Member Reviews

We’re back for book #3 in the Artefacts of the Ouranos series! Let’s hear it for Lor, Nadir, AND GABRIEL— the pal and POV we never knew we needed and now can’t live without.

I love this series. It’s light and fun, with just enough drama to keep me invested.

There’s a lot of character growth in this book, and we, as readers, learn a lot about how the kingdom came to be in its current predicament.

Lor & Nadir, Mael, the Woodlands, and GABRIEL are all bright spots. This series is so fun, each book is drastically different, and this one just might be my favorite one yet.

💕Thank you to my pals at Forever for the early copy.

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Absolutely incredible. I was sucked in from the very beginning and couldn’t wait to read more and MORE. Some parts were so intense I had to take breaks before coming back to it (short ones because I had to know what was going to happen next). I NEED the next book right now because that ending absolutely destroyed me

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Incredible. My favorite series of all time. Fate of the Sun King was so far the least action packed book in the series, however I still enjoyed reading it. It felt like a quick read to hold over those who love this series until the next comes out. It was almost a book about Lor’s emotional growth which was nice to read about. I’m looking forward to the next!

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Big thanks to Forever (Grand Central Publishing) and the author for providing via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own and freely given.

"Fate of the Sun King" by Nisha J. Tuli is the third book in the Artefacts of Ouranos series, and it’s a wild ride! The story follows Lor, who’s finally got the powerful Heart Crown and is dodging power-hungry rulers left and right. She heads back to Aphelion to unlock her magic and reclaim her family’s legacy, all while dealing with an intense attraction to the Aurora Prince, Nadir. With lots of battles and big secrets, Lor’s journey is full of twists and turns.

I was super excited for this one after loving "Trial of the Sun Queen" and "Rule of the Aurora King" last year, but I did hit a few bumps. There’s a lot of world-building and backstory, which sometimes slowed things down, but it also made the world of Ouranos feel really rich and detailed. We get to explore new places like the Woodlands, Heart, and new sections of Aphelion, which was awesome. We also got new POVs, including one from Gabriel, who you may remember from the first installment.

Lor grows a lot as a character, and I loved seeing her relationship with Nadir finally heat up. Their slow-burn romance finally pays off, and it’s so satisfying. There’s a big twist at the end that you won’t see coming (or you might!), which made the journey totally worth it. The pacing also picks up a lot in the last 25% or so.

Overall, if you’re into fantasy with magic, slow-burn romance, and lots of secrets and betrayal, you’ll love "Fate of the Sun King." It’s out on June 4, 2024, so mark your calendars!

Read this if you like:
- Fated Mates
- Fantasy Worlds
- Slow Burn
- Multi POV
- Flashbacks

Overall Rating: 4 stars, 2 chili peppers

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Thank you to the author, NetGalley, & Forever publishing for the eARC! As always, thoughts and opinions are my own.

Let me preface this review with one thought. If I'd never read the series by Sarah J Maas, I do believe this series would have stood out to me more. Although, I will say after reading this book I feel like its more on par with Audrey Grey's A Kingdom of Runes series. I do believe with a market completely saturated with fae novels and the like, its a bit hard to write an original. A reader can see parallels everywhere. I do believe that Tuli has a sensationally written and developed series here and for anyone who likes the afore mentioned authors/series I would tell you to pick up this series as well. You will enjoy it and each are worth the read.

However, this particular installment of the series I felt wasn't as well crafted as the others. I was SOOOOO ready for Lor and the Aurora Prince (who's name currently escapes me) to realize their bonded mates that it kind of turned into a BAD joke. I understand her PTSD and her inability to trust, but all these trials and triggers were part of her from the start of the story and it hadn't hindered her ability to fall for Aphelion in book 1. Even with the explanation that Aphelion broke her trust and thus made things worse...the whole explanation seemed reactive to the writing as opposed to planned. If that makes sense. I also wasn't a fan of the parts of the 2nd and 3rd novels where it skipped back into time. I didn't feel those chapters were exactly necessary and could have happened more organically as Lor started to gather the story of her grandmother's past from her cousin. I don't really understand how those chapters fit in the story as they are being told to the reader separate to the story and not to the characters. It might have been better to make a novella telling the backstory.

Overall, they story and history of Ouranos are exceptional and I really did enjoy Lor's journey to the Heart of the story.

No Regrets!!!!
3.8 out of 5 stars

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Been waiting for this one! Great addition to the series. Same quality of writing, character and plot development, as the previous two books. Excited to see where the rest of the story goes.

Disclaimer: I recieved a digital ARC of this from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.

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honestly not my favourite … i did enjoy the first book and the second book in the series but i found myself struggling to get through this one. the romance was a little cringe (when they got together) and the backstories bored me this time. i do think i’ll finish the series when the last book comes out because i am interested to see how it ends!

