Member Reviews

First and most importantly, THANK YOU to Netgalley and Nisha for the chance to read this e-ARC.. I consumed books 1 and 2 in February within 48 hours and was chomping at the bit for the next installment of the series.. and, like with books 1 and 2 it was literally everything from the very first page.

Written from multiple POVs, we get the benefit of again finding the struggles, motivations, character pasts and schemes as they are hatched for several of the characters we've grown to love. I would argue that this book more than the other two does the best job of getting us to the most basic understanding of why our characters act the way they do. Without giving anything away, I found myself feeling incredible amounts of empathy for a character that I had previously been indifferent about at best and hostile towards at worst.

.....gave us flashbacks to the story of Ouranos as it impacted our dear Lor and how pretty terrible her grandmother was....
***END SPOILER*** this story gives critical history of Ouranos as well as information about the purpose and formation of the Artefacts. And of course there's heat and angst and TENSION between Lor and Nadir .. y'all remember that cliffy that hit at the end of book 2!

If you like:
- a healthy balance between character-driven and plot-driven stories where you are able to start piecing the previous books' hints together and create the big-picture
- multiple-POVs that span time and include characters who's motivations and actions are less than admirable
- feeling all the feelings deeply and viscerally all the way to the very last page..
.. do not wait to get this. Be ready with your tissues and have your emotional support blanket/stuffy/book on deck to pick up the pieces but it's worth every single second.

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Thank you so much to Nisha J Tuli and Netgalley for the arc!

I’ve been dying to get my hands on this book ever since Rule of the Aurora King came out. I need to put the caveat that I just finished Manacled before I read this (iykyk), and there’s no way that isn’t impacting this review. Kudos to Nisha though because this woman is the only one who could have revived me from that book slump.

I gave myself a few days to sit with the book, and I’m not sure what I expected but I don’t think this was it. It oddly felt more like a filler book than book 2 did. I still really enjoyed the story and I like the characters. I found Nadir and Lor to be less believable than book 2 though. Maybe it’s just been too long since I read book 2. I’m still rooting for them though, and I’m dying to know about what happened with that parting line from Rion.

I LOVED the reveals with Gabriel and his chapters were some of the best. I cannot wait to see what happens to him in book 4.

I’m not sure how I feel about the world expansion in book 3. That seems a little late in a 4 book series, but maybe Nisha has something up her sleeve. So far it felt a little odd and unexpected.

I think I might be enjoying her Nightfire Quartet books more now than this series but we’ll see how that continues.

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This is by far the best book from this series yet.

Don't get me wrong, I liked the previous 2 just fine. They weren't perfect and I had some issues with some of the story at times.
But I think this book did an amazing job of fixing many of those issues and finally giving us some of the things we had been waiting for.

The writing overal was much smoother, and I feel like we finally got to understand so much of the things or beings working behind the scenes in this world. And that helped to really make a much more cohesive story.

I won't go into too many details. As I don't want to spoil anything. But this book made my romance happy heart excited. Things are happening and it was spicy and sweet. And everything in between. With still that overall tension that made the previous book so interesting.

I think the story overal was my favorite part of this book. Now that we have so much set up in the previous 2 books, we finally get the chance to really dive into things, and while not all of them, we do get to see a lot of plot points paying off or setting new things up. And to me they were much smoother and less rushed then we had seen in the other books. The story is just good too. It pulls you in, and you want to know what's going to happen.

But also, we get so much more on these characters. Ones that we just got glimpses of or little invites for. We finally get more of them and how they fit into the story. And let me just say. All you Gabe fans be ready haha. I do like that smug snobby winged man lol.

I feel like I'll maybe do a more in depth review once this baby comes out. As I'm trying hard not to give too much info too soon. But I can say I enjoyed this one a lot.

It had the best story yet in the series. The pay off of getting characters you love and want to see more of happening, and just an overall enjoyable time reading.

Lor really finds herself in this book too. We have seen so much set up for her future and info into her and her families past. But we get to see that girl be strong and finally becoming sure of herself. And I like that were getting that growth from her.

Nadir is Nadir and I won't say much more on that. But know, I could go on and on haha. He really just gives me all the warm fuzzies and hot tamales lol.

