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1865 Arkansas

This fictional series based upon U.S. tragedies is fascinating. In this novel. the time period is just after the end of the Civil War and tensions remain high between the north and south. An exploding steamer ends so many lives and leaves a number of injured as well. Soldiers finally leaving Andersonville and heading home find themselves still in the south and at the mercy of the southerners that find them after the explosion.

The two main characters, Cade and Lily, were easy to like.

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When Hope Sank by Denise Weimer is the 3rd book in the A Day to Remember series by Barbour Publishing. Each book has taken on the true events of a natural or man-made tragedy in the USA. This story is about the explosion of a steamboat, killing many men headed home after the Civil War. This terrible event took place on April 27, 1886. This series is a mix of heart-pounding tragedy and God’s grace through it all. There are to be 6 books total.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. The opinions expressed are completely my own.

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Denise Weimer tells a poignant story of love, loss, and redemption. On April 18, 1865, a steamboat carrying released Union POWs traveling home from the south explodes on the Mississippi River. Lt Cade Palmer is thrown into the water with hundreds of other men who are dying and injured. Townspeople rush to help, and one is Lily Livingston. Lily lives with her Aunt and Uncle and works in their tavern. But she desperately wants to take her younger brother away from the live they live and start over. When she helps nurse Lt Palmer and a host of other soldiers who are injured in the explosion, she suddenly becomes the target of nefarious rebels still clinging to the Confederate ways. Can Lily and Cade reveal the deception inside the inn before it is too late?

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When Hope Sank is book #3 in the Day to Remember Series. I've been able to read ARC copies of each of the books in this series so far--so was glad to snag this one as well.

When Hope Sank follows the aftermath of the sinking of the Sultana immediately after the Civil War. IT was a ship of Union prisoners from Andersonville who were being sent back home. For a long time no one was sure if it was "terrorist" or faulty mechanics that caused it. And that plays into the story.

Lily is the lead character. A southerner who is a Union supporter but who has lost her parents, twin brother, and home to the war. Now completely dependent on her aunt and uncle for housing and care for she and her younger brother, she works hard to help them run their inn and tavern. Through the course of the story, she rescues a union officer from the water after the explosion and brings him to her uncles inn where she nurses him carefully. As you can imagine nurse and patient start having feelings for each other and in that manner the story progresses as expected.

Also in the story is Lily's guilt for possibly knowing the event of the Sultana was going to happen and doing nothing about it. So she seeks to learn more about the causes and get drawn into a path of danger.

Throughout the story however is excellent scripture based messages of hope for both Lily and Cade (the officer) regarding their future.

4 stars
*I was given a complimentary ARC by the publisher and Net Galley in return for my honest review of the story. I was not obligated to write a positive review and all words are my own.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Barbour Publishing for providing me with a free ARC of this book in exchange for my review. This was a such an interesting book, inspired by the true story of an explosion on a boat full of union soldiers heading home at the end of the civil war. I will admit that it took me a little while to get invested in the story, and I may have enjoyed this story more in first person perspective. But the story quickly picked up and had me on the edge of my seat towards the end. Personally, I was not a fan of the religious aspects of the story as I am not Christian, but I know many people would enjoy that, plus it was likely a good representation of many Americans' beliefs in this time period. I would definitely recommend this book to those who enjoy historical fiction!

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This is a really good read.
The explosion of the Sultana has been a less known part of Civil War history. It was an extremely tragic loss of Union prisoners on their way home. The steam boat was horribly overloaded and it will remain a mystery of what truly caused the explosion. Over half the men on board died and many others had terrible burns and other injuries to recover from.
This story has many historical detail along with a well tied in romance.
I received a complimentary copy of this book. My opinions are my own.

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Denise Weimer seamlessly weaves fact and fiction together in "When Hope Sank", her contribution to a series on American disasters. The sinking of the Sultana is America's worst maritime disaster, but was overshadowed by Abraham Lincoln's assassination, and the death of John Wilkes Booth a mere one day before.

