Member Reviews

I love this series so much and so not want it to end! Though I am excited for book 4. I love this world so much!

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This was such a great book! There was a ton of action and tension, and I loved being back with these characters so much. And that ending!! I cannot wait to see how the series ends :)

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I thought this was very good and I will have to add this to the shop shelves. Thank you for the chance for us to review.

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This series is ♾️ stars for me. Last year, I read the first two books in the Artefacts of Ouranos series and quickly fell in love with Nisha’s writing and her beautiful characters. I’ve been counting down the days until book 3, and I was THRILLED to receive an arc from NetGalley 💙 Thank you so, so much!

This installment picks up soon after book two ends and we find our characters back in the Sun King’s territory. This book was filled with reveals, twists, and ROMANCE, all centered around a heist type plot point.

I LOVED Gabriel’s POV!! This poor man, I cannot fathom the pain and heartbreak he has endured. He’s quickly become one of my favorite characters of the series.

Nadir, sir?! Almost all of my highlights for this book are Nadir quotes. The man is perfect, okay? Fight me. He’s my favorite.

I continue to absolutely LOVE Lor. She’s one of my very favorite FMC of any series. She’s so strong, I admire her so much. Her resilience and her vulnerability in this story are beautiful to watch, and seeing her finally open up and accept love was so worth the wait. She’s such a badass and I can’t wait to see her truly fulfill her destiny.

The world Nisha has built continues to grow in this book and I’m blown away by the detail and the incredible lore! I’m so intrigued by all of it and I cannot wait to keep learning more in the final book.

We won’t be speaking of that ending, ma’am. I refuse to accept anything and will be withering away until book four comes out later this year. That is all.

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I honestly don’t even know where to start this.

Nisha what the hecccckkkkk?!? Definitely officially my favorite of the three. So many things happen in this book but it’s done so so well. I have so many feelings and don’t even know how to process them.

There is soooo much growth for Lor and her siblings here. I think Nisha did a great job navigating their relationships. I feel it was done well to represent each of their traumas from what they endured and their growth together, but also apart.

So many twists and turns and just a lot I did not see coming. As to not spoil, I can’t say much. But I seriously loved some of the “new” characters we get a better glimpse at in this book. I’m excited to see what comes from them in the final edition of the artefacts series.

Also I think I’m just a sucker for dual timeline cause I loooved it here! I feel like it gave me so much anxiety but I was sitting on the edge of my seat trying to figure out what was going to happen next. It gave me even more of a glimpse into Ouranos’s history that I really enjoyed!

This is also finally THE BOOK😉😉🌶️🌶️🌶️ (not a spoiler it’s in the dedication) but my GODS can Nisha write some spice. There’s this one scene… gosh. I can’t even talk about it.

…. THE MF ENDING. NISHA WHY?!? … thats all I’ll say about that.. I’ll just be in my room hyperventilating and in denial.

And finally, and probably one of the things I was most excited about, No more inmate!! I absolutely had the worst ick with that nickname in the last book and I was so freaking glad it was done away with.

I genuinely don’t have a single thing I disliked about this entire book. Which doesn’t even come out for another 2 months and I’m already frothing at the mouth for book 4.

Huge thank you to the author for the gifted arc! All thoughts and opinions are wholly my own 🩵

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This was an action packed penultimate story that left me eager for book four! I can't wait until it comes out so I can find out what happens next. Be warned of a serious cliff hanger.

Book three brought new plot points together with Cloris Payne and Gabe. The side plots continue to add to the depth of the world and the stakes at play.

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Overall I’ve enjoyed this series. The first was my favorite and I feel like the books have kind of dragged since. They feel unnecessarily long, but looking forward to the 4th installment.

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Ok, Im not okay.. I AM NOT OKAY.

This book.. was everything. Both joy and grief. I was crying so hard at the end, not knowing what to suspect and what is actually going on. The betrayal, that hangs in the air is suffocating, making me wonder, what will happen at the end.

What I love in this part, is definitely progress in Lor and Nadirs relationship. This tension, between these two, was trying to kill me during my Rule of the Aurora King read. I am so happy, that our girl is finally getting something good in her life, but.. is she?

Nadir has a special place in my heart, I am not sure why, but his creation is just pure perfection. He will be my guy no matter what, but I am actually glad, that they finally managed to solve some of their issues.

The inner circle is growing, we could get to know more of the characters, that work for our Prince and Queen, and once again, I love them all. How they become so comfortable with each other, how they try their best to help Lor solve her magic issues - this is getting too good to be true

But what suprised me the most is the plot twist, that Nisha reveals in first chapters of book three - WHAT THE ACTUALL FRICK? Gabriel grows on me, and I knew in the core, that he is a good guy - HE HAD TO BE.

Finally, I loved it, I loved so freaking much, that I mourn, cuz once again I have to wait so long for another book - the final one.

