Member Reviews

Wow! I was so excited when I got a chance to read this book before it came out through NetGalley and it did not disappoint! After loving the first 2 books, I was ready to see what all would play out in the third. Lots of action, many POVs and timelines, and all of it ending with such a massive cliffhanger that I am already setting a countdown to book 4! Highly suggest this series and think that it will be quite the release once Tale of the Heart Queen comes out later this year!

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The way Nisha J. Tuli writes always pulls me in, and this book was no exception.

This is book 3 in the Artefacts of Ouranos series, and you absolutely need to read the first two books to understand the plot.

So the character description at the beginning is helpful and amusing. It definitely helps you remember some of what was going on after books 1 and 2.

This story was told in such a unique way. There are two main POV's, but also a third POV, which was like a behind the scenes look. There is also the history of Ouranos sprinkled in between the book and the way it all pulled together felt like magic.

I really enjoyed Lor's journey as she realizes and accepts how powerful she can be without anyone else. I can't wait to see what happens next!

Thank you so much to the publisher, NetGalley, and the author for an ARC of this book!

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have been, not so patiently, awaiting the release of ‘Fate of the Sun King.’ Now it seems I will have to do the same for the fourth book in the series which is expected to come out in November 2024. If you have not read any books from the series yet, now is a great time to begin.

If you enjoyed the first two books in the Artefacts of Ouranos series, ‘Fate of the Sun King’ delivers. Lor & Nadir FINALLY come out in the open with their feelings. This is a FULLY New Adult book. The first two felt a bit more YA, but now we are in NA territory.

Lor is still working on opening the internal block that is limiting the full potential of her powers.

You get of the back story with Gabriel and it is one of my favourite plot lines of the series.

The ended had me gutted - Nisha knows how to keep you reading the next book.

Thank you NetGalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for sending this book for review consideration. All thoughts opinions are honest & my own.

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Lor and Nadir have the Heart Crown and make their way back to Aphelion while dodging the Aurora King and the Sun King. As they uncover more about Lor’s past, secrets about the Artefacts come to light and Lor’s destiny begins to take shape. Ouranos is such a rich world and Nisha J. Tuli is a master of world building.

Fate of the Sun King is eventful with several perspective changes. Getting glimpses into Gabriel’s head was juicy. There’s so much going on behind the scenes of Aphelion. Bouncing back and forth between the different scenes is a little bit jarring and I often found myself saying, “Wait, no! Don’t leave me like that!!!” Slow burn comes in so many different forms - slow burn plot, slow burn romance.

Rating: 4/5 ⭐️s - Action packed but with more character development of some of the side characters. I loved finding out more about the people around Lor and Nadir.

Spice Rating: 4/5 🌶️s - Can’t say much without spoiling but - YES!!!

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What a ride! The third book in this series was so much fun. Diving right back into the world of Lor and Nadir brought so many feelings. I loved all the characters even more here as we dove deeper into their world and personalities. If you enjoyed the first two books, you definitely won’t be disappointed here! Can’t wait for the next book! Thank you for the e-arc!

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Readers of this insanely bingeable series should know:
👑There’s a glossary of characters at the beginning! Don’t sleep on this because it’s HILARIOUS and such a good recap of the key players.
👑There are chapters from Gabriel’s POV 🫨
👑Lor and Nadir’s chemistry is still off the charts good
👑Chapter 25 🔥”eyes on me….I’m going to ruin you.” 🫡
👑Flashbacks reveal more secrets about the Artefacts, gods, and history of Ouranos
👑We learn more about Tristan and Willow’s magic/fate
👑Lower fae are starting to revolt against the Sun King
👑Everyone is still trying to capture Lor, but she and Nadir get a small sliver of respite and happiness before the 💩 hits the fan again 👀
👑Lor is still grappling with unlocking her magic and her feisty spirit during practice sessions is 😂
👑Tuli really does us dirty with a cliffhanger that made my blood pressure spike! 🤯

5 stars! So much fun! And I cannot wait for the next book!

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Easily a 5/5 star read! Complex characters, interesting plot, spice, full of delicious drama, enthralling lore, and did I mention the spice? Thank you so much for the ARC!

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4.5 -⭐⭐⭐⭐💫

"Ask me, and I'll slay anyone for you. Burn the world to ash if you desire."

Fate of the Sun King is the third instalments in the adult romantic fantasy series, Artefacts of Ouranos, which continues our journey with Lor as she finally has the heart crown in her grasp but she must be careful. With the sun king determined to hunt her down and another determined to destroy her family, she must unlock her magic and family legacy in order to embrace her destiny. Meanwhile her connection to the Aurora Prince grows stronger no matter how hard she pushes him away. In the end, the past and present collide and Lor must be ready...or lose it all.

First off - Nisha has a way with starting each book with a bang and this book does that to a T.

