Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley for an Advanced Readers Copy of Counting Miracles by Nicholas Sparks.

Tanner Hughes is taking a break from his military career to take care of his grandmother who is about to pass away and join her husband. Tanner’s grandparents raised him from birth because of his mother’s sudden death during birth. His father is nowhere to be found, but his grandmother’s last words to him were a clue to get him started in the search for his biological father. The clue leads him to Asheboro, North Carolina, where he quickly and unexpectedly meets Dr. Kaitlyn Conner, a single mother of two. Kaitlyn and Tanner have an immediate connection, but Tanner’s quickly approaching departure to his new posting in Cameroon is quickly approaching. Que Mr. Jasper who is a patient of Dr. Conner’s whom also enjoys spends quality time Mitch, Kaitlyn’s son. Mr. Jasper is quite old and rickety and has a crazy life story that will keep you on your toes. His faith in God is the only thing keeping him going with no family left on Earth. He lives alone in a cabin bordering the Uwharrie National Forest with his old dog, Arlo. Jasper continues to hear rumors of the returning miraculous white deer and becomes infatuated with keeping it protected from poachers. Jasper, Tanner, Kaitlyn and her kids find their stories orbiting closer and closer together, none of them expecting how miraculous their stories coming together will be and how it will affect their futures forever.

This one was a wild ride. I really enjoyed the many different perspectives of characters. I was in awe of Jasper’s story and the child of God he was through his painful life. Tanner and Kaitlyn’s story started off strong, but quickly made me annoyed, but that was probably the point. ‘Counting Miracles’ is by far the most thrill I’ve read by Nicholas Sparks and I really enjoyed that aspect of his writing in this one. Overall loved the story, but found the ending of all of the characters coming together really abrupt and found myself wanting more detail to their ending together. Which is why I give this one 4/5 stars.

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4 ⭐️

Struggling with grief, this book hit close to home sometimes.

I enjoyed it very much. Her kids were good kids, she was a good single mother, and from Tanners introduction their dynamic was pretty nice. (Although fast and I do think she expected a lot out of him for someone she met within a week. That I found tough to ignore)

A couple of things I took issue with:

As a fellow North Carolinian, the overhyped-ness of the white deer. I’m only 41 and I’ve seen white deer plenty. I’ve seen 2-3 in a year before. I don’t hunt. So my point being a man in his mid to late 60’s, living in the forest who hunted, would definitely have seen one. Yes, they are rare and they are sought after by bad hunters and they do also have meaning to others but they aren’t that rare. Maybe in certain parts of the world and he does right for the masses?

Asheboro is considered a small town? The zoo was just voted the best zoo in the United States. Not a small town.

Bradford Pear cultivator and salesmen I also really struggled with. If Nicholas Sparks is still currently here in NC he would know this is not a native tree, which he does say but that it’s considered invasive and so much so that NC Forestry is doing a buy back program where if you bring them a Bradford Pear tree, they will give you two native trees as a replacement. This has been going on for years. So they’ve really been talking bad about these trees and what they’ve done to our local habitats. That seems like a terrible job to give him.

I also understand that in small towns there are families that get away with anything, that’s true. However if the sheriff was his friend, I wish he had taken him a bit more serious.

Ultimately I found myself staying up late for Jaspers story. Hoping for his discovery and safety. Hoping he found peace in his life and comfort, so Tanner “finding” him was a great tidy ending. Jasper made the story for me, more so than the love aspect that was very rushed. Jasper and Arlo, Jasper and Mitch and then Jasper and Tanner.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for my ARC of this book coming out soon. Check it out

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Nicholas Sparks has a way of hitting it out of the park everytime and grabbing you by the heart as you read. This beautiful story is no different.

The book contains all the pieces to a heart touching read touching on loss, love, family, and searching for truths.

I have to always mentally and emotionally prepare myself for NS books because I have to have an emotional recovery after- and this book delivered in that way for me… but in the best ways.

Such a good read, definitely worth the recommendation 🩷

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this arc in exchange for my honest review.