Former Union Lieutenant Cade Palmer is an unfortunate passenger of the doomed boat when disaster strikes. Lily Livingston risks her life to rescue him, to the dismay of some. The war may be over, yet plenty of people won't let it go. Tensions are still high, and Weimer brings this fraught period to life.

Many receive dreadful and excruciatingly painful injuries as a result of this unspeakable tragedy, their treatments barbaric and frequently ineffective. The suffering of the victims is palpable. Descriptions are vivid and sometimes graphic, yet they are essential to the story. Characters are finely drawn. There are plenty of Confederate sympathizers, and the actions of one totally surprised me. Lily and Cade are truly honorable people who treat others with kindness. Despite the horrors he's seen, Cade holds tight to his faith, and has an epiphany as to what God's plans for him actually are.

Weimer's prose is lovely, and she has done extensive historical research. To my shame, if I learned in school about the sinking of the Sultana, I don't recall this tragic event. I thoroughly enjoyed her book "A Winter at the White Queen" as well. Therefore, I pre-ordered her second contribution to the Romance at the Gilded Age Resorts series. Denise Weimer is a talented author, and her inspirational tales are thought-provoking.

Thanks to NetGalley and Barbour Publishing for an ARC of this wonderful read.

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Note: Thank you to NetGalley, Barbour Publishing, and Denise Weimer for the advanced reader copy of the book. What follows is my unbiased review of the book.

Taking a largely overlooked event at the end of the Civil War, author Denise Weimer has managed to craft a compelling story of personal sacrifice and building bridges in the face of unimaginable loss.

Lily Livingston lost everything in the War; her parents, her home, and her twin brother. She and a younger brother now live with her aunt and uncle and help them run the inn they own on the Arkansas side of the Mississippi River.

Cade Palmer is a Union soldier just trying to get home after having been imprisoned at Andersonville. He was an Army surgeon captured during the war along with his childhood friend, James. The two are being brought back to Ohio to be mustered out of the service on board the Sultana. While they are traveling upriver, there is an explosion. Cade and James manage to get off of the doomed vessel after being severely burned.

Lily’s uncle, Thad, and others living in Mound City hear the explosion and attempt to rescue as many as they can from the water. Lily and her brother, Jacob, are only supposed to be there to assist. However, when she hears cries coming from the water, she feels she must help, and ends up pulling James and Cade from the water.

As Cade heals from his wounds at the Inn, Lily and Cade bond. However, her sweetheart, a Confederate partisan, is on his way home. As things are breaking down at the end of the War, some men haven’t given up the battle, yet. Lily is afraid her inaction possibly resulted in men being killed, while Cade struggles with his own place in the world, especially since his hand was shattered. All the while, threats seem to loom around them.

When Hope Sank is a nice love story set at a time when the nation was still feeling the direct effects of the Civil War. The Sultana accident was one of the worst disasters in US maritime history but was largely ignored as it occurred at the same time President Lincoln was assassinated. There were claims of sabotage at the time, and some men even claimed responsibility or knowledge of sabotage many years later, but the evidence seems to point to greed and ignoring safety concerns. The ship had recently had the boilers repaired, but it was a patchwork job, rather than the overhaul it needed. The ship was also overloaded, with over 2,100 people on board when it had a capacity for a little over 900. Furthermore, it was concluded that with the Mississippi River flooding from the spring melt, the boilers were producing too much steam to move the ship upriver. There were government inquiries into this disaster that came to this conclusion, but there was no one person that was ever prosecuted as having caused it; just circumstances trying to get the most money they could at the time for bringing the soldiers north.

Lily and Cade seem to represent the South and North and coming together to try to heal the nation. Lily is a moderate Southerner, who never owned slaves nor approved of the concept. Her closest friend is a former slave, the daughter of the woman who works for her Aunt at the Inn. However, the War took everything from her and she must deal with that. Cade only joined the Army to take care of his friend, James, although it seems that James did his fair share of saving Cade during the war. He must now learn to look at Southerners not as the enemy, but as fellow countrymen again.

