Member Reviews

The Killer's Daughter captures your attention from the first to last page.

Margot is a police detective and along with her partner Wes are racing against time to solve some gruesome murders.

Margot has her own demons that she is dealing with the prime one being her father Ed is in prison for being a well known serial killer which gives her even more incentive to catch the perpetrators .

Not many except her partner Wes know her secret.

The book is fast paced, tense , chillingly good.

Kate Wylie does a remarkable job of mounting the tension, making you cringe and holding your breath.

I cant wait for the second book in the series.

Grab your copy of The Killer's Daughter and clear your calendar.

Thanks to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for a page turning read.

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A fabulous introduction to Detective Margot Phelan, who is herself the daughter of a serial killer on death row.

Margot and partner Detective Wes Fox are called upon to solve the mass murder of the Ramirez family. The only survivor is young son Mateo. Can Margot get him to open up about what he knows and solve the crime?

Whilst involved in the Ramirez case, Margot is also caught up with the discovery of two female bodies found in local parkland.

During these cases, she is contacted by her father's lawyer - he has moved to a nearby prison, and wants to see her. Can Margot face him and her past, and why does he want to see her now, after so many years?

A dual timeline story, told from modern day Margot's point of view, and that of her father back when Margot was a young child. I'll definitely be looking out for the next book, this one was gripping, fast paced and I need to know more about Margot's father!

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Wow....this book was great! I was hooked from the beginning. I loved how it was present to past point of view. I loved that it had me guessing where it was going. I really hope there is more! Definitely won't be disappointed in this book.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for this Advanced Reader’s Copy of The Killer’s Daughter by Kate Wiley due to be published March 25, 2024.
Detective Margot Phalen, along with her partner, Detective Wesley Fox, are trying to solve a mass murder of the Rameriz family – the mother, father, daughter, and a daughter’s friend. The only survivor is the son, Mateo. Margot is also trying to come to terms that her own father was a notorious serial killer who used the same area as his hunting ground. And he wants her to visit him.
The Killer’s Daughter is told from two different points of view and two different timelines – Margot’s in the present time, and her father’s in the past – relating details of his killings – 76 of them to be exact.
Margot is investigating three different crimes – the family, other bodies found in the woods, and always, her father’s. She is torn because she doesn’t want to think she inherited any of his genes even though he is biologically her father.
I loved this book – it held my interest and kept me guessing until the end.
This book is the first in a new series with four more books to follow. I will definitely be looking for book number two to see what other cases Margot will solve and if she discovers anything else about her serial killer falther!
#NetGalley #KateWiley #StormPublishing #TheKillersDaughter

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This is a decent start in a new crime thriller series that could have some potential. I think that the premise of having one of the most prolific serial killers as your father while you work in the homicide unit of the San Francisco Police Department is so interesting. I liked our main character Margot. She was a hard ass dealing with an immense amount of trauma and pushing away everyone in her path. I think that the author did a decent job building some character relationships in this first book, there is definitely a path to a romance between Margot and another character being laid down, but there was nothing about this book that really blew me away.

This is dark like a Karin Slaughter. The author holds nothing back when giving you the creepy ass perspective of daddy serial killer but the plot did feel a little all over the place. I mean, there are three different cases being investigated over the course of this book and only one of them is resolved at the end. I know that the overarching plot of the series is connected to her father, so that made sense to be left open ended, but it felt like there was another case thrown in just to serve as a way to show how Margot is all over the place and a workaholic to cope with her traumas. Maybe there is a greater story line in plans for further in the series.

Overall, this was fine. I enjoyed my time reading it. It was a quick read but I'm still undecided if I will continue on in the series.

Content Warnings: murder, gore, assault, blood, stabbing, sexual assault, ptsd, stalking, home invasion, gun violence

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The Killer's Daughter by Kate Wiley
ARC Review - Book is out 03/25!

