Member Reviews

I appreciated this cute Sapphic warewolf story. It was full of teenage angst and family bond. It followed the typical teenage plot - there's love, there's trouble. Trouble is solved, everything is fine and dandy. I don't think it was complicated or over the top deep. Perfect for younger YA side.

However I wish the Netgalley/ARC version could have had more of the graphics included, The formatting of the dialogue was bad, and in parts confusing (two sentences blended together). My rating has nothing to do with the formatting, just a thought for future - I'd love to enjoy the full story instead of just the dialogue written out.

Thank you to Penguin Teen and Netgalley for my review copy.

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This is a cute queer graphic novel that is perfect for the halloween season. Read this one in a day, the art work is wonderful and werewolves are always a good time!

Thank you netgalley for the arc.

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I really loved this Werewolf Found Family Story. Can't Wait now to read Coven as soon
as it gets to me from the library. This was not the netgalley copy since the format was
crap. But this Story was super cute and really nice!

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A pseudo follow up to Coven last year, this was a queer/sapphic coming of age story about being true to yourself and also there are werewolves. We follow Tessa and awkward teen who doesn't feel like she belongs at school or with her pack and after a miscommunication is even on the outs with her best friend. But as some hunters come into town Tessa takes charge and some very big moves when it comes to protecting her pack. I really enjoyed this book and really felt what Tessa was going through, lots of big emotions for a graphic novel. Also kudos to the illustrator because the wolves were cute but also so vicious looking at times?

Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for providing me with an arc for an honest review. I look forward to more from this duo!

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this was easily my favorite jennifer dugan yet. from the art style to the story i really did enjoy the story overall. while this was short and sweet it truly packed a punch as i teared up a few times followings tessa's story. i think this graphic novel is a great metaphor for dealing with mental illness, specifically depression, while giving it a quirky supernational spin and explanation.

tessa goes from a tough time, grieving the loss of her father and feeling like a misfit to growing more into herself and finding her people so to speak. it was a beautiful little story and makes me feel redeemed and excited to try again with dugan's graphic novels in the future after not being so successful in the past.

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Thank you so much to Netgalley & Penguin Teen for allowing me early access in exchange for my honest review.

Full Shift is a coming of age story about Tessa, whose family are werewolves. She believes she doesn't fit anywhere in this world. She think she isn't good enough for her family because she can't fully shift yet, and her family treats her like crap for it. A group of werewolf hunters are trying to hunt down her pack. When she finds out that the hunters have a cure to turn them into humans, Tessa believes it's fate. She believes this will solve all her problems, but when her plan comes crashing down, it makes her feel even worse and puts her pack and Maddie in danger. She will do anything to help her family and help Maddie.

The main reason why I rated this book four stars is because of how terrible Tessa's family treats her and I don't blame her for acting out the way she does. She can't fully shift yet and her pack treats her like an outcast, and it's wrong. There was a part at the end where the alpha male who took over for her dad pretty much threatened her with kicking her out of the pack, and it just rubbed me the wrong way. People make mistakes, it happens all the time, but the girl shouldn't be punished for one mistake.

Tessa and Maddie's interactions are just okay. Tessa believes that Maddie is the same as her, aka a werewolf, and Tessa transforms into a werewolf in front of her. It freaks Maddie out, obviously, because how can you not, but the miscommunication between them is irritating at first. I do love that Maddie eventually realizes that Tessa is more than just a werewolf and comes to love and respect her.

Overall, I did love this, but not as much as I thought I did.

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I really enjoyed this - I thought the story was sweet and the art was incredibly well done. I thought it was a great story about the main character accepting herself and her family and all that comes along with it

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Thanks to Penguin Group and Netgalley for this copy in exchange for my review.

Full Shift is a story that follows Tessa, a teen dealing with crushes, the loss of her father, and not being able to fully shift into her wolf form. This makes her feel like an outsider not only among her pack, but she also feels like she doesn't belong with humans, so she's stuck in between. But when rumors of werewolf hunters with a possible cure pop up she becomes interested, thinking it will solve her problems. But she quickly learns that connecting with her wolf is the best way to connect with her world.

