Member Reviews

As a summer camp murder book, Heads Will Roll does really well. No one there is using their real names and everyone has secrets, making everyone a bit untrustworthy and mysterious. What made it 4 stars for me was that it was lacking a bit of depth in the characters and story that I have enjoyed in Josh Winning’s other books, but as horror novel it was solid and enjoyable.

Note: ARC provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This novel depicts what cancel culture looks like on the receiving end. After sending out a thoughtless tweet, Willow is moved to an anonymous camp called Camp Castaway. There are famous people at this camp for people to sort out their lives away from social media, etc. People then start turning up dead and without a phone, Willow must try to survive.
I absolutely love this type of novel! The 80s/90s slashers are back and I am absolutely here for it! I devoured this book which was fast paced and fun! The twists were fabulous and the ending was unexpected, yet great!

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Heads Will Roll
by Josh Winning
Pub Date: July 30, 2024
Thanks to the author, publisher and Netgalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.
This was a little over the top for me, but If you like slashers you're going to love this fantastic novel. The name says it all. Heads Will Roll, and oh yeah, take that literally.
It's about a woman who had a hit Netflix show until a single tweet had her cancelled in the most extreme manner. She decides to go to a camp that promises digital detox and getting out in nature. There, she'll meet several characters who all have their own demons they're running from.

But soon, people go missing, decapitated bodies start piling up, and there's no way to escape this camp far away from civilization.

There's a lot more to the story than that but I'll just say it's well written and really dives into cancel culture and how it impacts others.

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Great thriller about where people go when they need to unplug due to be canceled on the internet. Willow is the lead actress on a popular Netflix show until she tweets out her character's catchphrase and it’s taken as an anti LQBQ+ mocking. As soon as willow arrives at camp she hears the story of knock, knock, Nancy who haunts the woods taking the head of her victims with an ax. Being unplugged is great when you want to disconnect from the outside world but when people start disappearing from the remote campground everyone is dying to get their phones back. I liked how the sorry went back and forth between Willow’s perspective and then the perspective of the victims as they are hunted in the woods. Great summer thriller to read while camping!

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Didn't read it - I'm so sorry I didn't realize there wasn't a download for the kindle. I just can't read on a phone or computer...

If there is a download link for a kindle format, please let me know

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What a fun and entertaining read and releasing at the perfect time. Heads Will Roll is a classic and bloody camp slasher but made queer. "Cancelled" characters that have to unwind and unplug at Camp Castaway. Heads will definitely roll in this one and will make this summer a slashing one!

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Fun slasher. I like how this one explores the complexities of cancel culture. The plot is all over the place, and I had a hard time getting into this one. The dialogue was bogged down by endless horror references. The gore was lackluster and could’ve used more description. Just missed on a ton of things. But it was fun and ambitious. I think this author has a ton of potential. This just wasn’t the one.

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Oh boy, what an amazing read this one was!! I was fully invested and could not put the book down! I was absolutely obsessed with it. The plot, the twists, the characters (just everything about this) was amazing! I 100% recommend reading this one!!

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Cancel culture sends a sitcom star into a downward spiral, and she finds herself in an upstate summer camp for the ostracized. Everything is fun and lies until someone, or something, starts taking the campers out one by one.

When horror and humor complement each other, I’ll always say it’s a success, and I think the author nailed it. This book has such an 80s-90s slasher feel that gives enough nostalgia without ever coming across as “silly”—if that’s even the right word🤷🏻‍♀️. Winning uses the classic slasher tropes against a modern setting, and it just works.

The pacing is near neck-breaking; we just plowed through the plot, and I’m not even mad about it. If I had started this earlier in the day, it would’ve easily been a one-sitting read 🤌🏼

I totes appreciated the mid-story bomb drop; I think I even said “no fckn way” out loud but then tried to play it off like, “oh, yeah, I can see that 👀”. The plot twist at the end actually surprised me a little, so hella props.

The only thing I’m pulling back on a star for is that by the end, I still felt like there were some loose ends that could’ve been tied up, BUT in the defense of the slasher vibe, I guess it isn’t that big of a deal.

