Member Reviews

This series has me in a trance! This was a brilliant follow up to Trial of the Sun Queen and Rule of the Aurora King. Fate of the Sun King had me on the edge of my seat the whole time I was reading it! A perfect Romantasy series, in my opinion.

First, I loved that Nisha gave us a character glossary at the beginning to jog our memories on who is who and what happened in the first two books, in case we forgot. Brilliant! We pick up shortly after the last book ends. There are some new characters and a lot more backstory into some of our old favorite characters (looking at you, Gabriel).

I loved the dual timeline of past and present; understanding how this world got to be the way it is can be just as important as what happens next. There truly is so much history to uncover in this book. I also loved the multiple POVs, not only Lor and Nadir, but some other folks as well (no spoilers!).

I also really loved seeing Tristin and Willow highlighted more in this book. The relationship they have with Lor is so real and brutally honest and sometimes even painful in a way that makes it beautiful. When siblings have been through all that they have, there’s definitely going to be some bumps in the road as they all deal with the trauma they experienced together but also in their own way.

If you also felt like you could cut the sexual tension in the earlier books with a knife, you will love the spice in this book! It’s been worth the wait, let me tell you!

I cannot recommend this series enough. I devoured each of the books, and I am anxiously waiting for Book 4! Do us all a favor and throw yourself into this series immediately! This one should be talked about so much more than it is.

Thank you to the author, publisher, and #NetGalley for the eARC of #FateoftheSunKing in exchange for an honest review!

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5.0 ⭐️/5
3.5 🌶️/5

I’m sitting here in denial that the journey of Artefacts of Ouranos series is over (for now). My heart is pounding (😭at least it’s beating iykyk) after this ending, almost like I’m dumbfounded this book stopped giving me pages to read. Talk about a cliffhanger - this is a cliffhanger!

I love Lor and Nadir and the continuation of their enemies(?) to “friends” to… more (😉) arc. Fate of the Sun King has the perfect mix of fantasy lore, in-universe secrets, romance, and spice.

Last book we learned about Lor’s grandparents and the events that led to the big BANG but now we learn more about present and past events. Any Gabriel fans out there? Get ready because we get Gabriel POV.

We get:
♥️Nadir is his alphahole era?! 🤗
♥️On a mission for magic
♥️Quest for a queendom
♥️More Secrets
♥️MORE yearning and pining and angst
♥️Just “Friends”
♥️Touch her and die
♥️Tortuously Slow Burn
♥️Ouranos lore
♥️Magical restraints

Lor is figuring out how to access her power and learning to let more people besides her brother and sister into her trust circle. She and her crew are trying to heal from their past and are fighting for a better future. I adore this series and if you love fantasy romance with badass FMCs you’ll love this story too.

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Rating: 4.25

Fate of the Sun King begins shortly after the events of Rule of the Aurora King. I don’t want to go too into detail on plot as it will spoil the earlier books, but I really love how closely Tuli lines up the timelines so it feels like we just left the last book. These all feel so seamless in their plot that it flows like one long book.

The plot and action of this book felt like a mix of the first two, with it having more action to be closer to the trials of the first, but still plenty of character development and world building that we got in book 2. I loved the way this book developed, as we started getting some questions answered while also getting new mysteries to uncover. We learned quite a lot about the history of their world, the rulers, and how it all came to be. I really love how Tuli disseminates this information, never feeling like its an info dump and giving us just enough to keep everything moving.

I also thought she did such a great job of blending plot, character development, and spice. I never felt like things were lagging and we had such a great amount of personal growth in Lor. And when it comes to the relationship and spice all I have to say is FINALLY. That slow burn was burning so hot I didn’t know how much longer I could survive it!

Tuli also creates such a great found family with all of the side characters and I love how well developed they are as well! They really help to round out the whole cast of characters to make this an excellent read.

