Member Reviews

The Official Morgana and Oz Coloring Book is a coloring book featuring the very popular webcomic characters in their familiar style. Released 9th April 2024 by Quarto on their Walter Foster imprint, it's 96 pages and is available in paperback format.
The layout has a fresh and unusual (for Walter Foster) format. It's set up very much like a webcomic, with breakaway panels and a comics layout and flow. The introduction shows characters in colored panels side by side to color and/or embellish. There's also a QR code which links to online content/the latest episode of the webtoon.
This is a beginner to advanced book but full of good technique to copy and color for anime style art/cartooning and will provide some useful takeaways for the majority of readers/artists who are interested in copying and learning the style. The pages (and there are many) dealing with positioning, emotional expressions, and facial features are especially detailed and useful (not just for drawing these particular characters).
Five stars. This would be an excellent choice for public or school library acquisition, home use, activity/makers' groups libraries, home studio, or gift giving, maybe with a sketch pad and markers/pens.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

Thank you to Netgalley and the Publisher for this ARC in exchange of an honest review.
So cute! I'm following this webtoon and I love its illustrations so much. I like coloring books, it helps a lot when stressed. I liked this book and all the illustrations in it were so beautiful.

The art is very pretty in case you are not familiar with Morgana and Oz and you also get a sample for each piece, but feel free to color it anyway you want.
Disclaimer: I received a free copy in exchange for my honest review

Absoluetly want to thank Webtoon for thinking of doing coloring books because this is just so cute. I love them!

I've said it before and I'll say it again – I am such a huge fan of Morgana and Oz! I am SO glad I got to preview this book early!! I will 100% be buying my own copy of it to color, as well as the physical first volume of the WEBTOON when they publish here next month because this is one of my fave series to follow! I also had the opportunity to read & review the "Learn to Draw Morgana & Oz" that appears to be coming out at the same time as this coloring book.
This review will probably be shorter in length than the drawing book since it's a coloring book and therefore more straightforward by nature, but I have to say Miyuli & the publishing team at WEBTOON did just such a great job with this! Flipping through the pages, I was really happy with the variety of art featured, as well as their B&W page counterparts for coloring! I think the way this book was laid out made so much sense to me as a fan of the series. Showing how Miyuli envisioned a particular art piece and then opening up the space for the reader to either follow Miyuli's coloring style or choose their own. This is absolutely my type of coloring book (one that blends into a fan book too) with a intro to the world of Morgana & Oz, plus other details readers of the series will appreciate!
I'll conclude this by saying Morgana and Oz are the cutest witch-vampire couple out there and you should be reading their story because Miyuli did a fantastic job with it! Can't wait to read more from this author in the future ✌🏻

I didn’t know anything about Morgana and Oz until I was lucky enough to get a digital copy to look at. Right away, I was hooked. The images are clean, detailed and soo adorable. I will definitely be getting a hard copy of this one.
Happy Reading Everyone❤️
Oh, and I got this ARC for an honest review and I can honestly say, this is 110% all me.

A beautiful compilation of illustrations! The colored version is displayed on the left, and the uncolored lineart is on the right page. I liked the layout of this coloring book, and it'll serve as good practice for budding artists.

Love how this coloring book was done, it has some reading as well as it shows some full art pictures that are the same pictures that were turned into coloring pages. It was very well done and the Art is amazing!

I received this ARC through NetGalley and I’m glad I had a chance to sample through it!
This coloring book caught my attention right away so I had to select it.
What I loved:
The beautifully colored examples on the left side of the book are great for color choice ideas.
There are plenty of combinations of characters.
Although this didn’t have any words to describe the story, the characters’ facial expressions tell more of the relationships in the graphic novel.
Other insights:
I have never read this series but I think my curiosity was piqued enough to give the graphic novels a read!
Thank you for the advanced reader copy NetGalley it was a delightful look book!

Very cute illustrations. The layout works well with the original colour art piece on one page and the line drawing colouring sheet on the opposite page.

I am not familiar with this webcomic, but this coloring book makes me want to read it! The designs are very cute, and I appreciate the cannon coloring right next to the coloring page to let you have the easy option of copying the style for a relaxing vibe, or to let your creativity run wild and create alternate versions of the characters.
The style is adorable while retaining a bit of a tougher edge to some of the characters. There are a few moments in the more complicated pages where the mass amounts of lines get confusing to decipher, or some more simple pages that lack the line work that the original art had, but overall I think it maintains a good balance that many coloring books fail to. I enjoy the variety of complexities so you can choose how long to take or how hard of a challenge you want from your art that day.
Obviously the coloring book will be even more enjoyable to people that are fans of the series, especially the more simple character pages, but I think anyone could have fun coloring this book. I would love to have a physical version of this book to delve into it further!

A beautiful book where they show how the proganists of this incredible Webtoon have been designed and drawn.
For someone who is not very artistic and drawings have never been his forte, I can say that I have loved to see how a couple of strokes turn into magic and become very entertaining characters.
So for someone who loves webtoon, manga, manhwa, among others, this kind of material is something I don't actively seek out but appreciate when I get to it.
Plus, it makes me feel like I can draw hahahahah.
#TheOfficialMorganaandOzColoringBook #NetGalley

Although I'm not familiar with the webtoon, I love coloring books and the illustrations in this one make me wanna bring out my colored pencils! I also love that Morgana is taller than Oz.
It's an interesting choice to have the colored pages from the webtoon next to the coloring page. While they are nice to look at, I would have preferred a few colored pages at the beginning to have as a color reference and then just all of the coloring pages.
Overall, it certainly looks like a book I would enjoy coloring.

I absolutely love this one. I love how there is a sample right next to the colouring page and the pattern leaves so much room for you to add details.

Morgana and Oz coloring book is an excellent coloring book that is appropriate for people of all ages, regardless of whether they have read the graphic novel. In the book, there is a page where you can visualize the image in vibrant colors, as well as one where you can color and express yourself creatively. Having read Morgana and Oz on Webtoon, I was excited to see what images I hadn't seen before and how all the characters were incorporated.

This was actually a really cute colouring book and I would definitely look at more books from Webtoon and also from this artist. I really like the other book that she is publishing which is how to draw a characters and it definitely intrigues me enough to want to read the actual Webtoon, it’s based on so I will be reading that next and I really did enjoy learning all recent concepts and the colour palette for this artist and I will be reading more of her work in the future

I have been looking for a whimsical book, which did not disappoint me. The illustrations are beautiful and for the fans of Morgana and the Oz,
You can expect to have a long entertaining time with it as the artwork presents both coloured versions and basic drawings for you to fill in too.

Adorable coloring book and manga! A romance, vampires, wherewolves, magic, kitty - it doesn’t get better than that! Follow along the scenes and story while enjoying the beautiful and kawaii artwork! There are scenes of colored artwork as well as artwork the reader is able to color. I love the style they went with and recommend this to anyone who wants to escape reality and color!

I love it.
I love reading about Morgana and Oz, I always eagerly await the notification of the new chapter.
This book contains lots of wonderful coloring pages. I would buy it without a doubt.

I am loving both books by the author. I just read the other book which focuses on how to draw the characters. This colouring book is just as fun! I feel the artwork is so well done and it would be so much fun to colour with the perfect picture just next to it!
Love it!
Thank you, Walter Foster Publishing, for the advance reading copy.