Member Reviews

**do not look up the author or the ending before reading it- because figuring it all out as the author does is the way to do it

I love a good catfish story and this one did not disappoint. As someone who has never online dated it is easy for me to hear stories of people being catfished and think "how in the world did you not know what was happening?" This book brought so much insight into how/why people often stay in these relationships despite never seeing the person they are dating in real life.

This story follows Anna, British Anna, and Gina as they each fall in love with a man they met online named Ethan. (About 50% of the book is Anna's story, followed by 10% each British Anna and Gina's story, and the last 30% the discovery of Ethan and where everything ended). He gives them empty promises of meeting in person and these womens heart are just strung along the emotional rollercoaster in the process. I loved hearing each womens story and how they came to find out and question that Ethan may not be all that he seems. Thats all that I'll say because when you uncover the real truth it is honestly shocking.

This book is set to release June 4, 2024. Thank you to Grand Central Publishing and the author for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a really interesting concept and I’ve never heard from this case before. It was really well done and thought it was a fantastic concept. Anna Akbari tells this true crime element perfectly and thought it worked in keeping me reading.

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This book pisses me off. I’m grateful that it was written, but it makes me so angry and that the laws are so behind the crimes. These women were horribly abused and received no justice.

I hesitated requesting this one because she was a sociologist, I didn’t think Anna was someone who would be easily catfished. I requested it anyway thinking it would be an interesting read. I was wrong, it was a great read. My heart breaks for British Anna. It’s a book that examines everything, even when the answers aren’t there.

I highly recommend this to everyone. This kind of thing can happen anywhere online, it’s not always dating sites.

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC, but all opinions are my own.

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I could not put this book down! I became so invested in Anna's experience. I, too, have played the online dating game, and while I have not been catfished (to my knowledge, at least), I often wonder if the person on the other end of the chat is really who they seem. Maybe that's why I don't participate in it anymore. I like knowing what I'm getting into. (I am also very impatient and thus unlikely to keep up a conversation with someone who never materializes). Not that I'm trying to say anything against these amazing women! This is an amazing analysis of how people respond to words and emotions. I'm in awe of Anna and how she was able to turn the tables on ES. I sincerely hope this person is brought to justice eventually, but I'm a huge believer in karma... and I hope they get theirs soon.
Highly recommend this one!!

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Okay this was wild. I was so enthralled for the first half which dives into the conversations the author has with "Ethan." Reading about the three women confronting this catfish to get her to admit she was Ethan was intense. I really enjoyed this overall, it was like the best episode of Catfish.

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This is an absolutely riveting thriller of a non-fiction work, told mainly from the perspective of the author – "American" Anna, if you will – as she works to put together the pieces of an online suitor who has worked diligently to get under her skin and into her life, all without ever appearing before her physically (on Skype, in person, or even on the phone). At first, you'll wonder how anyone could ever fall prey to such a seemingly simple catfish; before long, you'll realize how easily you, too, could have slipped into the waters of "Ethan" and the allure and intelligence of the emotional rollercoaster that follows.

I read this entire book in one sitting, and had to stay up past my usual bedtime to "race" to the finish. Anna is such a compelling writer, and her sociology background makes the case of Ethan and his wide web of misdeeds not so much scientific as sprawling, deep, and mesmerizing.

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The author was Sociology professor in her early thirties when she joined an online dating community and met “Ethan.” They connected very quickly and began to communicate digitally almost continuously day and night. Over the course of four months, the author and “Ethan” developed an intense relationship, however, whenever Anna attempted to set up a meeting in-person or over the phone, something always came up. Eventually Anna became suspicious and began to ask around about “Ethan” which is when she discovered the other Anna, based in London, who carried on her own years long online relationship with “Ethan” and then there was Gina, also involved online with “Ethan.” The three women decided to work together to discover if “Ethan” really existed and if not, then who was the person that they were in a relationship with. This book does eventually give all the facts, including a name, and a little googling will SHOCK you. This is such an interesting story and character study. There are so many interesting facets of this book to explore and the psychology of the entire situation is fascinating. I will say that the first 40-50% of the book is mainly transcripts of the chats between the women and “Ethan” which gets old (and cringey), however, by the end I do see how reading all of the conversations adds to the overall arc of the entire true story. I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley.

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It's a wild ride! The author relays the terrifying and true story of being Catfished while online dating - a crazy journey crossing continents, spanning years and, through the intrepid and persistent courage of a group of intelligent, strong and resilient women, results in the exposure of "Ethan". I'm not the first reviewer to say it but don't look this story or it's main players up ahead of time, wait for the end of the book, it's worth it.
Anna Akbari deals with difficult and very personal subject manner with authenticity, insight and grace while unflinchingly examining her own thoughts and motivations throughout. "There is no Ethan" is well written, thought provoking and an engrossing read; recommend to everyone, regardless of online dating history, there's something here for everyone.

Thank you to the Publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this eARC in exchange for an honest review

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"We'd either make it out of this thing as an unstoppable couple, or I'd dig deep enough and long enough to expose whatever he wasn't telling me."

