Member Reviews

This was an entertaining unique style of story telling. I think it will appeal to many folks. I really enjoyed the voice narration of this voice artists. A lot of food lyrics that definitely left me munchy and craving. I enjoyed the escape.

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"Piglet" by Lottie Hazell is an absolute delight! With endearing characters and a heartwarming storyline, it's a must-read for anyone seeking charm and warmth in their literary adventures.

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I loved Piglet! I appreciated the food writing and even the hiding of what type of betrayal occurred. I loved the main character and thought it was a really insightful novel. Great narration

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Our narrator, nicknamed “Piglet” by her family, has the picture-perfect life: a sweet, rich fiancé, a beautiful home in Oxford, and an in-the-bag promotion at her cookbook editing job. But when her fiancé Kit reveals a betrayal two weeks before their wedding, she starts to spiral out of control. Most of all, she’s hungry. Really, really hungry.

Piglet is a solid 3.5 stars for me. I don’t think it did anything revolutionary, but it was a good, solid book about women, eating, and how women+eating=revolutionary desire. It has the satisfying structure of a runaway train that had me genuinely stressed, and I was invested enough that Piglet’s shames and defeats churned in my stomach (especially if I was eating). The commentary on class was particularly sharp, and emphasized beautifully by the Rebekah Hinds’s great accent work in the audiobook. My one big obstacle to giving this four stars is (mild spoiler)... we don’t know what Kit did. Everybody in the goddamn world finds out how this man betrayed her... but the reader! It was a huge distraction for me, as it’s literally the fulcrum on which the entire plot hinges. Overall, 3.5 out of 5 croquembouches.

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I wasn't expecting to be so hungry listening to the audiobook! I love Hazell's masterful description of food. Especially when the food isn't actually what I normally eat, to have someone not familiar with Western diets drool over food writing is such a feat!

I also deeply appreciate the themes of hunger and desire explored in Piglet’s evolving relationship with her fiance and family. Such a well-written and thought-provoking debut. Can't wait to read what Hazell writes next

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If books were fine dining, this would be at least five course meal (I had to do it, I hate myself. Forgive me.) This was such an interesting reading experience, equal parts pleasure and misery. Pleasure in the way Lottie Hazell described food in Piglet's voice. Piglet's obsession with food told us so much about her: she used it to care, to comfort, to distract, to entertain, to impress. Piglet's obsession with making a croquembouche (publishers: why wasn't this the book cover????I do love the cheeseburger though) for her wedding became the only thread holding her together as the plot progressed and she eventually unraveled. Some readers may be upset that we never find out exactly what her fiancé did to betray her before the wedding but I didn't find that information necessary when I felt so engrossed in her story and the suspense of whether she would finish the croquembouche on time! For such a short book, it packs a lot about class into the story in a way that I found very effective. This book made me sad and hungry. A feat! Thanks to NetGalley and Macmillian Audio for the audio arc.

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Could not get into this one for the life of me. At 18% I still had no idea what the plot was or what was happening. Maybe it was me at the time?

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This is the story of life and love and trying to figure out what is enough. Piglet is about to have everything she has always thought she wanted, a picture perfect life full of dinner parties, the perfect house, the perfect husband, and a promotion at work until Kt reveals a secret he has been keeping only weeks before the wedding. What will Piglet do? Can she still have it all? Will she ever feel satisfied?

The narrator does a good job bringing Piglet to life and sharing her story.

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As an audio newbie, I've learned (having stumbled through the god-awful, droning recitings) and now hold appreciation for the narrative art that is captivating a reader through their ears. Piglet demonstrated this beautifully. Rebekah Hinds expertly executed Hazell's already-salivating prose. The quiet unease, the unraveling and building collapse – Piglet was an unexpected feast.

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This is a strange book, rather bizarre. There were times that I liked the writing style and was engaged in the story and other times, I just was shaking my head, annoyed with the unlikeable characters. And the underwhelming ending was a major disappointment. The cover and title of this book are amazing and what made me want to read this book. The narrator did a good job with the story.