The story was good and I enjoyed it a lot. I had some difficulty with the religion in it. Some of it sounds more like the concept of being a “born-again Christian” which wasn’t prevalent in the United States until the 20th century. Cade worries a great deal about his friend’s salvation, which goes against the concept of God’s grace. It’s an important part of the story as it’s one of the things that Lily and Cade bond over. However, the way they expressed it didn’t feel authentic to this period in time. However, the concept of God having something good come out of a disaster is authentic to the time. Cade and Lily seem to grasp it, but the Confederates who still want to fight the war don’t see it that way.

Otherwise, When Hope Sank is a sweet love story, and of connections made between people during a disaster that overrides people’s prejudices. I enjoyed it as a quick read that prompted me to delve more into a part of history I never knew about.

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When Hope Sank
By Denise Weimer
Publisher: Barbour Publishing
Series: A Day to Remember, Book 3
Rated: 4-5
Obtain: Borrow or buy
Back of the Book: “Can Hope Resurface After Evil Tries to Drown It?
The Civil War has taken everything from Lily Livingston—her parents, her twin brother, her home. Now she works at her uncle’s inn and keeps her head down. Speaking up for her beliefs proved too costly in a part of Arkansas split by conflicting loyalties and overrun by spies and bushwhackers.
Emaciated in body but resilient in spirit, Lieutenant Cade Palmer is crowded onto the Sultana with other paroled Andersonville and Cahaba POWs for the journey north. But a fiery explosion on April 27, 1865, rends the steamer and empties two thousand men into the frigid Mississippi River.
Recovering from wounds that might end his career as a surgeon but clinging to his faith, Cade threatens both Lily’s defenses and her heart. How can she tell him she might’ve prevented the tragedy if only she’d reported a suspected saboteur’s claims? And when the man returns to town and encoded messages pass through the hotel, will Lily follow her convictions to prevent another tragedy?”

Impressions: Although this is part of a series, these books are not connected, and this can be read as a standalone novel. The first two books in this series are great and worth reading at some point. I am excited about this series and the different historical events that are being explored. This book explores an event I’d never heard of- the sinking of the Sultana. After reading this I feel like I’ve got a better idea of the tensions that were part of day-to-day life following the civil war. It was not as simple as returning home and picking up where life left off. Many soldiers were broken inside and out, their homes were no more, and their families were gone. What trauma it must have been to face all this and still face animosity when trying to move forward. The romance was unexpected for the characters but what makes their romance all the more beautiful. This was an enjoyable story to read.

Quotes: “God allowed people a choice, and many in every generation chose evil. Because serving oneself was, in reality, serving evil instead of God.”

I received an ARC of this book via the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review shared here.

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This story starts out with hope, yes, the War that divided our country is finally over, and the horrible Andersonville Prision is closed. The prisoners finally tasting freedom, going home, but? This is where we remember the voyage of the Steamboat Sultana, and the worst maritime disaster in United States history.

The author puts faces on some of the survivors, and those that help them. Is the war still going on? There are some survivors, and we are with the as some as they try to recover, but there is danger! There are spies, and whom can you trust?

This is also a Christian read, and I loved how it unfolded, yes a page turner!

Be sure to read the author's notes, a lot of research, and yet are there really answers?

I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Barbour, and was not required to give a positive review.

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🌟 A Riveting Civil War Tale of Hope and Romance: When Hope Sank 🚢
In Denise Weimer's When Hope Sank, the echoes of the Civil War resonate through a story of tragedy, mystery, and the undying flame of hope. Set against the backdrop of the devastating explosion of the steamer "The Sultana," this historical romance immerses readers in a world of danger, intrigue, and the enduring power of faith.

