements. The third point of view is from an elderly man who has a lifetime of stories to tell. Disfigured by a fire in his past that has taken away his family, he mostly keeps to himself, but is determined to save the white deer that has been spotted in a nearby forest.

Sparks does a great job of character building and intertwining the stories of these characters to create a meaningful story.

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I had a hard time staying interested in this book. I felt for Tanner in his situation. But, to me it’s a lot like the Christian fiction my mother used to read. Not that that bothers me, but I just wasn’t expecting it. Not my favorite by him, but an okay read for his fans.
ARC provided by NetGalley for honest review.

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I gave up on Sparks years ago, but decided to give him another try. Same formula lovely story ending in tragedy. Blah blah blah.

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Nicholas Sparks is an automatic buy for me. I preordered counting miracles the moment it was available. I have read every single book he's published multiple times the guardian being my favorite.
Counting miracles did not disappoint. I loved the multiple viewpoints and would love a mini series on the character just don't kill Jasper.
I've seen other reviews not liking the scriptures throughout the book but they are just wrong. It was perfect reading the struggles then the hope. I think we need more of that hope in our lives.
I could feel the emotions in the story and like most of Sparks novels I found myself moved to tears.
This is the perfect book to gift someone who needs a little faith.

Thank you for the chance to read. I will reread again and again released.

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Nicholas Sparks has always been one of my favorite authors so when I seen this I was so happy to get chosen to be an ARC reader for this book. And let me tell you it did not disappoint. I read this book nonstop and finished it in a day. I absolutely loved it. It’s a book filled with Family and faith. It was a very touching story and just make sure to snag you a copy when it comes out. Thank you NetGalley for a chance to read this book.

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Long time Nicholas Sparks fan, so I was excited to read this book. I didn’t think it was going to be as good as some of his newer books about halfway through, but then I realized it was more a story about Jasper than Tanner and his story is excellent. Wonderful ending, Bible verses and topics throughout, and an excellent story of overcoming trials. Definitely read!

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I looked forward to reading this book, because of the title, the author, and the description. I enjoyed reading how life or fate brings people together, and watch their journeys unfold. They don't realize what is happening as it unfolds, but their life begins to intertwine, and start connections. Nicholas Spark takes us through their journeys, the past, the present, and maybe the future. But you will have to read the book to find out. It is an interesting read, that I felt hopeful how it would end, but like life you don't know until it is time., and it is not your time to know yet. I do hope you read this book, and see for yourself, how they will connect, and how it goes from there.
I received an ARC from Random House through NetGalley.

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Tanner has been looking after his grandmother until her death. But before she died she gave him the name of his biological father who he has never met as he mother died in childbirth. He goes in search of his father but what he finds is life changing.

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While Tanner is sitting with his dying grandmother, her last words to him include the name of the father he never knew.
Tanner is a former military officer who now works for USAID as support staff in security. He is between international postings so has time to search for his father. Tanner travels to a small town outside of Asheville, NC where he meets Kaitlyn and her family. More than half the book involves introducing the characters, their back stories, as well as how each of their lives become intertwined. Like some other reviewers, I found the first half of the book hard to connect to. I am not sure what made the first half difficult for me as I did enjoy the characters and their stories. I would encourage readers to stick it out as the conclusion of the novel is worth it. Make sure you have a hanky handy! Although this wasn't my favorite Nicholas Sparks novel, I would still recommend it and would expect many will love this book.

I was grateful to have the opportunity to read an Advance Reader’s Copy of this courtesy of Random House, Netgalley, and Nicholas Sparks in exchange for an honest review.

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Incredible!! Nicholas Sparks never fails to impress and this was a beautiful book. The stories, relationships, and lessons were so well-written and poignant. I knew the twist pretty much from the beginning but that did not even take away at all!

