Member Reviews

Fate of the Sun King by Nisha J Tuli
Thank you to NetGalley, Forever Publishers and Nisha J Tuli for the ARC!!
Beware, Spoilers…

We get a lot more world building in the third book. I love that the story still has so many layers to it!
Atlas, what an ass.
Gabriel, I am so glad to learn he had his own agenda this whole time. I loved getting a 3rd POV from him. We had a roller coaster of a ride of emotions with loving to hate him. Poor Gabriel.
Just when I was starting to find “inmate” endearing lol (IYKYK)
I have been eating the SLOW BURN up so hard the last 2 books! When we finally get what we have been dying for (praise) I felt like it was a poof! And we are done. I really wish we could have sat in the realization of who they were to each other a little longer and could have savored that moment a little more…

Lor and Nadir FINALLY realize what this “thing” is between them! We learn that Tyr is being held captive by his crazy ass brother.
Side character for the win… Mael. Love him. (in the house of Payne…lol)

Nisha, that ending- WHHHHYYYYYYYYYYY!?!??!??!?!

I flew through this book so fast, excited I received the ARC for Tale of the Heart Queen!!! I NEED TO KNOWWW!!!

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GAH! The end!!!!! WHY?!?!?

I've really enjoyed following Lor and Nadir on this adventure and getting to know the people closest to them a tiny bit more. I can't wait to see how this entire story ends in the next book!

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Unfortunately, I DNF'ed this book after trying to start it a few times. I just don't think it is a book for me. However, I know so many people who love this book!

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I had really high expectations for this one because I loved the 2nd book so much! Lucky for me, those expectations were exceeded! I just adore Nisha's writing so much and she knows how to do a slow burn so well! It really paid off in this one! The ending has been yearning for the the next one (I can't believe this series is coming to a close!!)

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If I hadn't enjoyed every single heartbreaking word, I'd be unimaginably angry about the ending right now. Trusting the process to get us to that HEA even if I can't see it yet.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Nisha for an early copy.
I love this series so much that my library picked it up after my recommendation and I love seeing it get checked out!
I loved reading Gabriel’s pov in this book and so happy she added him in to see his thought processes and being pulled in both directions on his loyalty or the right thing to do. And, thank you Nisha for throwing in the spice! I was like yaaaasssss finally when I got to the scene.
There were so many awesome elements and twists in this book I am stoked for the next book this fall and also sad it will be ending.

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Thank you Forever and NetGalley for an eARC. All opinions are my own.

In Fate of the Sun King (book 3 of the Artefacts of Ouranos), we follow Lor as she tries to return to Aphelion's artefact, the Mirror. The Mirror had promised her a gift when she first looked into it. As Lor makes her way, she slowly discovers more about herself, her life and a little bit of her future, and about what her grandmother Serce actually did.

I was not a fan of this book. Let' start with the dedication and the spoiler in it. It kind of ruined the moment for me because I knew it was coming. The book overall felt like it dragged on, and like we were getting dragged from place to place just to get morsels of information. A lot of it was kind of predictable and at times felt repetitive.

I could've done without all the crying. I get the characters are trying to work through their rough past, but I felt there was too much crying. I also could've done without the attempts at humor. It felt a bit juvenile the way it was done. And lastly, I could've done without all the m-word crap. The romance felt like it was too in-your-face and was kind of annoying, especially with all the ILYs and ILY more.

Having said all that, am I going to read the next book? Most likely yes. It wasn't a bad book, it just wasn't for me.

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FAntastic third book in a series! Loved seeing how Lor grew in this one. Cannot wait for the final book!

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I am obsessed with this series! I thought it could not get better after book 2 but boy was I wrong. Nisha Tuli continues to prove why she has earned her spot on my list of auto-buy authors. Be prepared to be left speechless and dying for book 4! That ending was brutal, my heart can't take waiting to find out how this will end. I've come to love these characters as much as I do for some of the most popular romantasy series (ACOTAR, looking at you). I really enjoy getting to see the POVs of different characters. It is helping build the world and answer pending questions. Oh, and the SPICE?! The spice upgrade we got in this book is amazing. Nadir is worth the wait. The chemistry is (chef's kiss emoji).

Thank you to NetGalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for providing an eARC of this book.

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I literally had no words. Well, in all honesty, I have a lot of them, but this book left me speechless. For one, we finally get the SPICE, and I mean SPICE with nothing held back and no detail to spare for our main character and Nadir. Thank heavens Nisha gave us an entire chapter their first time so that we could truly savor this epic union. It was SO WORTH THE WAIT. Rule of the Aurora king had a smidge of spice, but left those of us who don’t like waiting for multiple books with the worst kind of reader blue balls. Granted that story was its own kind of epic, and Lor really had some things to work through to get her to this point. Nisha’s story unfurls with elegance and pain, and works through the character traumas where we see them fulfilled and healing. Her story line is creative and unique, but it resonates with people who truly loved books fantasy fiction. Honestly, these books rival that of ACOTAR for me, and that should convince anyone to read these. I will say, be prepared to absolutely have your heart ripped out and stomped on during the end of this book, but after many a Facebook chat with Nisha, she assures us this series has a HEA for our beloved Nadir and Lor. READ THIS SERIES. I have loved every second, and I’ll be reading it again. More than once bc this series has slid into my top three favorite series of all time.