I really enjoyed this book and how the point of view changed between the main character, a detective named Margot, and her father, Ed - a notorious serial killer in his prime. The description had me sold, but the changing perspectives just sealed the deal on having to read this book. I'm the type to try and guess the twists in thrillers, and while I did guess a bit, there was still plenty that I didn't see coming. The daughter of a serial killer becoming a detective sounds a little cliché, but I think Kate did a wonderful job of making this story anything but!

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Fans of the show "Prodigal Son" may enjoy this dark thriller.

I'm a sucker for serial killer books and I really enjoyed switching from the killer's POV to the daughter's POV. The characters were all relatable and likable. The world building seemed to mostly check off boxes for the weather and coffee shops than anything else.

The first half of the story I was flying through pages and had to know what was going to happen next. While we revisit Ed's past crimes (some in gruesome detail) and learn about Margot's history, we are also exploring a grisly family homicide that only seems to get darker and more twisted.... Then POOF! The case disappears into the background, and we're left with zero answers for an obscene amount of time while we explore another homicide case that somewhat reminds us of Ed's handy work.

When we finally get back to the more mysterious and morbid family homicide case, it concludes with the most unsatisfactory conclusion and still yields more questions than answers. That was so disappointing in itself that what could have been a five star read for me, is more of a "throw it out the freaking window" read.

Trigger Warnings-
SA, mutilation, child abuse, and a couple graphic violence details

Thank you SO much to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for allowing me to read this advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you NetGalley and Storm publishing for this ARC. This is my honest review. WOW! This story was so well written. It is paced nicely, and I really liked the main characters.

Margot is a detective, and also the daughter of a notorious serial killer. She and her partner, Wes are called into a horrific crime. While investigating, Margot receives a message that her father wants to see her. She has not seen or spoken to him in 20 years- but if she comes, he promises to tell her about an undiscovered victim of his.

I was reading furiously, I was so intrigued by the story. The author deftly weaves the present with the past, so we can see how her childhood affected Margot’s future and the choices she makes. I loved her interaction with her partner, Wes, and also with the other detective, Leon.

This is a darker mystery, and some scenes are pretty descriptive. Throughout this story we get to see Margot struggle with her perception of what happened with her father. I liked seeing her confidence slowly emerge, and by the end I think I made a fist pump in the air!

This is an excellent beginning to a new series, and I can’t wait to read the next installment!

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In the Killer's daughter Megan Finch discovered 22 years ago that she is the daughter of a serial killer who murdered 76 women. Well, at least 76 six woman, because in the present day her father is hinting that there might have been more. Today she lives under the name Margot Phalen and she is a police detective, researching a case that involves four victims, murdered in the same house, where one death appears to be a suicide, while the others are found with plastic bags over their heads and their throats slid. Only a little boy has escaped the massacre.
Than her murderous father contacts her through his solicitor and lures her to visit him in jail by hinting that he will tell her about victim 77.

Will Margot/Megan find victim 77 and discover the story behind the "Diaz" killers? Of course she will and we are in for a couple of surprises.

Extremely exciting thriller that will keep you awake and on the edge of your seat until you finish the book. Couldn't put it down before until I finished it. Hope to see more of Margot and her sidekick Wes

I got an ARC of this book from Netgalley, all opinions expressed are my own.

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A new, gripping police procedural that will have you on the edge of your seat. A whip smart detective with a tortured past must face her (literal) demons to help solve a new and old crime.

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"The Killer's Daughter" by Kate Wiley kicks off the Detective Margot series with a bang. Margot, our main character, carries an intriguing backstory as the offspring of none other than the notorious killer, Ed Finch, who murdered 76 women. The central plot plunges us into a chilling crime scene: a family discovered gruesomely murdered, with two girls and a woman found with their throats slashed, while the man appears to have taken his own life. Interspersed with this contemporary investigation are flashbacks to events two decades prior, providing insight into Ed's past victims and his modus operandi. These glimpses into Ed's depravity sent shivers down my spine and prompted a reassessment of my own home security measures.