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For the first three-fourths of this book I was wondering what happened to the author I thought I knew. Both plots seemed very far apart, and while I thought they would eventually come together I couldn’t imagine how. I was very pleased with how the two main parts of the book came together even before the end. All the descriptions of the locations and the characters are very well done. I felt connected to all the main characters and really hoped for the best for them. I recommend this book to women’s fiction/romance book where the plot is not all about the romance. I received an arc of this book from NetGalley and the publisher. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Thank you so much for sending me this arc! I love Nicholas Sparks writing. I have been reading his books for a long time. This book tells the story of Tanner and Kaitlyn. Tanner has been in the military. After his grandmother passes he goes in search of finding out more about his family. During his search he meats Kaitlyn. She is a single mom. There is an instant attraction. This was a quick read for me. I feel like I was able to predict the ending but I still enjoyed the story. I felt like the characters had a sweet relationship.

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As a longtime fan of Nicholas Sparks, I was so incredibly excited to get an advanced digital copy of this book. Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Publishing for the opportunity of getting to read this before its release.

Tanner- Career military man and drifter. He has spent his entire life moving from one posting to the next, never allowing himself to plant roots and settle. Raised by his grandparents after his mother died in labor, Tanner gets the shock of his life when his grandmother makes a deathbed confession that has the ability to alter him on a fundamental level.

Kaitlyn- Doctor and single mom. She dedicates her entire existence to giving to others, both professionally and personally. She believes that her life is complete, until a chance encounter with someone new in town makes her wonder if she has been selling herself short in achieving true happiness.

Jasper- Elderly loner and small town outcast. A tragic accident many years ago obliterated the life he knew and haunts him to this day. News of a white deer spotted in the forest sparks memories of legends that inspired his father and grandfather. Are they tales of folklore, or a sign of change?

Nicholas Sparks has an impeccable ability to weave stories together gradually. Where in the beginning, there are three independent plot lines, over time, they intertwine with one another seamlessly, and before you know it, you as a reader are enveloped in a warm, cozy blanket of thoughts and feelings.

While not as emotionally heartbreaking as some of his previous novels, instead, Counting Miracles is a book that left me in a state of reflection and self-evaluation. It is ultimately a story about appreciating what you have while you have it, looking for blessings even in the difficult times in life, and keeping your heart open to receiving love, even when you feel undeserving of it.

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I love Nicholas Sparks books so I was so excited to read Counting Miracles. A story about love and loss between two different POVs. I really enjoyed Kaitlyn and Tanner’s storyline and wish we had more of it. Jasper’s story was tragic, but I didn’t realize this book was going to be religious. I wish I would have known that from the description. The scripture was overwhelming and I’m not into that sort of thing. I was able to look past and finish though. Overall 3.5/5 ⭐️. Thank you Nicholas Sparks, Netgalley, and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine | Random House for the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This book Counting Miracles was an amazing story of family, connection, love and renewed faith. The book follows the 3 main characters: Kaitlyn, Jasper and Tanner. They each have a different journey of growth and self discovery and their lives will come together is very interesting ways that I really enjoyed. I got a bit lost in this book which didn’t bother me at all and I really enjoyed it.

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Counting Miracles is a beautiful story of love, family, and renewed faith. The book follows the journey of 3 main characters: Kaitlyn, Tanner and Jasper. Each character has a different journey of self discovery or self growth but their lives intertwine in the most unexpected ways in the end.

I absolutely loved Tanner and Kaitlyn’s growing relationship. I also loved the children being involved so much and Tanner’s care with them.

Jaspers chapter’s unfortunately were my least favorite but still were lovely as they all tied in with Kaitlyn and her children.

The ending, specifically the epilogue, was pure perfection. I was feeling all the emotions! I love how the biblical story of Job was a foundation throughout the story. It actually made me appreciate Jaspers chapters more in the end.

I thoroughly enjoyed the book overall and definitely recommend reading it. There are biblical references so if you are not into that then I would proceed with caution. Yes, there were times it was slow or slow paced. But overall it was a Nicholas Sparks book through and through and I am here for that read any day of the week.

