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ARC REVIEW: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

What did I just read!? And what was that ending!?

Once again, another great read in the series. The romance, mystery and action was everything I wanted. I loved the character development and the found family aspect that is developing. At times it was repetitive. The romance and plot are equally loved. I need the next book!

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Nisha... come out here, we just wanna talk. 🤪

WHAT in the absolute world was that book?! If you've been hoping for more world building and general background, you will definitely love this book! You also get more of our fav cuties being our fav cuties together (IYKYK).

One of my favorite things about Nisha's writing is how she gives so much depth and personality to her characters. I always have like a specific voice in my head for each one and I can read their POVs or dialogue in that voice. The way she writes just really allows you to kind of sink and be immersed in the world.


The only thing I didn't ~love~ about this book was that once Nadir and Lor really accepted being together, it felt kind of over the top. Maybe I just like the enemies part more than the lovers? But sometimes I felt a little bombarded and like I didn't care about all the love proclamations. And THEN THE ENDING?!? I have a sort of wild theory about Nadir and maybe why he was constantly like I love you so much I'll follow you anywhere but I'll wait for book 4 to see if I'm right.

Thank you for the eARC, Nisha and NetGalley! Love you lots, mean it! 🥲❤️

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Nisha J Tuli has a freaking super power. She has created such a crisp and vivid world and characters to match. I loved this book, and it's my favorite of the three so far! Lor and Nadir have come so far. I'm a sucker for mate bonds, touch them and 💀. The Multiple POV's was well done, and I crave multiple POV's! I LOVED certain "scenes" from Nadir's POV. Also, Gabriel. What a gem!! I give you five Heart Queen Crowns 👑👑👑👑👑

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That ending though.... I am speechless...

This book was super exciting to read, I am glad we finally got what we have been waiting for! (IYKYK :D) Trying to not give away spoilers!

There was a lot of character growth and development and we got a lot more history in this book! I am so ready to see what is going to happen, book 4 where are you!

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- Badass FMC
- Drool-worthy MMC
- All consuming romance
- Dual timelines
- Found Family
- History of Ouranos
- Shocking revelations
- Tons more spice!
- Magic
- High stakes
- Betrayal
- A jaw-dropping cliffhanger ending that is just “kick-you-in-the-crotch, spit-on-your-neck, fantastic.”

Nisha, Nisha, Nisha! Ma’am, what are you putting in these books? I am gobbling up each book so fast like a competitive eater eats 200 hot dogs! This is one of my all-time favorite Romantasy series, and they keep getting better and better.
Lor is such a feisty character, and I love how her journey this time was about learning to trust again, let go, and overcome her fears and past traumas. All the emotions that go along with her discovery of who she truly is were so moving; I wanted to reach into the book and give her a big ‘ol bear hug so many times. Even though she’s going through it in this one, her mouth is still sharp, her fists still fly, and her banter with Nadir is absolutely delicious.
I’m obsessed with Lor and Nadir’s love. It is heartbreakingly romantic, and the way that Nadir talks to Lor is so tender, understanding, supportive, and utterly passionate. And the way he treats Lor in the bedroom (or on a beach 😏) and the way he speaks to her so sinfully dirty that if given the opportunity, and Nadir said he wanted me, but I have to get through Lor… I wouldn’t even bat an eye and snatch that girl's soap up (I’ll probably die, but he’s worth y’all)!
In this book, we also get to dig deeper into the relationships of others and their stories. We also dig deeper into the history of Ouranos. Nisha’s always engaging writing will keep you on edge over and over again with its shocking revelations, many plot twists, dangerous missions, high-stake heists, steamy romance, and multiple gut-wrenchingly beautiful stories of love.
And that ending?! Nisha, why don’t you just take my heart out and stomp on it? While you’re at it, why don’t you give me a nice paper cut and pour lemon juice on it, too? Gosh!
There were a few predictable moments, and I think
Nisha can do no wrong; this is 100% one of my favorite books of the year. I don’t know how I will survive until Book 4 comes out in November. But you can bet I’ll be squealing like a stuck pig and dancing a vigorous jig the moment it comes out and I get my hands on it.
You’re a Queen, Nisha!