An epic and dramatic catfish episode that spans years, countries, and three strong, intelligent women. But aside from the big question of who this Ethan person truly is, is what their motivation for all this is. They never exchanged goods, services, or money, so why manipulate these women?

Well written and totally riveting; I was glued from the first page.

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A topic that you would think wouldn't be so relevant by now but it so is! You will find yourself judging these women - yes you will - but unless you experienced it it's hard to understand. The reading is fast paced and the story will have you hooked right from the start. I applaud the efforts of the three women for their determination (not to mention their incredible sleuthing abilities) to expose
"Ethan". Everyone should have their kids - both male and female - read this. Thanks to NetGalley, the author and publisher for an advanced copy in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Thank you to Grand Central Publishing @grandcentralpub and Netgalley @Netgalley for the e-arc. All thoughts are my own.

This is a hard book to review because I don’t want to say too much and give things away. Few key take-aways – go into this one blind and don’t google spoilers! You will get a reveal of who Ethan really is and Oh. My. GOSH!!!!!!!! WHAT! DID NOT SEE THAT COMING! You’d think that this was a fiction novel with this twist, but sometimes the truth is too good to be fake, and that was most definitely the case here. The truth is stranger than fiction. This is a truly engaging story that is going to keep you on the edge of your seat guessing what is happening.

I have two minor complaints, and they’re minor. The emails in the beginning were out of place. I wish they had been woven into the story versus being thrown at me upfront before I had any clue who the players were.

And then finally, and this one is just more for my own morbid curiosity, but I wish we would have gotten more of the “why”. This is tricky because “Ethan” isn’t exactly going to serve his reasoning up on a silver platter, but still as a curious person, I just want to know more about what drives a person to the extreme lengths that “Ethan” went to! I think you’ll be asking yourself this same question, but alas, you will have to come up with your own reasoning.

I think that everyone who’s dating in the digital era should read this book. Is it terrifying, oh heck yes, it is. I tried very briefly to use an app to date, and after being told exactly what to wear to a casual date, I noped out and luckily for me met my husband the next day through a chance encounter.

I hope once this book comes out, and “Ethan” is truly made public, that the true “human” cost their lawyer threatened with comes true, because they surely deserve some consequences for their actions.

This is a powerful read, and I highly recommend you check it out. Just maybe don’t read it while you’re actively on an app based date?

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Powerful book.
Thanks to author, publisher and Netgalley for the chance to read this book. While I got the book for free it had no bearing on the rating I gave it.

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I will never again make fun of my friends who worry they are being catfished after reading There is No Ethan by Anna Akbari. I think this review will work best as a Q&A with questions I think you may have as a reader:

1. Is it very good?
2. Will I like it if I have never internet dated?
First of all, I'm bitter and jealous that you didn't have to get on dating apps while the rest of us were fighting for our lives out there. But I owe you an answer and yes, I think you will. While the method of this dating may not be universal, getting sucked in and abused by a toxic person is definitely universal.
3. Yeah, but only foolish or lonely people would fall for a catfish, right?
The author, Anna Akbari, is a PhD sociologist. She didn't come from money and had to work hard to even get through school. She had previous healthy relationships and an active social life including doing things I didn't know you could do like house swapping, but I digress. The other women in the story are equally accomplished and socially adept so chill out, dude. Your tone is all wrong. It can happen to anyone.
4. Ok, so "Ethan" was a master manipulator?
5. Do we find out who "Ethan" is?
6. Wait, can I just google and look at the actual "Ethan" once I know the real name?
Yup, and you are damn right I did it before I finished the book.
7. Will I be enraged on multiple levels?
8. Wow, is "Ethan"'s life going to suck after this book comes out?
9. But isn't this just reading someone else's text messages? Seems weird, doesn't it?
You're being judgy again. Who doesn't like hearing a friend talk about their latest dating drama (good or bad)? Also, Akbari spends the first part of the book digging into her messages with "Ethan" and it isn't just dropping into a conversation. You are learning about their dynamic and also peering into how the manipulation works. Akbari deserves an award purely for being so vulnerable to the reader, but she also keeps it interesting by explaining what was happening to her. The second half of the book becomes a detective story with the two other women as they unravel "Ethan".
10. Anything else I should know?
I'm so glad I'm no longer on the dating apps.
11. I am using dating apps now. Should I wait to read this book?
Knowledge is power, my friend. But you should probably keep some alcohol nearby.

(This book was provided as an advance copy by Netgalley and Grand Central Publishing.)

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📚 Just finished "There is No Ethan" by Anna Akbari and I'm blown away! 🌟 This book is a captivating journey of self-discovery that had me hooked from the first page. Akbari's raw and honest portrayal of protagonist Roxanne's struggles with identity, relationships, and societal pressures is both relatable and thought-provoking. The dynamic between Roxanne and her ex-boyfriend Ethan is particularly compelling, offering a poignant exploration of love, loss, and the pursuit of authenticity. If you're looking for a heartfelt read that will linger with you long after you've finished, I highly recommend picking up "There is No Ethan." ✨ #BookReview #MustRead #AnnaAkbari #ThereIsNoEthan #Netgalley

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