This book ended on SUCH a cliffhanger, it was literally action packed until the very end, and I cannot wait to see how it all ends in book 4!

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😳 Holy Cliffhanger.
This series, for me, has only gotten better and better. I didn’t fully love the first book. The second was better but still had issues. This third one was my fav.
I really loved having Gabriel POV chapters. I hope his storyline continues.
Lor isn’t my favorite FMC but I liked her more in this book. She’s finally coming to terms with who she is and let go of some of her past so she can move on to better things. I liked her journey and I can’t wait to see how amazing she will be in the final installment.
Nadir is a territorial fae b___. He came on a little strong in the second book but I really loved his possessiveness in this one. He has secrets and I’m dying to know what they are.
I love all the side characters. I’m excited to see what becomes of all of them. Ii also really loved the extra chapters showing the original kings and queens. This book answered so many questions which I was thankful for but there are still so many more still unanswered. I can’t wait until the fourth book!
Thank you to NetGalley and Forever publishing for the eARC. All opinions are my own.

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Note: I received an ARC in exchange for this review. Also, slight spoilers for The Trial of the Sun Queen and The Rule of the Aurora King.

So I might’ve binged this entire series over a weekend.

For Memorial Day weekend, this entire series took over my life. It’s one of the BEST romantasy series I’ve read, and if you can handle cliffhangers, then this series is for you!

The Fate of the Sun King continues Lor’s adventure to finding out more about her destiny as the Heart Queen apparent, and how the relationship between her and Nadir begins to finally take flight.

The story includes the great high stakes action from TOTSQ, as well as the focus on character development from TROTAK, blending it together into a wonderfully addictive narrative. I truly could not pull my eyes away from the book, and took every moment to read when I could (sorry, MUNI rider I almost ran into 😅). The plot is fast but rich in detail, so it doesn’t feel lacking in any respect.

The worldbuilding takes the Fae Court concept and expands on it really well. It adds to its own uniqueness by going beyond the seasons and looking at nature as whole, which I really love.

Lor’s character has me rooting for her to find her own peace in the midst of overcoming such immense trauma. The tension between her and Nadir is palpable and, not gonna lie, it really got me hooked. I find that all the characters are fleshed out and well rounded.

Additionally, while I usually hate alternating timelines, Tuli really implements it well. It adds to the narrative and is selective in its moments so it doesn’t distract you in anyway from the main story.

My only warning would be that if you REALLY despise cliffhangers, I would wait until the next book comes out in November. Otherwise, I cannot say enough wonderful things about this book.

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Fate of the Sun King by Nisha J Tuli
-Artefacts of Ouranos Book 3-


•My Thoughts•
What a wild ride that was! We got some answers and many of them through some cool flashbacks. For every question we get answered, I find I have more! I did have a bit of trouble connecting at the beginning but I’ll take the blame for most of it since I haven’t picked up the series since book 2 came out almost a year ago. It took a bit for me to settle in. I felt like the pace was a bit slow until about the halfway point and then it started flying. I loved meeting some new characters and seeing how things start to connect. I absolutely love our MMC, Nadir. He was so patient and protective and just supportive of Lor. We continue to see our FMC, Lor, grow and mature while still maintaining the essence of her fieriness. Though I did feel like this book focused on the plot more than the characters personal growth, we were still able to see them all starting to come together in a new fledgling found family. The many POVs offered in this book added so many different dynamics and I mostly enjoyed them, especially how it allowed all the puzzle pieces to start coming together.
Also, WHAT AN ENDING!! That was a brutal way to leave us and now we just wait patiently (NOT) for the final book to release in November!!

