Member Reviews

This was a very warm and moving memoir. John's story was very inspiring, and his warmth and wit leapt out from the page. I really enjoyed reading John and Anni's story.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for letting me review this book. Sometimes life throws curveballs and it’s how we react that matters. I like how they keep going and never give up; how if something isn’t working, they try something else.

I recieved a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. Thank you NetGalley.
Can I just say how inspiring and awesome John is?! I love that we also got to learn a bit more about his partner as well.
This was a beautiful memoir told by two beautiful people. Their stories are relatable but inspiring.
So worth the read!

In this inspirational puff piece, visually impaired woodworker and social media phenomenon John Furniss and his wife, artist Anni Furniss, discuss the joys and challenges of their together.
As a teen, John blinded himself in a suicide attempt, and he spent years in and out of prison for drug using and dealing. Anni has suffered from a variety of insecurities and illnesses as well. Nonetheless, this intrepid couple found each other. They share their artwork along with a side of vague spirituality in this book (and also, presumably, on TikToc, but I haven't experienced their social media presence for myself).
This book exemplifies why "showing, not telling" is such an important writerly rule. Everything in this book is told, and little is shown. The book is less vivid than it could be because of this approach. Still is it a quick read, and it does give an interesting perspective on visual impairment.

The Blind Woodsman is a warm and personal memoir by John & Anni Furniss. Released 19th March 2024 by Fox Chapel, it's 192 pages and is available in paperback and ebook formats. Hardcover due out 2nd July 2024 from the same publisher.
This is such an engaging and appealing read. The Furniss' are pragmatic, honest, but never overly saccharine or precious. They speak honestly and openly about disability (he's completely blind, she has neuromuscular and hypermobility issues) and their daily lives and past history.
It's a very uplifting and honest memoir, and eminently readable. Definitely a feel-good book. It's not sugar coated, they're both honest about their struggles, but throughout, their loyalty to one another is palpable.
Highly recommended for public or secondary school library acquisition (frank discussions of mental health, disability, chronic illness, addiction, prison/legal system), for fans of memoir and nonfiction, and for gifting. It's told in alternating chapters with both the authors discussing the same events and timeline from their own points of view which works very well for this story.
Five stars. A genuinely uplifting read.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

The Blind Woodsman by husband and wife duo, John and Anni Furniss, is a gripping, engaging, heart crushing and utterly gorgeous true story about resilience, determinination, perseverance, support, confidence and love.
At sixteen, John attempted suicide but was granted another chance not only to survive but thrive. Unsurprisingly, his resulting blindness contributed to depression, anxiety, isolation and loneliness. He said he robbed himself of independence for a time. However, he has since accomplished so much including becoming a skilled piano repairman, gardener and woodsman working with specialty tools such as a lathe. Unfathomable. He attributes his positive outlook to discovering bravery and insight through the loss of vision and literal darkness. And along came Anni.
John and Anni connected immediately but addictions created rifts. Once dealt with, they forged ahead. On their journey they married and had to find ways to earn incomes. Anni has chronic illnesses (I can unfortunately relate) but continues to use her art background and community spirit to do great things. The two make a lovely team. Anecdotes are at times witty and smart (his cash differentiation solution!) and other times emotive, such as subsequent accidents John had. Anni's blindness experiments tugged at my heart. Their genuine mutual love and respect is heartwarming. I've watched their interactions and slices of life on several of their delightful videos.
If you seek an achingly beautiful and inspiring nonfiction book, make it this one. Neither John nor Anni has a woe-is-me attitude which can be a great life lesson.
My sincere thank you to Fox Chapel Publishing and NetGalley for providing me with a digital copy of this phenomenal book, one I will never forget. I adored it!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing this book in exchange for an honest review.
This is such a an uplifting book! I am legally blind and can relate to a lot of John's situations, such a slipping on ice and walking into sign posts. He is very fortunate to have survived his many setbacks in life and has a great attitude about how his life has turned out. Anni is also an inspiration as she seals with learning to live with a blind husband while dealing with her own health issues. Together, they make a wonderful team.

The idea of a blind woodsman blew my mind! How can it be so?
John and Anni Furniss show how it IS so. . . right there in their every day! The Blind Woodsman: One Man's Journey to Find His Purpose is filled with amazing photographs and compelling backstories getting them to where they are now, showing how this blind woodsman is turning out beautiful work with his hands. Anni's artistry and skillful management of their combined talents show up in this book as well.
Together they are forging a life that is inspiring and an example to all of us who think we don't have a hope of getting around, over or through obstacles placed in our paths. It isn't magic, it isn't easy and the hardest mind to change is your own. These two show through their not-yet-together challenges how ready and easy they were for pianos, paint and love-is-in-the-air when it presented itself.
Want proof? Check it out! https://www.furnissstudios.com/
*A sincere thank you to John Furniss, Anni Furniss, Fox Chapel Publishing, and NetGalley for an ARC to read and independently review.* #TheBlindWoodsman #NetGalley

John and Anni’s story is one of love, resilience, and hope after surviving against incredible odds. It is proof that light can come through darkness, strength can follow weakness, and peace can arrive after the storm. What John achieves in spite of his blindness is truly an inspiration and an example to us all to go after our dreams and never give up, while Anni continuously demonstrates how to support your partner through good times and bad. Their admiration, support, and respect for each other shines through every chapter. I loved their unique story (and the photos) and look forward to continuing to follow them and their art on social media.
*I received a complimentary copy of this e-book from NetGalley and Fox Chapel Publishing. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

The story of John Furniss is a story of second and third chances and it is also a very encouraging and evolving story that will make you happy for where John is now. I found the story an, "Oh, my God," story that as you read the story you can't quite believe all that John went through in order reach the other side of his fulfilling journey. The story seems to say, "You never know what will happen next," so keep on going.
John Furniss must have at least two angels beside him, because not only did he survive a suicide attempt at a early age but he also survived drug addiction, amazing. And it seems that those angels also put the right people in his path when he needed someone the most, especially his wife Anni. His story makes me feel that even when you think there is nothing to believe in, something or someone makes you believe that you can go forward and keep trying. The story also tells me that the road is never a straight line, but is a journey of ups and down and failures and success and you need to appreciate and be grateful for both.
I want to thank Fox Chapel Publishing, Fox Chapel and NetGalley for an advance copy of this soul searching story that make you believe that you should keep on trying.