I'm really excited to see what happens in the final book. And man is this the part I hate about getting early copies. Now I have to sit and wait for everyone else to get their hands on this one, so that I can talk to someone about it haha.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️5 STARS⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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I absolutely love Nisha so much but also want to fight her out by the dumpster after that ENDING?! Such a great third book to this series. Book 1 was full of adventure, book 2 was full of so much tension, this book is the perfect mix of those two things along with some heart wrenching moments and lots of surprises! Genuinely everything I thought could happen with this series is up in the air after this. So many theories I thought were wayyy too out there to be true are now resurfacing in my mind and I truly have no idea where anyone is going to end up. We finally get to see Gabriel again and find out more about him and his life beyond just being a warder for Atlas! There’s SOO much back story in “Fate of The Sun King”, not only for the characters but for all of Ouranos. We meet so many new characters that have played an important role in everything that has happened so far. There’s so much thought and detail that has gone in to all of this and I truly cannot stop thinking about this world. This series isn’t even finished yet and it’s absolutely one of my favorite things I’ve ever read. This series (and this book especially) has so many things that everyone LOVES about other well loved fantasy series and I would not be surprised if this one continues to gain popularity and go down as a must read for any romantic fantasy lover. Nisha has forever solidified herself as an auto read/buy author for me and one that I recommend to everyone I talk to about books.

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Nothing happened and then a lot happened. More questions that need to be answered and I’m not sure how with only one more book.

All the different POV felt a little too much.

I did read an ARC of this book so I’m hoping the author cleans up the formatting a little. Some of the story lines didn’t match up or make sense. Honestly we didn’t need Gabriel’s POV at all. Would have loved more of them learning magic or being in the town.

It definitely ends on a cliff hanger so I can’t wait for book 4. This could be a really good series but it fell away from how the first two books felt.

Giving it 2.5 stars because we finally get Lor and Nadir together and I finished it.

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I had to wait a couple weeks after reading because NISHA IS TRYING TO SHATTER YOUR HEART INTO A MILLION PIECES. I don't think I've felt this kind of book shock/agony since reading Throne of Glass for the first time (no spoilers :)). This is my favorite kind of slow burn romantasy where the characters don't get a happy ending in book 1, or 2, or 3.

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Loved the first two books and this was no different! The characters are fantastic and the setting is so fun and unique. I loved learning more about certain characters that I didn’t know as much about. Would for sure recommend and will be adding to my library! Warning the cliffhanger is brutal!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Forever/Grand Central Publishing for this advance copy.

Nisha's stories transport you so fully and this one's no different! I love the we get to learn more of the history of this world and see the growth between Lor and Nadir. This definitely feels like a middle of the series book so warning ahead for some unresolved items and a cliff hanger. Can't wait for book 4!

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For every reader who delights in the delicious angst of a slow burn. (Yes, I promise I let them do it in this one. I couldn’t take it anymore either.)

And do it they did!

I was absolutely BLESSED to be able to receive an ARC for the third installment of the Artefacts of Ouranos series and to say this has been a highly anticipated read for me would be an understatement. Honestly, the worst par of reading this as an ARC is that now I have to wait even longer for the fourth book.

The character glossary at the beginning was hilarious and I swear no one writes an opening line like Nisha. Case in point: Pain throbs behind my left eye, reminding me of the time an angry lover twisted my balls in his grip after finding me buried between his sister’s thighs.

This book brought us some new POVs, and while I was not a fan of the Serce chapters in the previous book, I liked the new perspectives in this one. We get a bit of the story from Gabriel this time, and it was a nice change.

My overall review? It was good. We got more of the banter between Lor and Nadir and a few making-each-other-jealous bits, but we also finally got the culmination of Lor and Nadir's physical relationship. Much of the book was them planning their moves on the Aurora King - which isn’t my favourite plot line - but then SO DAMN MUCH happened in the last 15% that my head was spinning. You just KNEW shit was about to go down because they got to be so happy for too many pages.

I am a big fan of Lor and Nadir so seeing them finally come to terms with what they are to each other was very satisfying. That cliffhanger though? I am dead.

Want to swoon for Nadir? Thought so.

“The blood of your enemies, Lor. Ask me, and I’ll slay anyone for you, Burn the world to ash if you desire.”

“She’s not just my mate. Not just the woman I’ve fallen in love with. She is every star in the sky and wish I’ve ever wanted.”

“I want to be your safe place, Lor. No matter what happens, I will always be there for you.”

Seriously. Nadir is perfection.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for approving my ARC! I’ve loved getting to read this series and hype it up!

I love as the reader getting so many different parts of the story. We still get the POV of our main two characters but we get to see some of the history that has played out and even the perspective from Gabriel. It all weaves together a wonderful story and you as a reader get to watch the characters learn some of the things you already started to get to know.

Nisha made us wait 3 WHOLE BOOKS but it was everything (iykyk)!!! I loved this book. Getting to see a different dynamic between Lor and Nadir was amazing. I loved learning more about the siblings. That character glossary at the start was also top tier hehehe.

I’m so excited for book 4!

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(Includes spoilers)

After enjoying the first two books in this series, I was excited for the third. However, it did not grip me like the others did, allowing me to see past the plot to the writing. While overall the book was fine, the book suffers from “telling not showing.” Nadir and Lor repeatedly and extensively wax poetic about how they can’t believe how right their relationship feels. Over and over. The effect makes their romance feel forced instead of just showing how their relationship has deepened through their actions.