Thank you to Nisha, @readforeverpub and @netgalley for the advanced copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I’ve been anxious to read this book since I finished Rule of the Aurora King. You definitely need to read the first two books in this series (Artefacts of Ouranos) before reading this book. This series is one of my favorite and so far this book is my favorite in it. This book gave us the POV of new characters, one in particular that I thought I knew who he was but his POV gave me a whole different view of him as a person, now Gabriel is a favorite side character of mine. I have loved reading Nadir and Lor’s story, this book gives us a whole new side of it, and I am so very here for it. Parts of this book had me on the edge of my couch, other parts had me kicking my feet like a giddy girl, and others had me crying like a baby. I will admit that the cliffhanger at the end of this book is the worst out of the three but even though Nisha hurt my heart I cannot wait for the fourth and last book, I know it’ll be an epic final book. If you’re a fan of romantasy, of slow burn enemies to lovers, found family, fated mates, magic, side characters that you can’t help loving, and villains that you can’t help wanting to yeet your kindle at their faces, I highly recommend this book and this series.

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Thanks to Forever for the copy of this book!

The third installment of the Artefacts of Ouranos is my favorite so far! There’s fun action and adventure, and lots of answers to questions. The relationship between Nadir and Lor is taken to the next level and there are so many good, quotable moments in this one. And WHEW that ending! Can’t wait to see what happens in book 4.

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This book was one of my most anticipated reads of the year and it was everything I wanted it to be and more.

I loved that this portion of this story was told in almost a dual timeline. I loved getting that inside look into what happened in the past and how that was tying into what was happening in the current timeline.

I love this world, I love this cast of characters, and we finally got the much needed spice! And the spice was good spice.

Gabriel is still one of my favorite characters of all time and I don't think that is going to change anytime soon.

Also wtf was that ending???? I will literally e counting down the days until I have a copy of the fourth and final book in my hands. If you haven't started this series yet, what are you doing. This series is Fantasy Romance at it's finest!

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This book had a FMC with a horrible controlling and abusive boyfriend. She gets her dream job and yet she can’t enjoy it because of him. She meets a handsome pilot who sparks something in her she hasn’t felt in forever. She doesn’t understand what to do or what she wants. It’s a big struggle in the book. I think I enjoyed the characters but just didn’t feel as connected to them as I would like and I feel like the timing of things passing and not much progression of the story. There were moments I was smiling but then others when I needed more. Not a bad read but just not something that was obsessive or as drawing as I wished it was.

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Oh. My. Goodness.

I cannot get enough of this series!!! I’ve been hooked since book one and they just get better and better. I loved getting additional POVs in this one. It added a new dynamic to the storyline to keep it fresh. Plus this one really brought the heat!

But that ending?!?. I have so many questions and need answers!

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I love when books pick up right where the last book left off. This book was everything I thought it was going to be and so much more.

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I loved the addition of Gabriel’s chapters, although I felt like the previous kings and queens chapters dragged slightly, I was grateful they were short. That being said, I did stay up until 3:30am finishing this book. I’m also choosing to believe that everything will be okay with Nadir because it has to be….right?! 😭

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Such a great continuation. We see them all grow together, especially Lor as she learns more about herself. I enjoyed the past viewpoints in this one. I loved seeing Gabriel’s chapters. He is such a complex character and he deserves his time to shine. There are so many heartbreaking situations in this book. Quite the ending- I’m not going to be able to handle the wait until the conclusion is out!

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This is a HUGE step forward for the series and for Nishi J Tuli as an author. Congrats 👏👏👏

The world building is a million times better than book 1, and the FMC has developed and matured SO much!!

I loved everything about this. The love story, the dual timelines, the visits to other kingdoms. This is truly fantasy romance at its best. Can’t wait for book 4. This is the perfect time to start this series if you haven’t already, since you only have to wait a few months for the series conclusion.

For those who’ve read book 1… We finally get Gabriel’s POV!! IYKYK

If you liked the Kindreds Curse saga, I think you’ll like this book!

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One thing that really stood out to me in this book was how the history, politics, and magic of the world became clearer through chapters told from the point of view of characters from the past. It was fascinating to observe the thought processes of the characters’ ancestors, and it helped bring clarity as to why certain events are currently unfolding as they are.

