Member Reviews

Wow, did not expect to have a 'did not finish' on a major author's newest work but this one definitely was. When I signed up to receive an advance copy from #Netgalley, I was expecting a book about intergenerational friendships, a possible friendship/potential love story between two adults and maybe a bit of small town drama. Maybe buried deep inside there was a gentle, tasteful love story but, to me, the book was overwhelming 'Christian" and chock full of New Testament scriptures on nearly every page, both of which made me very uncomfortable. I did like the characters, except the spoiled bullies/teenage boys. The little boy and the old man special friendship was especially nice. As others have stated, this just wasn't the book I thought it would be and I never got past 30%.

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Thank you Net Galley for this ARC of Counting Miracles.

Unfortunately I ended up DNFing this at 50%, I did try to push through, but I could not get myself super invested in the story. I enjoyed the sibling relationship between Casey and Mitch, their personalities were great together. I also liked Tanner’s character, but he seemed to need a little more personality. I felt as though the romance was rushed and there seemed to be no build up like in previous books Sparks has written. I also did not enjoy reading the chapters with Jasper’s character because he did not really add anything to the plot. Before starting this book, I was unaware that this would be very religious as the description did not mention it. Had I known beforehand I would have not chosen this book for myself.

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"Find where you belong and make that place your own."

I am a sucker for Nicholas Sparks' books. This one is no exception.

I loved the small-town aspect of it. The characters were very easy to love and root for. Mitch and Casey were such fun characters that brought some light-hearted humor to the book.

At the beginning I found it difficult to connect with Jasper but the more I read about his history and past, the easier it was to connect with the old man. It was bittersweet to read about his life and what he has endured during the course of it.

I did think that Tanner and Kaitlyn's relationship was a little quick and forced but they were very cute and sweet together. They did feel a little unfair to each other in certain parts of their relationship but all is well that ends well.

Overall this was a very cute and well thought out book. Another very well done novel!

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House for providing me with an eARC of Counting Miracles in exchange for my honest review!

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You really can't go wrong with any Nicholas Sparks book and Counting Miracles was no different. A sweet, quick read with all the feels.

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This man could make me cry at any point. I swear Nicholas sparks has the magic sauce the way he weaves the characters stories together it incredible and always gets me in my feels. I loved this book just like I loved all of his books,

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I wanted to love this book, I really did. I grew up reading Nicholas Sparks. I have a copy of The Last Song that could be showcased in a museum of well-loved books. But this just was not my cup of tea. I ran into quite a few issues that put me off from it as far as plot holes, and everything felt rushed. I only connected with one of the characters throughout. Super sad about this one.

Thank you to NetGalley and Random House for the opportunity to review this ARC. All opinions are my own.

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Nicholas Sparks is wonderful author best known for his beloved love stories. I was extremely excited to get the opportunity to read an advanced copy through NetGalley. However, his latest novel, Counting Miracles, was a bit off the mark for me. The narrative structure appeared disjointed, lacking cohesion and fluidity. Transitions between scenes felt abrupt, disrupting the natural flow of the storyline and detracting from the overall reading experience. The storyline itself was a bit boring and unbelievable. In addition, character development was just not evident.
Honestly, the book felt like it was written by someone other than Nicholas Sparks. It just didn't have his signature style. However, I am sure there are many other of Sparks fan that will enjoy the book, it just fell flat for me.

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Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read an Advanced Reader’s Copy of Counting Miracles by Nicholas Sparks.

Growing up, I’ve read a ton of Nicholas Sparks books, most notably The Notebook andThe Walk to Remember and I was excited to read his newest deeply loving romance he’s known for. Unfortunately, this book is not one that I enjoyed or one that I finished. Tanner and Kaitlyn’s relationship seems to happen very quickly and out of nowhere unlike Sparks’ usually deep characters and thought out love story and I didn’t care for the old man Jasper’s interactions with Mitch either.

Kaitlyn’s kids, Casey and Mitch, however, were the only characters that really held my interest. I appreciated Tanner’s good natured military boy, protecting women and carrying out a family driven journey, but his relationship with Kaitlyn felt rushed and flat.

What made me decide not to finish’ this book though, was the constantly flow of religious messages. There was no indication in the description of the book that this would be a heavily religious story and had there been, I wouldn’t have chosen it.

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Looking to find the father he never knew, Tanner finds himself in a small town in NC finding things he never knew he was looking for. Coming across Kaitlyn is the first connection he makes but it is the man he saves in the end that makes the most difference. This is a story that will tug on your heart and make you hug your loved ones. In true Nicholas Sparks fashion the emotional levels are high and the storyline will make you think.