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Nicholas Sparks knows how to write engaging stories. It wasn't literary genius but it was a feel good story with characters I enjoyed meeting and a happy ending. Tanner is on a quest to find his unknown father after the only family he knows dies. Jasper is an old man who lost his whole family ages ago and lives an isolated life. I enjoyed hearing bits of Jasper's history as he reflects on his life and the hardships he endured, even though they were devastating. Jasper sees himself like Job in the business, relational and physical losses he's weathered. Tanner was still more of an enigma, but personable. My biggest qualm with the story was the short timeline for Kaitlyn and Tanner to fall madly in love.

Thank you Random House and NetGalley for an ARC.

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I started this book a few months back and couldn't get into it. Picked it back up and really enjoyed it. I have to say I did know what the secret would be before half through it. I appreciated the Jasper character and the spunky teen Casey. The others were just there. I'd still recommend it. Thanks NetGalley for the advanced copy. #CountingMiracles #NetGalley

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I liked this story but there were a lot of parts that were incredibly boring. There were pages on pages of descriptive monologues that could’ve been condensed down or not included at all. I also wish the timeline would have been longer as it didn’t seem very realistic. Not my favorite one of his but it had a heartwarming ending that I enjoyed.

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Thank you so much to the author and Random House Publishing Group | Ballantine for providing me with this ARC. The publication date is set for September 24, 2024.

“An emotional, powerful novel about wondering if we can change—or even make our peace with—the path we’ve taken.”

Nicholas Sparks always manages to exceed my expectations. I’ve been a fan of his books since high school, and his writing has only continued to astound me—each book seems to surpass the last.

This touching story beautifully intertwines tragedy, heartache, loss, love, hope, and a sense of belonging, guaranteeing to resonate deeply. Initially uncertain of Jasper’s role in the book, I was pleasantly surprised by the strong connection I developed with him and the other main characters. Sparks’ skillful blending of past and present is truly captivating. The author is, without a doubt, a masterful storyteller, and I’m so thankful I got to read this book before its release.

I recommend this book to anyone who appreciates a quick yet mesmerizing, meaningful, and heartwarming story with the perfect dash of romance. ♥

Four stars! ✨

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Nicholas Sparks has always been a favorite for me but I really have gotten tired of how they all end with the reader in tears. This book has its moments but the entire beat of the book is not one that leads you to a painful ending. Thank you for that. This book digs into the backgrounds of all the people of this very small Carolina town. Jasper and his very special dog will charm you. You will be caught up with the stories of Kaitlyn and Tanner trying to deal with very real issues of their own. Do not miss this book. It is sure to be another big hit.

I wish to thank Net Galley and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine Books for allowing me to read an advanced copy of this book. I have voluntarily read and reviewed this advanced copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I’m typically a fan of Nicholas Sparks but this one unfortunately didn’t do it for me. I found Tanner and Kaitlyn’s characters to be very immature for being somewhere in their 30s/40s and much of their dialogue cringy, and Jasper’s storyline was just overly tragic in my opinion - I wouldn’t have minded a light religious theme with him, but for not being mentioned in the book description this was very heavy with Bible verses nearly every other page that overshadowed the typical love story we expect from Nicholas Sparks.

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Tanner Hughes was raised by his grandparents after the death of his mother and never knew his biological father. On his grandmother’s deathbed, she reveals a name and location to Tanner, and he sets out on a search for his father before taking an overseas job. Tanner’s search brings him to Asheboro, North Carolina, where he meets Kaitlyn and her two children through an unfortunate accident. He’s immediately attracted to her but has no intentions of sticking around or settling down. But fate steps in and leads to miracles in his life and that of one of Kaitlyn’s patients, Jasper.

An emotional story about tragedy, heartache, loss, family found, love, hope, belonging, and more. I recommend having tissues handy. Loved this story!

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This was sooo good!!! I mean, there are just no words to express the way this story made me feel. I had long ago decided this author was much too angsty for me but after years of separation, I decided this book seemed like a good one to jump into as long as I was prepared for the cry fest that would follow the last page. Oh my! I certainly did cry but this time it was so worth it. This is everything I love when dipping my toe into genres that are not my norm. And while I have never personally considered this author to write traditional romance, as they seldom do not end with a happy ever after, the romance in this one was sweet and exciting to watch. And spoiler here…they had the traditional HEA. But hold on for the journey of getting to it and all that takes place around them. Again, it was just sooo good!