The narrative doesn't stop there, as Margot finds herself embroiled in another investigation, seemingly as a means to distract herself from the horrors of the primary case. Little did she anticipate stumbling upon yet another heinous crime, unrelated to her initial probe. But does Margot catch a break? Not a chance. This series isn't your run-of-the-mill detective saga where cases neatly tie up; Ed resurfaces in Margot's life, despite being behind bars. His knack for piquing Margot's interest sets the stage for a captivating series trajectory. Ed's desire to divulge the untold details of his crimes, particularly the enigmatic "77th," adds layers of intrigue.

Kate Wiley's storytelling prowess is undeniable. As an avid fan of horror literature, I found myself genuinely spooked. The unresolved threads left dangling at the end only serve to heighten anticipation for the next installment. However, despite its strengths, the book occasionally feels a tad rushed, with investigations bordering on the simplistic side.

In summary, "The Killer's Daughter" serves as a stellar series opener, laying down essential groundwork and backstory while leaving readers hungry for more.

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Deeply unsettling and brilliantly written, this, very original plot had me spellbound the entire journey.
The plot is a multi stranded approach, the slaying of a whole family aside from a nine year old very troubled boy is but one thread. The other centres around a detective whose very past is deeply dark in itself as she is the daughter of a highly prolific serial killer, who yet has more secrets to tell. I’m used to reading stories where the detective has a troubled personal life but this one really topped them all. Very intense. The third main thread is the murders she herself is investigating so all in all there is a lot going on and to get to grips with.
The plot is thoroughly engaging and kept me guessing and my interest piqued. There are enough open ends for me to desperately want to read the next instalment. A symptom of very good storytelling and writing. Can’t wait.

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The Killer's Daughter is the first in a series by Kate Wiley. Margot is now grown and is a detective on the San Fran police force. When she was 15, her father was arrested for being the world's most prolific serial killer, killing 76 women. Her father, Ed, now resides on death row and Margot has changed her name and has not seen her father since she was 15.

Meanwhile, Margot and her partner Wes are attempting to solve the murder of an entire family, I found Margot and her partner, Wes, very relatable. As Margot is trying to solve the case she is receiving requests from her father's lawyer that her father wants to see her.

A lot of the book was about Margot's past and how she is trying to cope with her father being a monster. I'm guessing since this was book one in the series, that everyone was being introduced and the reader was made aware of what exactly had happened in the past. I found the book to go up and down. Some parts were so good and others just fell flat with me. It wasn't the kind of book where I couldn't put it down, instead, just sort of wading through the pages. I will read the second book, however, when it comes out just to see if things liven up a bit.

Thank you to Nergalley and Storm Publishing for the ARC. I greatly appreciate it and I do recommend this book.

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To say I couldn't put this book down is an understatement. I was so into it I forgot I had work the next day. What a well written thriller and crime novel. I will admit that some parts were a bit much but to get into the killers head these parts were needed. Brava Ms. Wiley.

Meghan Finch a baby in the backseat of the car her father was driving. To young to know what her father Ed was about to do. Then growing up still not know what he was doing until she is a fifteen year old young girl and she see's her father being arrested. Arrested for being a monster that terrorized the Bay Area.Her family falls apart and Megan has to grow up with knowing that her father is a serial killer, Now twenty plus years later Megan is now Margot a detective with the San Francisco Police Department and even though she has tried to live her life and forget her father, Ed Finch returns with a proposition. He wants to see his daughter and he has information about number 76. Is this true? Or is this a game that her father wants to play and involve her.? While deciding if she should she him Margot is working on another murder case that involves the killing of a family of four plus the daughters friend. Then there is the case of the bodies in the woods. How many cases can Margot work on without thinking of Ed. The one thing she never wanted to do.

