Member Reviews

I initially thought it was going to be a cliche read because of the title and I was definitely wrong.

The Scorned Wife is about a woman named Amelia whose husband does whatever he wants to do to get what he wants. This man leaves her for her own sister (I was completely shocked this happened by the way). The sister Cara will do whatever it takes to make Amelia's life not worth living anymore and that's when the twists and turns begin. Once Cara (Amelia's sister) destroys her marriage, Amelia hires a handsome escort named Damon to play the role of boyfriend to then teach her little sister a lesson. What felt like a good plan at the beginning became a worst nightmare at the end and now Amelia must find a way to survive!

Being rich and coming from a wealthy family was not enough to keep her "perfect" life together.

The idea that she hires a complete stranger to get back at her sister and backstabbing husband then turns into her having to get away from all the chaos she thought would work!

This book is full of edge, suspense, very crazy twists and turns and had me stopping myself in the middle of my read to really process what I just read!

Thank you, NetGalley and Inkubator Books for this copy, it was a great read!

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This was my very first dnf. I just couldn’t get into it. Very very slow and just not very “thriller” for me. I tried so hard to finish it but I just couldn’t.

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Thanks NetGalley for the opportunity to read this. It sounded good and I love a good domestic thriller but this one did not care for this one!

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I expected to love this. It was just an okay read. There was a lot of potential, but it missed the mark. I ended up skipping a lot of chapters.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Inkubator Books for this ARC of ‘ The Scorned Wife’ by Theo Baxter.

The premise of this book seemed so good and I was so excited to read it. Unfortunately, it just didn’t live up to what I was hoping for. I found the story hard to get into and very slow but other than that it was an enjoyable read. I did enjoy the third person POV too. It did keep me engaged so overall I give it 3 stars!☺️

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I apologise but I just couldn't finish this book. I tried so hard but the characters are all annoying!

I really tried and had to force myself in reading each chapter but right after the 50th page, I completely gave up.

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I really struggled with this one.

It took me so long to get into it because of the writing style, and then I found the whole story to lack depth. Parts were repetitive and just didn’t seem to go anywhere. I had to read some parts multiple times to understand what was going on, and I also really didn’t like the characters.

This is my first by this author so maybe this was just not the one for me.

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I received an advanced copy of this book from Inkubator Books via NetGalley.

Amelia Gray's life takes a sudden plunge into chaos when her husband leaves her for her own sister. Talk about a double betrayal. Fueled by anger and hurt, Amelia decides to take matters into her own hands, concocting a plan for revenge that spirals out of control faster than a runaway train. From hiring an escort to accompany her to her family's Christmas party to facing off against her manipulative sister, Cara, every step Amelia takes seems to lead to even more trouble.

The narrative kicks off with a slow burn, gradually building tension as Amelia's plan takes shape. However, as the plot thickens, it becomes increasingly convoluted, with twists and turns that border on the absurd. While the unexpected twists injected some excitement into the story, they often felt forced and detracted from the overall coherence of the plot.

My biggest gripe with the book lies in its characters—or lack thereof. None of the main players in this drama are particularly likable or relatable. Amelia herself comes across as self-centered and entitled, while her family members are portrayed as one-dimensional caricatures of cruelty and dysfunction. Even Amelia's interactions with her escort, Damon, fail to inject much-needed depth into the narrative, despite his intriguing portrayal.

Despite its flaws, the book does manage to maintain a sense of suspense throughout, keeping readers on their toes until the final twist. While the resolution may not have been entirely satisfying, it did deliver a surprising revelation that caught me off guard.

In the end, while this book had its moments of intrigue, it ultimately fell short of its potential. With a more nuanced portrayal of its characters and a tighter plot, it could have been a gripping psychological thriller. However, as it stands, it's a story that promises much but delivers little beyond a few fleeting moments of tension and surprise.

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This book wasnt really what I was expecting, it didn’t have much of a story to it, and there wasn’t enough suspense in my opinion. I couldn’t wait to finish it as it dragged on. I have read other books by this author and I have enjoyed them all, but unfortunately this one wasn’t for me.
I would this author to anyone who enjoys reading psychological thrillers.
Thank you netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for a honest review.