Overall this was a really quick read, very well written, and I would be interested to read more of this world. The characters are likeable (except you Charlie) and I loved the dynamic between all the characters. And Tessa and Maddie, childhood friends, are so utterly adorable and sweet. Tessa as the main character is one many can relate too, especially for those of us who have felt 'othered' by many social groups. Like we don't fit in with family, peers, anyone really. And it isn't until we start to feel comfortable in our own skin, which is hard as all get out, do we start to really find our place in the world.

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I love when the story, art, and writing come together perfectly to build a cohesive and entertaining story. This graphic novel will at times make you feel a nervous for the fate of the characters, but ultimately it gives a sense of acceptance and family that will make your heart warm.

Mistakes will be made and growing will happen. When you were born to be a werewolf that makes the teenage growing pains all the more difficult. Mix in a little bit of a crush and the beginnings of a new love things get all the more complicated.

I loved this graphic novel. I have to applaud the art just a bit extra heavily on this one. Every page is gorgeously drawn and colored. Sometimes, I feel like going back and flipping through just to appreciate the art. This graphic novel was crafted with pure love and it shows.

For the outcasts and the queers who are just figuring out who they are and where their people are, this book is for you. Loving yourself can be complicated and sometimes a long journey. This book shows all of that. It’s well worth the read.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC of this book. All opinions are my own.

This book. This book has my whole heart. I absolutely adored this! From the incredible characters, to the plot, to falling in love with everything so quickly- I couldn’t put this down. I highly recommend this!

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I enjoyed this one. It was cute at times but in the middle I started to cringe. It was a quick read and the art is awesome! I wish there were fewer swear words in this book, as I think many of my middle school students would enjoy it, but I don’t feel terribly comfortable with putting this book in my classroom library. Honestly, more worried about parents than students on that front. Anyway, Full Shift is a dramatic, queer, coming into oneself story. It has heavy themes of belonging, acceptance, and self love. 3.5 ✨

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Tessa feels like a human in wolf clothing. Born a shifter, she’s been struggling with her wolf side more and more, especially with her father’s death. It doesn’t help that Tessa’s sister, Kylie, takes to it like a fish to water. She shifted two years ago, making her the older sister in werewolf terms. Kylie’s beautiful, confident, cheerful, and fashionable, and everyone loves her. In contrast, Tess is clumsy, awkward, a failure, and a loner. Until the note.

Tessa’s best friend Maddie left her a note. It’s a simple sentence, but Tessa holds onto it like a lifeline: “I think we have a lot more in common than you realize, Tessa.” Is it possible Maddie is another form of supernatural? Can Tessa finally share her secret, share her confusion and unhappiness with her? Will she finally have someone who gets her, who is hers, and not just another member of the pack who is better at being a wolf than Tessa is?

No. No, that’s not it. That’s far from it. Now, heartbroken and hurt, Tessa pulls ever further away from her family. When word comes to the pack that there are hunters out there with a cure — a cure they plan to force on werewolves — Tessa takes a desperate chance to find them. If she’s not a werewolf, if she’s just human, things will be easier, right?

Full Shift is a 257-page graphic novel, and I wish it were longer. The art is loose and organic, with flowing shapes and an emphasis on natural colors and forms. The woods, the river, the buildings, and the clothing of Tess and the pack are in subdued neutral shades, while Maddie stands out in more vibrant colors. The wolves themselves are drawn with humor and joy — with lolling tongues and bright, eager expressions. It’s a joy to look at.

The story is quick and the writing bright. The banter between Maddie and Tess is sharp, and a stark contrast to Tess’ quiet moments of despair. There’s a beautiful scene in pastel blues and purples with Tess’ wolf bursting out of her chest while she lies, serene, even as her words speak of hunger and rage. Because Tess doesn’t lash out in her anger; instead, she pulls all of her pain inside, using it to chain her wolf and hurt herself. But when she does shift, does allow herself to fully embrace her dual nature, it’s as natural and easy as breathing. Embracing all of herself, being herself. It’s lovely.

Also lovely is the moment when Tess opens up to her sister about how she feels about her growing isolation from the pack, even as she grows closer to her wolf. It’s the time she needs her family most, and her sister opens her arms and pulls her in. Tess grows from the first page to the last, from a young woman struggling to distance herself from others to someone reaching out to be embraced. It’s just beautiful.