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As Nisha states, Fate of the Sun King has the “action and stakes you loved from Trial, as well as the tension, angst, and heat from Rule.” It starts off with probably my favorite dedication ever (and its promise did not disappoint!)- chapters 25 and 26. IYKYK.
This has multiple POVs and flashbacks to the past to continue weaving the story together, which made the plot and world building feel much larger than the previous two books- it really starts to all come together in this one, with a lot of questions answered.
There were a lot of moments that had my jaw on the floor, but it’s a tie between Atlas’ secret and Rion’s statement in the final chapter…
That ending!!!!! Nisha??? Ma’am?? I just wanna talk…
If you’re looking for a fast-paced, bingeable fantasy romance series, check this one out- starting with Trial of the Sun Queen!

Favorite quotes below:

“You’re all I think about. I’ve never felt like this about anyone, and I’d do anything for you. You’ve become my air and my blood and my only reason to exist.

“We’ve been existing on the ledges of two opposite cliffs, so close to touching, and either we grab hold now or plummet into nothing.”

“When you’ve been treated like nothing for most of your life, it’s easy to forget that you’re something.”

“…in the layers of uncertain darkness, we are each other’s light.”

“Wear this, if you choose, as a reminder that whatever demons we face, I will follow you until the very end. Into the fires of the Underworld if I must.”

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Fate of The Sun King | Nisha J. Tuli

Thank you Net Gallery for the ARC of this book.

This is book three out of four in The Artefacts of Ouranos series.

After the events in the last book, Lor is searching for answers all while being hunted by two different Kings. There is adventure, suspense, and a massive cliffhanger to top it off. We finally get the payoff of the slow burn in this book. I loved how there are a bunch of chapters diving into the past and history of Ouranos and that we finally get answers about the artefacts. This third book pays a lot of focus to the side characters as well. Absolutely loved all of the Gabriel chapters we got. The ending is messy and intense and will leave you wanting more.

💙 Fated Mates
💙 Magic
💙 Slow Burn
💙 Multi POV
💙 Flashbacks
💙 Secrets & Betrayal

You don’t want to miss this series if you haven’t read it yet! Fate of the Sun King coming June 4th , preorder today!

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"Today, I am the fucking Heart Queen"

This series only gets better. I truly cannot wait for the next book. 
I was able to read an ARC of the 3rd installment in this exciting series. 
The additional POVs and history added a new, exciting level of mystery and excitement. Learning the history of the world in a way that is intriguing and refreshing for the reader.
The characters continue to grow and change in an exciting way. I'm not quite sure what I will do with myself till the next book is out.

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I received an ARC of this title from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own and were not affected by the free copy.

I really, really wanted to love this book, I really enjoyed the first two, and was so excited for this book. I also thought this was a trilogy, so that affected my thoughts as well. This book mostly felt like filler to me - it was good, and there was a few important moments, but for the most part, it was very slow. The last quarterish of the book picked up and really moved the storyline foward, so going into book 4 will be much more interesting. There are interspersing chapters from the past, which I usually love, but this time, they weren't obviously related to what was happening (that link came in at the end), so it was jarring to go back and forth between the ages. No spoilers, but I also *unfortunately* saw the cliff-hanger coming, it's become so prevalent through Romantasy to end a book that way. I'm interested to see what the author does with it in the next book.

I know it sounds like I didn't like the book, which is not true! I did enjoy some parts of it. Lor and Nadir finally, finally talked things out, I absolutely LOVED getting Gabriel's POV and learning more about the wardens. It was a fairly quick read and I enjoyed the world building and character development. I will definitely be finishing out the series. This series is perfect for Romantasy fans.

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I truly and utterly loved the first two books in this series, and could not WAIT to get my hands on this third book. It’s an incredible continuation of where we left off from the end of the second book. Fate of the Sun King was an amazing journey through even more of Ouranos. We get to spend time in the Woodlands, we are adventuring through Heart, we are voyaging previously unseen to us sectors of Aphelion. With this deeper exploration of the world building, we get more so much more of the lore behind Ouranos.

Fate of the Sun King has an additional POV of Gabriel and we also see more glimpses into the past and because of this, we are further learning about the origins of the Artefacts and the arks, understanding what really caused the breaking of the world, discovering Zerra's history as a goddess. This seriously added to so much of my enjoyment. We also get more character development across all characters (and not just the main ones). I am now so invested in every character and their story. It will be interesting to see how their stories play out in the finale.

Nisha’s writing has always been amazingly engaging. It’s giving us casual language without completely taking us out of the story. Every single chapter in this book moved the story forward. It will keep you on edge over and over again (ahem, more than one edge) with its shocking revelations, plot twists, many dangerous missions, the high-stake heists, and steamy romances.

I think this was my favourite installment so far.

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We love an ARC!!

Bro WHATTTT. The cliff hanger are you kidding me?