The action at the end redeemed the slower plot of the rest of the book, but even there the reader had to suspend disbelief. How would Lor go from passionately kissing to the most anxious she’s ever been in seconds? The flashback chapters work well to build background for the world and its history, and the book moves the plot of the series forward, but it was not as enjoyable as the first two.

3.5/5 stars

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I want to thank NetGalley and Forever Publishing for the ARC!

This book had
-multiple points of view
-multiple timelines
-found family
-slow burn

I really enjoyed the first book, Trial of the Sun Queen, and then struggled a bit more with the second book, Rule of the Aurora King (but still liked it!) Fate of the Sun King included more world building where we were given multiple timelines and multiple points of view. It also navigated more of the politics of this world. I especially loved reading the MMC's POV as we get a glimpse into his feelings for the FMC. I enjoyed the romance, the spice (finally), and the overall character development. The book ended on a cliffhanger and I'm excited to see where Nisha takes this series next!

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I'm shook. I have no words. That ending?! Come on now. That was not ok.

I'm so grateful to have received an ARC of this book. The spice was pure perfection. It's been such an amazing experience to watch Lor grow into the powerful woman we all know she is. I really enjoyed seeing how her relationship with Nadir progressed in this book. And getting a glimpse of her dynamics with her siblings as they all adjust to their freedom again.

And Gabriel. I just love him and I'm so happy we got to see things from his POV too!! That sweet, angry boy deserves all the love.

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I loved this installment so much! Lor and Nadir's relationship progresses as more of the sins of the past are revealed. The world building is awesome, giving a good mix of lore and magic. Lor continues to be a favorite as she finds her way. Gabriel's chapters were also a wonderful surprise. A perspective that I didn't know I needed but I was dying for!

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I enjoyed this book and while I was hoping for a trilogy I'm excited to see where the series goes. The cliffhanger was brutal and I'm interested to see how the story wraps up. I like Lor as a character and seeing her relationships change over the course of the series has been great. I enjoyed the found family aspect and that the magic system was a little more parsed out. Normally I'm not a big fan of time jumps back and forth, but in this case, getting to see the original rulers and how the world came to be was really interesting. I'm looking forward to Tuli's future work.

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This book has sent me in a whirlwind! My favorite part of the book was how Nisha answered questions I had since the first book and sprinkled them in here the third book! We get to see the aftermath when Lor was originally taken by Nadir. We get to see how Atlas and Aurora King found out bout Lor and who she is. We get to see connections that weren’t there before but was dropped in here to show how everything is connected.

We finally get to see the relationship between Lor and Nadir emerge and become to light. Love how he’s always supporting her where she’s pushing him away.


Where is the 4th book. I need it now!

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thank you nisha & netgalley for the arc! 💙

i read the first two books in under 4 days so i JUMPED on the chance to read this ARC, and it did not disappoint! the world building was off the charts, had some incredible side character development (i’m looking at you gabe 🥹), and just overall the flow of this book read so well! the ending was foreshadowed throughout the book and i wanted so badly to be wrong but even though i was right i don’t think i blinked the last 20 pages. i can’t wait to see how this series concludes - november is going to be a loooong wait 😮‍💨

4.5 ⭐️

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I was introduced to author Nisha J Tuli when I read Heart of Night and Fire (book 1 of the Heartfire quartet) and I absolutely loved her style. So when I had the opportunity to ARC read Fate of the Sun King, I jumped at the opportunity. I hadn't read the two books preceding this one before I requested the ARC. They were available on Kindle Unlimited and I was able to breeze through the two books before getting to this one. And I am happy to say that I absolutely loved this romantasy series. I am a huge fan of south asian inspired writing and this series is definitely going into my top fav romantasy series along with the Heartfire quartet. I enjoyed the 'real' slow burn between the love interests. It is so well done! The character arcs and worldbuilding was on point, especially the backstory of the world, and the political intrigue kept me super interested. The ending as expected was absolutely brilliant. I can not wait for the fourth and final book! I give it 4.5 stars out of 5 and recommend it to fans of romantasy/fantasy books.

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5/5 stars! I thoroughly enjoyed this book and couldn’t put it down. Fate of the Sun King is book three in the Artefacts of Ouranos series and it did not disappoint. I have thoroughly enjoyed every book in this series and I can’t wait to read the next and final book of the series. This book is released June 4, 2024. Thank you to Nisha J. Tuli, Forever (Grandpa Central Publishing) and Netgalley for the opportunity to read an advanced copy of this book.

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I am absolutely LOVING this Fantasy Romance series! The slow burn between the love interests is so well done, the backstory of the world and characters are gripping, and the political intrigue has kept me on my toes. AND THE ENDING had me in a chokehold! I can not wait for the fourth and final book!

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