Member Reviews

Big thank you NetGalley and to the publisher for the chance to review this book pre-release. This was a great addition to the Artefacts of Ouranos series, I was thoroughly impressed that it held my attention through it's entirety to the same degree the first two did! I really love Ms. Tuli's writing style & imagination, I've now gotten quite a few of my friends to start this series, and I will certainly be recommending that they continue on with it! A more formal review will be available on my IG/TikTok and Goodreads.

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3.5/5 Stars

Thank you to NetGalley and Forever/Grand Central Publishing for this advance copy.

I really liked the third installment of the Artefacts of Ouranos series, which is averaging around 3.85 stars overall. To start with what I did like, the multifaceted cast of characters and expanded POVs. I also loved the shift between past & present, and loved how it all came together in the end. I love the overarching plot and CANNOT WAIT until the next book.

Our FMC and MMC move past the two books worth of slow-burn tension and into new territory, and I think this is part of what fell flat for me. After they move past the slow burn, I don't think the lack of tension was handled as well as it could have been. The shift from enemies, or at the very least reluctant allies, to lovers was more abrupt than I expected with the two full books of lead up. I also felt a shift in Lor that I didn't love; after the relationship transition, what I believe was intended as a portrayal of vulnerability came across as a shift from independent and strong to fierce to unsure and almost timid at times.

I will say that none of these issues prevented me from greatly enjoying this book, and I will 100% continue to recommend this series! Can't wait for book 4!!!!!!!!!

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I was an ARC reader for Rule of the Aurora King (book 2), and I am so grateful to Nisha, the Read Forever Pub team, and NetGalley for sending me an early copy for Fate of the Sun King in exchange for an honest review.

For context, the last time I visited Ouranos was nearly a year ago when I read Rule. Whereas Rule was full of delicious tension between Lor and Nadir, Fate served as the release of that tension (literally….no spoiler - it’s in the dedication!). There was very little actual tension between our two main characters in this book, so when they finally got together it felt a bit abrupt. For this reason, to get the full enemies-to-lovers experience, I think it would be better if the books were read back to back, instead of staggered like I did.

Regardless, there is a lot more plot development and historical background that is introduced in this book. We get some answers to questions from book 2, but otherwise this reads very “middle book” of a long fantasy series. The story is being propelled forward but still there are a ton of open plot threads waiting to be resolved in the subsequent book.

Similar to book 2, some chapters were in present time and some chapters were in the past. I loved this technique in book 2, and still enjoyed it in this book. However, there were many more character POVs in this book that I started to get a bit lost. Nisha does provide a character glossary at the beginning of the book, which was so smart. More authors should do this! I understand why there were so many perspectives (they each information that was only available to them), but it felt like there were some stylistic tricks that could have been infused in the writing itself to limit the number of perspectives while also conveying this privileged information.

As for the characters, Lor was still very much the badass queen we know her to be. Nadir was a bit off, in my opinion. He wasn’t as broody as I was used to (even before he got with Lor). We spend a lot more time with Gabriel (loved his backstory!) as well as Lor’s siblings. Unfortunately, Atlas is there too and we hate him but whatever.

The best part was undoubtedly the last few chapters! There was so much action and the pieces start to come together. There is a MAJOR plot twist at the very very end, which makes me excited for book 4 (Tale of the Heart Queen)!

Rating: 3.75 ⭐️
Release date: June 4, 2024

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Fate of the Sun King is a mesmerizing addition to the Artefacts of Ouranos series, delivering a captivating blend of fantasy, romance, and intrigue that will leave readers spellbound.
As secrets are revealed and the past collides with the present, Lor must confront the truth about the Artefacts and their significance in shaping her destiny. The author's evocative prose and vivid world-building draw readers deeper into the fae realm, immersing them in a richly imagined world filled with magic, intrigue, and romance.
With its gripping plot twists, dynamic characters, and heart-pounding romance, Fate of the Sun King is a must-read for fans of fantasy romance. The author's masterful storytelling will leave readers eagerly anticipating the next installment in this enchanting series.
Thank you to NetGalley, the author and the publisher for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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The third installment of the series was quite the letdown considering how good Book 2 was with its dual timelines, reveals, and adventures. I absolutely loved Lor and Nadir’s tension and slow burn in Book 2; they had me kicking and screaming for them to get together. But when they finally got together in this book, it was too mushy, cheesy, and unrealistic..

The multiple POVs weren’t executed very seamlessly; the entire plot and pacing of this book felt a bit jumbled. The character glossy was super helpful, though. Still, I’ll be reading the last book when it comes out later this year and can’t get over how gorgeous these covers are!

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I was excited to be able to read this ARC as I devoured the first two books and wasn't sure if I'd be able to wait to read what comes next!

