Member Reviews

There was so much to unpack in this story. I love how Lor has taken control of her destiny and learning how to harness her power. Nadir is so supportive of Lor and is willing to do whatever it takes to keep her safe and help her reach her true potential. Lor and Nadir's push -pull relationship finally comes to the breaking point in this book. Lor's hesitation was understandable because she was having a hard time seeing Nadir in a positive after being held in captivity by his father the Aurora King for so long. To finally have them accept their Mate bond was everything. To see the love that the two of them have for one another is everything. The lengths they are willing to go for one another is truly EPIC.

Watching Tristan and Willow do their part in helping Lor find her missing power was endearing because of all that they have suffered in captivity it never once diminished the love they had for one another. Watching Tristan harness his growing abilities and seeing him transform into a fierce protector was amazing. Lor and her siblings are truly a force to be reckoned with; even without powers and abilities, Williow has proven to be just as cunning and meticulous as her siblings.

Lor, Willow and Tristan learned so much about their ancestors and the secrets and betrayals that played a part in the current predicament they have found themselves in. With the Sun King still on the search for Lor as well as the Aurora King fast on their heels; no place is safe for the Sun Queen.

Gabriel was a pleasant surprise in this installment. He was so terrible to Lor in Book 1; but the truth of how he has been a pawn in Altas' plans for so long gives us insight on who Gabriel really is. Gabriel is actually a key element needed to turn the tide in the Sun Court and out Atlas as the fraud he truly is.

This story ends on a heartbreaking Cliffhanger that I know will lead to a heart-stopping, epic showdown between Lor and all who has hurt and destroyed everyone and everything she has ever loved. It is finally time for the Sun Queen to take her throne and enact revenge on all who has tried to stand in her way. The time has come and Lor is ready to reap the harvest of everything that has been taken from her: Her Family, Her Kingdom, Her Power and Her Mate.

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The torture that is this series! Finished this in less than 24 hours because I am so invested in Lor's journey to getting her power back and seeking vengeance on all those that have wronged her. I did not think there could be any more reveals and revelations that would shock me, but this one was jam packed with them. I just couldn't catch my breath and I have so many theories going on in my head. There were new POV's that really enhanced the story for me. And FINALLY the enemies turn to lovers. did not know when I started this book that it would have one of my favorite fantasy romance tropes, fated mates with mind speak. I practically squealed when it was revealed. I love the POV's from Xavier's chapters. The last chapter ended on such a cliff hanger it has me impatiently waiting for the last installment to come out, luckily it is later this year in a few months. I'm a little skeptically of the direction the story is going and where Lor is going to ultimately end up. She has been through so much, I just hope she gets everything she deserves and all her enemies go to the pits of hell. I am along for the ride and looking forward to the next book.

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If Nisha has no fans, I'm dead!

So great to finally get to read the 3rd installment of the Artefacts of Ouranos series. I first found Trial of the Sun Queen on TikTok when it was still indie published and have been so grateful to get to have an read several ARCs since I fell in love!

The ending was insane, and Nisha has done an incredible job expanding the world of the books while also staying true to its predecessors. The characters are unique and diverse, and the imagery is amazing!

The first 75% or so did move a taddd slowly for me, but that can be typical of fantasy books and I knew it would pay off!

Can't wait for book 4 later this year!

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This was another great installment in the Artefacts of Ouranos series! While this book definitely felt like a filler book--more so than Rule of the Aurora King--I still had a great time following Lor & company formulate their plans to stop Atlas and Rhiannon. I enjoyed the multiple POVs we got in this book, both from characters in the present and characters in the past. Some of the POVs left me with more questions than answers, and I'm hoping that we get them answered in the conclusion to this series!

My favorite aspect of this book is definitely Lor and Nadir's relationship. As I mentioned in my review of Rule of the Aurora King, I absolutely love Nadir's characterization as a man who is possessive and morally grey, but is also so patient and vulnerable and emotionally secure. There were still some moments in this book where Lor still needed time and space before figuring out what her relationship with Nadir meant, and Nadir was so considerate of her feelings. Similarly, I love that Lor is able to stand her ground about her hesitancy and is able to feel comfortable with being with Nadir before moving forward. The reveal about their relationship that most readers probably were guessing from the beginning was so special, and I adored the love confessions they both shared with each other!

The ending of this book, however, absolutely broke me. I'm sure everything will work out during the last book in the series, but man, that still hurt. I can't wait to read Tale of the Heart Queen! I'd give this book 4.25 stars rounded up.

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How am I supposed to be okay after that ending??