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Honestly this is one of my favourite romantasy’s EVER and the third installament did not disappoint

This one left me CRAVING the next one…THAT ENDING WAS CRIMINAL

I will recommend this series forever

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Rating: 5/5
Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️


If you have read first 2 of the series you will definitely enjoy this!! It builds so much on characters and relationships my heart HURTS! Nisha J Tuli knows how character build and is honestly one of my favorite spicy romantsy writers. The LOVE makes my heart burst!!! This builds on the first book mostly and really gives you a satisfying ending-ish?

If you enjoy found family, enemies to lovers this is definitely for you! Pick up the first three of this series I PROMISE you will not regret it!!!

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This was an excellent continuation to the story. I loved it. It made me question what I thought I knew. Excellent chemistry between the characters! Left me on a cliff hanger, but I low key love that!

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Oh, my heart!!! Nadir continues to be everything we, I mean Lor, need him to be! The love these two share is so beautiful and I loved watching them both grow individually as much as they did together. All I can say is - finally!!!

I appreciated the deeper dive into the past with the multiple POV of the previous rulers. The backstory revelations had me gasping- especially at the end!

And can we talk about our favorite warder, Gabriel?! Everytime it was his POV, I ate it up!

And that ending…. I’m hanging off a cliff by my fingernails after that one! Cannot wait for the 4th and final book in this series.

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This was a 4 star!

This is the 3rd book in the series and the story continues full swing in this one.

Lor and Nadir are still working on unlocking her power, stopping his father, and figuring out how to move forward and claim back her crown.

This book has lots of flash backs to the past which helps with world building as well as some big revelations. We also get a lot more back story to some of the side characters which I was totally here for.

I did continue to struggle a bit with Lor in this one. I just want the badass, confident person from book 1 back. I hated the push-pull between her and Nadir and my heart was truly breaking for him.

This bad boy ends on one heck of a cliff so be prepared! I am so excited for the next book!

Spice 3/5 (I love a slow burn but this is getting too slow)
Plot 4.5/5
Pace 4.5/5
Character Personality 3.5/5
Character Growth 4/5
Writing Style 4/5
World Building 5/5

Spoilers below
It is about damn time that Lor pulls her head out of her ass and realizes Nadir loves her and isn’t going to betray her. Yes, I read that ending, and No, he didn’t betray her and never will. It is a misunderstanding. </spoiler>

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Loved this book! It was a bit slower than the previous books in the series, but really picked up at the end and left me NEEDING to know what happens next. Tuli is an amazing author and an always must read author for me. Cannot wait to pick up the next installment.

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I'm a bit behind on finishing and reviewing this book-life happens! In fact, I'm so behind that I already have the arc for Heart loaded up on my kindle.

I've been fortunate enough to ARC read every book in this series (though I received Trial Of the Sun Queen at the same time as Rule). Each book has surpassed the last, and this one is no exception. Literally I beg people to read these books. Beg and plead.
The added points of view and new information they provided kept me on the edge of my seat, literally shouting at my Kindle.
Returning to characters l've grown to love in such a unique fantasy world has been an absolute joy.
The developing relationships and the intense slow burn were everything I could have hoped for and then some. Though I typically prefer my romances hot and fast, the tension Nisha builds in these relationships kept me eagerly coming back, and the ✨climax✨ was precisely what we've all been waiting for.
Our FMC, Lor, is a breath of fresh air. Her blend of strong independence and the willingness to learn to rely on those around her is compelling and inspiring.
The cliffhanger ending is nearly too much to handle, but I'm relieved to have the next book ready on my Kindle so I can dive right in!

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I had been waiting a long time to read this book. After the second one, I was dying to know what happened next. Also, I can't believe that Lor and Nadir are/were still fighting their attraction towards each other. Crazy! I'm all for a slow burn, but this just feels like an ember and I wanted it to pick up. And then when it did, it really did...

It's nice that there is a lot of backstory in this book like the second one. I love to know all about characters and their backstories because it really shapes the way that you see them and why they do the things they do. In this one, you learn more about Gabriel and Atlas and it's awesome to start to understand them a little better.

Anyways, I don't really feel like that much stuck out to me in this book. I think it was still interesting and the plot line was good but I feel like I was just getting tired of the characters at this point. It kind of just feels like the same thing over and over and it drags on. Plus, it's about 550 pages which is so long. I will read longer books, but I want them to be interesting and keep me on the edge of my seat. And this unfortunately didn't nearly enough.

I do still recommend reading this, but it might not be your favorite of the three currently out. And honestly, I might not read the fourth one when it comes out because it just feels like it's dragging on at this point.

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My brain is trying to process those last few chapters, what an epic ending! I have no idea how NJT will wrap this up in the final book, kind of wish there were more books but maybe they’ll be a spin off series with one of the side characters? I loved getting to see the POV of the other characters especially those that gave more insight about the past. Really enjoyed this book and doing a reread of the previous two books. So excited for the next one! Highly recommend to fantasy romance readers!

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4.25 ⭐️

I just don’t know how Nisha is able to make the next book of the Artefacts of Ouranos series as addicting and a page turner like book 1.?

At this moment I am trying to calm myself because I do not know what I would do with myself till “Tale of the Heart Queen” comes out and TBH I’m not sure I am emotionally ready…..🥲

If you’re looking for your new obsession this upcoming fall season? Please pick Nisha’s book ASAP!

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