The Killer's Daughter is a dark, thriller filled with not only who done its but the pain someone goes through when trying to put the past behind her. With many twists and turns I needed to find out the truth behind each murder. Why would a criminal father want to torment his daughter in my opinion for his enjoyment and he knows he can.Margot's character is written with such hurt that you feel for her. Even though not everyone she works with knows her story, the ones who do try and help her deal with her pain, but she doesn't want help. Even the FBI agent that she considered a father figure and was there from the very beginning turns out to be not who she thought he was. As strong as she was Margot still was Megan Finch the baby in the car as her father commits his crime.

I am a thriller, mystery reader and this book kept me engrossed from the first page. Getting to know these characters and what they go through brought me on a reading journey that I wanted to continue.. Which will happen in the next installment. I am so looking forward to that.

Thank you Storm Publishing and NetGalley for the ARC. What a great thriller this book was. Looking forward to more from Kate Wiley. 4.5 stars

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I love a good thriller that gives me the view from the relative of a serial killer. The Killer’s Daughter delivered an unputdownable suspense novel that I recommend for any lover of the thriller genre!

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Thank you NetGalley! I loved this book! It kept me sucked in the entire time. I was upset the book was over and cannot wait for the next installment.

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Oh my goodness, what an incredible story this is. I felt like I was reading an episode of Criminal Minds, one of my favorite shows ever. From the first page, I was hooked and I did not want it to end- I absolutely cannot wait for book two, that ending!!

Margot was raised by one of the most prolific serial k1ll3rs and is now a homicide detective to catch people like him. The story switches back and forth between present day Margot and the past from Ed's POV depicting his k1lls. Those chapters were creepy but so well-written. The author did such an amazing job with her character arcs. The chemistry between the two detectives were great and fun to read (the sarcasm and banter). The cases mentioned in the present were well thought-out and read like a crime episode- some twists were expected while another was unexpected.

Read this if you love:
Criminal Minds, NCIS, or any other crime show
Multiple POV's
Dual Timeline
K1ll3r's POV
Main characters that you want to love and are sad when the story is over

The Killer's Daughter has the perfect set up for sequels and I can't wait to see where this goes.

4.5 stars rounded to 5

Also reviewed on GR and IG

Thank you NetGalley, author Kate Wiley, and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. The Killer's Daughter is set to release March 25, 2024.

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What a ride! I was hooked from the first chapter. The story alternates timelines between present day and the early 80s when Margot's father is out killing women. He's a serial killer who, in present day, is in prison but is moved back to San Francisco and wants to see Margot. She hasn't seen her father in 20+ years and has worked to leave her past behind.
She's a homicide detective, so there are multiple storylines and cases she's working. I couldn't put this book down and can't wait to read the next book in the series. While some of the content was certainly descriptive in terms of crimes/crime scene, the parts about Margot's father were suspenseful without being gory.
If you like thrillers, you'll want to read this!
Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for access to this e-ARC.

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There is nothing like starting a book that grabs your attention from the beginning and never lets you go. The characters are well written and it leaves you wanting more. This book had me on the edge of my seat. Great read!!

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The Killer's Daughter is a wild and creepy ride! As the title suggests, it follows Margot, a homicide police detective in San Francisco, who gets dragged back into the crimes of her serial killer after, while she investigates a quadruple-murder case.

It flips back and forth between Margot's perspective in present day, and Ed, the serial killer from the 80s that killed 76 women. I found Ed's chapters to be insanely creepy, which just highlights how well the author, Kate Wiley, is able to get into the mind of a psychopath serial killer. I wouldn't suggest reading this one at night!! (Or do it if you are okay with not sleeping).

Overall, I thought this was a great start to a new series that I am now super excited about. The characters are all really well developed-- especially the dynamic between Margot and Wes. Highly recommend if you are in the mood for a good thriller/crime fiction.

Thank you Net Galley for the e-ARC!

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