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I don’t like stalkers and I am
So afraid of those who keep to follow you even if you don’t want them anymore ever somewhere nearby. Even worse is when someone is there and watching you ! The book is thrilling and nail each woman that has ever been afraid of being observed ! Love it !

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I loved the cover!

This started out just from the description to be a great book but definitely fell flat. I just couldnt get into the story or the characters.

I love this author so was a bit disappointed.

Thanks NetGalley for letting me read and review.

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The beginning was promising but the story progressed a bit too slow for my liking. The third-person perspective also bothered me a bit. It was therefore quite hard for me to keep reading til the end, I didn't see the plottwist coming, so that was a nice surprise after all.

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Thank NetGalley for this opportunity to read The Scorned Wife. My first by this author, and I loved it. Definitely a book to read if you like messed up families. I couldn’t believe the craziness of this one.

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It was… okay. It sounded so promising from the blurb, but honestly I just couldn’t get ‘stuck in’, overall felt a bit disappointed, sorry, not for me.

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I’m all for brain candy, but this was…ridiculous.

The characters aren’t just unlikeable, they’re caricatures. I mean…if you’re bad, you’re the worst thing on the face of the planet. And they were all bad.

Our MC is dull. I just can’t see this personality inspiring anything but complete disinterest. Not love, not hate, not obsession, not even a mild friendship. She’s…invisible.

I would talk about our villain, but there are a bajillion of them. I’d talk about a love interest, but you can barely see them there.

As for plot? It’s a…lot. There is much muchness here and none of it is logical.


• ARC via Publisher

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Book description sounded like my kind of book but sadly I just could not get i to the story. Sorry, this one wasnt for me !

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I got to chapter 5 and called it quits. The premise of this book was soooo good. A woman’s husband leaves her for her sister and she has to watch their relationship play out?! Come on, what a salacious, juicy story! It had so much potential! But the writing was honestly awful. There’s such thing as giving too much information and telling us every long winded thought in the main character’s head is absolutely too much information.

I wanted to like it, I really did, and maybe it gets better towards the end but I’m a firm believer that if a book hasn’t truly hooked me in in the first 50 pages, it’s not worth my time. Sadly it’s the latest edition in my DNF pile!

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Not my favorite.

To start with the positive, there was enough action happening to keep my interest. I didn't like that most of the story was told from a third person perspective. This thriller had so much potential, but fell short. The characters being unlikable wasn't an issue. Toward the end of the story, Amelia's resolution with her father did seem to fit the progression of the plot.; I felt like it was out of place. There was no speculation of her father being that kind of person. I just thought it was weird to sneak something random like that in at the very end.

#netgalley #ARC #inkubatorbooks #generalfiction #mystery&thrillers

This book was sent to me by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you NetGalley for this advanced reader copy in exchange for my free and honest review. This book took a bit to get into but once I was in, I was in it until the end. Honestly, it got a bit crazy with one thing after another, that it was almost unbelievable, but again, I could t let go. I had to see it through to the end. Look forward to reading more books by this author.

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The premise of this book was what made me read it, I mean, a woman seeking revenge after her little sister “stole” her husband? It had me hooked immediately. The twisted relationship between Amelia and Damon was superb, and the amount of suspense throughout the book was great.

This is my first book from this author, and it was full of twists but had a slow start and at some point, there were so many things happening that made it feel a little too much. The storyline is easy to follow through and the way the wish for revenge took an unexpected turn was fantastic.

I didn’t quite connect with any of the main characters and found like Amelia was a bit too much. However, the way the author was able to portrait Damon was impressive and added so much tension to the story.

Overall, it’s a psychological thriller that kept me going until the end, where I got a twist, I wasn’t expecting. I enjoyed it since I felt uneased until the end and couldn’t quite guess what was going to happen.

Thank you, NetGalley & the publisher, for approving me to read this arc and write this review.

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