~ Thank you, NetGalley, Nisha J. Tuli, and Forever Publishing, for an eARC in exchange for this honest review.

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I accidentally stumbled on to spoilers for this book and I know, in part, that is why I dragged my feet to finish. I wanted to close the book and know the characters were safe. The story is addictive and multifaceted. But true to her style, the author will rip your heart out at least once per book. Fate of the Sun King continues to follow Lor as she tries to regain her powers, learn about her family’s history and avoid capture by 2 kings with their own selfish intentions. We learn more about some of our favorite characters. Ultimately I was left, mouth agape, anxious and heartbroken. In other words, I can’t wait to do it again with Tale of the Heart Queen.

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Thank you NetGalley and Forever for the chance to read this e-arc. This is my honest opinion.

Shattering and epic 3rd book. It moves the story on very well learning more about Lor and the world. It has multi POV and follows the layout of book 2. It's a great story and intense romance. Lot and Nadir are amazing and learning more about the sun king and Gabrielle was icing on the cake. I think I would have liked it better of I had reread the first 2 books but I'm happy she included a character list because I totally forgot some people. The ending has me very much wanting book 4.

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ARC review-

This book was absolutely everything I wanted for the 3rd installment of this series. To be back in this world with all of these characters again, after waiting months to continue reading their story, was fantastic. The growth and strengthened bonds that we see from each of them is wonderful. I was also happy to see that build up of that slow burn from the first 2 books, really pays off in this one! Her book dedication was great motivation to dive in immediately, in that regard. And of course, that ending had me shouting out loud while reading it. You know it’s a good book when you flip to the last page and are surprised and upset by the acknowledgements being the next page instead of another chapter. I am already positively dying for the last book to be released!

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First and foremost, thanks so much to Nisha and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this advanced copy.

I want to start off this by saying, I absolutely love Nisha's writing and story telling. I have been following her work since reading Trial of the Sun Queen and being hooked. That being said, I also have to say I am very underwhelmed with Fate of the Sun King in what I fear might be chalked up to "second" (third) book syndrome. What initially drew me into the Artifacts of Ouranos world was the fast pace and action and torturous slow burn, but FotSK felt lacking in comparison.

While I understand this book set up a lot of lore and world building needed to progress the story, I felt like there were some missed opportunities. For instance, the natural disasters occurring that were barely touched upon but seemed important to the story line? I wish we could have explored those a bit more to keep the pacing a little more upbeat. I felt like I had to keep taking breaks because there wasn't anything that was grabbing my attention.

Secondly, after two whole books of the push and pull between Lor and Nadir, the culmination of that bond felt lackluster. I was super excited to see the jealousy to progress a relationship trope. I love seeing love interests lose their minds with jealous rage. But it felt rushed and not fleshed out in this case.

Thirdly, the whole BJ scene with Gabriel??? It just felt so weird considering it seems to be implied he is kind of into someone (that feeling seems reciprocated), but also he's just carrying on a conversation with someone else also getting a BJ? Like what is this bringing to the story???

Lastly, the cliffhanger used did not impress me. It felt kind of like an easy way out that didn't require a ton of planning?? I don't know. I didn't feel a ton of emotion after reading it which I feel should definitely be the opposite case?

Now, things I did enjoy. I really loved seeing the siblings more and seeing their storylines progress as well as potential love interests for them. I enjoyed the flashbacks to get more information/different perspectives on this that have transpired in the past. I always enjoy multiple POVs. I feel like the drama being set up for the NEXT book is going to bring back the action that Nisha is so good at writing and that I so desperately want to devour.

Overall this isn't a bad book, I just feel in comparison to her other books in this series it isn't at the same level.

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Oh my god screw you nisha j tuli and thanks for this ARC.

To have the nerve to end a book that way.

This was definitely the best of the series. It was a lot of fun. I loved the fated mates and political schemes. I especially loved Gabriel and Tyrs plot line and can’t wait to see what happens next with them.

Honestly I’m just shocked. Before the last chapter I was thinking how I was kind of annoyed with the whole god thing. And then the cliff hanger of all cliff hangers.

Take my heart I don’t need it anymore after this book ripped it out.

