Member Reviews

The Fate of the Sun King, picks up directly after the The Rule of the Aurora King. Lor and Nadir find themselves on an epic quest to unlock her magic and find the mirror in the sun palace. The Fate of the Sun King, continues the love story/slow burn of Lor and Nadir while also progressing and introducing other characters and storylines. Nisha did a good job of making the reader more interested in the side characters while providing romance from Lor and Nadir.

I did feel at times that I just wanted the book to end? At around the time Lor and Nadir finally decided to admit to being mates, it was an audible sigh of relief. Although Lor quickly realizes what their connection is once shes introduced to the concept of mates, taking a full book to get to this part is past a slow burn and almost torturous?

The best part of The Fate of the Sun King, was the ending by far. That cliffhanger?! Had me wanting at least a sneak peak into the finale. Although the book did struggle to draw me in and keep going at some parts, I will absolutely be sat for the last one, iykyk.

- Slow Burn
- Enemies to Lovers
- Found Family
- Epic Quest
- Fated Mates
- One Bed (kinda but not really)

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The trial of the sun queen was my favourite book of 2023 and this was an amazing addition to the story!

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Nisha J Tuli is a one-click author for me now. I've been recommending this series left and right, and ordered copies for the library I work at. I didn't love the second book in this series as much as the first, but this third installment really got me excited again. The world building is so interesting and a breath of fresh air in romantasyland. I loved the new POV that we got, and obviously I loved that Lor and Nadir FINALLY DO IT. Lor reads a lot like Aelin from Throne of Glass to me, but in a good way, not a copy way. I love the enemies-to-lovers, I love the found family, and that ending had me in a chokehold.

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Obsessed is an understatement. I am absolutely in love with this entire series and this could be my favorite yet. I am hoping this has many books to come!!

Thank you for this ARC.

5/5 stars!!!

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I love that this book dove more into the lore and backstory of Ouranos and the world itself. The ending killed me. I need Tale of the Heart Queen asap. I have loved this series from the beginning and have very high hopes for the final installment.

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This book was amazing from start to finish! I love Lor and it’s so refreshing to have a strong FMC that’s not always running headlong into danger without a plan. The plot twists were excellent and I had a feeling we would have an ending like that! I can’t wait until the last book. It’s going to be epic!

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I’m not sure what it is but I find the third book in the series especially if it’s the penultimate book to be the best. And this one not only lives up to that theory, it blows it out of the water. You find out so much about this world, its history and Lor’s purpose in it. I also loved getting to know each of the rest of the ensemble of characters a bit better. Gabriel’s story was fantastically done. There is so much love and beauty in this book paired with some gripping moments and an ending that had my jaw on the floor. I will not be waiting patiently for the final installment in this journey.

✨Lightning Wielding FMC
✨Fated Mates
✨Political Intrigue
✨Found Family
✨Witty Banter

Favorite Quotes: “The blood of your enemies, Lor. Ask me, and I’ll slay anyone for you. Burn the world to ash if you desire.”

“And here I thought vengeance was the foundation of your personality and not just a side hobby you’d abandon at the first opportunity for a roll in the sheets.”

Thank you to the author, NetGalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for the advanced copy of this book. My opinions are my own.

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Fate of the Sun King. The Artefacts of Ouranos series. Book #3

I am completely enthralled and obsessed with this series. It is a masterpiece of epic proportions and with each instalment it only gets better and better. And this book is no exception. It is an absolute work of genius.

I loved each and every single moment of it. I cried, I screamed, I cursed and threw my kindle on numerous occasions while reading this… I’m still weeping now as a matter of fact.

This book is a wild rollercoaster ride from the moment it starts right to the end. Oh, and what an ending it is. I’m left with my chin on the floor and desperately awaiting the next instalment. Yes, we are left on quite the cliffhanger…

Lor, our strong protagonist has really come into herself in this book and realising her potential- she embraces it with both hands! She is a lavishly striking and well realised character.

The Aura Prince. Nadir, is such a magnificent character. I’m somewhat obsessed with him and his utter devotion to Lor. He is strong, fierce and beautifully gentle but pushes when need be and backs off when he must.

I loved the dynamic between these characters throughout the series. And it has culminated in this book as they both sort themselves out. It is a revelation with passion and deep emotional energy.

Steamy scenes will leave you sweaty and in need of a cold shower. All beautifully done… tasteful smut- is there such a thing?

The characters are deeply sensitive and you are drawn to them, developing connections throughout their journey.

I love absolutely everything that Nisha writes she is a master of her craft. A truly gifted writer with the most amazing penmanship not to mention her aptitude for perfectly portraying the wonderful and magical scenes that she devises.

Nisha, has woven a delicate tapestry- honest poetry in motion.

You are transported into this fantastical world and never will want to leave. A truly remarkable adventure.

This series is simply…
An Inspiring and captivating literary experience and a wonder to behold.

Thank you NetGalley for the advanced copy for an honest review

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*Received an arc of this book in exchange for an honest review*

Nisha has done it again! I was so excited to dive back into the lives of Lor and Nadir and friends. I love that we got to see more of Gabriel's character and see his POV this book, which was a turning point for the series. The crew of friends are ones I would want in my corner, and I am so happy Lor and her siblings were able to find a great group of family. I found Nadir's love for Lor to be so sweet and endearing and the spice *whew*. These two are some of my favorite MC's of all time. They have great banter, wit, and chemistry that just draws you in and keeps you wanting more. Full warning, slight spoiler ahead <spoiler>THE ENDING THOUGH??!! WAY TO BREAK MY HEART NISHA. I am not sure I will ever be okay again</spoiler> Now I HAVE to have the fourth book in my hands, like yesterday.

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*Note: I will leave a more conplete GR review closer to the release*

I was really looking forward to this release, thank you Dana from Forever for the ARC!