I was so happy to see a lot more of Gabriel in this book. It was great to witness the added layers and complexity to his character, and to learn about the struggles he’s faced. I really appreciated watching him grow from the first book.

Nadir became even more irresistible in this book. The development of Lor and Nadir’s relationship was extremely captivating, and I could not get enough of them. I’m very curious to see where their journey takes them in the next book.

Overall, this book has become my favorite in the series so far. I can’t wait for the release of the next book!
Thank you so much Nisha J Tuli, Forever, and Netgalley for the eARC!

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In the third installment of the Artifacts of Ouranos series, protagonist Lor is in possession of the Heart Crown, but her life is far from secure. Fleeing from power-hungry rulers, she returns to Aphelion to unlock her magic and reclaim her family's legacy. As she battles both enemies and her own attraction to the Aurora Prince, Lor discovers the truth about the Artefacts and their role in her destiny. With everything on the line, she faces the possibility of achieving her dreams or losing it all forever.

I love how the book starts off with a recap of the characters to jog your memory and had me cracking up!
We also start off right off right where we left off in book 2. I feel like one of my favorite parts was the dedication. I was like, yes, no more torturing us!!
If you haven't already fallen in love with the characters in this series, the connections are strengthened, and the backstories are further explained. We learn so much more in book 3.

I'm also so glad we finally got put out of our misery, or better yet, Nadir got put out of his misery, lol. The spice scenes were top tier, and I loved them.

The only caveat I had was the ending, but I don't want to give any spoilers. Hopefully, that was just for the suspense and was not for real because my heart can not handle it if it is. And if it is for real, I don't forgive you!

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⭐️rating: 4/5

Amazing! Trial of the Sun Queen is still my favorite of the series so far, but this is everything we’ve been hoping for since book 1. More world-building, more reveals, and more spice!!💙

I really enjoyed all the world-building and learning more about everything and about how things came to be. There were also so many lies and deceptions that are uncovered and we learn so many truths.

I don’t wanna spoil anything, but book 3 had everything we’ve been wanting and hoping for. And that CLIFFHANGER!!! Wow, what a crazy ending! I need book 4 asap! I don’t know how I’ll wait till November to finish the series.

All in all, I had a lot of fun reading this and I definitely recommend it. I’m super excited to see what Nisha does next to wrap up the series! I’m still reeling over that cliffhanger and I definitely will be for a while!!

Thanks to Forever and NetGalley for the advanced copy of this book! All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This series just gets better and better. I devoured this book and tried to pace myself, which was hard. I can't wait to read the final book and have some questions answered. Even though I am sad it is ending and I'm not ready to say goodbye to these characters. They have grown on me so much.

The plot, the slow burn (IYKYK), the character development everything was a huge YES!! Fate of the Sun King had multiple POV's in first and third person that was done phenomenally. I thoroughly enjoyed and learning new things from all their perspectives. This fantasy book has it all for me, and hit the mark with many good tropes like;
Easy-to-follow magic system
Enemies to lovers
One bed
Found family

Nothing like having such a fierce FMC that has a man by her side that let's her do her thing.

And the ending like OMG!?!!

Thank you Nisha J. Tuli and NetGalley for providing me an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Each book in this series is better than the last, and we get more and more information. This was my favourite book in the series (so far). There were a lot of things that I didn’t see coming, most which made me like the characters even more. We get a lot more background information into the world and the ending was crazy. I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself waiting for the next book. Again this instalment is action packed, fast paced, addictive and an easy read. Once I got to about 70% in I couldn’t put it down. I was really happy to see Gabriel’s POV in this book as one of the many moving pieces in the story. I have a few ideas of what was going to happen but it wasn’t entirely predictable, and I feel like the next book will be the same. I can’t wait to see what happens next

Thanks to NetGalley, Forever and Nisha J Tuli for this e-ARC

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