But I had a hard time getting through this. The flashbacks took me out of the story to the point that I felt like I was reading something else. Where was this info in the other books? When I reached the end, I had to go back and look to ensure I'd finished reading. I understand it's a cliffhanger, but it still just felt unfinished.

I still want to read the last book, because I want to see how this ends.

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Received as an ARC

Loved the progression of the story.. I'm deeply intrigued by the history of Ouranos and how it's playing into the current plot progression. The growth and relationships among the characters are both progressing in such a great way, and I'm very excited for the conclusion of this series.

Also... This ending is BRUTAL so I'm anxiously awaiting book 4

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I am still reading book 1 (I bought the physical copy of 1 and 2), so I haven't even opened this one yet, lest I risk spoilers. That said, I didn't want to miss nominating for the LibraryReads deadline, so I think I can be forgiven. :-) The series is overall resonating well with readers, and I really appreciate Nisha's outlook and social media presence. I will update the review once I read.

Thank you to NetGalley and Forever for the ARC.

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It has been awhile since I've read books one and two, and I know I know but it's fine I was able to mostly remember everything going on. I absolutely loved the multi POVs during this book, I loved getting Gabriel's POV, and I was extremely invested in his character this book! We definitely get more romance in this book so that is a plus. I know this is totally not going to happen but I was feeling some tension between Willow and Gabriel, when he saw her laughing at the soon to be queenl However, one of the things I kind of dislike in romantasy books is the need to pair off every side character with a love interest, and so far with all 3 siblings now having love interest, it feels like it is going down that route. I did just feel like this book was missing something. Yes, we delved more into the previous history of the rulers, and the magic of the world, which when we first started getting those POVs I was really confused. I believe book 4 is supposed to be the final book? As of right now I do not see how all the various plot points are going to be tied up in book 4. It is really hard to delve into that without giving spoilers.

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I just finished reading this and I’m destroyed. So warning hell of a cliffhanger.

I could not stop reading this as it is normal coming from Nisha J Tuli books. But this third book has so much, a lot of answers, a lot of emotions, and suprisingly, even more questions.

We finally get to see Lor crumble those walls, she is dealing with her trauma, try to move on and on top of that becoming the Heart Queen. We also have Nadir, who has come a long way but he may still be hiding something and even I can’t try to guess what it is. Reading about Willow and Tristan also moving on, is definitely a silver lighting that I enjoyed.

Atlas was a surprise for sure. I never would have guess his scheme, it was so well crafted. Total win there. Now, Gabriel. Finally we understand Gabriel, this redemption arc was perfect. It makes sense and at the same time we gained I good side character. Very curious to see how he will involved moving forward.

I will always recommend this series to my friends, it just has everything to keep you engaged. And if you liked book 2 then this book is a bomb of success for sure. I can tell it’s going to be quite a rollercoaster going to book 4 and the end

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Thank you to Netgalley and the author for allowing me to review this book early. Let’s start with what I loved. I love that the world expanded and we got a lot of background on what came before. I love the twist over at the Sun Court. Love that ending for our dude Atlas. Although he’s sneaky AF and I could see him still causing problems in the final book. I was so happy to have Gabriel’s POV. It really added to the story and I looked forward to his chapters the most. Now what I didn’t like. I saw the tension and angst and potential in Lor and Nahir in book 2. But this book felt like the chemistry went out the door. I found myself skipping over the smutty scenes which is not like me but the relationship just didn’t do it for me. And then the ending of the book, I didn’t even cry. Like what happened to Nahirs development in this book. All in all, I highly recommend the series and I can’t wait for book 4. Review posted on goodreads

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This is the third book in the series, and I absolutely loved it. It follows Lor and Nadir, and quest to find lost magic, and reveal secrets of family history. The author writes such wonderful characters, even her side characters you’ll fall in love with. Like Lors protective older brother, Tristian (who’s a personal favorite of mine). Sometimes you find that fantasy series drag on, that is not the case for this series. I’ve loved every book. If you aren’t a huge lover of cliffhangers, prepare yourself for this one. Because it’s a doozy! I can’t wait for book 4!

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I am unwell after that ending. And I knew it was coming! Ok, not what actually happened, but the fact that it would devastate me. As I was getting close to the end, I found myself thinking, things are going just a little too well…

It was so nice to be back in Lor’s world, this time with additional POVs and glimpses into the past. One of my favorite parts of books is the world building and the lore (Lor/lore, see what I did there?) and we get a lot of that in the third installment of Artefacts of Ouranos.

I really enjoyed watching Lor learn to open up and begin to heal. And all the Gabriel chapters. My heart breaks for him. Now the waiting game for book 4 begins. I wonder how the author is going to get us out of this mess she left us in.

Thank you to the author and Net Galley for an eARC of this book.