Lor once again shines in this series. I liked the balance of her being this strong and fierce character but also vulnerable. She has had to take on this strong facade for so long and had to sacrifice so much and the toll becomes evident here. Yet this doesn't mean she breaks down...she becomes stronger.

Nadir is the perfect compliment to Lor because of his capacity to wait. He doesn't let Lor fully pull away but he gives her the space she needs to find herself. When she finally lets him in...THE FEELS.

We also get a Gabriel POV which surprises me in all the good ways. It made me appreciate him more and I have hope for what will come next for her.

This book does contain spice - I would say 2.5 spicy pepper out of 5 spicy pepper. This series has been a slow burn for the last few books but the pay out in this book was a delight. The tension and angst between Nadir and Lor was sweet and when they finally confront their feelings everything fell into place. It is still a slow burn in this book so doesn't expect anything until the second half. When it does develop the romance increases a lot more and I loved the intimacy, closeness, and companionship it brings and these two now feel more aligned in their goal. They can lean on each other. I am a sucker for this in books.

"If anyone dares lay a hand on you, I will make them bleed. I once broke a woman's arm for stealing my soap. Imagine what I'd do if someone hurt my..."

The story itself is a mix. It starts a little slow as Lor tries to figure out how to unravel her magic but we also have the overarching story around what is happening with the sun king and the mysterious artefacts. There are training scenes, so much fun banter, and secrets galore to keep you on your toes. As we enter the second half we start to see the larger plot fall into place around Lor, her destiny, and what is happening to the different kingdoms. I felt here was when the additional POVs started to pull things together and I could not stop reading. Then...that ending...I demanded justice for Nisha immediately and she had the nerve to say "I promise there will be a happy ending..."

I continue to adore this series and I cannot recommend it enough!

Thank you Nisha and Forever for this arc!

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This book tells the story of what happened and its current ramifications. We learn a bit more about the history of the land and what truly happened in the past.
Lor and Nadir work together to free Lors power. They must do this while on the run from both the Aurora King and the Sun King.
This book was fast passed and I liked that it included Gabriel’s POV. His viewpoint added to the history and drama of the book.
This book did end on a major cliffhanger and book four should be action packed.

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This series has been so much fun to read. The previous two books I have been unable to put down and this one was no different.

It picks up not long after the end of Rule of the Aurora King in a way where not much has happened to catch us up plot-wise but enough to time to have a good set up for where they wanted to go. I will say that this plot line of infiltrating the Sun Palace to reunite with the mirror took up significantly more of the plot that I anticipated. Although there were other "side quests" the characters pursued (which felt confusing to add, at times) I did not expect this to go throughout a significant portion of the book.

I, once again, enjoyed getting some more context about the events of the past and how it all ties together for the current plight of Lor and Nadir and company. And my favorite part of this book was being able to get Gabriel's POV and all the Sun King secrets & twists!

While I do thoroughly enjoy this series, it doesn't necessarily feel *fresh* and once the author acknowledging A Court of Thornes and Roses in her character recap it made me realize just how much "inspiration" this book pulled from ACOTAR.

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Fate of the Sun King is an exciting and romantic installment in the Artefacts of Ouranos series.

With Lor revealed as the Primary of Heart, she is now on the run from the ruthless Aurora King. With Nadir, her siblings, and friends by her side, she must travel back to Aphelion to view the Mirror artefact to learn whatever secrets it is holding for her. But avoiding Atlas will be the biggest challenge, along with figuring out how to reclaim Heart after its utter destruction after her grandparents bonding went awry. Lor has been pushing Nadir away, but he's struggling too, and wants to push back. The tug they feel towards each other hints at something more, but Lor has been a captive before, and she's vowed to never give anyone her heart.

As the third book in the series, we are left with many questions, but we are still rewarded with plenty of answers, too. This is a transitional book, so where the first was about the Trials, and the second was the development of Lor and Nadir's relationship, this book delves more deeply into events that occurred in the more distant past, and the outcomes that still reverberate in the present. We also see Lor and Nadir struggle with what they mean to each other, and what their relationship will be going forward. The tension is glorious, and we get some answers on the state of their relationship as well. The pacing of the book is good - we have lots of action to balance out the character development, and some time jumps to help broaden the world and set things in motion for the final book. I really enjoyed the multiple POVs in this book. It is primarily Lor's story, but we also get to see Nadir's side of things as well. We also get learn more about a certain cranky winged character that left me emotionally reeling. I love the diversity in this book too - both in the characters themselves but also in their relationships. The ending was absolutely explosive, and I think I forgot to breathe through certain parts of it. The ending is definitely a huge cliffhanger, and I am so ready for book 4 to be released. Overall, I absolutely loved this book, and thought it was an excellent installment in one of the more interesting and unique fantasy series I have read.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for the electronic advanced copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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I loved this book and it definitely lived up to how good the first two in the series were! 😍

There were so many fun things to love about this book. I was so happy to see some of the characters from book 1 make a reappearance! And the relationship development between the main characters was perfection. Spicy perfection. 🌶️ 😈

The ending? That’s a whole other story, haha. Prepare yourself for the cliffhanger to end all cliffhangers with this one 😅 Let’s just say I’m biting my nails with anticipation for book four!!