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As horror fans, we know how to suspend disbelief. In fact, it might be one of the best parts of reading/watching horror. This opportunity to be immersed in an otherwise ridiculous story, that still has the ability to terrify you. imo no genre asks for more suspension of disbelief than a slasher. The choices the characters make are usually maddening, and are not the choices of your average thinking person. So I'm used to having to roll my eyes at characters, but this book had me in a constant state of eye roll inducing "are you kidding me?" 🙄 My mom would've warned me if I kept it up it'd stay stuck that way.

I wanted to love this book, but it just didn't meet expectations. I'm a life-long horror fan, especially slashers, so I was excited when I read the synopsis for Heads Will Roll. I insta-requested it. It being a PDF and only being able to read it through the app was a bit of a turn-off, and did have issues with the texting portions of the book, but it is what it is, and didn't affect the story much.

I don't want to ruin the story for others, but there are a lot of things that bothered me about this book.

The coincidence of all these connected people all being at this random cancel camp at the same time without any outside intervention is insulting. The romance felt forced and was eye-roll inducing. Like, how do you go from full depression, not wanting anyone to recognize you, thinking your life is over, breaking an engagement, to falling for someone immediately after meeting them, 10 minutes after your arrival, because they're cute? And forgiving the person that ruined your life bc you've hung out with them for like two days, again because they're cute? The reveal wasn't surprising to me, and I found it just as ridiculous as I was expecting to.

This book was meta in a really cringey way. All the random celebrity name dropping, and pop culture references were so odd and out of place. I saw another reviewer mention how dated these references were, and I agree. It was really hard to ascertain how old these people are supposed to be. The characters were all so one note that they all blended together, at multiple points I forgot who certain people even were.

I'm sorry to be so harsh on this book, as there was clearly an effort made here. It just didn't hit the mark. This is my second book from this author, the first I also didn't enjoy, so will not be reading from him again. I'd recommend this to readers who enjoy meta horror with social commentary.

Apologies, and thanks to the publisher for the e-ARC I received in exchange for an honest review.

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Willow doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut and when she gets crucified for a poorly-considered tweet, her life and career self-destruct. After her agent fishes her out of a swimming pool, she runs away to Camp Castaway - known by campers as Camp Canceled - to exit the grid and give herself time to recover and regroup. While the Camp Mom is a big intense about the no-technology rule, things seem pretty great at first - good food, good company, no social media, no death threats, beautiful nature. But when Willow learns about a local legend involving a decapitated woman perpetually searching for her head (or a replacement) and another camper disappears, she starts to question the camp and its image. Soon, secrets are brought to light and people start dying - if Willow and her new friends want to survive, they're going to have to keep their heads. Literally.

Heads Will Roll is a nostalgic read while also bringing something new to an old trope. Some of the plot development goes a bit too fast and the resolution has a few gaps, but it can be forgiven in a summer camp slasher, especially when those gaps could signal the traditional return of the baddie in a later franchise offering. Winning makes you care about and root for the characters we should care about - Willow, Dani, Kurt, and Juniper are all interesting, though some of their motivations could use perhaps a smidge more development. Even with these small flaws the story is a fun, fast read, and the found media interspersed throughout the chapters adds another layer to the storytelling that provides context and outside perspectives on the events surrounding those at the camp. Fans of slasher films and haunted summer camps will enjoy this new iteration.

Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Group Putnam for the opportunity to read Heads Will Roll early in change for a review.

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Heads Will Roll takes place at what is basically a summer camp for adults that focuses on unplugging from social media and the outside world (no phones allowed). Most of the people attending the camp have something they are running away from; some "thing" they have done in the real world that they need to escape. Willow, the main character, was a sitcom star who was canceled after she posted a tweet that was blasted as being anti-LGBTQ.

The fact that this camp is creepy is obvious from the start - there is no build up that slowly lets you know Camp Castaway is not all it seems. The characters are interesting, but none really stick out as being a person to root for to get their life together and do better when, or if, they leave. For me, the book read more like a thriller with a little gore thrown in towards the end than a horror novel. I found the double-twist ending a little lacking. Without saying too much, I thought one of the twists was good and unexpected, and the other just left me rolling my eyes because it was such a common horror movie trope.

Overall, Heads Will Roll is a good read and worth a shot if you are looking for a summer release that isn't about romance or a tropical vacation.