This book was fast, from beginning to end you’re running through this story. Questions are being answered, lines are drawn, past and present are blending, all to bring you to a heart wrenching ending. Multiple POVS worked well for this book. I was grateful to get more characters inner workings, it made me feel like I was more involved . I loved that other characters had more roles in this book, I could see the roots of the plot stretching with opportunity for so much more.

Lor and Nadirs slow burn (finally) erupted into a roaring fire. Reading their journey had been enjoyable and they’re two pieces of an incredibly difficult world that are able to find redeemable qualities in one another. I appreciate the way the author set up their dynamic, it gave them more of a solid platform to stand on for their relationship.

The glossary! This was nice to have now that we’re three books in. The glossary page brought an extra “I care about you and your poor reader memory”, touch.

I really enjoyed this book and think it brought the three books together well. I’m already so excited for the fourth book. The series has been wonderful thus far and if you’re interested in a great fantasy adventure you’ll love this.

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Phe-nom-en-AL! I flew through Fate of the Sun King, and am thirsting for the finale in book 4!
After being drawn in all the way after book 1, I was a bit softened in book 2 by the pace. Book 3 clearly has the action and takes us deeper into Lor and Nadir's journey for peace. The relationship between our main characters is finally able to blossom, and we get a bit more around our other character's and their stories as well.
Digging into the backstory and history between the kingdoms, we can understand the long standing dilemmas Lor, Nadir, and friends are now up against, and how this may become even more challenging in the final book of the series.
At the end of book 3, I was absolutely shattered, and I am so eager to see what unfolds and how this could possibly be mended in the final installment of Lor's tale.
If you are one for adventure, kingdoms, magical gifts, layered and deep characters, and beautiful story-telling, this entire series is something I would highly recommend. This book may even be my favorite of the three so far!

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Continuing into the 3rd installment of Nisha J Tuli’s Artifacts of Ouranos series follows Prince Nadir and Lor as they begin to deep dive into their possible relationship as well as the mystery of who Lor is and what her new powers mean for her future.

I loved that we got to see more of Prince Nadir and Lor’s romance flourish in this book there was so many cozy soft parts where they were being coupley!

I also loved the different POVS we got to see including Lor, Nadir, Gabriel’s & the past stories of how the artifacts and their rulers origin stories!!!


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First off, thank you to Nisha J. Tuli, Netgalley, and Forever publishing for allowing me to have an ARC copy in exchange for a fair and honest review!


Thank you for the glossary, because as a girly who immediately forgets characters as soon as a book is done, this helped me so much to reaquaint myself with the characters and how they fit into the story and plot.

This book is so good! There are SO many twists that add to the story! I loved all the different POVs that explain some history behind certain parts of the book. It added a layer to the book I didn't even know I needed, but I definitely did. Gabriel's POV was top-notch and I fell in love with the broody winged man (but he's my type, so...).

Lor... Lor is my girl, and I love her foul-mouthed, sassy self. She experienced so much growth during her journey in the book, and I was so excited to be along for the journey. The storytelling that Nisha accomplishes is amazing and draws you in from the first chapter every time!

Nadir had me swooning! You'll find on the dedication page what you can expect (which had me laughing already). The spice in this book was so good, too! Just you wait! It's worth it.

The ending, though! NISHA! My girl, how am I supposed to wait until November for the next book?

Anyhow, if you haven't started Trial of the Sun Queen, you really, really should! This series is so original and completely draws you in!

- Enemies to Lovers
- Forced Proximity
- Found Family

- A few other things, but they would be spoilers! 🫣

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Fate of the Sun King was a ride of a book! We got to see so much more of Lor and Nadir's relationship which was not previously seen the in the last two books. Along with that, we were given a new perspective of Gabriel where he became known as more than just the "guard". Gabriel was created to be a sentimental character and the development of him was beautiful.

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Wow just wow. This book sizzled with romance and spice. I loved this third chapter in Lor's story and the kingdom of Ouranos. The I'm floored.

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Thank you so much to Nisha, Forever Publishing and NetGalley for an ARC of Fate of the Sun King. I absolutely loved getting to read and provide an honest review of this book!

From the dedication to the last sentence, this book had me hooked and unable to put it down! In Fate, we go back the Aphelion to unravel more of the mystery surrounding Lor and the realm’s rulers.

We learn so much in this book. There are so many secrets revealed, plot lines thickened and deceptions unraveled. Yet it avoided feeling like an info dump and was woven into flashbacks, different POV’s, new characters and dialogue. It was don’t do well and flowed seamlessly!

I absolutely loved seeing the flashbacks on the start of each kingdoms and the original rulers. The new faces were all interesting additions and we also get to delve more into characters we already know and love like Tristan, Willow, and Gabriel. While I love Lor, I am almost equally as excited to see what how their stories continue too!