Another aspect of these books that I love is how the author weaves in narratives from the past to help raise the stakes for what’s happening to the main characters. The parallels between the past and present are fascinating and they add a ton to the book!

A huge thanks to the publisher, the author, and NetGalley for providing a free digital copy in exchange for an honest review ❤️

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Wow! I think we have the Queen of Slow Burn here. So much tension! I felt so many emotions (excitement, scared, worried, and devastation) reading this. Love it.

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I cannot even begin to tell you how excited I was to read this book after reading the first 2 indie. The wait was WORTH IT. I love these characters and the story so much. Lor's healing journey throughout these books is written so beautifully and every time she makes progress I'm cheering so hard for her.

Nisha Tuli FINALLY puts us all our of our slow burn misery between Lor and Nadir in this book and I really loved how they come together. Their love story throughout the series so far has been so fun to read about.

Another thing I really loved about this book is the character development for Willow and Tristen, I really hope we hear a lot more about and from them in book 4. I'd def like to see some happy ever afters for this siblings after everything they've suffered.

I think the ending and the final conflict was rushed. Things moved so fast and it felt like a lot of details were missing or glazed over. I wish there was more details and events to really bring this book to a close and make the cliffhanger hit a little harder. Im still SO STOKED for the next book and I'll be impatiently waiting until it is in my hands.

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Okay first things first - I read the first two books of these series right when they came out. And I remember clearly loving them. In preparation for this book, I re-read them and dear god loving them was an understatement. This series had me in a chokehold once again. The writing is beautiful, the tension and relationships *chefs kiss*. I was so invested and being able to continue to the next book in the series was amazing...
until that cliff hanger. WHY OH GOD WHY.

Anywho to avoid spoilers - I will just discuss my thoughts on the book and not the soul crushing blow Nisha delivered to us.
As I mentioned, Nishas writing style is beautiful. Detailed enough to paint a picture, but not so metaphorical to lose me in tangles of words. I think thats what I love most about these books. The ability for Nisha to articulate details, thoughts, and feelings in such an eloquent way that supports the mental image in my head rather then distracting from it. As well as the investment into the character and relationship development to truly connect me to the story. The world building flows naturally so learning the context of the story comes easily without having to really "study" it.
I loved it, and I am gut wrenchingly waiting for the next book!!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Forever for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Even though it had been over 6 months since I read the second book in the series, the third installment picked right back up and grabbed my attention once again. It did take me a little time to remember all of the characters, details about the world and magic system, etc., but the glossary the author included at the beginning of the book was really helpful. We follow all of the same beloved characters, but Gabriel’s POV is new!

The first half of Fate of the Sun King continued focusing on the slow burn relationship between Lor and Nadir. And while I enjoy how stubborn they both are along with their teasing, jabbing, and flirting, I was definitely excited to see them finally come together in this book. The second half of the story started to connect more pieces of the backstory of the world, their religion/gods, etc. I loved the flashback chapters and how everything is clearly being brought together for an epic conclusion. On that note and based on that cliffhanger ending (how dare you Nisha Tuli!!), I can’t wait for the final book to come out later this year!

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This is the third book in Lor's story and she now has the Heart Crown and her secrets have been revealed. She must now unlock her magic while being on the run from the power hungry king who is after her blood. As Lor uncovers the truth about the artifacts and past mixes with the present her future hangs in the balance.

This series has amazing world-building and characters with a lot of depth and grit. these are very slow-burn books like multiple books slow-burn. There are times that it feels a bit slower but that is partly because you are excited to get to the next part. Lor is a strong and fierce FMC who goes through a lot of character development. I am also a sucker for the found family trope and this book has that.

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How dare the book end that way. I demand the next book now bc what the HECK is that cliffhanger omg.

on a less deranged note, I really enjoyed this. I love this story. I love Lor’s journey and her good heart. And I love Nadir so nothing better happen to him or to them, or I will riot. Anyways love this, I will be feral until I get the final book, thank youuuu.

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This was a great addition to the series! The slow burn is burning and I love the world building! Would definitely recommend!

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I loved this continuation of the series! The plot added layers to the world and many of the characters. The multi-POV in all books is expertly written, with the two main characters having distinct voices. The storyline across the series has many features that Throne of Glass readers will be happy to recognize, with many completely unique elements. I cannot wait to get my hands on book 4!

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