Member Reviews

This series!!!! I don't know how it's so addictive but I'm already dying for the next book!
I loved all the different POVs and I think they really helped with understanding the history of the world and its magic. Surprisingly, Gabriel's POV was one of my favorites <3 it's so easy to love all the side characters in this series. And of course, Lor and Nadir <3
that ending hurt me but I am holding out faith for Tale of the Heart Queen in November!
Artefacts of Ouranos
•slowwwwwww burn
• enemies to lovers
• multiple povs
• fated mates
• lots of spice

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AHHHHH what a great follow up to the previous book. I am so in love with the characters and this entire world/story.

It was so great to watch Lor finally start to heal from her trauma and learn to open up. The slow burn finally ignites to a full on flame. 🔥

I really enjoyed seeing more of her siblings here and their relationship with Lor. They’re all healing from their childhood and discovering more of their familial history together.

I love that in this book we get so much history and lore of this world. It’s so immersive and well thought out.


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*Thank you to Forever and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for my honest review*

THEY FINALLY DID IT Y'ALL. After 2.5 books of edging, they fuuuhuhuhuuuucked. And also the plot was a perfect mix of steam and content, flashing between PoVs and timelines. I enjoyed getting to see more of Ouranos and learn more about the lore of the world. I feel like Nisha J Tuli does a great job of sprinkling the worldbuilding in, rather than spending the entire first book shoving it down our throats, and that holds for Book 3 as well. We get a peek into how magic originated in Ouranos, flash back to Lor's childhood, and get some REALLY interesting PoVs. I'm looking at you Gabriel, dang!

Yes, there's a cliffhanger. And yes, it is borderline criminal and I love Nisha J Tuli even more for it. I cannot WAIT for Tale of the Heart Queen y'all.

(Also lightning bug as a term of endearment is adorable, fight me.)

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Fate of the Sun King by Nisha J. Tuli is an incredible third installment in the Artefacts of Ouranos series! This book dives deeper into the fae world and follows Lor as she battles enemies and her own heart. The tension between Lor and the Aurora Prince finally explodes into a powerful dynamic, making the enemies-to-lovers trope so satisfying.
The world-building and history are rich, and we get multiple POVs that balance the action beautifully. The character growth is remarkable, with Lor and Nadir's relationship becoming both painful and beautiful. Their banter is top-notch, and the romantic and spicy moments are worth the wait.
The ending leaves you on a cliffhanger, making the wait for the final book agonizing but exciting. I can't wait to see how everything wraps up!
This series keeps getting better!

Very grateful to the publisher for this copy, opinions are my own.

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I am so grateful that I was able to receive this as an ARC! I started from the very beginning of the Artefacts of Ouranos series to be able to read this ARC. I fell in love with this entire series and (mostly) all the characters. The world building is beautiful and descriptive. It has such a unique magic system that pulled me in from the very beginning.

In this third installment, I loved the development of Lor and Nadir’s love story. I just fell in love with them so much. This book is beautiful written. The ending had me gasping and staring into to space. I can’t wait for the next and last one to come out!

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Well, that ending has me entirely destroyed. I have so many questions and absolutely zero answers!
This series has touched my soul and it will forever be a top tier read for me. Nisha is a wonderful writer and story teller! I need to add all of her books to my TBR. The final book can’t come soon enough. If you haven’t started this series, just do it.

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This was the perfect continuation of the series! The narrative was so fast-paced and kept me guessing what would happen next. I really enjoyed the expansion on Gabriel’s character development and was so glad us readers were able to get more from him. I would have loved to see more from other characters, as they were just kinda *there* and I didn’t really feel much attachment to them. And while I knew the cliffhanger ending was coming, it was still such a shock that I was thinking about this book long after finishing. I am so glad the next book comes out in the Fall!

Many thanks to NetGalley, Nisha and Forever Publishing for an eARC of this book!

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4.5 Stars

I love Nisha J. Tuli’s writing and her stories. She’s phenomenal. This book showcases her skills at character development, world building, and general creativity. I get captivated by her secondary characters in all the best ways; they almost steal the show in my opinion. THANK YOU for Gabriel. Our dude is back, and he has things to SAY. (And he can say whatever he wants to me…) Mael. Mael, maybe a teeny bit of Yasen (character in the Nightfire Quartet series) coming out to play? Yes please. Please consider this my formal request for more of him/that. I also want more of Willow and Tristan’s respective romances and how they respond to everything they’re learning and forced to deal with. These side characters are so well planned out; they bring these incredibly intriguing side plots into play without much effort on the reader. I’m never confused in anyway. It’s impressive. (I read this with my eyeballs which makes that even more impressive as I prefer to read via audiobook.)