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Completely compelling stuff. Beautifully lyrical. Intelligent, intuitive and wise. Love how unique the title, cover and characters are. A little gem.

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I don't read much literary fiction, but this worked for me. Poor Piglet, imagine being labeled that early in life. Remarkable character who we learn to love as her perfect looking social media life gets dismantled.

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taking place over a two week period, 'piglet' follows a cookbook editor in the last couple weeks before her wedding to a more posh man. during this time, after her fiancé confesses a horrible betrayal, she develops a hunger for anything & everything as she struggles with impressing her soon-to-be in-laws, stress at work, and the pressure to make the perfect cake. piglet was a classic 'messy woman' novel filled with lush descriptions of food. read this pretty quickly, and really enjoyed myself.

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Less than two weeks before their marriage, Piglets fiancé confesses to a sexual discretion. So now what? Everything is planned, paid for and all arrangements for the wedding finalized.

This is Piglets story, how she received her nickname, and how she got from there to here, a life out of control. What does she decide to do? This is a first novel, well done, showing how what we perceive our life should be may not be the way it actually is. Outside appearances, against inner turmoil. Also, women’s often contentious struggle with food, body image. Sometimes so much is expected from us that it is easier to just go along, ignore the little voice that tells us we are going the wrong way. Which way does Piglet go?

Enjoyed the narration.

ARC from Netgalley.

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This was a difficult book for me. I loved the idea of Piglet as a cookbook food editor. As a professional chef, I really related to her passion for food and cooking. I think Hazell did a fantastic job at making the reader really empathize with Piglet too. That said, some of the content really hurt to read. I suppose that indicates that Hazell was successful, but it felt almost a bit overwhelming. Watching Piglet be bullied, fat shamed, and just generally be treated badly is painful and it was unrelenting. I wish that there had been a point in the story that allowed for a bit of an emotional reprieve as I started to numb out towards the end. All in all, I think this is a well-written book, although I think it could be triggering for a lot of people.

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Piglet is a luminous, luscious debut in which the titular character finds her carefully-constructed facade crumbling around her -- and becomes ravenous as she sits in the ruins.

Piglet is perfectly content with her life -- well, with everything but the lingering childhood nickname that she can't escape. She's an up-and-coming cookbook editor in London and lives in a gorgeous home with her fiancé Kit, where she hosts elaborate dinner parties for her clever friends that feature delicious and complex homemade recipes. But then, two weeks out from their wedding, Kit confesses to a shocking betrayal that sends Piglet's life careening down a path she doesn't expect, and doesn't feel equipped to handle. And so she just goes on with things...and she eats.

Lottie Hazell is doing a lot in Piglet -- there's a lot simmering (pardon the pun) beneath the surface of this story, explored both overtly and ambiguously. The book explores women's often-complicated relationship with food, class divides, how our pasts form our identities, and the pitfalls of trying to maintain a facade of superficial perfection, at the expense of self-awareness and authentic relationships. Piglet is both a frustrating and sympathetic character; it's maddening to watch her inaction and self-sabotage, but Hazell crafted her character so deftly that, at the same time, we feel for her deeply and root for her voraciously. We intentionally never learn the specifics of Kit's betrayal, because although that is the catalyst for Piglet's journey to self-actualization, it's not at all the point of the book. It's everything that happens after that matters and that we're really interested in.

And Hazell does all of this while peppering (again, pardon the pun) the narrative with some of the most gorgeous, glistening food writing I have ever read. Portions of this book left me salivating and starving. It all comes together in a clever, original, and thought-provoking character study that left me wanting seconds (and thirds, and fourths) from Lottie Hazell.

I listened to the audiobook read by Rebekah Hinds, who has the loveliest voice and who brought Piglet beautifully to life. Thank you to Henry Holt & Co. and Macmillan Audio for the complimentary reading opportunity.