📖 Plot and Pacing: A Masterful Blend of Fact and Fiction
From the first page, I was drawn into the gripping narrative that Weimer expertly weaves. The story unfolds at a brisk pace, never letting go of its hold on the reader until the final, heart-pounding moments. The historical backdrop of the Sultana disaster adds a layer of authenticity and depth, prompting me to delve deeper into this lesser-known event in history.

🎭 Characters: Vibrant, Heartfelt, and Relatable
Lily Livingston and Lieutenant Cade Palmer are characters that leaped off the page, their struggles and triumphs becoming deeply personal to me as a reader. Lily's resilience in the face of loss and uncertainty is inspiring, while Cade's unwavering faith and determination left a lasting impression. The romance that blossoms between them amidst the chaos and danger is tender, heartfelt, and beautifully portrayed.

🕵️‍♂️ Mystery and Suspense: Unraveling Secrets in the Midst of Chaos
The mystery element of When Hope Sank kept me on the edge of my seat, eagerly turning pages to uncover the truth alongside Lily and Cade. The presence of a suspected saboteur, encoded messages, and the looming threat of another tragedy added layers of tension and intrigue that had me guessing until the very end.

🙏 Themes of Faith and Resilience: A Testament to the Human Spirit
Throughout the story, the themes of faith, resilience, and the power of hope shine brightly. Weimer seamlessly integrates Christian elements into the narrative, reminding readers of the strength that can be found in faith during the darkest of times. Lily's journey of self-discovery and Cade's unwavering belief in the face of adversity serve as poignant reminders of the human spirit's ability to persevere.

📚 Final Thoughts: A Captivating Journey Through History
Denise Weimer’s talent for storytelling is on full display in the compelling narrative of When Hope Sank. It is a captivating blend of history, romance, mystery, and faith that will linger in the hearts of readers long after the final page is turned. I highly recommend this novel to anyone seeking an immersive and unforgettable reading experience.

When Hope Sank is a riveting Civil War tale that tugs at the heartstrings, challenges the mind, and ultimately leaves a profound impact. Denise Weimer's meticulous research, vivid prose, and compelling characters shine in this must-read for fans of historical fiction, romance, and Christian literature.

I received an eARC of When Hope Sank from Barbour Fiction through NetGalley. I am not required to write a positive review in any way or for any reason. This is my honest and unbiased review. My thoughts and opinions expressed in this book review are my own. My review focuses on the great writing and story’s fantastic content, ensuring transparency and reliability.

*This is a five-star book, in my opinion, but NetGalley is only allowing 4 stars?!?

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I enjoyed reading about these disasters. Each one had its own story and tragedy and it was interesting to discover what happened with each one. This was a new to me author and I will look for more books from this author.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Netgalley and the publisher. All words are my own.

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These historical fiction stories are fascinating to me. I always knew of the more famous ships sinking but had never heard of the Sultana. The story of Cade and Lilly was full of intrigue. The characters cared deeply for their family members and their friends. They were often in difficult situations but tried to follow God's will. The suspense was exciting to read about as the reader sought to figure out how the ship sank.

Thanks so much to Barbour Publishing and netgalley for the arc. The opinions are my own.

In accordance with the requests of the publisher, this review will be published on as of April 1, 2024.

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When Hope Sank is a very well written historical romance. I loved the Civil War setting. A great book. I will be watching for books in this series. My thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for my advance ebook. This is my unbiased review.

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What a wonderful story that kept me turning the pages. I simply couldn't put Cade and Lily's story down.
Fast paced from the beginning and didn't let go until the end.
In fact, I found myself looking up this event in history that this author has brought to life for us. The steamer called The Sultana. Mystery still surrounds her.
Weimer has done a marvelous job weaving fact with fiction that offers hope in a seemingly hopeless situation. Never give up hope in anything. God is an awesome God!
I loved the way prayer was written in to help Cade and Lily on their journey to solve a mystery.
This is most definitely a 5 star read for me.
I highly recommend this novel.
The cover of this book is awesome!
My thanks for a copy of this book. I was NOT required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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