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I wanted to love this book so much! Finding long lost family is so near and dear to my heart, but I struggled with this book. All and all, I’m glad I finished it. There were so parts and I had trouble connecting with Jasper. I couldn’t wait until it switched back to Tanner. All and all, I decent read!

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I have been a huge fan of Nicholas Sparks for as long as I can remember. His books (and movies) have almost been a comfort for me. So I was thrilled to get a chance to read his newest book Counting Miracles.

I tend to stay away from military-romance, because I have been in the "military" world my whole life and it is just a little too close to home. But the synopsis for this book drew me in.

I can tell Nicholas Sparks really did his research for this novel, but there were some things that didn't fit with the military world that I know.

Overall, this book was a good read and I know some of my followers will really enjoy it.

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Sparks tells a story so well. Coincidences and the messages of enduring love are clear. The main characters are clearly explained and it made the story understood. Hardships can change your life but know that you will need to live through them. Great story! Recommend.

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I am not a reader of Nicholas Sparks novels but I did receive an ARC for this title. I am not one for these types of stories. That being said it was well written and a nice book about family.

Tanner Hughes was raised by his grandparents and became an Army Ranger like his grandpa. He has no desire to settle down but when his grandmother passes away, her last words to him are: find where you belong. She also drops a bombshell, telling him the name of the father he never knew—and where he might be found.

Tanner's curiosity is piqued, and he sets out for Asheboro, North Carolina, to ask around. He meets a town Dr and they have quite the connection.

Meanwhile, nearby, 83-year-old Jasper lives alone in a cabin bordering a national forest. With only his old dog Arlo for company, he lives quietly, haunted by a tragic accident that took place decades before. When he hears rumors that a white deer has been spotted in the forest—a creature of legend that inspired his father and grandfather—he becomes obsessed with protecting the deer from poachers..

Like I said not my type of book but if you like this type of story....I suggest it.

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Kaitlyn Cooper is a recently divorced physician, raising her two children, teenager Casey and her younger brother Mitch in Asheboro, NC. Tanner Hughes, raised by his grandparents, and now alone in the world, has been career military.

He recently cared for his grandmother during her last days, and she told Tanner his father's name and that he had lived in Asheboro. At loose ends, Tanner travels to NC from Florida and begins to search for his father. The evening of his first day there, he runs into Casey--literally. Or, rather she runs into him and damages his car in a parking lot. Tanner meets her mother, Kaitlyn and feels an immediate attraction to the entire family. Even ten year old Mitch who spends his Sundays with Jasper, an old man who is terribly scarred but teaching Mitch how to whittle. Kaitlyn is also attracted to Tanner and they spend some time together but after Tanner makes it clear he is just passing through, Kaitlyn breaks it off with him. The family does call Tanner when Jasper disappears though and he helps in the search.

Miracles happen. Not only is Jasper rescued, Tanner solves his family mystery. Nicholas Sparks' fans will love this new entry into his body of work.

Note: I read an advance reader copy courtesy of NetGalley.

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I enjoyed the newest from Sparks! While it wasn't my favorite, I did enjoy following the love story and the characters. Fans of the author will enjoy.

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I have loved every single Nicholas Sparks book that I’ve read, so it’s no surprise that I loved this one as well. The characters were all so relatable, and the author is just such a great storyteller. I will be telling all my patrons about this book for sure.

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I really liked this story, with skillful writing and well-drawn characters. Set in North Carolina, of course, with Tanner searching for his long-lost father and a new purpose to his life, Kaitlyn adjusting to her divorce and raising two children, and Jasper, coming to terms with the end of his life. Thanks to NetGalley, Random House Publishing Group, Ballantine, and Random House for providing an ARC. I highly recommend this excellent novel.

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Sparks does it again. A beautiful story about relationships. I was immediately invested in the outcome of this book. I’m in awe of his talent as an author. Loved it!

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Nicholas Sparks has delivered another great read. This book has many twists and turns. You will love all the characters. The book takes place in a small town that you will fall in love with.

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I’m totally a Nicholas Sparks fan since I was younger so was excited to read this book! While I enjoyed it I don’t think it was his best work. I really liked elements of the story and found the main relationship to have a lot of sweet moments and left me smiling but it also felt pretty slow for me. I struggled through some of Jasper’s storyline and I at times just felt detached in general from the book! It was written beautifully though as Nicholas Sparks does and it would probably appeal to a lot of different readers so still rating it high just maybe wasn’t for me!

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