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I was quite happy that this book picks up right where the second book left off. There are some really good twists in this story, for sure some spin off’s could be written! Lor really grows so much within this book but still has so much left to learn about herself, her past, and what the future holds for her. You can count on some journies, nail biting situations, and a lot of historical information to unfold in this book. It’s going to be very exciting to see how this series wraps up in the final book. I would highly recommend if you enjoyed the first two.

Thank you NetGalley for this advanced copy!

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Edit for actual review:

I always say it about Nisha’s books, but it bears repeating - this book was incredible.

I left this book with hugely different feelings towards certain characters than when I began the book; with both adoration and suspicion.

The growth seen in nearly every MC is painful and beautiful. There are SO many groundbreaking, earth shattering moments, but the book does not feel overloaded with it all. There is still a huge forward-moving plot line while getting a lot of extra history and information, the balance with those two things was perfect.

With every book, Nisha gets more and more skilled with taking us down a beautiful path and making us feel like we can rest easy in knowing where the story is going, and that it’s going where we want it to. Then she kicks your feet out from under you, throws sand in your eyes, and giggles while running away. And I am so impressed every time.


Nisha, how dare you

(I’ll return to edit this later for an actual review lmao)

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I love this series! And this book does not disappoint. Since this is the third book, I will keep my review vague to avoid spoilers.
The pace in the beginning is a little slow but once it gets going it doesn't slow down. There are still questions to be answered but there are a lot of reveals in this book! We get to see friendships forming and rekindled, romantic relationships taking shape and of course some spice!
In the second book, I felt the flashback scenes were too long and too frequent. It took me out of the present day story and slowed the pace. Not the case in this third book! We got little snippets of the past that I felt were perfectly placed to heIp the reader understand what was happening in the present.
I loved this third installment, I love this series and I CANNOT wait for the final book!
This series is great for people new to the fantasy genre. The world building is woven in without a big info dump at the beginning. The world is rich without being overly complicated. I cannot recommend it enough!
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the copy of this eARC. My opinions are my own.

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The excitement I got when I was approved for the ARC. OMG! So thanks so much to Nisha Tuli and her team and NetGalley for this ARC. I could not wait to read this I ate the last two books up. This one I decided to take my time and really enjoy it. This book answers so many questions that we had throughout the series. You literally get a question and answer session with Cloris herself. It was very interesting to read Gabriel's perspective and to also get more personality and development on Tristan and Willow. Love that we all got what we were waiting for with Lor and Nadir. Nadir switched into bf mode so effortlessly. How is every one feeling about the Empyrium? This book gave me some anxiety for Book 4 but I cannot wait to read that too.

Favorite Quote: "Never underestimate the enduring fragility of a man who suffers from a lack of confidence."

Favorite Scene In 1-3 Words: Gabriel at Ceremony

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In this third installment of the Artefacts of Ouranos series, the story starts off right where we left it at the end of the second book. We left off where Lor has learned her magic may not be as lost as she thought, and she's becoming more and more drawn to Nadir (whether she likes it or not).

I want to start by saying OH MY GOD THAT ENDING!!!!!!! I literally don't know how I'm supposed to wait until the 4th book comes out. I need to know what happens next and I need to know it NOW!!!!

But back to the main story, I absolutely loved how we learn so much more about the history of Lor, her family, and all of Ouranos. As much as I love the tension between Lor and Nadir (which I DO), I loved being able to picture the different Ages of Ouranos. And I really enjoyed learning more about Zerra. I can honestly say there were so many points in the book that I stopped and thought "OHHHHHHH so that's why ____ is the way it is now". It explained so much and yet still left me with more questions than answers.

This is my favourite so far in this series and I will jump at the first chance to read the finale!

Thank you to NetGalley and a special thanks to Nisha for letting me read this ARC!!

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This was my first ever ARC, and it did not disappoint - thank you, Nisha!

Books like this really make me realize how much I love a slow burn! When enemies finally become lovers, I sometimes miss the chase. That being said, I loved watching Lor and Nadir’s relationship evolve, and I didn’t miss internally screaming at Nadir for being so dense sometimes. There were times that I worried about the pacing of their relationship with another book to go but I was wrong … THAT ENDING! I also really enjoyed getting to learn more about other characters and their backstories, particularly Gabriel, and I’m hoping we get more Tristan in book four.

I love these characters and this world, and Nisha’s writing is so easy and enjoyable. The cover art for this series is some of my favorite, too. I was so lucky to get an advanced copy, even if it now makes the release of the fourth book feel impossibly far away!!

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Per usual this was fun, flirty, angsty, intense all great things Nisha typically involves in her writing. I have loved these characters for so long- it was so great to see them again and tag along on their journeys. This book definitely felt like more buildup than the others as I anticipate the fourth installment will be this book’s labored fruits. Thank you so much for this arc and I’m so excited for book 4! (The ending 😳?!)

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