I will move forward in time pretending the last chapter of this book never happened. Zero nice things to say about that, Tuli. ZERO.

Thank you to NetGalley, Nisha J. Tuli, and Forever/Grand Central Publishing for this eARC.

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I would sell my soul for a copy of Tale of the Heart Queen.

I am obsessed with this series. I’m obsessed with Nisha’s writing. What I’m not obsessed with? These damn cliffhangers. How can you be so cruel? I know my therapy bill is just one in a stack of thousands on her desk, but I am not okay.

But you know what would make me okay? If you read this and cried in my DMs with me. The Artefacts of Ouranos series is for those that love romantasy but want that Slowburn, epic world building full of characters that you want to see kiss and characters that you want to kill. It’s a series that has kept a grip on my heart even when I’m in a slump, and pulled me out of a terrible one this year.

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Thank you to Forever Publishing for the gifted ARC.

This series continues be so fun and enjoyable, and Nisha FINALLY gave the people what they wanted. Also, I usually approach glossaries as a resource to use when necessary, but this one is worth reading its entirety. It is kind of impossible to provide a synopsis without spoiling, but needless to say I NEED BOOK 4 ASAP!

Read if you like:
-Fated mates
-Slow burn romance
-Multiple POVs

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Fate of the Sun King - Nisha J Tuli


WOOOWWWZZAAA!!! How is it even legal to end a book like that!! We were given so much information and so many events at the end and then BAM an even bigger bomb drops and now we’re left waiting for book four!! I’m in SHAMBLES and have no idea what to expect for this next and final book in the artefacts of ouranos series!! I was however very please with the enemies to lovers aspect since we’ve waited so long for all the tension and angst to finally give way to such a powerful dynamic. This book had a lot more world building and history that we were finally able to know more about and so many puzzle pieces were fitting together. I also really enjoyed the multiple POVS which helped to really balance out all the different things happening at the same time! But now it is time for the final stretch of waiting for the 4th and final book release! I couldn’t be anymore excited to find out all the truths and lies that are still waiting to be told!! Thank you @nish and @netgalley for allowing me to be a part of the ARC readers for this book! It’s been one of my most anticipated reads since I discovered this series during the summer of last year!

~ “Ask me, and I'll slay anyone for you. Burn the world to ash if you desire."

~ ”This is who I am.
This is who they tried to cage.
And this is who they will now fear.”

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What. The. Heck. That ending 😱 I don’t even know where to begin! I just finished it and I’m not sure what else to write!😳😮‍💨

Ok! If I’m being totally honest, I really loved the first book. Then the second book didn’t quite have the story development that I was expecting/hoping for. But THIS ONE….knocks it out of the park!

I loved that we got to peel back more layers of this world! I loved getting to know so many of the characters better….even if I’m questioning everything now!😒

I definitely enjoyed this one and I’m glad I read it!

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First, I love this series. I’ve read it a few times now. Second, Nisha! What in the absolute emotional damage did you do to us?! Okay, moving on… but seriously Nisha answer for your crimes! 😅🖤

There is so much character growth, mixed with strong feelings, topped off with some heart warming Found Family. All the characters are amazing, and it was a pleasure seeing this whole story unfold. The different timelines and POV add to the overall reading experience, as well as informing us of what is happening within the rest of the kingdoms. The little twists will have you devouring this, while leaving you wanting more, and you’ll have more love for Nadir and Lor. Their banter continues to be amazing, and the spice is turned way up in this one! Book 4 is coming this Fall and I can’t wait!

🖤Fated Mates
♥️ One Sided Enemies to Lovers
🖤Grumpy Men
🖤Magic Systems
♥️Back Stabbing

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Lor’s thick walls cracked in Rule but they come crashing down in this one as they stood no chance against the force of Nadir’s unyielding love. And it is both painful and beautiful to witness. Lor finally lets out her inner vulnerable self she’s kept buried for so long and she’s not gonna let anyone take Nadir from her now. As she puts it, if she did THAT to someone who stole her soap, imagine what she’d to anyone who dares to take him. Plus, she gets an adorable new nickname.

