Member Reviews

Counting Miracles is a quick read that starts with an incident that introduces Tanner into the lives of Kaitlyn, Casey, and Mitch. Chapter 3 took a turn and introduced an eldederly man named Jasper, and his dog Arlo. At first, I was confused as to what Jasper was doing in the story and a little upset to be taken away from Kaitlyn and Tanner's story. As the story progressed, it was pretty obvious what the end game was going to be. Jasper's point of view involves a lot of narrative, description, and Bible verses. Although I really empathized with his story, I wanted the story to focus more on Kaitlyn and Tanner. I really liked Casey and would have enjoyed more of her life and point of view. I think there could have been a good balance in a story where Kaitlyn is finding her place in this stage of life and exploring options with Tanner, we learn about Casey and watch her navigate her teen years, and also have a side story with Jasper and how he is involved. This was a different novel from Nicholas Sparks than I am used to and it was just okay for me. The story isn't bad, but it just wasn't the romantic story I was expecting. I wanted there to be more of Kaitlyn and Tanner and a slow burn with them. I think Jasper and his story could definitely be incorporated, but with less detail and focus.

Thanks to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Groupe-Ballantine for an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Nicholas Sparks is a go-to for emotional reads. My heart cracked wide open and I fell in love with the characters. This book does reference the Bible and has a lot of references to God, so it may not be for you if that isn’t your speed but let me just say that did not take away from this book at all.

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I absolutely loved this book. I loved the relationship between Mitch and his elderly neighbor, Jasper. The setting was perfect. I enjoyed the back stories of all of the characters. The characters were so easy to love. It was a very heartwarming story and everything you’d expect from a Nicholas Sparks novel. I’d be surprised if this wasn’t turned into a movie also. It would be a good one.

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Counting Miracles- Jasper, Tanner and Kaitlyn

This is a multi point of view story. As we read about each character, we realize the life they have been dealt and how their lives interconnect.
Jasper is an older man with many health issues. He lives alone, well with his dog, Arlo, in a cabin near the woods. He has seen the area grow and populate but he is one that would probably prefer nature. He has been dealt a very difficult life and a lot of the story is his. Many speak about the Bible in their reviews and I for one, Love it! Everyone has a different opinion and beliefs and should get to read about it. Also, the title is Counting Miracles!

Tanner is an ex military man and he is headed to the town of Asheboro to find someone. He grew up with his grandparents and now that they have both passed his grandma gave him some shocking news prior to her passing. He is now on the hunt. But while he is in Asheboro, he gets a different perspective in and for life.

That leaves Kaitlyn. She is a Doctor in town, divorced times a few years and has two children. She struggles with the oldest teenage daughter, and being a working mom and so on. Her neighbor is Jasper and she is also his Doctor.

Overall, this is a story on how these three separate families have all had their ups and downs and struggles with life. No one is dealt a perfect life and it is how we go on from day to day that defines us. In doing so, the three of them come together as their lives connect with each other.
It was good however that being said, it didn’t go without issues. A few of mine were, the bratty kids that nothing really happens to them and Kaitlyn. Tanner is suppose to be perfect yet they had only known each other for five days. It’s a little odd. Overall, it’s a good read.

I received this book via ARC and am leaving my review voluntarily. Thank You #NetGalley!

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A solid, entertaining romance, blended with a modern day retelling of the story of Job.

I enjoyed getting to know Kaitlyn and her children, who were written as realistic kids, and Tanner, an intriguing character who was searching for meaning in his life.

Jasper's recollections were lengthy and did bog down the story a bit, but I was interested enough in the other storyline to perservere.

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I really enjoyed the plot of this story--Tanner is a man who has spent his life traveling with the military in one capacity or another. He finds himself at a bit of a crossroads and takes time to track down his father, who has never been in his life. In the midst of this journey, he unexpectedly meets a woman who is doctor in town and they get to know each other. There is a bit of a mystery to this story and portions of it help me in suspense. I didn't love all of the religious references, but overall enjoyed the book and was entertained.

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Counting Miracles tells a story of Jasper a man who has faced much tragedy in his life. Tanner comes to town in search of his birth father and runs into Katelyn a divorced mother of two local physician. Chemistry blossoms, however Tanner isn’t the kind of man to settle down.

Sparks weaves in biblical passages and even symbolism with a rare white deer. Counting Miracles outlined the power of life “seasons,” hope, family and always love.

Highly recommend. Thank you to Net Galley and Random House for the opportunity to review the ARC of “Counting Miracles” by Nicholas Sparks.