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Still invested in this series!!!! I really enjoyed reading this one, even though it’s been a while since I read its predecessors. I wasn’t a fan of how the enemies were more lovers in this installment, but that’s more of a personal problem. The spice was at a perfect level — not distracting from the plot but enough to keep things interesting. I’ll definitely be reading the next book and will continue to recommend this series!

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Wow wow this was crazy. I loved the character development throughout Fate, especially learning more from Gabriel’s POV and the ancient POVs. I want to see more of Willow in the next book, I loved Tristan in this one though!

BUT WHAT WAS THAT ENDING?? Hello? Where’s the next book please! 😭

This is by far my favorite out of the series. I really don’t know what’s going to end up happening and I’m really looking forward to Tale!

Thanks to NetGalley for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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3.5 stars rounded up to 4!

This series is a fast paced, beginner fantasy with easy to follow world building and an interesting premise that will suck you right in. If you are the kind of fantasy reader who is bothered by modern verbiage, then this is not the book for you. However if you are looking for a bingeable fantasy book with some interesting action scenes that you won't take too seriously, then this book definitely is for you. I very much enjoyed the first 2 books in this series and was excited for this third installment, while there are some plot holes and details that don't quite add up, I overall enjoy the characters and writing. This third book keeps up the fast pace and although there are some predictable plot points, it doesn't distract from the overall experience of reading these books! Once again, the cliffhanger ending has grabbed my attention and I know I will be picking up the fourth book!

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I was lucky enough to receive an arc copy of this book and let me tell you what, I loved it!

This was the perfect follow up to the first two novels. Nisha writes so fluidly, allowing you to be truly immersed in world.

The slow burn just gets even better and we see way more of the inner circle. We learn a lot about the history of Ouranos as well.

The ending left me awestruck and needing more. 4.5 stars. 3 🌶️

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“Thank you so much for telling me where I’d find her.”

Perks of being sick: able to finish your arcs within a day! That’s absolutely what I did! I was so engulfed in this book, I loved returning to this story and these characters!
Then the ending…👀 Yup I already need the next one!
Thank you Nisha, Forever Pub, and NetGalley for the chance of an eARC!

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Fate of the Sun King is the 3 book in the series Trial of the Sun Queen and let me tell you is a fantastic story.

We get some answers to questions we had since book one and more and more pieces fall together in the puzzle. We also are left pinning and screaming🫣😱

I am loving this part of the story and the development on the romance is my favorite so far😉

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I absolutely love this series and Fate of the Sun King was so much fun to read. The character development of some side characters was amazing. The twists and turns, secrets and discoveries made in this book brought about a rollercoaster of emotions. The ending left me in complete shock and I need book 4 ASAP, except for the fact that I don't want the series to be done.

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This is the third book in a series that I am already absolutely feral for, so it comes as no surprise that I was equally as obsessed with this book! We pick up right where we left off at the end of book 2, with Lor and Nadir trying to navigate how to unlock Lor's full potential. This book has additional POVs from the previous two books, however I found that did not detract from the story. Rather, it added a richer dimension to help really flesh out why the bad guy is THE WORST. The flashbacks seemed a little out of the story at first, but when you reach the end of the book I realized they all actually fit seamlessly into the narrative at the best times. The ending left me gutted, and I am not entirely sure how I'm supposed to wait until November to get any sort of resolution.

THE ONLY complaint that I have with this book doesn't even seem fair- I am aware I was blessed with an early copy which hasn't gone through the final editing process BUT there were so many misplaced quotation marks that I absolutely got taken out of the story. Random apostrophes in the middle of the sentences, and there was one instance near the end of the book almost 50% of the line preceding the text was """""""""".

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no but for real this was so damn good. the plot- amazing, the characters-amazing, the spice-AMAZING

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This book deserves all the stars! There aren’t many books I give 5 stars to. They must be top tier. This book has been LONG anticipated. I read Sun Queen and Aurora King what feels like decades ago. I’m having trouble even putting into words how much I enjoyed this book. I love how we got to see Gabriel’s POV too. Mysteries unfold as we near the end, and we are left off in a cliffhanger of course because there’s one more book in this series.
This book had twists and turns, action, mystery, and Nisha brought the SPICE! (Finally!)
I want to say this was my favorite book in this series so far. It was SO GOOD!!

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