Member Reviews

I enjoyed learning more about the lives of guides dogs in the pages of this book. Who knew dogs could do all that.

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A guide dog’s guide to life’s most important lessons! True story about blind man and his guide dog. I really sad and touched with the story from this book.

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Unfortunately, I was not able to access an assistive reader for this arc, either in the NetGalley app or in Kindle. I need this accessibility device because I have diminished vision. I recommend the publishers and Netgalley to make ARCs accessible by assistive readers to prevent excluding other visually impaired readers.

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I absolutely loved this memoir! Not only am I a lover of dogs, but I also feel that all people can do regardless of blindness or other losses. (I teach students who are Deaf). People with challenges just work harder to do what everyone else can do easily. I enjoyed reading about the different guide dogs and how each was special. Especially walking from the 78th floor of the Twin Towers on 9/11. Absolutely amazing stories!!!

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Michael Hingson has inspired me since I heard him describe his 9-11 experience years ago. I’m glad he’s written another book that gives us a wider glimpse into the life of someone born blind who’s living a full and fruitful life. Like most, I love loyal dog stories, so I liked the book before I ever opened it, and the contents didn’t disappoint me. I found it heavy on personal stories and light on spiritual application, but the stories were interesting and inspiring. Thank you, Michael, for showing us that we can all live full and fruitful lives, not in spite of our challenges, but because of them.

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I was fortunate to hear Michael speak at a local Lion's Club Blind Dinner Date event shortly before "Thunder Dog" came out. I read that book as soon as it was released, and looked forward to this one, as well. I was able to read an ARC through Netgalley prior to its release and was not disappointed. Michael is very relational and down-to-earth in telling the stories of his life to date with his career, family and friends (4 legged and human!). I enjoyed how he tied much of his life's journey to his strong Christian faith and the power of God.

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Live Like a Guide Dog tells the story of the author's life through the story of his guide dogs over the years, one who guided him to escape the Twin Towers on 9/11. I learned a lot from this book about how guide dogs are trained and integrated with their handler's life as well as the perspectives of navigating a sighted world with a vision impairment. I loved the author's can-do attitude and how he explained how he has conquered his fears like his dogs have throughout his life. At times it felt a little preachy (I was unaware it was technically a Christian publication when I chose this book), but I also respect how the author's faith has helped him through dark times during his life. Michael Hingson is definitely inspirational and likely a hoot to meet if his blind "stick up" joke at his bank is his typical flair. The love for his wife was visible and heartfelt throughout, and this book is as much a tribute to her as his human companion through much of his adulthood.

Thank you to NetGalley and Tyndale Momentum for the opportunity to read and review this ARC.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Tyndale House Publishing as well as the author for this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.
#NetGalley #TyndaleHousePublishing #LiveLikeAGuideDog #MichaelHingson

Title: Live Like A Guide
Author: Michael Hingson and Keri Wyatt Kent
Format: eBook
Publisher: Tyndale House Publishing
Publication Date: August 20, 2024

This book was just amazing. I learned so much from it. Michael Hingson tells the story of his life as a blind man as well as a guide dog trainer/guardian. This remarkable story includes learning to navigate the world after being born blind, training himself to be part of a guide dog team, and his harrowing escape from the Twin Towers on 9/11 with his guide dog, Roselle. This is a must read for anyone whether or not you’re blind, whether or not you’re a dog person. You need only be a thinking human.

This book taught me a lot. Maybe it’s dumb of me but it never occurred to me that the person needs to be trained too! Mr. Hingson writes about walking a handler on a harness first so that he knew what it felt like when a large dog stood, walked, stopped, sat, etc. while next to him. He also needed to remember that if the dog acted in a way that he hadn’t been told, there was a reason. I was fascinated by this. I loved hearing about the personality of each dog as the author met them and his unique relationship with each. Each dog had his or her individual talents and drawbacks. Each required his or her partner to undergo different training to learn the quirks of each other. I was sad each time one retired, even though they were taken care of.

It was interesting to learn from the point of view of a person who is blind. The different ways other senses, like hearing and smell can be used was neat! Things I take for granted as a sighted person are perceived in such different ways. The author rode a bike as a kid using his hearing. Very interesting.

The stories in these pages are beautiful. I learned so much. This book made me laugh and cry. I’m thankful for the lessons within.

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Michael Hingson has lead an incredible life. He was born blind, but at a young age was able to rely on other sense to maneuver around his home.

A young neighbor even taught him how to ride a bicycle. Michael Hingson was only 14 when he adopted Squire to be his seeing eye dog.

Roselle, one of Michael’s guide dogs, guided him from the World Trade building (where they were working) on Sept 11, 2001. And also guided a woman who had so much dust/debris in her eyes that she couldn’t see either.

Michael fell in love with Karen who was physically disabled. They were quite the team, she was his “eyes” and he was the “brawn”.

Each chapter describes Michael Hingson’s life and highlights attributes and lessons learned with each dog. Each chapter concludes with a bible verse and prayer.

Quite the memoir.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Tyndale Momentum Publishing for approving my request to read the advance read copy of Live Like a Guide Dog in exchange for an honest review.