Thank you to NetGalley, Josh Winning, and PENGUIN GROUP Putnam  for an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Absolutely fantastic! Ok, I’m going to drop some truth here. The cover is what did it for me (it’s one of my favorite covers ever!). This is definitely a case where the cover is the thing that pulled me in. Then when I saw what it was about, A CAMP SLASHER?! Sold. This one definitely has a Sleepaway Camp vibe but with a modern and super creepy religious twist. And it’s all because of cancel culture! I absolutely despise cancel culture, so this book was right up my alley. I loved every bit of it. If you’re a fan of the classic 80s slasher but are looking for something a little more up to date, then look no further. This is the book for you!

Huge thanks to Penguin Group Putnam and NetGalley for sending me this ARC for review! All of my reviews are given honestly!

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What a bizarre book.

The gist: a former sitcom star gets "cancelled" after a tweet didn't go the way she hoped. She packs up and goes to an adult summer camp that promises digital detox as an escape.

Things seem ideal and it looks like she gets the reset she needs: until bodies start appearing.

My issues with the book:

1) I can't quite figure out who the audience is for this book. Tons of 90's references, but the characters act/talk more like GenZ. Is this supposed to be a YA? IDK. I'm confused. (I still don't know how old these characters were supposed to be).
2) The characters all seem a bit similar; and even with only a handful of main characters, they started swimming together in my brain a bit too much.
3) The plot seemed SO FAMILIAR. I can't put my finger on how or why (other than it being a "summer camp horror" book) but it lacked creativity and spark.
4) Random "insta love"/love at first sight isn't my jam, especially in a horror book.
5) The big reveal at the end was kinda lame.

You might like this book if you are a fan of summer camp horror, wanting to delve into "cancel culture" commentary, or want a fast read. I'd *probably* categorize this as a YA.

Thank you to Netgalley for the ARC. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. All views expressed are my own.

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Overall a fun summer slasher. It took a bit too long for the action to start, and I wasn’t interested in the personal development of the main character until the last chapters. (Though I did care by the end, which is a positive.) There was lots of potential here and like I said, I had fun overall.

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DNFed at 35% Personally did not love this but can completely understand why others do. Easiest way I can describe it is that it’s a horror slasher for Riley Sager fans. I hate Riley Sager books which is an unpopular opinion and similarly my disinterest of this book is the minority opinion. I really don’t enjoy books with a lot of pop culture references, and I don’t like books about famous people and famous people problems. You’re telling me your life just completely imploded and your first thought is ‘wow they’re hot’ that always INSTANTLY takes me out of a book. Idk bout yall but depression and sexy time does not mix for me. If you like Riley Sager def pick this up.

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No idea if it's just me? I wanted to read this but it won't let me open it lmao. I also wasn't aware till later on there's not a kindle option so unfortunately I can't even read this. Of course it's no one's fault. The cover, and premise intrest me and I'll most likely purchase a final copy to read.

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Josh Winning has done it again! A fantastically creepy horror story that takes social media fears and summer camp tropes and creates a story that will surprise you, scare you and certainly entertain you!

Camp Castaway is a place to take a break. Away from phones, media and all the cancel culture that may have brought you there. Upon arrival,
campers choose a new name and Willow has done so....even if it is her Television character name. She is kicking herself for that choice, but hoping no one recognizes her. She quickly fits in with the small group and begins to enjoy the social media break. But one by one, the small group shrinks. Is someone hunting the campers? It's a matter of life and death for Willow to find out!

I loved this book and thought it was amazing. I loved feeling like I was at a camp and has the same stress Willow had at every turn. If you like a scary book, Heads Will Roll is for you!
#penguinputnam #headswillroll #joshwinning

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I enjoy these kinds of thrillers, and this one had so many of my favorite tropes, such as a campground, an urban legend, and everyone being cut off from communication.
The cancel culture theme was fun, too, and I enjoyed the twists as we learned the backgrounds of the characters.
However, the violence was kind of cartoonish and I didn't buy the ending. I still enjoyed it and would recommend it, because I liked the characters and the atmosphere.
Thanks to NetGalley for letting me read this

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Could not get this title to download and open despite trying various devices. Unfortunately cannot give accurate rating, thus my average stars.

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