This is an ambitious follow-up from the previous book and adds a lot of complex history to Lor’s story. Almost too much, which affected my rating. I wish we had some of these perspectives early on, as we’re learning a LOT for an audience who did not even know Lor had magic for an entire book. I do like what’s being added, but I wish it were integrated more fully into the series earlier on.

This ending though?!?! Mind blown and I do have high hopes for the finale.

Overall, not my favorite in the series, but a promising bridge to what I hope is a fantastic finale!

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3.5 rounded to 4 stars

Thank you Nisha J. Tuli, Forever Publishing, and Netgalley for the e-arc. I am leaving my review voluntarily, and all opinions are my own.

I really wanted to love love love this one as much as the first book, but I also find that I usually don't like sequels as much as their predecessor. I feel like in this case, it's because when two people in a relationship finally get on the same page, the romance just becomes too much for me lol. Romantasy readers will get what I mean, I might be in the minority tho.

I absolutely loved the character development of Gabriel, however, he quickly became one of my fave people to read from in this book! The ending also had me turning the page for more, even though I knew it was over 🤣

Can't wait for the finale!!

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Wow I am not prepared to have to wait for book 4!

This was delicious in every way - everything I loved about book 1 and 2 got leveled up in this sequel: the chosen one coming into her powers, the enemies to lovers TENSION, and the world building! All of it was so good! Thank you to Nisha J. Tuli for feeding us with this amazing story!

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This was my favourite book in this series so far. That ENDING!!! WHAT!!?? I don't even want to think about everything that happened. All I have to say is, Nisha you'd better fix this.
Love love love Gabriel in this book. I love that he's back and he's not actually the asshole we met in book 1.
In Trial of the Sun Queen I really wanted to hate Atlas, he gave me the creeps and I couldn't figure out why. Well now I do. Congrats for writing a character that I didn't think I could loathe more than the Aurora King

The two story lines were perfect and so easy to follow. I liked how everything unfolded.
Also that glossary of characters at the beginning is genius and a great refresher. Not to mention how funny some character descriptions were. I wish every author did this especially for people like me who forget everything a day after I've finished a book.

And last but not least, THE SPICE!!!! *chefs kiss* Sooo worth the wait. Damn Nadir and that magic of his.

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The third installment of this book series was exactly what I needed after book two.

I appreciate how Lor is a strong, outspoken FMC. She is the perfect match for Nadir.

I really enjoyed learning more about the relationships between the characters, the Heart Queen herself, and the intriguing past of Ouranos. There are still many mysteries that need to be solved, but I'm excited to see how everything unfolds!

Gabriel's point of view was an awesome addition, and I'm curious to learn more about his personal journey and you know who 👀

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Nisha has done it again! Thoroughly enjoyed this read. I enjoyed reading it more than the second book in this series. After that ending, I need the next book! Ahh I can’t wait! I ordered the physical copies because I need this on my shelf. Great job!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This book was amazing! This series is amazing! This was a brilliant third book and I cannot wait for the next book.

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I literally cannot breathe as I process this book. It was so freaking good, but I need a minute before I can even write anything else.

Five stars. Read this series. Can I please be taken to Ouranos?

It was fast paced and captivating. I could not stop as I kept flipping to the next page. This book was everything I wanted in terms of finding more answers and seeing where our main characters story is going. The plot and twists along the way were so well written and had me shocked as I read them unfolding. The growth we see in our main characters is absolutely perfect and there are so many moments where I’m swooning and then immediately appreciating the banter and funny moments. I am absolutely in love with these characters and Ouranos.

This book will release on June 4th and you need to read the first two books before then and immediately dive into this book.

My jaw dropped with that ending and I still don't know how to process it...but dang Nisha. This is easily becoming a favorite series of mine.

Thank you to Netgalley, Forever (Grand Central Publishing), and Nisha J Tuli for the chance to read an ARC of this book. All opinions are my own and honest.

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The Artefacts of Ouranos is an amazing fantasy romance series that will be 4 books once completed. Fate of the Sun King is book 3 and all I can say is my jaw is on the floor with the ending.

Fate of the Sun King starts with a seamless transition from the previous book. I won’t get into too many details in case you haven’t read this series yet.

I absolutely love Nisha’s writing style. Each book is more addictive than the last. There are well developed, interesting characters. This series has an intricate and detailed fantasy world and in book 3 we really deep dive more into the world and the background of how all of the pieces of Lor’s story came together.

If you like an FMC who is strong, smart, sassy, and trying to find her confidence and an MMC who is broody, territorial, and deep down a huge softie then Lor and Nadir are for you. Some of the side characters had a bit more time to shine in Fate of the Sun King and all I can say is that Tyr and Gabriel might be my faves.

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ALL GAS, NO BRAKES!!!! Oh my gosh nisha really hit this one out of the park. The pacing throughout this book kept me captivated and losing sleep. We saw so much more of the world and learned about so many characters and their stories. So many twists and turns that looking back they were developed beautifully. Nisha always writes a vivid world and I have no problem ever picturing the scenes and hearing the voice of the characters. I also enjoyed the new POV we got in this book but I was so sad for him throughout. I saw the writing on the wall leading up to the end of this book and now I’m anxiously awaiting book 4.

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I really like the pace of this series, I have been in a romantasy kick and loved that I got to read this book early. The banter between characters, the world building and the character growth kept me from putting this book down. Throughout the series, we see Lor undergo a profound transformation, grappling with her inner demons and confronting the challenges that lie before her so that she can help keep the people she loves safe. I think the backstory of Ouranos was a little distracting to the main plot and I feel that it would have been better to get the story as a novella, but I still have to give this book 4.5/5 stars I cannot wait to read the final book in the series.

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