Her romance with Maddie is a little less … er, smooth. For one, she’s been an absolute jerk to her, and for another, she runs away whenever Maddie gets too close to the source of Tess’ pain. When Tess needs her help, Maddie isn’t above a bit of snapping back: “Sorry it startles me when you suddenly turn into a werewolf, but that doesn’t give you permission to be an asshole forever!” But Maddie, like Tess’ family, realizes that Tess is hurting and, like Tess’ sister, understands why she did what she did. It doesn’t mean forgiveness is a given. Tess has to earn that. The two of them have a natural, easy chemistry that I enjoyed, and a good bit of banter. (The expressions of the kid in the background as Tessa and Maddie finally make their grand confessions to one another is hilarious.)

If you like found families, big and boisterous werewolf packs, alphas who know how to lead rather than rule, and stories in which a troubled character becomes worthy of her own respect, this is the story for you. I really, really hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

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I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. Thank you. <3

Full Shift is a supernatural, queer, werewolf based graphic novel. So right off the bat, that information caught my attention, haha.
The illustrations were absolutely beautiful. And to be honest, illustrations can make or break a graphic novel for me.
Our main characters are Tessa & Maddie. Tessa, a werewolf, feels as if she's an outcast everywhere in her life - home, school, etc.
She has feelings for her best friend Maddie whom is a human.
We follow Tessa through her journey of emotions of the above AND as she debates taking an experimental / controversial "treatment" that would allow to become the "normal human" she craves to be.

Great, quick read. So worth it.

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Adore this werewolf romance with a dose of humor and mystery.

Tessa is park of a werewolf pack living in this town. As a supe, she has to keep focused on what it means to be a part of the family even though her dad succumbed to cancer that even their werewolf form couldn't save. The alpha is a good enough guy but she feels distanced (as teenagers do) because her younger sister turned before she did and she's had a major crush on Maddie at school and wants to make a move but doesn't know how. Until she does and it goes humorously and horribly wrong all at the same time. It's the clunky teen romance with the added nervousness of showing your true self (in this case, her werewolf!) Oooops! But danger is knocking as there seem to be a group of hunters on the lookout for werewolves that is putting everyone in danger.

There's a meaty story in this campy romance that strikes an entertaining but heartfelt balance. I love Dugan's stories!

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Full Shift by Jennifer Dugan is a compelling queer, supernatural YA graphic novel.
This was such a great story.
I do believe many YA readers will connect with the main character.
A thrilling novel just in time for the spooky season!

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I liked the general message of this book. I loved the artwork. I liked the idea of the story. I think my issue with the book was that the main character was not super likable. That made this book just ok for me. I didn't hate it. I didn't love it.

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A light tone and good diversity of characters. This book is definitely more character driven than most graphic novels, with a story that emphasizes the very human desire to fit in and feel wanted.

Generally, I enjoyed this book, but I will say that some of the scenes were too drawn out—scenes of dialogue with people mostly talking in circles.

A good, emotional read.

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this was just a really average read. i didn’t care about the characters at all or their problems. there was a huge world full of witches and vampires or whatever and we just focused on one minuscule issue. i get that’s the point but it just wasn’t something i would opt to read again.

also the netgalley arc was a little blurry?

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This was an enjoyable read. I really liked Tessa’s character especially. She was going through so much with her father’s passing, having trouble connecting with her wolf, and her crush situation. It was heartwarming to see her journey to learning to let her pack in and accepting her wolf. As it was heartbreaking to see her struggling with the grief of her father’s death. My only nitpick is that I wish we’d gotten a little more on that. Finally, Tessa and her crush, Maddie, were so sweet together! I would’ve liked a little more time with them being together and happy but I enjoyed what we got of them together. I’m not sure if they’ll be more to this series/world but I hope if there is we’ll be seeing more of Tessa and Maddie together.

And a brief mention, but the art in my netgalley copy had a slight blur to it. What I could see of the art it was beautiful, but the blur did hinder my reading experience a bit. I’ll have to check out the final copy so I can see the art in all of its glory.

3.5 stars

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High school Tessa is an outcast. She can’t fit in anywhere. She also can’t figure out how to tell her best friend Cassie that she has feelings for her that are more than friends. Because Maddie is much more popular than Tessa will ever be and the fact that Tessa is a werewolf. But when word of werewolf hunters have snuck into a her pack, she’s wishes even more that she can become a human.

This was an easy quick sapphic graphic novel of self discovery. It was fast paced and a quick sweet story. I also liked the relationship of love between friends, one being human and another a werewolf… “love knows no bounds.” The story was also humorous.

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