Member Reviews


"Fate of the Sun King" delivers a gripping narrative that seamlessly blends fantasy, romance, and intrigue into an unforgettable adventure. Nisha J. Tuli crafts a mesmerizing tale filled with twists and turns that will keep readers on the edge of their seats from start to finish.

At the heart of the story is Lor, a compelling protagonist burdened with the weight of her heritage and the power she possesses. With the Heart Crown in her possession, she embarks on a perilous journey, pursued by those hungry for power and control. Tuli masterfully captures the tension and danger as Lor navigates through a world fraught with political intrigue and hidden agendas.

What truly sets this book apart is its richly developed characters and the intricate relationships they share. Lor's internal conflict, particularly her struggle to resist the allure of the Aurora Prince, adds depth and complexity to the narrative. The chemistry between them crackles with intensity, further heightening the stakes as Lor grapples with her desires amidst the chaos surrounding her.

Tuli's world-building is impeccable, immersing readers in a vividly imagined universe filled with magic, mystery, and ancient artefacts. As Lor delves deeper into her past and uncovers the truth about her destiny, the story takes on a new level of intrigue, keeping readers guessing until the very end.

Overall, "Fate of the Sun King" is a spellbinding read that captivates with its compelling characters, intricate plot, and breathtaking world-building. Nisha J. Tuli has crafted a masterpiece that will leave readers eagerly awaiting the next installment in this thrilling series.

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This is the third book in the a series I have LOVED from the first chapter. I found this edition to the series to be slower than the other 2 and I didn’t really like the time jumping, but it set up for a grand finale that I’m sure I’ll read!

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This was such a good book! I really love this author so I was so excited to get to read this book. The plot was so good I could not put it down until I finished! The characters were unique and I loved the journey and turmoil they went through. I will be recommending this book to all of my friends and family.

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something about this one just didn’t flow well. I was very excited to jump back into this world and continue this story, especially after the ending of the second book! nothing was necessarily wrong or lacking, but the pacing felt really strange. also the writing felt more elementary than the previous books? it also was a lot of “let me tell you what happened/how they feel” instead of writing to show you. i will certainly be reading the final book, but this may have just been the filler book of the fantasy series where lots of info dumping needed to happen to get us to book 4.

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I am extremely unwell. I do not believe the emotions I went through with the end of this book!!
Enough of the end but everything about this was exhilarating and passionate. You feel the jealousy of Lore and Nadir falling of the page which just leads to an amazing romance story… 😉

The plot itself was amazing when you thought you understood what was going on the plot flipped upside down and a new adventure began. There were a few storylines going on including the growth and power of Gabriel and what was troubling him to move forward in his journey to help a very near and dear friend.

There is obviously Nadir and Lores story that you see play out in a completely new light one that I found opened my heart completely to both of them and made me love them so dearly I never want this story to end but I am so ready for book 4 because of that crushing ending

Thank you netgalley and forever publishing

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Thank you Nisha J. Tuli, Forever (Grand Central Publishing), and NetGalley for the ARC!

I have been wanting to start this series for a while and when I saw the ARC was available on NetGalley, I immediately requested it. I then proceeded to binge all three books. I love this series so much!

In Fate of the Sun King, Lor continues searching for answers. The transformation Lor has made since the beginning of Trial of a Sun Queen to now is amazing. She started her journey so angry and only focused on revenge. I love how her character has evolved. You can see the changes through her relationships with Nadir and her siblings.

I liked the multiple POVs and really enjoyed the dual timeline. It was nice getting glimpses of what happened in the past. There were several twists I did not see coming at all! This book definitely keeps you guessing. After that cliffhanger, I'm anxiously awaiting book 4!

I love this series and highly recommend if you're looking for a slow burn romantasy with great world building!

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Took me a second to get into but once I did it was amazing. I loved the insights from the alternate POVs where so many questions got answered.

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Oh. My. Gosh. Nisha J. Tuli...what are you doing to me? I felt like my blood pressure was off the charts for the last 15% of the book! BUT, she's done it again. Book 3 was another hit for me. It has a mix of all of the things that make the best romantasy, plus a little extra pixie dust and grit.
Thank you, NetGalley and Forever for an ARC of Fate of the Sun King! I cannot wait until Book 4: Tale of the Heart Queen comes out Nov. 2024!
Be warned...there is a cliffhanger at the end of this one!

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Epic fantasy, fae against fae, power plays and conspiracies - and hiding underneath it all true mates destined to find each other, but will they fulfill their destiny? Will Atlas be finally overcome? Who will ultimately rule, amd at what cost? And this is quite the cliff ... docked a star for that one!

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I wanted to love this book so badly after the first 2, but this one just fell flat for me. It seems like it needs to go through a few more drafts to really polish the storyline.. it felt thrown together and rushed at parts. The ending was confusing and I felt didn’t connect with the rest of the storyline/main characters. The punctuation throughout was atrocious, distractingly so. Which I don’t think is the authors fault because some were like ‘’’’’’’ and found mid sentence which made some things hard to follow. I would love to read this after some things get more figured out (hopefully). I’m sorry.. I really really wanted to love this.