Gods the romantic and spicy payoff in this book is so freaking good and worth all the preceding push and pull. I highlighted so much 😂. I think this will be the first physical copy I annotate. They’ve been crowned as one of my all time favorite couples. And there are so many heartwarming moments with the found family.

My heart so much for Gabriel 😭 I was so not expecting his story to be what it was. Atlas just needs to not be alive anymore. Like please just fall on a sword.

And the plot! So many mysteries unraveled from the past yet so many new questions. Lor’s magic is STUNNING. Yes the ending is a cliffhanger but it’s gotta hurt for that eventual HEA to be that much sweeter. And I can live with that hope 😂. I’ll just be rereading this until Tale of the Heart Queen.

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I did not expect to love this one as much as I did. I knew it was part of an ongoing series but I was greedy and wanted to read it anyway. It took a few chapters to catch up and figure things out but after that I was so into it. I was sucked in by all the different perspectives and was desperate to see how the story ended. I knew there would be a cliffhanger but now I need to know how it all fits and what happens next. This author was amazing at making me care about all the different story arcs. I’m invested and ready for more.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the arc.

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I could not put this book down!! I loved being back in this world with all the characters. The pace of the book was great and I just love Lor and Nadir even more. The cliff hanger is wild and heartbreaking and I need the next book immediately!!

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Artefacts of Ouranos is an incredible series, and the third installment did not disappoint. Fate of the Sun King has multiple timelines that added depth to the world building. I love that it explored more of the politics of the world and that it included multiple points of view. It allowed for some excellent character development. Gabriel’s character was a standout and I also loved hearing directly from Nadir. Lor's character is as strong as ever and I love that she was able to finally access her magic. I’m wrecked by the ending and so ready to see what happens next!

Many thanks to Nisha J. Tuli, NetGalley, and Forever for the ARC.

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I love this series so much, and THESE BOOKS JUST KEEP GETTING BETTER.

The way Nisha writes feels like a good friend offering you a hand to hold and inviting you on a journey that you JUST KNOW is going to be a good time. For the fantasy/romantasy genre, it’s not intimidating - rather it’s clear and concise and made it super challenging for me to put the book down..I could not consume it fast enough.

This leads me to pace of the stories, which is *chefs kiss*. For an author who BURNS THE SLOW BURN (🥴), she makes up for it with pace of the plot. We move and groove through the story at a pace that just makes sense for the story and *feels so good* - I don’t know how else to explain it. Were offered teasers and flashbacks to earlier time periods throughout the story which are SO well done. They are brief tidbits of information dabbled throughout and kept me pining for more and wanting to solve all the mysteries.

I also love the representation she offers in this series. We meet BIPOC characters and LGBTQ+ representation throughout.

MIGHT I ADD this book has one of my favorite side characters ever written. Gabriel’s storyline in book 3 was IMPECCABLE..and on that note, I’m sucked into all of the other storylines as well. There is literally zero character I am not invested in learning about their future (or lack thereof..🫣).

Book 4 I’m waiting for ya 🙋🏼‍♀️

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Leaving off right from Rule of the Aurora King, Fate of the Sun King was the perfect third book to this Series. Lor is feisty, smart, and resourceful FMC who doesn't take any crap from anyone. Not even grumpy Fae Prince. In this book, we get answers to many questions that were left in book 2. But also we are left drooling for book 4!! Between Lor discovering who she is to the tension between her and Nadir, Im in huge anticipation of Book 4 and cant wait to see what Nisha J Tuli has in store next!

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Damn I loved that.

What a ride.

I got to read an e-ARC and my only complaint is that now the book just came out and I already want to read the next one. Because that ending 🤯

The tension finally caved. I freaking loved the scene when they finally did because it was so awkward and fit Lor so well.

The addition of the Gabriel chapters were phenomenal. I can’t wait to see where his story goes next because he was peaked to snap and the ending.

I still have lots of questions with the chapters that pulled back in time but I’m trusting the process that it will make sense in the end.

How in the world am I supposed to just keep going to work and do life without knowing what happens next? That feels cruel.

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