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Nicholas Sparks is an auto-read for me. I have read every one of his books.

Counting Miracles is a novel that is about loss, love, hope and faith.
This book is about a man named Tanner, who was raised by his grandparents. They traveled overseas a lot as they were a military family. As Tanner sat by his grandmother’s side while she is very sick, before her passing, she wants Tanner to settle down. He’s retired military himself as well. His grandmothers last words to him was the name of his biological father and the town he used to live in. Tanner decides to go check out this man and see what he can find out. To see if there is a chance that he could really be his father.
While Tanner is in this town he becomes involved with a family that he eventually becomes very close to.

I would recommend this book to others.

Thank you Netgalley and Random House Publishing for the opportunity to read and give a review on this ARC

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Nicholas Sparks never disappoints. Such a heartfelt book. So happy everything worked out in the end. I love a great love story.

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I enjoyed this one minus the religious aspect. I loved the interweaving with the old man, Jasper and his story. Sweet and heartbreaking, beautiful novel.

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Nicholas Sparks is an auto-read for me and brings me back to my teenage years. I truly loved this story, reminiscent of everything I love about his stories! Tanner's journey to find his father was so powerful, especially as it connected to his grandmother's final wish. I also loved the character motivations of Jasper and his fight to save the white deer. The way these storylines intersected was so genius! Such a great read.

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This was a powerful story about found family, faith, and love.

What I liked:

- The story was told from multiple perspectives, and I enjoyed exploring the different viewpoints and backgrounds of each character. I felt a deep connection to Jasper and his heartbreaking life story, yet I admired the hope he maintained throughout.

- The plot was engaging, and I really enjoyed how it was driven by the characters.

- The message I got when reading this was, we are all dealt a really difficult life, but how you react, having faith and hope that it will ge better, will lead you to where you need to be in life.

- This had the feel of a Mitch Album book, which is one of my other favorite authors.

- I enjoyed Tanner. He was a gentleman, came with his flaws, but did the WORK.

- I didn't see the plot twist coming, and it was actually really enjoyable ❤️

What I didn't like:

- The romance was tough for me to buy into because they knew each other for such a short period of time.

- The ending felt somewhat rushed, leaving me with a sense of incompleteness when I finished the book.

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cw: a LOT of bible verses and religious discussion.
Also a of death, much of it tragic.
Overall this was a really lovely story. I mostly enjoyed Jasper and the way his tale was told. The FMC was a little annoying at times. This is a fade to dark romance as well as a story of family and overcoming tragedy.

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Wow, first of all, thank you, Random House Publishing, so SO much for this ARC!!

I want to be very honest in this review: and although I have a longstanding adoration of Nicholas Sparks, this one was very touch and go for me. Overall, it was a beautiful story and I love how it came together at the end!

Some parts that were hard for me while reading was just how much backstory we had of Jasper’s. And while evoking so much emotion through his history, I struggled connecting with him and his role in this book just seemed way greater than I would have preferred. I really needed more from Tanner and Kaitlyn’s story.

With that being said, I loved how the story came together, however very predictable it was, it was still so beautiful and a joy to be a part of!

I will be posting my review of this book today on my Instagram page @cozywithmykindle

Thank you!

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Who doesn't enjoy a book written by Nicholas Sparks? I know I have always looked forward to reading his upcoming novels as soon as they release. Counting Miracles is yet another touching, captivating and bittersweet piece. I enjoyed the main character development throughout the story and enjoyed reading it to its entirety.

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I have always loved Nicholas Sparks books! This story follows Jasper a recluse of the small town of Asheboro. The story also follows Tanner who just arrived at Asheboro looking for his long lost father. Tanner ends up meeting a single mother named Kaitlyn and it shows how their relationship develops, and the impact of both of their personal struggles. This book was good but was slow in some parts. The ending was very predictable.

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