208 pages ... including many pictures!
Publication date is August 20, 2024

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This was an awesome book. M Ic h AE.L.HINGs O.N s was a great person to deal with this blindness full on. He trained his own dogs through the blind foundation. I learned a lot about the dogs and how they go through this training program. Mitchell was treated just like a normal person and he accomplished so much. His parents I gave him all the courage to go on with his life. And they like how he did the chapters when he talked about the dogs personalities. He married a person In a wheelchair. She also. Did a lot with her life. They were a team. Do you want to college and start With voice-activated. When can graduate college. Each dog had a different personality with him. You had also a best-seller on The New York Times because one of the dogs. Help them without of the burning towers. He had many different jobs.
But it ended up doing Speaking tours tours all over the world. This is a very interesting book. Everybody should read it if you have problems in life.

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I'm not visually impaired or a pet owner, so this book was very insightful. I cannot begin to understand the depth of the losses Hingston has undergone, from family, to pets, to jobs. I found it incredibly refreshing how he extracts inspiration from those around him, and his perspective on everything his guide dogs offered him. As someone who isn't very religious, I found the increasingly frequent mentions of God a little too much. I understand having faith in God and looking up to him for direction and support, but I remember a point in the book where the author mentions him every single sentence. I think that took away some of the focus from the author's relationships with his guide dogs.

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Michael Hingson has shared the inspirational story of his life with the numerous dogs who have guided him through his sightless journey. There were so many heartwarming and heartbreaking stories! Just like guide dogs, any of us can turn the fears in our life to a positive experience. I plan to check out the author's blog as well as his previous book Thunder Dog about escaping the Twin Towers on 9/11. Thanks to NetGalley, Tyndale House and the authors for an advance copy to read and review.

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I read Michael Hingson’s first book, “Thunder Dog” and was thrilled to see a follow up book in which he writes about all the guide dogs he has had and the truly life inspirations they have taught him that he shares in this truly inspirational and spiritual book! And like he mentions, “if you don’t have a dog, get one”. Wonderful book, one I’ll be keeping on my Kindle to refer to when life gets tough.

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I’ve been around guide dogs for years and they are amazing dogs. I’ve sat back and watched these dog work like crossing a busy street or warning their handler of curbs or anything different it is amazing.
So when I see this book on netgalley I had to read it thank you netgalley for letting me.
This story covers Michael life from childrenhood up to now he also shares some of his difficult times with family and a few of his dogs and It is an uplifting educational story. Thank you author Michael Hingson for sharing your life with us and your story of of 911

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing this book in exchange for an honest review.
I loved each of the guide dogs in this book! As I am legally blind, I was most excited to read about the different guide dogs the author had. Each dog was so different but their willingness to guide and even just be present for their human, was so special. The most interesting part was about his escape in 9/11.
The dogs taught so many lessons in their own way and I like how the author has applied them to life.

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Stories of the guide dogs, past and present, during the author's life. Information on he different training of guide dogs and how each one has his own personalities and strengths. The partnership between the man and guide dog is based on trust and the dog's ability to adapt to whatever is happening.
Beautiful stories about how these dogs have enriched the author's life.
#LiveLikeaGuideDog #TyndaleHousePublishers #NetGalley

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I really enjoyed the stories about the different dogs in this book and about the lessons that can be learned from them about overcoming fear and anxiety. I think this book hit me a little different because I lost my soul dog this February and then read this in July after I had dealt with the pain of losing the best dog who wasn't a guide dog but was a piece of me by my side. She was my comfort, my confidence and my reason this introvert was able to show her heart without fear. Like these dogs, she taught me so much about myself and life as well as overcoming fears. I really related to this book on that level. Then she wasn't there by my side. I love dogs more than anything and I needed to be strong to get another dog. I was terrified. What if the dog didn't bond as strongly to me? How can I be brave enough to get through this and other things without her there?Did I have the strength to do this again and risk forming another bond so close with another dog while knowing I would lose the dog and go through the pain again? I was excited and terrified all at once. This book showed me that all dogs are here for a different chapter of our lives and they are all here to teach us something very different. It showed me that you never forget any of them and it is not a dishonor to get another. Each dog will help you overcome a different fear at a different time. That is their purpose. They love that they have one. This book did a lot for me. I'm not afraid anymore to love and be loved again by another dog while still holding the lessons and the love of the soul dog in my heart always. Thank you to the author for writing this book.

Even if you are in a totally different place than this, you will enjoy this book and the lessons you learn. You learn a lot about what goes into training a guide dog and how the relationship operates. I learned a lot about that and about how the blind figure their way through the world. I would recommend this to anyone who needs inspiration and/or loves dogs!

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I received a copy of the book "Live Like a Guide Dog" by Michael Hingson and Keri Wyatt Kent. Michael Hingson writes about the guide dogs he has had since high school. Throughout the years he had eight guide dogs. Each one with a different personality. All did their job guiding him and keeping him safe. Michael is blind and writes about these wonderful guide dogs. He writes about what each of these dogs taught him. He also offer Bible passages through out his book. One of the dogs saved his life and guided other people down dark steps when the Twin Towers were attacked and collapsed. Michael was there at the Twin Towers working and Roselle his guide dog led him down 1.400 steps. He writes what each gudie dog taught him and what others can learn. like being focused. live one day at a time. etc. I was a bit disappointed at the end because I could not get the pictures of him and his dogs to work. maybe the finished book will work better.{ I read this on my kindle. A good read I enjoyed.

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I remember the author's thrilling story of surviving on 9/11 with his guide dog Roselle, so I jumped at the chance to read his fine new book sharing how to live a better life applying what he's learned from his many dogs who have helped him navigate the world as a blind man. Moving and so very inspiring!

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This was an excellent book. If you want to find a better way to live or want to learn about guide dogs, this is the book for you.

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