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I loved the first two books in the series and was excited for the third! I feel like some of the tension between the FMC and MMC was kind of dulled because of the wait between books, but I still enjoyed their romance none the less. I had a harder time getting through this book than the other two in the series, but overall like the series as a whole and would recommend it to romantasy readers!

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I am absolutely obsessed with this series! Between the characters and magic system I love this world. I could not put this book down once I started. Lor was amazing in this book. I love that she really started to heal from her past and is becoming such a strong leader. Her powers are amazing and I can’t wait to see her full potential. My favorite part is the multiple povs so we really got to see what was going on. As well as flashbacks to the past to see what has caused the problems for the fae. The storyline with Atlas, Gabriel, and Tyr was crazy and I can’t wait to see more of their interactions in the next book. And after that crazy crazy ending I need the next book asap!

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was hands down the best of the series so far.
I feel like it finally found its groove. Took awhile to get there but at last Lor is finding her power. Is she still whiny for half of it?
Yes.. but once she accepts what is SO obvious to the readers she becomes more tolerable and I found myself routing for her.
The spice was much better in this book... so that was a plus.
It was nice to see Gabriel get some POVs.. he is a character I want more from.
The siblings had some time to shine in this book too which was very needed.
All and all it ended in a great way and I am excited to see where the story goes and hopefully it will surprise me

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Okay wow… first: thank you Net Galley & Nisha J Tuli for the ARC! I was SO excited when I got it and couldn’t stop reading from the moment I started. This is definitely my favorite of the 3 in the series so far. I don’t want to give away any spoilers but that cliff hanger??! Cue Jennifer Lawrence’s “what do you MEAN?!” voiceover. I have SO many questions and I won’t be able to stop thinking about it until the next book. Now…. Did I cringe a little bit at the new nickname for Lor? Absolutely. But it’s a minor detail that isn’t completely overused throughout the book so it didn’t spoil the reading experience for me. I loved the POVs we got and the deeper understanding into Gabriel’s character as well, it was much needed and added so much more depth to the story. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this book and will be waiting on pins and needles for the next!

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First thank you to ARC for the advanced copy! This was the great follow up to the previous books and like the others is a blend of romance and action. There were multiple POV’s and we got a glimpse of past timelines in the book. I also enjoyed the character development for LOR and am impatiently waiting the next book!

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Thank you so much Nisha J. Tuli and NetGalley for the eARC of Fate of the Sun King. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

WOW! Wow, wow, wow! Book dragons, the Fate of the Sun King delivered 😍! Since this is an ARC review, as well as a review of the third book in the series, I’ll do my best to be vague.

I feel like the Artefacts of Ouranos series just keeps getting better and better. That being said, Fate of the Sun King is no exception! This book digs so much deeper than the previous installments. There are so many shocking reveals🤯, steamy romantic scenes🔥, and heartbreakingly tender moments❤️.

I loved how Lor not only had to learn more about her past and her magic, but also how to make room in her life for vulnerability without losing her edge. It was a tricky line to walk, but Nisha J. Tuli executed it beautifully. Lor is such a fun character to read about and I cannot wait to see where the story takes her next.

Ok, now for that ending 🤯. What am I supposed to do with my life until the fourth book is in my hands?!?!? I’ll absolutely be doing a reread of the entire series soon because I’m not ready to let go of these characters and this world just yet. 📚

In the pages, you will find:

🤝Found Family
🤯Shocking revelations
📝Dangerous plotting
🧗‍♀️A giant cliffhanger ending


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The series so far had me trapped for several days as I binged through it. There's an addictive quality to Nisha J. Tulis's writing. I usually see twists coming, but the fate of the Sun King took me by surprise.

And poor Gabe, that broke my heart.

Lor's story continues, and I have so many questions. I cannot wait for the next book after that ending!

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BOOK/ARC REVIEW: Fate of the Sun King by Nisha J. Tuli


OMG THAT ENDING!?!?!?! NISHA HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO US???? You think the ending of book two is bad… Oh just wait until this one! I was actually flipping the last page back because I thought I missed something?! But I didn’t AND I LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF IT!!!

I loved being back in Ouranos, this universe that Nisha has created is amazing and lacks NOTHING! NOTHING I TELL YOU! You can’t help but love every single character that she writes, even the side characters too. You will be rooting for characters to win or to be together and praying they get their HEA.

Action & Adventure. There is so much of it in her books, from book one to this one. You will not be able to put it down, I know I wasn’t able to for this one or any of them. The plot keeps building and a natural pace, keeping you on your toes. Keeping you turning the page, wanting to know more. What happens next, you can’t get enough (I know I can’t) I need more.


Please, PLEASE, go read this series!! You will not be disappointed!!

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When I tell you I smashed through books one and two, it’s no joke. I speed read through them, not able to get enough of the characters on the page.

This book though, I just couldn’t get into it. Atlas’s fate was worth reading, but when it came to the others, I found my favorite characters lacking. Lor and Nadir were…annoying. They felt very out of reach of the characters we were initially introduced to. I will absolutely be reading the next book, but for some reason I was just feeling a little letdown this time around.

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The third book of the series is exactly what you want! Miss Nisha really did it for me with this book. The adventure, the characters, the plot twist and let’s not forget that ending that leaves me patiently waiting now for the fourth book. A lot of the questions I had from the second book were answered with this book.

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