Thank you NetGalley, Random House, and Nicholas Sparks for the opportunity to read this ARC copy of the book!

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Another excellent book by Nicholas Sparks. It's a quick, easy read that leaves you with a happy ending. I could say more but it's easily summed up... If you've liked Nicholas Sparks in the past, then you'll love this one too.

Thank you Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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On COUNTING MIRACLES we follow two POVs: Tanner Hughes, a military man who is often sent overseas, that is back home where he used to live with his grandparents (he lost his mother after she gave birth to him and he never met his father); his grandfather has passed away years ago and very recently his grandmother also passed away. And Tanner discovers a note from his late grandma with the name of his biological father and the city (in North Carolina) he used to live when he was younger. Tanner then decides to take a trip to NC to find out everything he can about his biological father, who was he and if he's still alive.
The other POV belongs to Jasper, a 83-year old man who lives alone in NC, at a cabin in the middle of the woods, with only his loyal dog by his side. He's adamant about the true meaning of the sight of a white deer he keeps seeing in the woods: he believes it's a sign from God regarding the memory or the presence of his late wife and his late 4 kids. Unfortunately for him, there is a group of poachers hunting deer illegally, so Jasper is willing to take any actions he finds suitable in order to stop the poachers to hunt and kill the white deer.
When Tanner gets to the small town from where his father is from he crosses way with a teenager who accidentally crashes her mother's car into Tanner's car. That encounter leads to Tanner meeting the teenager's mom Kaitlyn, a divorced doctor and mother of two. They almost instantly hit it off and a love story starts between them.
Meanwhile, Jasper is minding his own business hunting the poachers and spending some quality time with Mitch, Kaitlyn's young son. Eventually, all lives are shaken up by some events and they find themselves connected to one another.

This was the 4th book I've read by this author, and even though it's not my least favourite, it certainly is not my favourite.
What I most liked about this book is that this one is more focused on drama rather than romance. From my experience with reading Nicholas Sparks novels, he has some books more focused on drama and others more focused on romance. I'd say COUNTING MIRACLES is more heavy on the drama side, which personally suits me better. What's more, even though this is a 368-page book, to me it felt considerably shorter. I didn't love this book. I didn't enjoy many chapters of this book. Yet, I did not have that slow burn feeling. I don't think the author drags on or the story starts to get repetitive. No. Nothing like that. I'd say this book reads quite fast and easy for a 368-page novel.
Oh, and I loved the character Jasper! I wish this book was 100% focused on his character. I was hungry for more background of his life with his wife and every single one of their 4 kids. Jasper has the most dramatic scenes on this book, and I loved that! In my opinion, Jasper is by far the most interesting and intriguing character of this book. And the one with the saddest life story. Boy, it is sad. :(

On the other hand, I did not care for the Tanner's chapters. Honestly, I particularly didn't care for the character at all.. Or his romance with Kaitlyn, whatsoever. I thought it was very predictable, cheesy, and full of the same old clichés: a military handsome tattooed man, used to being on his own with all his freedom, meets a handsome divorced mother who still hurts from being alone and now is scared of loving again , etc etc etc.
Also, apparently, the Christian talks or symbolism is something not new to Nicholas Sparks novels. And here it is again.
To be very candid, I thought this whole book is very predictable and full of clichés. There is nothing original or different in here. Which doesn't mean necessarily it is a bad thing. I believe to readers who don't like being pulled out of their comfort zone, COUNTING MIRACLES will probably work really well. A comfy, cozy, adorable story about love, loss and redemption with a happy ending.
To readers who prefer to be more challanged in their readings, this novel might disappoint a little.

Thank you, NetGalley and Random House, for providing me with a free eARC of this novel in exchange for my honest review.

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If you like reading Nicholas Sparks, then you'll like this. It fits the same pattern of estranged family ties, redemption, love, and a military man you usually find in them. That doesn't mean it isn't good though, it just means he knows his audience and gives them what they want.

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