Nadir really grew on me on me in this book. I enjoyed his character development and watching the relationship with him and Lor shift into something so sweet and beautiful! I also loved the other romances in the book and found myself rooting for those as well! I can’t wait to see them unfold in the next book!

Finally, that ending. WOW. What a cliffhanger- it was brutal and emotional and intense. I sat and stared at a wall for about an hour afterwards. As much as it killed me, I loved it. I went into a major book slump afterwards and for me, that’s the sign of an amazing book!

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Thank you NetGalley and the publishers for this ARC! This book is a significant step up in this series! I thoroughly enjoyed this book. The multiple perspectives and timelines really answered a lot of burning questions from the first two books, and also added a lot of fresh and excited elements to the plot. The found family was also a really nice added elements that came together in this book. I think the romance was a little cheesy, but overall it was very sweet and gave readers some much needed closure on that front. I am not a fan of cliffhanger endings, and this one was especially brutal. However, I was very impressed and really loved this story. I can't wait for book 4!

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I absolutely loved this book. The character developments and the plot development is top tier. The author truly does it again with another cliffhanger for the ending, I don’t know how I will be able to wait for the next book! But I genuinely enjoyed reading this book and learning more about the world. The enemies to lovers becoming lovers in this book was absolutely everything! She writes an amazing slow burn romance.

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I am SCREAMINGGGGGGGGGG from this ending. This book was phenomenal just like the other two and really helped get me out of a reading slump. I cannot wait for the final book I need it now!!!!

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This is a solid installment in this series. We got to see more of Lor being a badass. Seeing Nadir and Lor explore their feelings and relationship while trying to untangle the bigger world plot kept me turning the page. I’m so glad I was able to read this ARC but now I have to wait even longer for book 4. The ending in this one…

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I really enjoy this series, the slow burn has had me by the neck but was satisfying in this book. I will say I enjoyed the first two better, this one was a bit harder for me because of the constant switching of POVs, but that is just a personal preference. The story did seem to drag a bit for me in the third book as well, so I’m hoping I will enjoy the fourth book more!

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I stared at a wall for about 10 minutes after finishing this book because it absolutely wrecked me. My mind hasn’t fully recovered. I hope the tears of your readers taste delicious, Nisha.

Lor, Nadir, and crew are back and continue their quest after the events in Rule of the Aurora King. This story provides some much-needed answers and drops a ton of lore around the world, the fae, magic, and the gods.

I loved the different POVs in this book because now things are getting complicated, and there are so many players with their own plots and motivations. Each book in this series has its own vibe, and I’m here for it.

Definitely recommend this book, and I’m a little broken on the inside until book 4 - Tale of the Heart Queen - is released.

Thank you to NetGalley and Forever for a copy of this book.

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Thank you to Nisha and Netgalley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

Oh my gosh, this book had me feeling a rollercoaster of emotions.

I knew it was going to be good when chapter one was in Gabriel's point of view.

I also really appreciate the chapters about the history and events of the previous rulers and Ouranos in general. It really helped me understand different events in this book and previous ones.

I think out of all three books so far, the ending of this one by far had the biggest impact. I cannot wait to find out what happens next!

I love this series and cannot wait for book 4 to come out!

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This book had me staying up way too late because I could not put it down!!
I was so intrigued and did not see some plot twists coming!! The story is again packed with the most amazing fantasy and romance elements which makes the series so great.
I loved how we got to know so much more about certain characters in this book. I’m excited how all these reveals and new dynamics will play out in the next book!
Sometimes the story felt a bit slow and repetitive, but that didn’t make me love it any less. This book definitely is a build up for the grand finale (in a positive way).
I do however wish to send you my therapy bill for that CRUEL ending!! I can’t wait until the next books comes out!!

Rating: 4.5 ⭐️

Thank you for the e-arc!

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Oh my someone writing this review RIGHT after I've finished reading Fate of the Sun King, let me just say booktok is going to go WILD at the ending of this book!😭
There's not much that I can say about this installment in the Artefacts of Ouranos series without spoiling book 1 or 2 BUT I can tell you that the vibes were AMAZING! This spicy romantasy book includes many plot twists, action, and steamy romance that makes you want to read all the books in an instant!
I felt that Fate of the Sun King had some of the biggest plot movements since book 1! There were so many big plot movements and they make for a very tense, action packed read!
I was OBSESSED with book 1 in this series, Trial of the Sun Queen, and was so excited to read this book and now I am dying to read book 4! Definitely recommend for people who like Throne of Glass + ACOTAR!
Thank you so much to Forever for an ARC copy of this great book in exchange for an unbiased review!💖

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