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This heartfelt and deeply moving story captivated me, evoking a torrent of emotions and tears in the final chapters. Filled with profound life lessons and meaningful reflections, the novel may appeal more to readers who appreciate biblical references and verses, as it intricately weaves these elements into the narrative. The multiple characters' journeys are beautifully intertwined by Nicholas Sparks, providing a poignant and enlightening read.

While some readers may have reservations about the religious aspects, for those seeking solace, connection, or a sense of purpose, this book is a must-read. Nicholas Sparks' storytelling skill shines through, offering a narrative that delves into themes of self-discovery, loneliness, resilience, and the complexities of human relationships. The epilogue, especially poignant, left a lasting impact, resonating deeply with the core essence of the story.

As an ARC recipient from NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group, I wholeheartedly recommend this beautifully written novel to anyone in search of introspection, comfort, or a profound reading experience that touches the soul.

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Oh Nicholas Sparks! You’ve done it again! In Counting Miracles, Sparks has crafted another literary miracle. This time, we peek into the lives of former servicemember, Tanner Hughes, Dr. Kaitlyn Cooper, and octogenarian Jasper.

Tanner is a vagabond, and pretty much had been his whole life. Growing up as a servicemember’s kid, he got used to moving a lot. When he left the Army, he never put down roots anywhere. It worried his grandmother, who had raised him. She worried that he would never settle, so she gave him a clue on where to find more about his estranged biological father.

While on his quest, he met Kaitlyn, who happened to be Jasper’s doctor. The book has us time travel into Jasper’s family’s past. We also find that Jasper is a very honest man who wants to protect a very special animal from being poached in the forest that is just beyond his backyard.

The drama that unfolds as we get to know each of the characters in the book is intense, as is the love that you read about amongst the family members, friends, and loved ones. It was truly touching and inspiring.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group- Ballantine for this incredible ARC!!

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I was stoked when I got approved for this book, as I’ve never read a Nicolas Sparks before. While it was a great story and kept me engaged & interested, I think I was expecting more. It kept me guessing what the twist was going to be and I honestly never figured it out, but I buddy read with someone and she figured it out early on.

I loved Jasper and Arlo - I felt all the emotions towards Jasper. He was a funny, sweet old man with a lot of hurt and heartache he had to endure in life. I connected to him the most out of all the characters.

What I didn’t connect with surprisingly was the romance between Kaitlyn & Tanner. I am a big romance girly but this part of the story took the back burner for me and I kept wanting to get back to the Jasper bits, which I found more interesting. I also didn’t feel anything emotional towards any parts of their relationship. I also am not a fan of instant love, so maybe that’s why I didn’t connect with them as well. After I tried to let that go and took it for what it was, I was able to get into their part of the story but there was always just something missing for me.

I understand why we needed the side story of Tanner & Kaitlyn, but I personally would rather the story have just been about Jasper & Arlo’s journey. I love the flashbacks of Jasper & his family. It was all so heartbreaking, with a lot of life lessons.

If you’re a person of faith, you will love this story, as there is a lot of biblical references and quotes.

All in all, it’s a beautiful story and it definitely pulls at your heart strings. The last 50 pages were *chefs kiss*! The tears were flowing! All the twists were revealed and the story came together perfectly to make it a memorable ending. It will make feel so deeply and count your miracles. I sobbed in one part of the epilogue!

Leaning towards a 3.5-3.75, so rounding up.

Thank you NetGalley, Random House Publishing Group, and Nicolas Sparks for the early ARC of Counting Miracles.

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As a huge Nicholas Sparks fan, I was so excited to get an ARC of this book! He didn’t let me down either! This book is so heartwarming and a great read! If you’re a fan of Nicholas Sparks I highly recommend this book be added on your list to read!

Thank you Nicholas Sparks, NetGalley, and Random House Publishing for the ARC!

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Another beautiful story as only Nicholas Sparks can tell them. A wonderful lesson in the book as well. Never lose hope.

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This is a great read. Nicholas Sparks has a hit. Kaitlyn is a doctor, that makes house calls in her rural community. She is a single Mom of Casey, 17 going on 30, and 9 year old Mitch. Great kids that love and appreciate each other and their mother. One of Kaitlyn’s patients is a recluse, Jasper. Jasper is horribly disfigured from a fire with many residual complications. Mitch and Jasper forge a friendship through their hobby of whittling. Also in the picture is a stranger to town, Tanner. Tanner is on a quest to find his long lost father. Many trials and tribulations bring this group together for some heartbreaking and heartwarming situations. Highly recommend. I was given an advanced reader copy of this book by NetGalley and I am freely sharing my review.

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Thank you for the arc! Ive read every Nicholas sparks book since I was 12 and I’ve always loved them. For some reason this one just fell a little flat for me. There was so much character development for Jasper and Tanner and just a single mom vibe for Casey. Overall I enjoyed the story line but it just didn’t meet my expectations.