I loved the first and second book of this series so much and was so excited to read book 3. We’ve watched the main characters grow into themselves SO much and it was gorgeous to see them continue to grow into the leaders I hope they become. I loved the seamless integration of their friends and family coming to help them rip a special someone apart.

Just when you think you’re getting close to a HEA Nisha rips the rug out from under you *multiple* times!!! Panic!!

I wasn’t expecting these characters to captivate me again so much but they sure did!!!

The flashbacks were beautifully done and really added dimension to the story & added what the previous books didn’t have. It brings context & rich history to a story you didn’t know needed it.

Well done <3

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So I thought this would be the last book in the series but I am wrong. It’s the third book and there was a lot going on with flashbacks happening from the present to the past and vice versa.

I did like that Lor and Nadir’s slow burn finally picked up steam and they are committed to one another now. Thank goodness because I don’t think I could wait for another book to see if they got together or not.

Maybe I wasn’t in the right mood to be patient and process everything going on but the flashbacks were taking me out of the story. I do think the story did progress, especially at the end. I did like seeing Lor’s siblings more in this story. The world-building is good, I just wasn’t in the mood to dive into it I think or it was too slow for me at some parts. Everything does pick up at the end but then of course, there is a sudden cliff-hanger.

My Thoughts:

I think it’s good to wait for the last book and then you can binge the series.

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Thank you to Forever and Grand Central Publishing for an advanced copy of this book! You can pick up Fate of the Sun King on June 4, 2024.

I just know the romantasy girlies are gonna eat this one up. The tension, the slow burn, the world-building -- it all adds up to a fantastic third installment in this series from Nisha J. Tuli. Unfortunately, Nisha's writing style isn't quite for me, and I think I learned that when I picked up the second book (after receiving this ARC). Perhaps in the future, when I'm in a different mood, I'll pick this one up and finish it! But that doesn't mean other romantasy readers won't absolutely love it.

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This was romantasy at its finest. This book had the perfect combination of tension-filled romance, character development, and fantasy.

The Artefacts of Ouranos series has been a favorite since I read book 1, in which a girl named Lor is taken from prison and thrown into a deadly competition to win the Sun King's hand and become queen. But this third installment took the series to new levels. I love good worldbuilding and lore in a fantasy book, and this delivered just that! The expansion of the territories and the history of the world was incredible. The development of various magics was so well done and I loved seeing the characters slowly find their strength. The romance was out of this world. So much tension, heat, love, all of it. I ate it up.

This book is one of my new favorite fantasy romances EVER, and everyone needs to read this series!!

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I loved everything about this book. From the character development to the ending that made me want to throw my Kobo across the room, and everything in between, I couldn’t put it down! November 2024 can’t come soon enough.

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☀️ ARC Review ☀️
Fate of the Sun King
Book 3 in the Artefacts of Ouranos series
Genre: romantasy
Expected pub date: June 4, 2024
556 pages


Much thanks to Forever and NetGalley for this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

I listened to Books 1 and 2 of this trilogy in a week and devoured them. They’re also available on KU. Fate of the Sun King, for me, was a much slower read, and I’m hoping that some of my questions about it are answered in book 4. The pacing started off okay, then it slowed for most of the middle, and it picked up again around the 85% point. I did enjoy the last 15% of the book and really felt myself get back into the story.

I think that fans of FBAA and Fourth Wing would like this series because it has enemies to lovers, lightning powers, fated mates, mind-to-mind speak, political intrigue, and romance.

What didn’t work for me:
- Telling versus showing
- I generally find it jarring when modern parlance and slang are mixed in with antiquated language. Ex: a noble character asking, “For real?” just after using older or more formal language.
- The scene where two people are plotting a revolution while receiving relations
- Lightning bug
- Some world-building issues I’m hoping are answered in Book 4

What worked for me:
- The initial book dedication is everything 😂
- I actually liked the cliffhanger ending, but I had some questions from a WB standpoint
- Gabriel’s POV and learning more about the wardens
- Callias!
- Getting more of the lore (no pun intended) of Ouranos and learning more about the Evanescence through chapters with POVs of past players

I’m pretty bummed because I did enjoy the slow burn over the first two books, but I’m hopeful this is a building book for the next in the series. I’ll be reading book 4 to see what happens to all of these characters. Even though I gave it 3 stars, it looks like many are giving it 4s and 5s, so check it out if you’re interested.

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I love this series and this book so much! Absolutely cannot wait for book 4!!
Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC!

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Another great book from Nisha J. Tuli. I really enjoyed the addition of Gabriel's POV (and the time jumps to past POVs as well) that gave more context to the overall plot. Now it seems For and Nadir are much more willing to work together after the dramatic ending of book 2 to find out more about Lor's powers and what that means for the world. We also finally get some spicy time between them!!!

Overall, I enjoyed the progress made in the plot and am TERRIFIED for book 4 based on how this ended. For me it wasn't a perfect 5 star read but still enjoyable and I highly recommend the series.

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