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Whew what an adventure! There is a lot that goes down in this book so I think I’m still processing. First I love Lor and Nadir. Can’t believe it took three books but dang that’s satisfying. Second, I really enjoyed getting a glimpse into what’s going on for Gabriel. I was biting my nails over him by the final chapters. I hope Nisha give him and Tyr the ending they deserve.
Now the stuff I didn’t love. I get why there is the tandem storylines between the past and present but I didn’t really enjoy the first age of Ouranos chapters. I found the Empyrium storyline to be too much for the established story. I could have done without it. There was a lot of jumping around which makes me a bit nervous for the next book.
All in all I really enjoyed this instalment of the Ouranos books. I’m really invested in the characters and can’t wait for the final book.

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I'm not sure how to go on with normal life. If you haven't read the Artefacts of Ouranos series by Nisha Tuli yet, this is your sign! I was anxiously waiting book 3, and it did NOT disappoint. Fate of the Sun King is ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️! This is my favorite book of the series so far!

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Another cliffhanger, leaving me biting my nails in anticipation for the next book. I don't know what spell is weaved into this series, but I'm OBSESSED with the characters. Every since that bleeeeep stole Lor's soap.

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Oh my gosh this book had me in a complete and total chokehold and I honestly could not get enough! Lor and Nadir are goals, and even more than the romance, the plot was *chef’s kiss! I devoured this book in less than a day because I couldn’t stop! I’d highly recommend this to fantasy lovers!

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This book continues this series so beautifully! Nisha has a way with words that I just can't find anywhere else. The stories she weaves I'm able to touch, smell, see... Pure literary magic!

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I absolutely love everything about this book! The characters the development of the romance, the mystery and intrigue! I also love that we get to learn more about some of the side characters and their motivations! I am definitely obsessed with this series and was sooo happy with this instalment!

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I did it again. I finished Fate of the Sun King nearly two months before writing my review. So sorry guys. I've got to find a better system for getting in front of the computer regularly.

Anyway, Fate of the Sun King starts with tension between Lor and Nadir. They had a moment in the previous book and Lor freaked out. She's determined that she will never "belong" to another man. And Nadir has to back off his pursuit of her until she's ready. In the meantime, they're trying to find the crown of Heart and then return to the mirror of Aphelion. But the mirror is in the Aphelion throne room and Atlas is still searching for Lor. Even though the mirror rejected her as the next queen of Aphelion, he hasn't given up the idea of bonding with her and tapping into her power.

We have some additional narrators in Fate of the Sun King that we didn't have in the previous two books. We still have Lor and Nadir. But now we also have Gabriel, Cloris Payne, Zerra the Sun Queen (flashback), and King Herric (flashback). Cloris Payne's storyline ties into Lor's grandmother's storyline. And then Zerra and Herric go back to the formation of the "world" that the books are set in. Cloris's storyline makes sense in connection with what we've been exposed to previously. Zerra and Herric were confusing and left me wondering how exactly their stories were connected to the future events of the series. I'm sure we'll find out, but I didn't enjoy their pieces or storylines. I have some critiques of the storyline, but at this point, those would be spoilers, so I won't address them beyond saying that it reminds me of my previous complaints about this series.

Gabriel was the best new narrator. He shared a lot more information about what was going on in the Sun court with Atlas, and his own limitations due to the bonds placed upon him. I can't say I love everything about his storyline or character, but I'm intrigued to see more.

I mentioned in my review of Rule of the Aurora King that I was somewhat reminded of the A Court of Thorns and Roses series. There was one line in this book that I thought could have been a nod to that series as well, but I might have been reading too much into things.

I also mentioned in my previous reviews that weak writing presents easy conflict or conflict resolution in this series. I found myself questioning the same when the characters show up at The Woodlands on the run but decide to participate in a big party being celebrated. How does this make any sense?

Fate of the Sun King gets 3.5 Stars from me. I do think this was a better installment in the series overall. I have a few irritations and a couple of things I'm uncertain of where they are going. But overall, I read this book quickly. I wanted to keep reading, and I enjoyed the characters' development. Overall, I am looking forward to continuing the series. Have you read Fate of the Sun King? What did you think? Let me know!

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I don’t know how I’m going to survive until the next installment comes. I WAS ON THE EDGE OF MY SEAT!!!

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The second and third book should have been combined to make for a better character arc between the two lovers. Absolutely love nadir and lor as individuals. They really shine in their own way and I’m glad they’re the main characters. Definitely a lot of filler tho but loved it. Worldbuilding is top tier

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I have LOVED every book in this series so far! This book takes you even farther into the world and helps you gain a better understanding of a lot of the characters. Nisha writes characters that you can’t help but love even when you maybe shouldn’t love them at times. Once I started this book I couldn’t put it down. It does end in a cliff hanger so be ready to throw your book across the room when you get to the ending. The next book cannot come out quick enough!

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I’m breathless from this captivating book!!! Nisha is such a skillful and imaginative writer. This was my first experience with Nisha and certainly won’t be the last!

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Book three was 🔥!! A little more spice was sprinkled throughout the book. The pace I thought was really good for this as well. Not over done but delicious 🫠
We also got a POV from my baby Gabe?!! Honestly, my favorite part was more Gabriel. This book just opened my eyes to a lot of things I didn't even see coming! Which I freaking love.

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