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Counting Miracles was exactly what I needed in a fiction novel just now. It has a little bit of everything (love, thrill, intrigue, mystery) packaged together in a comforting not too long and not too short book that begs you to curl up by the fire and escape into Asheboro, North Carolina where our three MCs stories intersect.

Tanner is a nomad looking for his family; Kaitlyn is a single mom and doctor; and Jasper is a widowed man eager for justice and haunted by inexpressible traumas. The story takes off when Kaitlyn’s teenage daughter backs into Tanner’s new car. It is a slow build to the climax, but in true Nicholas Sparks fashion, if you stick to it until the end, you’ll get the emotional satisfaction of a book well written with strong, authentic characters.

I will note, some have characterized this book to be overly religious; Jasper, nearing the end of his life was raised as a Christian, and he is quite reflective throughout his chapters. I would not characterize this book as religious, merely a book with a well written, struggling-to-reconcile-his-faith-with-his-hard-life elderly man. It was an honest exploration of the struggles people can go through with their beliefs, and I thought it was very well done (better than much of the Christian fiction I’ve read- this book has the ring of authenticity that most Christian books lack). But Jasper was the only character who is overtly Christian, the book as a whole explores themes of love and family and the ties that bind us. It was a beautiful story. I did find myself wishing for more justice on one particular plot line, but in fairness, that’s just life sometimes.

I’d like to thank Random House Publishing Group and NetGalley for the eARC in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I have read every Nicholas Sparks book and it was hard for me to give this one 3 stars, but it just wasn’t my favorite of his. The love story aspect had no depth and felt rushed and was majorly overshadowed by the 3rd character in the book, Jasper. His parts were slow and somewhat boring and tended to drag on. There was also a major religious theme with many bible verses in his chapters. I would have loved to have more development of the romantic relationship rather than the long chapters with Jasper. I saw the “twist” if you can call it that coming for the majority of the book. Not sure if that was the point or not. Overall it was just lacking for me. Thanks to NetGalley and Random House for the ARC.

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Thank you so very much to Netgalley for the chance to read this book early. I have been a huge fan of Nicholas Sparks for the longest time, so when I was granted the chance to read this book early, I almost cried. It took me a little while to start it because I was so worried I wouldn't love it (like I have all his others), but I wasn't in the least. Nicholas a way to creating characters that draw you in and make you feel how they are feeling. Tanner's grandmother dies finally giving him the name of his biological dad he never met. Tanner travels to a small town in hopes of finding out about his dad. While there, he discovers life could be like once he settles down. This book focuses on the importance of family that will bring you smiles, frowns, and tears. I cannot wait for this book to come out in September, so I can add it to my Nicholas Sparks collection!

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Thank you NetGalley for the ARC of Counting Miracles by Nicholas Sparks.

I haven't read a Nicholas Sparks in a long time. This book revolves around three characters Tanner an ex-military man who has no family, Kaitlyn a small-town physician and single mom, and Jasper a recluse who lost his entire family in a fire.

I liked Tanner and Kaitlyn's relationship. I felt like it was relatable. I saw a few reviews that said that it felt a bit flat, but I disagree. Immediate attraction is real thing. I felt Jasper's story was very long and drawn out. I understand giving us the back story of his family, but we got to know characters that didn't have anything to do with the current story. I found myself skimming over the information about his children.

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I am a big fan of Nicholas Sparks, but this book was not one of my favorites. I found myself not being able to connect with the characters. I was surprised at all of the religious references in the book. I was not expecting that.

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Another winner written by Nicholas Sparks. I have read all of this authors books and this one gripped me in a way the others have not. I think it was the use of bible references and as I am a Christian woman that reads and follows the Bible, a lot of this book was so relatable to me.

As a typical Sparks book, this story weaves a connection between three different people, Jasper, Tanner and Kaitlyn. Their stories are weaved together in a gradual way that only Spark can do. Jasper is the elderly man that lives alone in a cabin and has been dealt a rough hand later in his life. Tanner is a man that had to deal with his grandparents passing away, his only parent he ever knew and on his grandmothers deathbed she revealed the. name of his father that he never knew. Kaitlyn is a divorced mother, dealing with raising her two child and working as a doctor. Tanner goes to Asheboro looking for his father as he only has a name and location and ends up meeting Kaitlyn and questioning his future life plans. Through a series of events all three people are in the path to be forever connected.

Nicholas Sparks is a talented writer and sometimes you have to wonder how an author can write similar books but still be so different. This is a definite book that needs to be added to your TBR in September when it is published. Another winning by a great author.

Thank you Net Galley and Random House for an ARC in return for a honest review.

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