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I really enjoyed this book and could relate to Piglet, though that's not necessarily a good thing. It was such a compelling listen, to follow along with Piglet's life and see how her personal life and eating disorder go downhill with some bad news and an approaching wedding. I'm not sure I'd recommend this to someone who struggles with ED or tough relationships with food or their body, as it was sometimes triggering for me.

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"Piglet" follows the story of a woman in her early 30s, engaged to the seemingly perfect and wealthy Kit. As an editorial assistant for a cookbook publisher, Piglet finds solace in her work. The countdown to her wedding begins, with her life appearing perfect and desirable. However, thirteen days before the big day, Kit confesses to something that shatters Piglet's world, leaving her grappling with disappointment and a sense of betrayal.

The novel delves into Piglet's struggle to reconcile her humble origins with Kit's affluent family and their expectations. The growing divide between Piglet and her best friend, Margot, adds depth to the narrative, touching on themes of friendship and change. Despite its engaging exploration of relationships and social dynamics, "Piglet" fell short of my expectations. However, the book offers a compelling read, especially for those who enjoy stories with rich emotional depth and themes of self-discovery.

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Piglet follows a woman nicknamed, um, Piglet as she prepares for her perfect, dream wedding day. But in the days leading up to her wedding her fiancé reveals that he has done something horrible, something the reader never becomes privy to, and Piglet’s life falls apart as she decides whether she wants to stay with him and how to emotionally handle what he’s done to her. To deal with her stress Piglet binge eats and generally becomes more and more emotionally unstable in every way.

I, like literally every other person I’ve seen post about Piglet on my feed, absolutely adored this book. Lottie Hazell made countless brilliant decisions in the course of writing this book. I thought that never giving the reader Piglet’s real name was a fantastic choice. By only being able to refer to her by the nasty nickname her family gave her as a child we as readers are forced to become complicit in their fatphobia as we read about this character.

I also thought it was absolutely ingenious to never tell the reader what exactly Piglet’s fiancé had done wrong. This allows the reader to let their imagination run wild when thinking about what he could’ve done that hurt Piglet so deeply. This is in no way the most important part of the book but I personally think he did something much more horrifying than cheating on Piglet because what he did was so bad that her best friend refused to come to the wedding and spoke as if she thought much less of Piglet for deciding to still marry him. I don’t know about you but my best friend’s fiancé would have to do something WAY worse than cheat for me to flat out refuse to come to her wedding. But again none of that is important. It’s just very cool that Lottie Hazell gave us the option to image for ourselves what he could’ve done.

And lastly my favorite brilliant choice that this author made is that the vast majority of this book isn’t very descriptive at all. However the descriptions of food are so incredibly deep, so rich, so detailed, so lavish that they’re almost overwhelming to read. Piglet is a cookbook author and she’s obsessed with cooking and baking. She even plans to make her own wedding cake. Piglet’s unhealthy relationship with food is such a vital part of the story told in this book that by writing in a way where food is the only thing that is given lots and lots of attention to detail it forces the reader to get a taste (I’m sorry. No pun intended. 😭) of Piglet’s life as someone who focuses so so deeply on food that nothing else in her world matters enough to think about in great detail.

As brilliant as I think Lottie Hazell’s writing was in this book I did find the story to be quite lackluster from the very beginning of Piglet’s wedding day to the end of the book. The writing felt awkward and weirdly paced, unlike the rest of the book. At a certain point during Piglet’s wedding day I just stopped caring and wanted the book to end. This was especially disappointing because the entire story really just builds up to Piglet’s wedding day. This is the “big moment” of the book in a way and although there were definitely some big things that happened, like I said, I was over it by that point.

I really liked this book!

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I think this is written well and the audio narrator did a lovely job! But I wasn't able to get invested and didn't get hooked so I am setting this aside. I liked the hints toward an ominous debacle in Piglet's relationship, but after a minute it did feel like a tap on the shoulder like, "don't worry, things will get wild soon." Unfortunately I didn't stick on to see the debacle unfold. I do see where some of my subscribers will love this writing though, and will definitely recommend for them.

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